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09-13 投稿



fe 发音

英:[?ef ?i?]  美:[?ef ?i?]

英:  美:

fe 中文意思翻译



fe 短语词组

1、fe so fe so

2、fe teri ─── 图案

3、f fe abbr. ─── 快速梯度回波(FastFieldEcho); ─── 快速有限元算法(FastFiniteElement)

4、fe ti n. ─── 胎, ─── 胎儿(fetus的复数)

5、d fe abbr.( ─── 英)教育部(DepartmentforEducation);决策反馈等化(DecisionFeedbackEqualization)

6、fe trail fe ─── 跟踪

7、fe oh fe oh

8、fe c abbr. ─── 联邦电气公司(FederalElectricCompany)

9、auto-da-fe n. ─── 宗教法庭之宣判及执行, 对异教徒所处的火刑

10、Archduke of Austria-Este Francis Fe ─── 奥地利大主教弗朗西斯·费

11、fe d v. ─── 喂养;以……为食;给(植物)施肥;给(火)添加燃料;增进,助长;满足(毒瘾)(feed的过去式和过去分词)

12、Santa Fe n. ─── 圣达菲(位于美国)

13、Santa Fe Trail ─── [网络] 圣非小路;圣菲小路;圣菲小道

14、field (engineering)(FE) ─── [化] 现场

15、Slow-Fe ─── [医]施乐菲

16、de fe afe ─── 信仰

17、fe dylon Dylon ─── 公司

18、Avenida Santa Fe ─── 圣达菲大道

19、fe t abbr. ─── 远东时间(FarEastTime);场效应晶体管(FieldEffectTransistor);美国联邦货物税(FederalExciseTax)n.(Fet)人名;(俄、塞)费特

fe 相似词语短语

1、fen ─── n.沼泽,低位沼泽;碱沼,泥炭沼泽;分(中国货币单位);n.(Fen)(美)芬(人名)

2、feu ─── n.封地;永久租借;vt.准许租用土地;n.(Feu)人名;(西)费乌;(英)弗

3、feg ─── 联邦政府

4、fae ─── n.(Fae)(巴、美、意、法、瑞、阿)法埃(人名)

5、few ─── adj.很少的;几乎没有的;pron.很少;n.很少数;n.(Few)人名;(英)菲尤

6、feeze ─── v.击打;猛撞;(使)焦虑;n.猛冲;惊慌,激动

7、fey ─── adj.稀奇古怪的,非现世的;有超自然视力的;注定要死的,垂死的;(临死前)异常兴奋的;n.(Fey)(美、德)费(人名)

8、fed ─── 联邦调查局人员

9、fee ─── n.费用;酬金;小费;vt.付费给……;n.(Fee)人名;(英、柬)菲

fe 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And at seven square metres of luxury villas comparison, "Rancho de Santa Fe" is quite economy. ─── 与动辄六七百平方米的豪华别墅比起来,“兰乔圣菲”显得颇为经济。

2、Dont tell me that you are capa fe of nothing but speaking English. ─── 别告诉我你除了会说英语 什么都不会.

3、The acid pickling wastewater in small and medium size enterprises contains Fe 2+ ,PO 3- 4,Zn 2+ and inorganic acid. ─── 中、小企业的酸洗废水流量不大 ,其中主要含有Fe2 + 、PO3 -4、Zn2 + 和无机酸。

4、The characteristics of age hardening were studied for Fe W Co and Fe W Co Ni alloys. ─── 对Fe?W?Co和Fe?W?Co?Ni合金的时效硬化特性进行了研究。

5、It is rich in VA, VB1, VB2, VB6, VE, folic acid, nicotinic acid and microelements, such as Fe, Zn, etc. ─── 富含VA、VB1、VB2、VB6、VE、叶酸、烟酸等维生素及锌、铁等微量元素。

6、Iron presents in abundance as variety of Fe(III) oxides in crust. ─── Fe 在地壳中含量丰富,通常以各种Fe(III)氧化物的形式存在。

7、What material could be used to filter Fe anode, explain your choice. ─── 对于铁靶,应用什么做滤波片,解释你的选择理由。

8、One of the student currently in trouble for attacking my conversationalist is a girl with a particularly difficult fe. ─── 一位学生最近因为谩骂我的健谈,而被禁足。她是一个女生,家里特别困难。

9、The reaction of (CDT) Fe (CO)_2 with Br_2 and pph_3 was investigated. ─── 且研究了配合物[(CDT)Fe(CO)_3]与pph_3和Br_2的反应.

