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09-13 投稿



scrutiny 发音

英:['skru?t?n?]  美:['skrut?ni]

英:  美:

scrutiny 中文意思翻译



scrutiny 词性/词形变化,scrutiny变形

名词复数: scrutinies |

scrutiny 同义词

search | observation | surveillance | inquiry | probe | survey | investigation | close look | research | close | observance | probing | look |examination | check-up | consideration | inspection | study | audit | perusal | analysis | exploration | canvass

scrutiny 短语词组

1、narrow scrutiny ─── [法] 细审, 详审

2、bear scrutiny ─── 经得起检查

3、stand up to scrutiny ─── 经得起审查

4、self-scrutiny n. ─── 自查, ─── 自省

5、verification by tests and scrutiny ─── [经] 抽查检证

6、under close scrutiny ─── 在严密的检查之下

7、skirted scrutiny ─── 回避审查

8、make a scrutiny of ─── 仔细检查,审查…

9、auditing by test and scrutiny ─── [经] 用抽查法查帐

scrutiny 反义词


scrutiny 习惯用语

1、make a scrutiny into sth. ─── 对某事进行详细的研究

2、subject to the scrutinyof ─── 可由[有待]...进行复查[彻查、追究]

scrutiny 相似词语短语

1、scrutinies ─── n.详细审查;监视;细看;选票复查

2、scrutineer ─── n.检查者;监票人

3、screeting ─── 尖叫

4、scrutinous ─── adj.好刨根问底的;仔细查看的

5、serotiny ─── 浆膜

6、scratting ─── 刮削

7、scruzing ─── 滚动

8、scrutinize ─── vi.细阅;作详细检查;vt.详细检查;细看;n.仔细或彻底检查

9、scrutinise ─── vi.作仔细检查;细致观察;vt.细看;仔细观察或检查;核对(等于scrutinize)

scrutiny 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Or perhaps that if Mona were alive today, she would not wish to be the focus of so much public scrutiny. ─── 亦或是说倘若伊人仍在人世,大概不乐意成为众多公共监察的焦点?

2、But under just a bit of scrutiny, that defense quickly falls apart. ─── 但是稍加审查,这个辩解就站不住脚。

3、Your argument just won't stand up (to close scrutiny). ─── 你的论点经不起(仔细)推敲。

4、Famous people have their private lives on display for public scrutiny. ─── 名人的私人生活都展示在大众的监督下。

5、A close scrutiny will reveal the lines at the corners of her eyes. ─── 仔细端详会发现她眼角的皱纹。

6、Your report won't stand up to close scrutiny. ─── 你的报告经不起仔细推敲。

7、Those who are ethnic Tamils can be expected to come under further scrutiny in high security zones. ─── 在高度戒备的地区,少数民族泰米尔人会受到进一步的盘查。

8、The sad truth is that 10 minutes of casual scrutiny of the competing outlets would have made the problem clear. ─── 令人悲哀的事实是:只要花10分钟,随便看一下竞争对手的销路,就能明白问题所在。

9、You need to give a close scrutiny to the worthiness of the cause you are supporting. ─── 你应该仔细检查一下你所支持的事业是否有价值。

10、His work looks all right, but it will not bear scrutiny. ─── 他的工作似乎很好, 但是经不起仔细检查。

11、You need to give a close scrutiny to the worthiness of the cause you be support. ─── 你应该仔细检查一下你所支持的事业是否有价值

12、The scrutiny he bent on her was most solicitous. ─── 他弯腰仔细打量她时,那样子是最最考究的。

13、In doing so, we aim to elevate the conceptual nature of RDT to empirical scrutiny. ─── 在这种情况下,我们打算举起RDT的概念性本质到经验主义的察视。

14、For ten seconds let us regard with discreet scrutiny some inconsequential objecct in the other direction. ─── 为了不致冒昧,让我们花十秒钟功夫瞧瞧另一方面无关紧要的东西吧。

15、No statement about the company can be released without his scrutiny. ─── 不经他的审查,有关公司的任何声明都不能发布。

