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09-13 投稿



eclipsing 发音

英:[??kl?ps??]  美:[??kl?ps??]

英:  美:

eclipsing 中文意思翻译



eclipsing 常用词组

solar eclipse ─── n. [天]日食

total solar eclipse ─── 日全食

total eclipse ─── [天]日全食;月全食

eclipsing 短语词组

1、eclipsing effect ─── [化] 重叠效应

2、eclipsing strain ─── [化] 重叠张力

eclipsing 词性/词形变化,eclipsing变形

动词现在分词: eclipsing |动词第三人称单数: eclipses |动词过去式: eclipsed |动词过去分词: eclipsed |

eclipsing 相似词语短语

1、-chising ─── 责骂

2、elapsing ─── vi.消逝;时间过去;n.流逝;时间的过去

3、eclosing ─── 重合闸

4、clipping ─── n.剪下物;剪报;vt.修剪;缩短;(快速地)猛击;夹住(clip的现在分词);vi.夹住(clip的现在分词)

5、-lapsing ─── n.小错;过失;行为失检;v.(时间)流逝;(合同)终止;背弃(宗教信仰)

6、eclipsis ─── n.省音

7、-closing ─── adj.(非正式)收盘的;(讲话、时段或活动)结束的;结尾的;n.(工厂、学校等的)关闭;倒闭;v.关闭;合上;结束;收盘;缩小(close的现在分词)

8、declassing ─── v.使丧失社会地位;使降低社会地位

9、-cising ─── cising

eclipsing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Northeastern and West Coast cities are ascendant, eclipsing former Sunbelt favorites such as Atlanta. ─── 美国东北部和西海岸的城市占有优势,超过了以前深受青睐的亚特兰大这类阳光地带的城市。

2、Thus, from a global standpoint, the emerging markets are steadily eclipsing the US as the global driver of demand and growth, in some important ways relegating the US to the passenger seat. ─── 这种转变正在发生,尽管西方许多预测是刚好相反的,而且它的速度比许多观察家此前预计的还要快。

3、eclipsing variable star ─── 食变星

4、May be eclipsing business card printing and membership card making books books (electronic books. ─── 不定会忽然代替制卡和会员卡制息册不梢的册不梢,简称电子书。

5、The Portuguese star took his tally for the season to 33 with both goals in the 2-0 defeat of Bolton on Wednesday, eclipsing United legend George Best's club-record mark for a winger. ─── 葡萄牙球星在周中对阵博尔顿的比赛中梅开二度,这也让他的赛季进球数达到33个。这个记录也让曼联传奇球星乔治-贝斯特保持的边锋进球纪录黯然失色。

6、Eclipsing them all, as Mr Obama has made clear in recent days, is the challenge of rebuilding the economy and the banking system. ─── 而正如奥巴马先生近日所言,与这些相比更为紧迫的挑战是重建经济和银行业系统。

7、The inhibitive principle, inhibiting origin and the withdrawing method, the test method of inhibition, the application to eclipsing aspect as well as the development prospect are summarized. ─── 综述了氨基酸类绿色缓蚀剂的缓蚀原理、来源及提取方法、缓蚀检测方法及其在缓蚀方面的应用,并对氨基酸类缓蚀剂的应用及发展前景进行了展望。

8、BMW Sauber were the surprise package of 2007, eclipsing reigning champions Renault to take an impressive second place in the constructors’ standings. ─── 去年,宝马索伯力压卫冕冠军雷诺车队,获得年终车队亚军,这一成绩,令人意想不到。

9、Several types of logging digital imaging surface systems such as MAXIS 500,ECLIPS,EXCELL 2000,which produced by foreign logging company recently,are introduced. ─── 文中介绍国外石油测井公司近期推出的几种测井数字成象地面系统,并分析了当前国内数控测井的现状,指出中国测井界将面临新的挑战。

10、Or writing the last diary for the eclipsing year of 2008 . ─── 让我们在2008年里再多享受片刻如何?

