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09-13 投稿



intermediation 发音

英:[[??nt??mi:d?'e???n]]  美:[[??nt??mi:d?'e???n]]

英:  美:

intermediation 中文意思翻译



intermediation 同义词

medium |middle | intervening | average | transitional | intercede | arbitrate | liaise | in | intermediary | mediate | halfway | in between | midway | between | in-between

intermediation 短语词组

1、financial intermediation ─── 金融中介

2、denomination intermediation ─── 面额中介

intermediation 反义词


intermediation 词性/词形变化,intermediation变形

动词现在分词: intermediating |动词过去式: intermediated |动词过去分词: intermediated |动词第三人称单数: intermediates |名词: intermediacy |副词: intermediately |

intermediation 相似词语短语

1、intermediated ─── v.充当调解人;斡旋(intermediate的过去式及过去分词)

2、intermediately ─── adv.在中间

3、interdiction ─── n.禁止,制止;封锁

4、disintermediation ─── n.非居间化;从银行提款进行证券投资

5、intermodulation ─── n.[电子]互调,相互调制

6、intermediator ─── n.仲裁者;调解者

7、intermediate ─── adj.中间的,过渡的;中级的,中等的;n.中级生;(化合物)中间体,中间物;中介,媒介;v.充当调解人,起媒介作用

8、intermediating ─── adj.中间的,过渡的;中级的,中等的;n.中级生;(化合物)中间体,中间物;中介,媒介;v.充当调解人,起媒介作用

9、intermediaries ─── n.中介机构;中间商;仲裁者,调解者(intermediary的复数)

intermediation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Evolution of financial intermediation are theoretically explained along three dews. ─── 对金融中介演变规律的理论解释是基于三条线索展开的。

2、Intermediation services in the areas of intermediary brokers 60 semi-enclosed stalls and 20 more organizations to develop enterprise display market place. ─── 在中介服务区设置了60个半封闭式中介经纪组织摊位和20余家开发企业展示交易场所。

3、But many people are seeking cheap psychological, unwilling to pay the cost of intermediation, the results have been deceived and lose. ─── 但这其中不少人存在贪图便宜的心理,不愿意支付中介费用,结果受骗上当,得不偿失。

4、Speak up from this meaning, build up existing the certain rationality with the continuously perfect administration litigation intermediation system then and inevitability. ─── 从这个意义上讲,建立和不断完善行政诉讼调解制度则存在一定的合理性和必然性。

5、The year of microcredit will have proven to be of great worth if it can first document the impediments to more efficient forms of financial intermediation and then begin to clear them away. ─── 如果小额信用能够首先证明阻碍是金融仲裁的更有效的形式并开始逐渐清除,那么就将会证明其具有很大价值。

6、Intermediation is done Jingpai value for their first assessment, and investors agreed auction "bottom line", the Acting investors into the auction market Jingpai generally no longer performed "sense". ─── 中介则首先替其做竞拍价值评估,与投资者商定拍卖“底线”,代理投资者进入拍卖市场竞拍,一般不再另收“举牌”费用。

7、Equally convincing arguments apply to the equity and debt channels of financial intermediation. ─── 同时具说服力的论点亦适用于股票及债券金融中介渠道。

8、Thus a set of robust and efficient clearing and settlement arrangements is the cornerstone of the financial intermediation activities in an international financial centre. ─── 因此,稳健及有效率的结算及交收安排是国际金融中心进行金融中介活动的基石。

9、7. The enterprise JOST AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT offers possibilities within the range Office intermediation and Tax return preparation services as well as Lawyers. ─── JOST AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT是一家高级企业,该企业针对客户需求制造专门的经事务所调节,律师,税务顾问。收藏指正

10、Industry estimates, at least 20 more credit intermediation Hushang overtly or covertly involved in the business. ─── 业内估计,沪上至少有20余家贷款中介或明或暗从事这一业务。

11、GLOBAL financial intermediation is broken. ─── 全球金融媒介崩溃。

12、Some scholars believe that in these circumstances, Bank intermediation costs should be shared with the borrower. ─── 对中介机构提供服务的质量标准和责任要有明确的规定。

13、But a useful step might be to build a strong network of financial infrastructures to facilitate more effective financial intermediation in the region. ─── 不过,我们最少可以在亚洲区建立大而稳固的金融基建设施网络,使区内的金融中介机制更有效地运作。

14、There shall be no intermediation or settlement permitted in the matter of protective orders. ─── 保护令事件不得进行调解或和解。

15、But in the published version of the model contract, including intermediation services, the terms of any fees, consumers can decide whether to intermediary companies. ─── 但是在此次公布的合同示范文本中,包括中介服务费在内的任一收费条款,消费者均可以与中介公司进行商榷决定。