10、In 1846, US forces led by General Stephen W. Kearney captured Santa Fe, New Mexico. ─── 1846年,斯蒂芬率领的美国武装占领了新墨西哥州的圣达菲.

11、The Shangzhuang apatite deposit is a low-grade apatite deposit associated with Fe,vermiculitizated biotite and REE. ─── 上庄磷矿为一大型低品位磷灰石矿床,伴生有益组分有铁、蛭石化黑云母及稀土元素。

12、His patients in Santa Fe often don'tlook or think anything like the patients recruited for STAR*D, as far as he's been able to find. ─── 据他的发现表明,他在圣达菲的病人并不像STAR*D招募的病人一样的看待或思考问题。

13、In addition, the exist of many-common elements, especially, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, are very easy to bring effects. ─── 加之,大量的常量元素的存在尤其是钙、镁、锰、铁等元素极易产生干扰。

14、He ultimately left an endowed chair at Stanford in 1996 to focus on complexity theory and the economy at the Santa Fe Institute. ─── 他最终于在1996年离开了斯坦福大学的讲座教授职位,来在圣达菲研究所专注于复杂性理论和经济。

15、Fe pa du ki ad urba. She was going to town. ─── 她(过去)是去(往)城她(过去)正去往城里.

16、Figure 2b shows results for a thermomechanical FE simulation. ─── 图2b显示B柱温度-机械有限元模拟的结果。

17、A white,gray,or red iron - rich dolomitic or carbonate mineral,Ca(Fe,Mg,Mn(CO3)2. ─── 富铁白云石一种白色,灰色或红色的富含铁的白云石或碳酸矿,Ca(Fe,Mg,Mn)(CO3)

18、It will be the new investigations into remediation role of Fe and Mn plaques via new methods. ─── 借助新技术或研究手段强化铁、锰氧化物胶膜对湿地或水体有害金属和有机污染物的调控作用,是今后的发展方向。

19、Most of the people of Santa Fe lost everything, even their loved ones. ─── 大部分民众都失去了所有财产,有的甚至失去亲爱的家人。

20、Fe,Ni and Cu in polybasic solution were heterogenous nuclei of the growth for zinc crystals. ─── 二次浸锌得到的锌晶粒比一次浸锌更细小、均匀和致密,对基体覆盖能力好。

21、The Santa Fe is currently offered with a 2.2-litre diesel engine, and that looks unlikely to change in the near future. ─── 圣达菲当前以2.2升的柴油引擎为能耗,并且看起来这在短期内将会是既定不变的。

22、Then IAF is put forward, and its characteristics are induced, after the characteristics of ISM、AHP、FE are presented. ─── 在归结了ISM、AHP、FE等方法的特点的基础上,提出IAF分阶段串行组合评价法,并归纳其特点。

23、USD99.5/DMT CFR FO China Main Port,China based on 64.5% Fe,fraction prorata. ─── 8美元/千公吨中国主要港口到岸价,基于64.5%的铁含量,按比例计算。

24、Santa Fe has a strong living wage ordinance. ─── 圣达菲有着严格的生活工资法令。

25、Shiva Moradfar of Rancho Santa Fe believes her home escaped the fire. ─── 圣达菲的希佛相信,他的家逃过一劫。

26、Serum Ca (Ca/Mg), Fe, Co were positively associated, while Cr, Sn inversely associated with BP. ─── 在部分组Ca(Ca/Mg)、Fe、Co与血压正性联系,血Cr、Sn与血压负性联系;

27、A number of other minerals are also present in small amounts, e.g.Cu, Zn, Fe. ─── 以及少量的Cu、zn、Fe

28、Fe ki ad urba. She goes to town. ─── 她去(到)城她去城里.