16、The rule reviewed in the Automobile Parts case itself survived this type of scrutiny. ─── 在"机动车零部件"案里受到审查的规则通过了这种检查。

17、In courts experts under examination and cross-examination submit their results to the scrutiny of the opposing experts and the judge and jury. ─── 在法庭上,在询问和交叉询问下,专家证人提交他们的鉴定结果交给对方专家、法官和陪审团进行详细审查。

18、The storehouse of God's Word was never meant for mere scrutiny, not even primarily for study but for sustenance. ─── 上帝话语丰富储存绝非仅供检视推敲,亦非仅为详读研究,而为滋养吾辈苍生。

19、Yet, the Chevrolet was not the only car to come under Euro NCAP's scrutiny. ─── 不过,雪佛兰并不是惟一没能通过欧洲NCAP审查的汽车。

20、The Moscow Games in 1980 had the same political scrutiny, controversy and polemic, and it was a very good Games. ─── 1980年的莫斯科奥运会遇到同样的政治审查,引起同样的争议和争论,但那是一届非常成功的奥运会。

21、So the temptation to take money is high and the likelihood of a rigged match attracting scrutiny is low. ─── 因此攫取非法利润的诱惑极大,而在一场比赛中进行舞弊受到审查的可能性很小。

22、There are demonstrations, as usual. Law suits, as usual. Media scrutiny, as usual. ─── 人们如常示威游行、如常提出法律诉讼,传媒如常发挥监察作用。

23、He was glad it was to him she had revealed her secret, rather than to the cold scrutiny of Mr. Letterblair, or the embarrassed gaze of her family. ─── 他很高兴她的秘密是向他吐露的,而无须经受莱特布莱尔先生冷酷的追究或是她家里令人难堪的目光。

24、It makes a scrutiny to explain the feasibility of track beam support manufactured at home. ─── 以说明轨道梁支座的国产化是可行的。

25、But the growing scrutiny of the village guard system is fueling calls for its disbandment. ─── 但是对卫队体系的不断推敲更助长了要求解散的声音。

26、For example, administrators often make political or bargained decisions that do not readily lend themselves to judicial scrutiny. ─── 例如,行政官员们常常作出由政治或协商取得的决定,而这些决定并非轻易适于司法审查。

27、FDA Scrutiny Scant In India, China as Drugs Pour Into U.S. ─── FDA对从中国和印度涌入美国的药品缺乏详细的检查。

28、His argument simply doesn't stand up to close scrutiny. ─── 他的论点完全经不起仔细推敲。

29、The bishops in Calcutta produced a report of 76 volumes and about 35,000 pages long, and are currently under scrutiny at the Vatican. ─── 加尔各答主教提出的报告厚达七十六卷,约三万五千页,正由教廷审核中。

30、She is preternaturally cautious, a consequence of her Methodist propriety and 20 years of insane public scrutiny. ─── 卫理公会训诫以及20年的强大公众监督,使得克林顿尤为谨慎小心。

31、He put his hands in his coat pockets and turned back eagerly to his scrutiny of the house, as though my presence marred the sacredness of the vigil. ─── 他把两手插在上衣口袋里,热切地掉转身去端详那座房子,仿佛我的在场有损于他神圣的守望。

32、Previously, restrictions on the right to choose, as with any other constitutional right, must be subject to "strict scrutiny". ─── 以前,对选择权以及其他宪法权利的限制必须要受到“严格审查”。

33、A the Central OZP is an approved plan which has gone through a due and diligent process of scrutiny. ─── a中区大纲图是通过妥善而严格的审核程序后核准的图则。

34、There is a compelling public interest in subjecting government regulations on PCCs to the public scrutiny. ─── 从公众的利益角度,我们也必须对政府有关职业培训的政策进行监督。

35、His theory wouldn't bear scrutiny. ─── 他的理论经不起周密的调查。

36、But it seems scrutiny of the CIA's activities in Europe is unlikely to dwindle. ─── 但是,似乎对中情局在欧洲活动的详细调查不大可能会大事化小。

37、Her argument doesn't really stand up to scrutiny. ─── 她的观点经不起认真推敲。

38、Foreign policy has come under close scrutiny recently. ─── 近来,政府的外交政策受到了认真彻底的审查。

