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09-13 投稿


transits 发音

英:[?tr?nz?ts]  美:[?tr?nz?ts]

英:  美:

transits 中文意思翻译



transits 短语词组

1、transits distortion ─── 渡越失真

2、transits astrotheme ─── 天文学主题

3、transits plan ─── 运输计划

4、transits 2020 transits 2020 ─── 年

5、transits vedic ─── 吠陀经

6、transits def ─── 运输定义

7、transits car ─── 中转车

transits 词性/词形变化,transits变形

动词现在分词: transiting |动词过去分词: transited |动词过去式: transited |动词第三人称单数: transits |

transits 相似词语短语

1、transit ─── n.运输;经过;[天文]凌日;[天文]中天;[占星]凌;公共交通客运;vt.运送;vi.经过;[天文](行星等天体)经过(另一天体、子午线);[占星](天体)经过(黄道十二宫之一、住宅或星图区域)

2、transects ─── n.试样地带;横断面(transect的复数形式);vt.横切(transect的第三人称单数形式)

3、tranships ─── v.把……转载于另一船;转运(等于trans-ship)

4、transires ─── n.(英)[交]货物通行单

5、transients ─── n.[物]瞬态,瞬变(transient的复数形式)

6、transited ─── n.运输;经过;[天文]凌日;[天文]中天;[占星]凌;公共交通客运;vt.运送;vi.经过;[天文](行星等天体)经过(另一天体、子午线);[占星](天体)经过(黄道十二宫之一、住宅或星图区域)

7、transacts ─── vi.交易;谈判;vt.办理;处理

8、transmits ─── vt.传输;传播;发射;传达;遗传;vi.传输;发射信号

9、transepts ─── n.教堂的十字型翼部,(十字形教堂的)耳堂

transits 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Adequate protection must be given to Picture in transit. ─── 在运送途中,图片必须有适当的措施保护。

2、Our ship used the canal to transit to the east. ─── 我们的船通过这条运河驶往东方。

3、We have to lodge a claim against you for damage in transit. ─── 我们不得不因为货物在运输途中遭到损坏而向你方提出索赔。

4、Early 2009 was a favorable time for viewers with small telescopes to watch moon and shadow transits crossing the face of Saturn. ─── 2009年上半年是小望远镜观察土卫们和它们的影子在土星前面穿过的好时机。

5、Sunwin Coach Special Service Center Set up at Bashi-Yiqi Transit Co. ─── 上海巴士一汽成立申沃客车特约维修中心。

6、Ke Mountain (Lan) Hing (county) road transit soil. ─── 岢(岚)兴(县)土质公路过境。

7、You can leave your luggage at the Left-Baggage room during transit. ─── 在过境期间你可以把行李放在暂存行李房。

8、Welcome to take rail transit line No. 5. ─── 乘客您好,欢迎乘坐轨道交通5号线。

9、For centuries, transits of Venus have drawn explorers and astronomers alike to the four corners of the globe. ─── 几个世纪以来,金星凌日吸引了探险家和天文学家们汇聚到地球的四个角落。

10、The contents of the packet have settled in transit. ─── 小包装袋里的东西在运输中已经压实了(显得少了).

11、Tax-free cigarettes are most often bought 'in transit'. ─── 免税商品最可能在过境运输中得以购买到。

12、Tianjin Transit Ambitious Paper Manufacture Co., Ltd. ─── 天津中天宏大纸业有限公司。

13、We are not responsible for any damage which happens during transit. ─── 我们不对运输当中的任何损失负责。

14、But astronomers laboured hard to analyse the results of these expeditions to observe Venus transits. ─── 但是天文学家辛苦分析这些观测金星凌日的探险活动的结果。

15、Advanced Transits, Progressions, Solar Arc techniques etc in the consultation. ─── 咨商中的高级运行,行进,太阳弧方法等。

16、Magmas in transit to the surface will further supplement this heat. ─── 向地表运移的岩浆将进一步补充这种热量。

17、One of the packages was damaged in transit. ─── 包裹有一件在运输过程中损坏了。

18、The transit authority extended the subway line to the next town. ─── 交通运输部门把地铁延伸到下一个城镇。

19、The development of mass transits is imperative as one city develops. ─── 大众运输随著一个城市的发展而愈益重要;