16、criminal intermediation ─── 刑事调解

17、ability to add intermediation gives me some fairly specific advantages. ─── 能够增加仲裁,为我带来了一些相当特别的便利。

18、Intermediation is not a substitute for market, but establishing and operating market by selecting price, coordinating transaction, clearing market, allocating production or service. ─── 中间层并不是市场的替代者,而是通过定价、协调交易、出清市场、配置产品和服务等活动来创造市场并运作市场。

19、nongovernmental intermediation ─── 人民调解

20、Butthe intermediation system has not resolved well on the construction of theories andthe practice to operate . ─── 但是调解制度在理论构建和实践操作上都没有得到很好解决。

21、But in the diversity of financial intermediation channels, Hong Kong is still behind because the flow of funds through the debt channel remains, relatively speaking, small. ─── 但在金融中介渠道的多元化发展方面,香港却仍然落后,原因是投入债券市场的资金数量仍然相对较小。

22、As special institution with double attribution on disposal action and judicatory action, procedural installation of intermediation of the court need to embody the character that is solution the dissension in litigious and in agreement. ─── 作为兼具处分行为与审判行为双重属性的独特制度,法院调解的程序设置应体现诉讼解决纠纷与合意解决纠纷的特性。

23、In the event of a maritime traffic accident and where the litigation, arbitration, or intermediation is carried out abroad ─── 发生海上交通事故,在国外进行诉讼、仲裁或调解

24、F.Allen,A.M.Santomero . The Theory of Financial Intermediation [J] . Journal of Banking and Finance . 1997 . ─── 周立.金融发展促进经济增长的理论综述[J].经济学动态,2003(9).

25、"connection of lawsuit and intermediation" ─── “诉调对接”

26、Participating In Economic Intermediation And Assisting In Distinguishing Proof In Economic Lawsuit; ─── 参与调解经济纠纷,协助鉴别经济案件证据;

27、But these numbers are still low for the bond market to play a meaningful role in contributing to financial stability and enhancing the efficiency of financial intermediation. ─── 不过,这个比率仍然偏低,不足以令债券市场在金融稳定及提高金融中介效率方面,发挥比较大的作用。

28、However, intermediation system has many shortages and objections in present litigant mode. ─── 但是,在现行的诉讼模式中调解制度还存在着诸多不足和缺陷。

29、He said that the diversity of financial intermediation channels is essential to the maintenance of financial stability. ─── 他指出金融中介渠道多元化,是维系金融稳定的必要条件。

30、There has also been considerable progress in the diversification of financial intermediation channels, specifically in the development of the bond market. ─── 再者,发展多种金融中介渠道,尤其是发展债券市场方面亦取得重大进展。

31、It adopts compulsive intermediation, arbitration and lawsuit. ─── 劳动委员会可以强制调停公益事业企业中发生的集体争议,这类纠纷具有影响范围大的特点,通过强制调解可以尽快解决纠纷,防止矛盾激化。

32、double certification intermediation ─── “双证”融通

33、An Empirical Analysis on Relationship Between China Financial Intermediation and Urbanization ─── 中国的金融中介发展与城镇化关系的实证研究

34、If the real estate intermediation industry, self-analysis must be clear, positive response, smooth merge with the world, and in order to obtain the survival and development. ─── 土生土长的房地产中介业者,必须清晰地自我剖析,积极应变,顺利与国际接轨,才能获得生存与发展。

35、He said that the diversity of financial intermediation channels is essential to the maintenance of financial stability. ─── 他指出金融中介渠道多元化,是维系金融稳定的必要条件。

36、Keywords medical liability insurance;medical (treatment) dispute intermediation center;MDIC;claim; ─── 医疗责任保险;医疗纠纷调解中心;理赔;

37、The world's largest real estate intermediation systems in the 21st century real estate licenses to the internationalization of this exposition features more prominent. ─── 全球最大的房地产中介体系21世纪不动产的加盟使今年这届展会的国际化特色更为突出。

38、Other Activities Related To Credit Intermediation: 10.7%. ─── 与信用中介相关的其它活动:10.7%。

39、Exporters want to get the goods shipped before the bank’s financial intermediation, post-shipment loans can be guaranteed. ─── 出口商则希望在货物出运以前能得到银行的资金融通,出运后能保证得到货款。

40、interests intermediation ─── 利益协调

41、Whereas internalization focuses on the transfer of explicit knowledge, intermediation brokers tacit knowledge. ─── 内部化着眼于显性知识的转移,而中间层对默认的知识进行中介代理。

42、This rapid growth in the sector did not improve the quality of financial intermediation. ─── 银行业的高速增长并未改善金融中介的质量。

43、Effect: intermediation PH value, permeate the skin to keep comfortable to moisten the feeling greatly, give the skin luster and elasticities, prevent from because oxidize causing the skin aging. ─── 功效:调解PH值,渗透肌肤保持舒爽的滋润感,赋予肌肤光泽与弹力,防止因氧化引起肌肤的老化。