11、In eclipsing binaries, the two stars as viewed from Earth revolve around an axis that is edge-on to us. ─── 在食双星的情况中,从地球上来看两颗恒星在围绕着一条侧向我们的轴旋转。

12、Thus, the two-sulfuration peripherin-gum Photopolymer is eclipsing phenyldiazoacetate photoptic. ─── 因而,单硫化平聚分物感平胶侧在忽然代替轻氮化分物感平胶。

13、Bankers report that deals currently in the pipeline should mean 2008 will be a record year for intra-Asian deals, eclipsing last year's mark of $76.2bn. ─── 银行人士报告称,从目前正在筹备的交易看,2008年将成为亚洲内部交易创纪录的一年,令去年762亿美元的纪录相形见绌。

14、A CCD Light Curve of the Eclipsing Cataclysmic Variable PG0027+260 ─── 激变食变星PG0027+260的CCD光变曲线

15、Richard Li Tzar-kai has for years struggled to escape the shadow of his famous family and is now on the road to eclipsing the success of the man who made it all possible. ─── 李泽楷为摆脱家族的阴影奋斗了几年,现在他的成功的光环快要将那个使之成为可能的人都笼罩住了。

16、Henry has been in sensational form this year, even eclipsing Ronaldo's considerable achievements at Real Madrid. ─── 亨利这个赛季的表现异常出色,甚至在皇马的罗纳尔多也黯然失色。

17、algol type eclipsing binary ─── 大陵变星

18、Then, in a relative blink, this equilibrium is punctuated by a rapid burst of roiling change with many newcomers and eclipsing of the old.For a short period change is rampant. ─── 在相对暂短的一瞬,因许多新老物种的更迭爆发的搅局打破了这种平衡,因为,短暂的变化是无法控制的。

19、eclipsing effect ─── 重迭效应

20、Adapts to the surface clearing up,eliminating the rust,the strengthening to each kind new or old steel structure,thicker steel products,even the steel structure with large degree of rust eclipsing. ─── 适应各类新、旧钢结构物件及钢材较厚、锈蚀程度大钢结构物件表面清理、除锈、强化等。

21、Bankers report that deals currently in the pipeline should mean 2008 will be a record year for intra-Asian deals, eclipsing last year’s mark of $76.2bn. ─── 银行人士报告称,从目前正在筹备的交易看,2008年将成为亚洲内部交易创纪录的一年,令去年762亿美元的纪录相形见绌。

22、Of the major economies, powerhouse China is seen as having the best shot at eclipsing the United States as the world's largest market. ─── 所有主要经济体中,中国被视为最有可能取代美国成为世界最大的市场。

23、dead before her time -- her fragile beauty trapped in amber, impervious to the ravages of age -- Monroe endures as the movies' greatest and most beloved icon, a legend eclipsing all others. ─── 不过这是个没有爱情的婚姻,二年后丈夫应征入伍,当时正处第二次世界大战期间,不久丈夫以不满诺玛新职业为由提出了离婚。诺玛的新职业是在一家时装店作摄影模特。

24、From the end of Ming to that of Qing, it was brought to a conclusion eclipsing. ─── 在元代到明中叶达到兴盛,从明末到清末进入它的总结时期,走向衰落。

25、eclipsing X-ray star X ─── 射线食变星

26、The Photoelectric investigations of the Eclipsing System V375 Cas ─── 食双星V375 Cas的光电测光研究

27、It's the longest line of pennies ever assembled, eclipsing the old mark by more than five miles, according to an official from the Guinness Book of World Records. ─── 金氏世界纪录的一名官员指出,这是有史以来最长的硬币串,以五哩之差刷新之前纪录。

28、A new object looking like an eclipsing binary star was discovered recently. ─── 最近人们发现了一个象食变双星的新天体。

29、be under an eclipsing ─── 命途多舛

30、The crystalline-shaped Spherisian module filled their view now, eclipsing the stars. ─── 晶体形状的史菲利思模块在他们视野中越来越大,遮掩住了点点星光。

31、eclipsing effects ─── 重叠效应

32、eclipsing conformation ─── 重叠构象

33、Sure enough, they saw a dip in light where the new eclipsing binary resides. ─── 果然,研究人员在这对新发现的食双星座落的地方观察到光线变暗的情况。