29、In addition to lime and major plant nutrients, soybeans require small amounts of Fe, Mn and Zn. ─── 大豆除需要石灰和主要的植物营养元素之外,还需要少量的铁、锰,锌。

30、Qe fe ki ad urba? Is she going to town? ─── 吗她去往城她上城里吗?

31、And the further oxidation of Fe 2+ into Fe 3+ would lead to the separation of brown precipitate in liquors. ─── Fe2+进一步氧化成Fe3+,在酒中形成棕色沉淀析出。

32、Finite element models based on different Lagrangian methods have been used to analyze the deep drawing process by the FE software, MARC. ─── 采用有限元软件MARC基于不同拉格朗日法建立了一个有限元模型来分析深冲压成形过程。

33、An ICP-AES method for the determination of Au and Fe in platinum,palladium and Pd-Ir alloy was proposed. ─── 介绍了用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP-AES)测定铂、钯及合金中微量金和铁的方法。

34、Solubility and stability of ultra-fine Fe powder in fruit juices are also discussed. ─── 并分析了超细铁粉在果汁中的溶解度和稳定性。

35、The beginning of this paper focuses on engineering studies of the influence of finite element (FE) modeling on the results of FE analysis. ─── 本文的开始着重研究了建模对工程结构有限元分析结果的影响。

36、But when Tom did finally work up the nerve to call Sara, her roommate told him she was in Santa Fe for the weekend. ─── 但是,当汤姆最后鼓起勇气,给萨拉打了电话,她的室友告诉他,她正在圣达菲过周末。

37、The fathful fe of Hector, captured by the Grees at the fall of Troy. ─── 安德洛玛刻:赫克托耳忠贞的妻子,在特洛伊沦陷时被俘。

38、A Novel System for Constructing Voxel-based Finite Element (FE)Models of Dental Implant and Jawbone. ─── 基于体素的牙种植体及颌骨的有限元建模

39、The stop message also uses the command $FE and address/subcode $FF. ─── 停止信息也使用命令$FE和地址/子$法郎。

40、On Canon units, the FE lock is the asterisk button (*) directly below the display screen on top of the camera. ─── 在佳能装置上,FE 锁是在相机顶部显示屏正下方带星号的按钮(*)。

41、And then the theory of the Lipschitz Exponent is applied to the FE model of cantilevers with clefts. ─── 将该理论应用到带裂缝悬臂梁有限元模型,通过模态、瞬态和静力试验采集信号,精确确定裂缝个数及位置。

42、For the calculation of Al Si Fe ternary system, the method is simpler than another analysis method. ─── 对于Al?Si?Fe 三元系的计算,Bonnier 法比其它解析计算方法简单

43、Fe, Mn and Sr are higher in content. ─── 实验结果表明:其中铁、、的含量较高。

44、The content of Zn,Fe,Cu,Ca,Mn and Pb in blood of 103 children with rachitis was determined. ─── 对103例婴幼儿佝偻病进行了血中锌、铁、铜、钙、锰、铅含量测定,并与健康儿童比较。

45、He said the clean air is one of the things he loves about living in Santa Fe. ─── 他说干净清新的空气是他喜欢住在圣达菲的其中一点原因。

46、Major Cities: Santa Fe de Bogota, Medellin, Cali, Barranquilla, Cartagena. ─── 主要城市:圣菲波哥大、麦德林、卡利、巴兰基亚、卡塔赫纳。

47、Many stratiform and stratabound Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe, Au, Ag, Sn, S mineral deposits arefound in South China. ─── 在华南地区,发育着大量层状和层控铜、铅、锌、铁、金、银、锡、硫等矿产资源,20世纪70年代以前,一般都认为这些矿床是热液或矽卡岩成因。