39、If it is going to be accepted, the truth must equally serve all people and be sufficiently reliable to withstand scrutiny. ─── 如果这被接受了,那麽真相将公平的去服务所有人,并且会有十分可靠的人去担当审查职务。

40、His work won't bear scrutiny. ─── 他的工作经不起细察。

41、An isolated incident can easily become a matter of public interest and thus, susceptible to media scrutiny. ─── 从而孤立事件能够很轻易地成为一个允许舆论置喙的现代公共话题。

42、There were also a few of the boys' lined cotton tunics. A close scrutiny showed that they were still wearable. ─── 又有孩子的几件布夹衫,仔细看时还可以穿穿;

43、Thus, the Court's embrace of the "arbitrary and capricious" test does not free the agency's decision from serious scrutiny on review. ─── 因此,法院利用“武断而多变”的检验并不能使机构在审查问题上从严格的监视下面解脱出来。

44、His work looks all right,but it will not bear scrutiny. ─── 他的工作表面上看很不错,但是经不起复查。

45、Oblivious to her scrutiny, Ken wriggled in his seat, slow. ─── / 易忘的到她仔细研讨,肯恩在他的座位中蠕动,慢地。

46、The internet has come under particularly tight scrutiny. ─── 因特网也收到了极为严密的审查。

47、Fund managers should not escape scrutiny either. ─── 基金经理也不会逃过调查。

48、Public scrutiny had brought civil servants out from the backroom and into the spotlight. ─── 公开审查使得公务员从幕后变成焦点。

49、Even so, the National Assembly, once a rubber stamp, has become a forum for real debate and scrutiny. ─── 即便如此,越南国会也从原先的橡皮图章变成了真正开展辩论、履行督查职责的地方。

50、The difference partly reflects the judicious use of gearing and the scrutiny of the public markets. ─── 不同之处在某方面反映出相互带动的明智之举以及对公共市场的详细审查。

51、This neat explanation, alas, does not hold up very well under scrutiny. ─── 不幸的是,经过详细的推敲,这个简洁的答案并不成立。

52、Puzzled, they put the autocue under scrutiny to see if there was anything unusual about it.They did find something. ─── 大家面面相觑心想怎会这样,于是大家仔细看著字幕机查看有没有异常现象。

53、Her argument doesn't really stand up to scrutiny. ─── 她的观点经不起认真推敲。

54、Georgos was uncomfortable under Birdsong's scrutiny and changed the subject. ─── 乔戈斯让伯德桑的深究搞得很不舒服就换了个话题。

55、A place, position, or situation involving intense public scrutiny. ─── 公众聚焦点引起公众强烈注意的地方、位置或形势

56、You have to make sure that the unit is assembled perfectly because it has to get past the lynx - eyed scrutiny of the inspection department. ─── 你得保证这个部件已经完全装配好了,因为它必须通过检验部门敏锐眼光的仔细检查。

57、If they were being subjected to the same scrutiny as Stam in 2001, one or other would be shipped off to Italy or Spain. ─── 他们都有麻烦,如果他们能像2001年的斯塔姆那么倒霉的话可能就跑到意大利或者西班牙去了。

58、They also want closer scrutiny of how credit ratings are applied to those types of fund. ─── 他们还希望针对信用评级应用于这类基金的方式进行更严格的审查。

59、Foreign-aid programs face constant scrutiny and analysis. ─── 外国援助计划经常受到仔细审查与分析。

60、The reports of all direct investigations completed are available for public scrutiny at the Office's Resource Centre. ─── 公署的资源中心备有所有已完成的直接调查的报告,供市民索阅。

61、His writings can stand close scrutiny. ─── 他写的东西经得起推敲。

62、Other players face off-season scrutiny, some more than others. ─── 其他球员都需要检视。

63、A close scrutiny will reveal the defects. ─── 严密的审视检验就可以透露出这些缺陷。

64、Listing even a small stake helps keep managers on their toes, by subjecting them to the scrutiny of the stockmarket. ─── 即使是很小的上市股份公司,经理服从股市审议工作的方式有助于经理保持警觉。