44、Consequently, there has been heightened awareness of the risks involved in international financial intermediation and of the need for managing them prudently. ─── 因此,大家都加倍留意国际金融中介活动涉及的风险,而且亦倍觉需要审慎管理这些风险。

45、The banking system has been, and will continue to be, an indispensable channel of financial intermediation that is crucial to economic growth and development. ─── 一直以来银行体系是社会上不可或缺的金融中介渠道,对经济繁荣发展具关键作用,日后也将如是。

46、Cooperative Operation of Police Intermediation with Judicial Trial ─── 公安调解与司法审判的契合运作

47、He is intermediation kind food structure of ideal food. ─── 他是调解善食结构的理想食品。

48、Nomological Interpretation of the Intermediation of the Court in View of Harmonious Society ─── 和谐社会视野下法院调解的法理阐释

49、7.The enterprise JOST AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT offers possibilities within the range Office intermediation and Tax return preparation services as well as Lawyers. ─── JOST AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT是一家高级企业,该企业针对客户需求制造专门的经事务所调节,律师,税务顾问。

50、People Intermediation and Harmonious Social Development ─── 人民调解与和谐社会建设

51、Moreover, legal statutes and regulatory examination methodologies did not develop in step with the increasing complexity of financial intermediation. ─── 国内金融体系的高速扩张使当局的监督能力面临严峻考验。

52、Moreover, improper scopes in country law constitution lead to excessive attention and certification on judicatory procedure but little research on civil intermediation. ─── 再次是国家法制建设中的误区导致人们对司法程序的过度关注和认可,忽视了人民调解程序的研究。

53、Housing intermediation in the secondary, the vast majority of the increased supply from the hands of speculators out of the auction. ─── 在二手房中介里,增加的房源绝大多数是从炒家手里抛出的期房。

54、intermediation effect ─── 媒介效应

55、Key words and phrases: electronic commerce, information infrastructure, World Wide Web, electronic marketplaces, electronic hierarchies, supply-chain management, new intermediation. ─── 关键词:电子商务,信息基础设施,万维网,电子市场,电子阶层,供应链管理,新型仲裁服务。

56、In fact use of the term "beneficiaries" and repeated failure to recover loans actually damages prospects for the sustainable development of viable rural financial intermediation. ─── 事实上,"受益者"这个词的使用,以及贷款多次不能收回实际上伤害了可行性农村金融媒介可持续发展的前景。

57、This survey is aimed of the organization function and actual operation of townships intermediation committee. ─── 在当前环境下,其组织结构与调解绩效是否有改善空间?

58、As almost everyone is beginning to recognise, restoring a viable degree of financial intermediation is the key to recovery. ─── 就像几乎所有人都开始意识到的那样,恢复某种可行程度的金融中介是复苏关键。

59、“The model is not, therefore, directly useful for issues where financial intermediation is of first-order importance,” its designers admit. ─── “所以,这一模型对那些金融中介在其中起关键作用的问题来说,无法产生直接的效用。”该模型的设计者承认。

60、Credit, intermediation, and the macroeconomy: readings and perspectives in modern financial theory ─── 中介和宏观经济学

61、Facilitated by modern information technology, financial intermediation, apart from retail banking, need not be organised on location. ─── 在现代资讯科技的协助下,除了零售银行业之外,金融中介活动并没有地域上的限制。

62、But for various reasons, Beijing real estate intermediation systems on the whole very norms, especially the phenomenon of arbitrary fee has already caused strong dissatisfaction among consumers. ─── 但由于各种各样的原因,北京的房地产中介体系从总体来看很不规范,尤其是乱收费现象已经引起了消费者的强烈不满。

63、Keywords solution mechanism of doctor-patient dispute;civil obligation;medical intermediation;medical malpractice insurance; ─── 关键词医患纠纷解决机制;专家民事责任;医事仲裁;医疗责任保险;

64、Intermediation: Process whereby a financial institution interposes its names and trustworthiness between a lender and a borrower. ─── 中介业务,媒介作用:指一个金融机构使用其名义和信誉介入一个贷款人和一个借款人之间的过程。

65、The second part is a summary explanation to the court house intermediation system. ─── 全文共分为六个部分:第一部分引言简要地说明选择调解制度作为研究对象的原因。

66、In Japan the labor committee handles labor dispute by mediation, intermediation, arbitration and urgency adjustment. ─── 它设立了专门的独立于联邦的调停和调解机构。

67、Participating in litigation non-litigation activitiesarbitration and intermediation e. ─── 4.接受甲方委托,担任代理人,参加诉讼、非诉讼、调解、仲裁活动。