20、The surveyors were adjusting the transit to take the measurements. ─── 勘测员正调试转镜经纬仪进行测量。

21、We regret to hear that several bag of the last shipment break in transit. ─── 听到上批交货中有几袋在途中破损的消息我们深表歉意。

22、There was a lot of damage in transit. ─── 很多货在运送途中损坏了。

23、English: Taipei Rapid Transit System Guting Station Exit 9. ─── 中文(繁体):台北捷运古亭车站出口9。

24、Only ships of 10,000 tons or smaller are able to transit. ─── 只有一万吨或一万吨以下的船能够通过。

25、Strong packing will protect the goods from any possible damage during transit. ─── 坚固的包装可以防止货物在运输途中受到任何损失。

26、In turn, this will save your transit interest. ─── 同时,由于我们能助您将单据尽早递送到您的业务伙伴的银行及收取有关款项,所以能使您缩减利息开支。

27、The Atlanta and Portland transit systems are also recording heavy usage. ─── 亚特兰大和波特兰的运输系统也运务繁忙。

28、For how can we condemn something that is ephemeral in transit? ─── 我们怎么能去谴责那些转瞬即逝的事物呢?

29、You must or=# cc0066> allow for five per cent wastage in transit. ─── 在运输中要允许有百分之五的损耗量.

30、As a result of this, there is not much individuality involved in these transits. ─── 为此,在这些行运期间,并没有涉及到多少个性化。

31、You must allow for five per cent wastage in transit. ─── 在运输中要允许有百分之五的损耗量。

32、Its transit failed to produce the desired stamp. ─── 出票口却并没有邮票出来。

33、In a response, some extra patrols have been added to transit hubs. ─── 作为回应,联邦政府在地铁站增派了更多的巡逻队。

34、The tropical year is the interval between two transits of the mean Sun through the mean Equinox. ─── 回归年是平太阳两次通过平春分点的时间间隔。

35、From Earth, one may see transits of Mercury and Venus. ─── 从地球我们可以看到水星和金星凌日;由火星上,还可以看到地球凌日。

36、The authorities shall not be bound to effect seizure of goods in transit. ─── 各机关对于过境商品没有执行扣押的义务。

37、His letter must have got lost in transit. ─── 他那封信肯定在邮寄途中丢失了。

38、Situation: Ed and Amy are transit passengers . ─── 情境:艾德和艾咪是的境旅客。

39、An adjustable three-legged stand, as for supporting a transit or camera. ─── 三脚架一种可调节的三条腿的支架如支撑经纬仪或照相机的三脚架

40、Transit breeze, the wind mixed with the flavor of love, sweet inconceivable. ─── 微风过境,风中夹杂着恋爱的味道,甜蜜得不可思议。

41、We seldom buy goods in transit. ─── 我们很少买在运输途中的货物。

42、We will transit the strait at night. ─── 我们将在夜间通过那个海峡。

43、Slow transit constipation s (STC) etiopathogenisis is not clearly. ─── 慢传输型便秘(STC)病因未明,多因素与其发病相关。

44、It'll take us four times as long to transit the hot zone . ─── 咱们得花上四倍时间才能通过这个危险地带。

45、How to transit from the executive to entrepreneur mindset? ─── 如何实现从执行者到企业家思维的转变?

46、Kyoto has an excellent bus and subway transit system. ─── 巴士和地铁的信息查询。

47、Situation: Ed and Amy are transit passengers . ─── 情境:艾德和艾咪是机场的过境旅客。

48、How lang will the transit last? ─── 中转时间有多长?

49、Transit passengers should go to the interline counter. ─── 中转换机旅客应该到转机柜台去办理手续。

50、In my opinion, it's evident that damages must have occurred during transit. ─── 依我看,损坏显然是在运输过程中造成的。

51、He offers tips for mass transit, walking, bicycling, and more. ─── 他提供了利用公共交通、徒步、自行车等各种各样的点子。

52、The contents of the package may have settled in transit. ─── 包裹里的东西可能在运输途中摇密实了。

53、A part of the goods were damaged in transit. ─── 一部分货物在运输途中受损。

54、We are sorry to hear of the breakages which occurred in transit. ─── 对于货物在运送途中破损的事宜,本公司感到遗憾。

55、The Unmet Transit and Bikeway Needs hearing is December 2nd, 2009. ─── 听听听听听听听听听 Find out more here.