65、Her work won't bear scrutiny. ─── 她的工作经不起仔细检查。

66、And, of course, data that have been rigged, invented or fraudulently altered won't stand up to future scrutiny. ─── 当然,美化、捏造或篡改数据也会导致数据经不起未来的检验。

67、Hundreds of wired-up couples copulated under conditions of intense scrutiny. ─── 几百对被安上电极的伴侣在受到严密监控的情况下性交。

68、The global financial meltdown reflects in no small part the failure of meaningful boardroom scrutiny. ─── 全球金融灾难深刻反映了有意义的董事会监督职能的失败。

69、It shows that the Agriculture minister acted on the matter before subjecting his intended action to scrutiny. ─── 另一方面,鼓励广大学生考研,引导培育良好学风,为实现高质量就业打牢基础。

70、In the case of an array, the type of the underlying element must undergo the same scrutiny. ─── 在数组的情况中,基本元素的类型也也必须经过同样的审查。

71、After a moment rs scrutiny, she pretended to recognize him. ─── 仔细打量了一分钟后,她假装认出了他。

72、As China moves centre stage for the Olympics, its actions will be under greater scrutiny than ever before. ─── 中国随着奥运会成为世界的焦点,所以中国的一举一动也将比以往更受到关注。

73、The "sweetness" of a marriage, and in particular love itself, becomes the focus of intense scrutiny. ─── 于是,婚姻的“甜蜜”度,尤其是爱情本身,成为严格审查的重点。

74、Close scrutiny to his poems, however,shows that he is not always placid. ─── 可从感情来看,孟诗大都并不平静。

75、Care, namely a not know much scrutiny, and every three, repeatedly pushed into thinking, of his knowledge. ─── 关心,即一次不认识的多查阅,推一举三,反复思考,转化成自己的知识。

76、Any topic assigned to them is certain to receive careful, professional scrutiny. ─── 交给他们的任何题目必然会得到仔细而内行的研究。

77、Scrutiny! Don't say that it deceives us! ─── 仔细看,别说它欺骗我们!

78、Anyone wearing buttons or carrying signs is given especially close scrutiny. ─── 任何佩戴徽章或者携带标语的人都被特别仔细地检查。

79、No statement about the company can is release without his scrutiny. ─── 不经他的审查,有关公司的任何声明都不能发布。

80、The scrutiny had been made with such an air of innocence, in such a gaping, indolent, boyish manner. ─── 侦察时,他装得若无其事的样子,就象一个小孩百般无聊地在东张西望一样。

81、The reputtion of nyone who is subjected to medi scrutiny will eventully be diminished. ─── 任何人在媒体的“审视”下都会名声扫地。

82、Lily had fancied herself sheltered from inconvenient scrutiny. ─── 丽丽当时以为没人碍事地监视自己。

83、She subjected her face to a minute scrutiny in the clear sunlight. ─── 她在明亮的阳光下把自己的脸仔细察看了一番。

84、Many decisions and actions may have been mistaken and deserve scrutiny, he concedes. ─── 他承认,许多决策和举措可能是错的,值得仔细研究。

85、After a moment's scrutiny, she pretended to recognize him. ─── 仔细打量了一分钟後,她假装认出了他。

86、By the end of the year, the Legislative Council had almost completed its scrutiny of the bill. ─── 二零零一年年底,立法会已差不多完成审议工作。

87、Ironically, by doing so, they actually invite the scrutiny and ill will they were trying to avoid. ─── 具有讽刺意义的是,苹果这么做实际上正在引来审查和病垢,这正是苹果所竭力避免的。

88、A guest picks up a pedicular scrutiny to wear, say to everybody: "Hey, I still become it is not pedicular. ─── 一个客人便拾起虱子细看着,对大家说:“嘿,我还当它不是虱子呢。”

89、With a little more than two weeks to go before the ceremony, interest -- and scrutiny -- is probably going to be at its highest. ─── 距离婚礼庆典还有一周多一点时间,公众对它的兴趣——和探究——可能将达到顶峰。

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