68、It has become essential for the favourable environment provided by an international financial centre to facilitate international financial intermediation to include a robust financial infrastructure. ─── 同时,国际金融中心为促进国际金融中介活动顺利进行,就必须建立稳健的金融基础设施。

69、In the modern society, intermediation system has its different value inclination against justice system, however, they are both the indispensable way for the solution of the dispute. ─── 在现代社会,调解制度有着与审判制度不完全相同的价值取向,但都是现代法治社会一种不可忽视的纠纷解决方式。

70、"Now in the real estate intermediation industry, so we are doing and must do so. ─── “如今在房产中介行业,大家都这么干,而且必须这么干。

71、But intermediation techniques provide the researcher with the name of another researcher in another country, whose interest profile (maintained by the system) indicates that he has experiences in the same type of experiment. ─── 但中间层技术为这名研究人员提供了另一个国家中另一名研究人员的名字,他的兴趣简介(保存在系统中)表明他有对同一类型实验的经验。

72、Intermediation requires the intermediating system to understand at least some of the semantics of the messages it intercepts. ─── “仲裁要求仲裁系统对于它所拦截的消息的语义至少有些理解”。

73、Based on the Nash equilibrium,the compensation schemes of the two water resource collocating modes,the water rights trade and the administrative intermediation are gained,and the game propert... ─── 不同的补偿方式对应着不同的补偿量,在实际应用中可根据应急调水的实际情况,选择一种方式或多种方式联合应用,为管理者的决策提供参考。

74、In the event of a maritime traffic accident and where the litigation, arbitration, or intermediation is carried out abroad, ─── 发生海上交通事故,在国外进行诉讼、仲裁或调解

75、Intermediation: Process whereby a financial institution interposes its names and trustworthiness between a lender and a borrower. ─── 中介业务,媒介作用:指一个金融机构使用其名义和信誉介入一个贷款人和一个借款人之间的过程。亦见market intermediation

76、Intermediation cost 336,000 yuan, also called Miss Cheung paid including cable, gas deposits, the old air-conditioning maintenance fund and the total cost of a room of about 3,000 yuan. ─── 中介报价33.6万元,还要求张女士支付包括有线电视、煤气押金、维修基金以及房内一部旧空调的费用共计约3000元。


78、On the concrete design in court intermediation , to establish Voluntarily principle, do not disobey the law compulsory norm and in public order Kind customs, honest reputation, convenient etc. ─── 在法院调解制度具体设计上,确立自愿、不违背法律强制性规范和公序良俗、诚实信用、方便等原则,并划定不能调解的案件范围,以避免无原则的调解。

79、Improved financial intermediation also brings such microeconomic benefits as efficiency gains and diversification of tools for both borrowers and savers. ─── 加强金融中介的效能,亦可带来一些微观的经济得益,例如提升效率及有助向借贷双方提供多元化的工具。

80、So Intermediation gives a market solution to avoiding under invest, not an organization solution by vertical integration. ─── 因此,中间层提供了专用性投资不足问题的市场解,而不必采用纵向一体化的组织解。

81、Rebuilding the intermediation of the court should gain a foothold in theoretic support. ─── 和谐社会视野下重构法院调解制度应立足于对其法理的科学阐释。

82、Intermediation makes seller and buyer's transaction-specific investments be effective mounted by providing a binding commiting. ─── 中间层通过向买方和卖方提供有约束力的价格承诺,使得买方和卖方的专用性投资达到联合收益最大化的水平。

83、Intermediation services : one for the classification system will change? ─── 中介服务收费:能否变一刀切为分级制?

84、Arbitrament and other disputes of the intermediation, litigation...etc. solve a mechanism to compare, having a following advantage:The first, the candor second, voluntarily sex. ─── 仲裁与调解、诉讼等其他纠纷解决机制相比,具有以下优点:第一,公正性 第二,自愿性。

85、crime intermediation ─── 刑事和解

86、To be engaged in the real estate intermediation by the business license application, I found Liu would require its support for follow, but the refusal by Liu. ─── 因从事房产中介需申办有关营业执照,余便找到刘,要求其配合办照,但遭到刘的拒绝。

87、Industry estimates, at least 20 more credit intermediation Hushang overtly or covertly involved in the business. ─── 业内估计,沪上至少有20余家贷款中介或明或暗从事这一业务。

88、That any other procedure to free the victim from being threatened by the offender as deemed necessary by theperson sponsoring the settlement or intermediation. ─── 三其他行和解或调解之人认为能使被害人免受加害人胁迫之程序。

89、Intermediation services in their business establishments or to be used in place of eye-catching location fee to publish their fees, service contents, costing methods, and standards matters. ─── 中介服务机构应当在其经营场所或交缴费用的地点醒目位置公布其收费项目、服务内容、计费方法、收费标准等事项。

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