48、Clayton, GD and FE Clayton (eds.) Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. ─── 克莱顿,广东和FE克莱顿(合编)帕蒂的工业卫生和毒理学。

49、Fe, Al are determinated by colorimetry at the wavelength of 365 nm and 590 nm respectively. ─── 分别在365 nm 和590 nm 的波长下进行比色,测定磷矿中铁、铝的含量。

50、It is located on the old Santa Fe Trail. Population,15,427. ─── 它建于圣菲一特雷尔旧址之上。人口15,427。

51、In Lead-free wave soldering the Cu, Fe and Pb concentrations need to be followed very closely. ─── 在无铅波峰焊接中,需要严格遵循铜、铁和铅的浓度。

52、FE: no matter how hard you try. ─── 不管你多么努力。

53、In this article, The results of the experimental study on producting Fe concentrate of high grade from lean magnetite. ─── 介绍从贫磁铁矿石中生产高品位铁精矿的试验研究结果。

54、Changes of Chl, PE and tissue Fe content during Fe-limitation in G. Tenuistipitata var. ─── 叶绿素含量及与铁含量随时间的变化;

55、In addition, we designed a quadrature Gilbert mixer to construct a mult-band mult-standard RF receiver frond end (FE). ─── 另外,本文还设计实现了一个正交Gilbert 混频器, 与宽带低噪声放大器一起构成一个多频带、多标准射频接收前端。

56、Santa Fe - famous arts center in U.S.A. ─── 世界艺术中心。

57、The occurrence state of Fe and Ti in Dongsheng kaolin has been studied in detail by AEM and mossbauer spectra. ─── 以分析电子显微术为主要技术手段辅以穆斯堡尔谱,对东胜高岭土精矿中铁、钛的赋存状态进行了详细探讨。

58、The Curie temperature and saturation magnetization increase with the Fe content. ─── 居里温度和饱和磁化强度都随着Fe含量的增加而增高。

59、The interaction coefficients of Al and Fe on Cain Mn were evaluated with the experimental data. ─── 实验结果表明Al对Ca有很强的相互作用,使Ca的溶解度增加,而Fe却使Ca的溶解度下降。

60、One such failure that occurred in a Santa Fe bridge in Oklahoma was found to be caused by a forge lap in the eyebar head. ─── 俄克拉荷马州一座圣太菲桥产生的这种破坏是由于发生的眼杆头部的锻压折叠引起的。

61、After treatment,the contents of K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, Mn and B decreased in leaves, but promoted plant to absorb P and Cl. ─── 处理后,能有效降低K、Ca、Mg、Cu、Fe、Mn、B的含量,促进P、引的吸收。

62、A white, gray, or red iron-rich dolomitic or carbonate mineral, Ca(Fe, Mg, Mn)(CO3)2. ─── 富铁白云石一种白色,灰色或红色的富含铁的白云石或碳酸矿,Ca(Fe,Mg,Mn)(CO3)2

63、We found that a cooperative effect between Fe and Co/HZSM-5 catalyst is existed under the lower temperatures. ─── 发现在较低温度下 ,Fe与Co/HZSM 5之间存在有协同效应

64、Based on the Finite Element Method (FEM), the FE analysis software ANSYS was used to build the FE model. ─── 基于有限元,借助于有限元分析软件ANSYS,建立了柱状微电机的有限元模型。

65、Loestrin 24 Fe includes an iron supplement. ─── Loestrin24Fe可以给你补铁。

66、The results indicate that Fushouxia has higher NSF values of Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn and Se than mealsfoods. ─── 大白菜140、145、9.44、52、0.20。 用福寿仙和儿童的膳食配合,通过互补作用,发挥双方的营养效能,经过营养评分,证明其Zn、Cu、Fe、Mn、Se的NSF值比普通膳食的NSF值高。

67、Valence state analyses of Fe and Mn in oxides by EPMA have been reported in literature~(1.2). ─── Fe和Mn氧化物价态的电子探针分析已见文献报导。

68、Fe be urebumbime ice be sarangge sefu oci ombi dere. ─── [font=宋体]温故而知新,可以为师矣。

69、It was indincated that the best content of cumyl hydroperoxide, tetra-ethylene lauryl ethet and a trace amount of fe... ─── 其硫化胶膜拉伸强度、撕裂强度、耐热老化性等物理性能均获得提高。

70、Fe fu posi ki ad urba. She might go to town. ─── 她将能去往城她可能去城里.