56、Actually man is in transit between brute and God. ─── 其实,人应该说是禽兽向上帝的过渡。

57、V (Village) c (bifurcation) road transit. ─── 五(寨)三(岔)公路过境。

58、We can make sure that goods avoid been damaged during the transit. ─── 我们保证:在运输中,货不会被损坏。

59、The damage is inflict upon them in transit. ─── 其损失发生在运输过程中。

60、Lan-Xin Railway, Ganqing road transit and transport facilitation. ─── 兰新铁路、甘青公路过境,交通便利。

61、Due to this pattern, only six Venus transits have been seen since the invention of the telescope. ─── 由于这种格局下,只有六名金星凌日一直以来的发明的望远镜。

62、So the damage must have taken place during transit. ─── 因此,货损肯定是在途中发生的。

63、Too carvedilol road transit. ─── 太洛公路过境。

64、Where you can, use light rail + mass transit. ─── 可以的话,搭乘轻轨和公共交通工具。

65、In my opinion, it 's evident that damages must have occurred during transit . ─── 依我看,损坏显然是在运输过程中造成的。

66、Transits over a natal planet bring it into focus, make it more personal. ─── 经行出生行星时会使其成为焦点,更个人化。

67、You shall be responsible for the loss of the goods in transit. ─── 对于货物在运输途中的损失,你方应该承担责任。

68、The Mass Transit Railway Corporation has also completed a noise cover to protect 2300 residents at Heng Fa Chuen. ─── 地铁公司也在杏花设置了一个隔音罩,保护2300名居民。

69、Suggested that ILT vaccine can induce transit decrease of RBC immune function. ─── 免疫后 9天 ,RBC_CR1花环率和RBC_IC花环率升高到正常水平 ;

70、Those stored in the warehouse are transit goods. ─── 仓库中的货物是过境货物。

71、Secure cylinders when in storage, transit, or use. ─── 储存、搬运或使用时固定钢瓶。

72、Female mosquitoes have been found to transit diseases. ─── 人们发现雌蚊会传播疾病。

73、Toronto has a good public transit system. ─── 多伦多公共交通系统很方便。

74、The fedex. Com transit time information is subject to change without notice. ─── fedex.com运送时间信息如有变更,恕不另行通知。

75、His luggage was lost in transit. ─── 他的行李在运送中丢失。

76、It is quite clear that the damage occurred in transit. ─── 很明显,货损是在运输途中发生的。

77、A: They all travel here through that transit system you bulit? ─── 他们都通过你们造的传输系统到这里来过?

78、Hundreds of flickers that might have been caused by planets with longer orbits have been seen, but have not yet been confirmed as transits. ─── 可能由有较长轨道的行星引起的成百上千的闪光已被发现,但尚未证实是凌日。

79、If the buyer becomes in solvent, the seller can stop the goods in transit. ─── 如果买方破产,则卖方可以停止货物运送。

80、Mass Transit, monthly magazine with good topical coverage. ─── 《公共运输月刊》,每期均有精彩报导的月刊。

81、We shall meet all the expenses incurred in transit. ─── 我们将支付运输途中产生的所有费用.

82、This is the second of 14 transits of Mercury during the 21st century. ─── 在21世纪,此次凌日事件是14次水星凌日的第二次。

83、Transits have helped shape our view of the whole Universe, as Heather Cooper and Nigel Henbest explain. ─── 正如希瑟·库珀和奈杰尔·亨贝斯特解释的那样,凌日帮助我们形成了对整个宇宙的看法。

84、My next project is Synastry and Transit. ─── 下一个目标是和盘和推运。

85、A changing culture on transit and development. ─── 在大众运输及发展上的改变中文化。

86、Expect intense communication with others, as tricky transits trigger emotional outbursts and plenty of power games. ─── 误会造成情绪爆发,还有权力游戏,都会造成和他人的交流紧张。

87、Sellers are not responsible for service transit time. ─── 卖方不负责运输事务的时间.

88、To steal(goods) from a vehicle in transit. ─── 从运输途中的交通工具上偷取(货物)

89、Bus and rapid transit fares are certain to rise following wage settlements. ─── 在工资问题解决之后,公共汽车和高速交通的费用肯定要上涨。

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