71、Increasing diet AI enhanced Fe and Zn, but decreased Cu in liver, heart and kidney. ─── 增加饲料中之维生素丙增高铁与锌,但降低铜在肝脏、心脏与肾脏之存留量。

72、There are several dozen Indian pueblos near Santa Fe. ─── 圣达菲附近有几十个印第安人村庄。

73、The HOMO orbital is composed of Fe and C atoms in Fc. ─── 其HOMO轨道主要由Fe原子及茂环上C的原子轨道组成的;

74、On the other hand, the magnetism of bcc Fe 1- x Pd x alloys changes from paramagnetism to ferromagnetism. ─── bcc结构的Fe1 -xPdx 合金从铁磁性减弱到顺磁性 ,预言了fcc结构的Fe1 -xPdx 合金可能存在亚铁磁相 .

75、Soybeans have been the subject of extensive studies on Fe absorption and translocation. ─── 大豆一直是铁的吸收和运转方面广泛研究的主题。

76、Fe nu ki ad urba. She is now going to town. ─── 她现在正去(到)城她现在正去城里.

77、Some crystalline enzymes contain, in addition, small amounts of P, or metal ions such as Fe, Cu, Mg, and Zn. ─── 一些晶体酶还含有少量磷元素或者诸如铁,铜,镁,锌的金属离子。

78、The forming process for an automotive underbody cross member was simulated by the FE method. ─── 利用有限元法模拟某汽车高强钢横梁的成形过程,通过设置拉深筋作为材料流动控制手段。

79、The content of Zn,Ca,Cu and Fe in hair of 612 healthy children in Zhanjiang region was determined. ─── 对湛江地区612例健康儿进行了头发锌、钙、铜、铁检测。

80、It es polit fe an pers zu-sai "Ekcus am, but ... ─── 一个人说‘请问...

81、Qo-ka fe pa ki ad urba? Why did she go to town? ─── 何-为她(过去)去往城她为什么去了城里?

82、It can improve iron metabolism at molecular level, raising Fe, TS, SF, lowering TIBC, Tf, sTfR. ─── 在分子水平能改善铁代谢,提高Fe、TS、SF,降低TIBC、Tf、sTfR。

83、To the people of Santa Fe, Old Man Gloom represents the hardships and difficulties of the past year. ─── 对圣大非的人来说,忧郁老人代表了去年的艰辛及困难。

84、Union forces defeated them on the Santa Fe Trail at Glorietta Pass in New Mexico. ─── 一块石柱显示,圣达菲路在圣达菲市中心广场终止。

85、The boundary 798425418 of rrj the Amorites was from fe Scorpion Pass to Sela and beyond. ─── 36亚肤利人的境界,是从亚克拉滨坡,从西拉而上。

86、Fe n Liquor of the same liquor age and different alcoholicity and storage period wa s studied. ─── 对贮存时间不同、酒龄相同、酒度不同的汾酒进行了分析研究。

87、Come on, everybody, move those. . . fe. . . femurs! -Yeah, by the look of these tests, you losers need all the help you could get. ─── 大家都来吧,运动那些大腿骨吧!-耶,看看这些测验,你们这些失败者需要能得到的所有帮助。

88、Fe nu pa ki ad urba. She has just gone to town. ─── 她现在过去去往城她已经去城里了.

89、Adding the Fe(II) ions to solutions of tridentate ligands 2, 3, and 4 , color changes from colorless to light-yellow. ─── 三牙配基的部分,化合物2、3及4系列溶液,加入亚铁离子,会产生溶液颜色的变化。

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