34、VLIW has become the prevailing philosophy of microprocessor design, eclipsing older approaches such as RISC and complex instruction set computing (CISC). ─── VLIW已经成为一种具有优势的微处理器设计方法,开始侵蚀RISC(精简指令集计算)和CISC(复杂指令集计算)较陈旧的设计方法。

35、The economy dominates the national agenda, with half of poll respondents citing it as the top issue, far eclipsing all other issues, including the war in Iraq. ─── 经济占主导地位的国家议程,其中一半的受访者引用它作为首要问题,远远超过了所有其他问题,包括在伊拉克的战争。

36、But they have always remained mistresses of this possibility of eclipse, of seductive disappearance and transluscence, and so have always been capable of eclipsing the power of their masters. ─── 但她们一直作为女主人保留了使人暗淡的可能,诱惑使其消失,所以永远有着让她们主人暗淡无光的本领。

37、Turiaf, 24, is averaging 9.8 points and 5.3 rebounds in 25.8 minutes, eclipsing the 4.5 points, 3.1 rebounds and 13.1 minutes he averaged during his first two seasons. ─── 图里亚夫,24岁,在25.8分钟的时间内可以砍下9.8分还抓下5.3个篮板,远远超出了前2个赛季的13.1分钟、4.5分、3.1个篮板。

38、eclipsing strain ─── 重叠张力

39、completely eclipsing binary ─── 完整食双星

40、Chernin's total compensation was valued at $28.8 million for the year ended June 30, eclipsing Mr. ─── 切宁现年57岁,12年来一直负责着新闻公司旗下福克斯电视和电影部门的工作。

41、The matters such as ditch eclipsing?slip?and collapse and so on are threatening the safe operation of pipeline. ─── 该地区的地形地貌及工程地质条件十分复杂,夏季集中降雨引发的沟蚀、滑坡、崩塌等水害问题已严重威胁到管线的安全运行。

42、Astronomers speculate stars tend to come in pairs, though eclipsing binaries are less common. And finding identical twins eclipsing, to boot, is like spotting that needle in a haystack, Stassun said. ─── 天文学家们推测,尽管食双星并不太常见,但是恒星往往是成对出现的。然而斯坦桑表示,除了这对之外,要想发现互食的全等双子星无异于大海捞针。

43、There it raises its large curves still, eclipsing the hills. ─── 它依然拱起它那庞大的圆弧,遮挡了山峰。

44、The time at which an eclipsing binary variable star is at its minimum brightness is one example of something which is frequently given in the form of a Julian day number (JD). ─── 一个食变双星亮度最低的日期就是经常用儒略日(JD)来公布的。

45、Roche Model Analysis for the Light Curves of the Eclipsing Binaries ST Car and RY Ind ─── 食双星船底ST(ST Car)和印第安RY(RY Ind)的光变曲线Roche模型分析

46、And finding identical twins eclipsing, to boot, is like spotting that needle in a haystack, Stassun said. ─── 然而斯坦桑表示,除了这对之外,要想发现互食的全等双子星无异于大海捞针。

47、Female wedding guests are supposed to look elegant and bridesmaids are sup-posed to look pretty without eclipsing the central charac-ter ─── 婚礼女宾客的穿着看起来应该典雅,伴娘的服装看起来也应漂亮,但不能遮盖了中心人物的风采。

48、Eclipsing Z-scan(EZ-scan) and reflection Z-scan(RZ-scan),and analyses the characters and applications of these techniques. ─── 分析了各种Z scan技术的特点及应用。 综述了Z扫描理论与技术的发展。

49、But with the amplitude and period of A66, it is difficult to imagine that the cause of variability is due to EW type eclipsing of a binary or rotation of a spotted star. ─── 对于A66这样的周期和变幅,又很难想像变光原因是黑子星的自转或EW型双星的交食。

50、PHOEBE (Physics Of Eclipsing Binaries): a WD98 front-end for automated numerical minimization and physical parameters' estimation. ─── 是一个为自动数字极小化和物理参数评价提供的一个WD98前端。

51、The European Dream: How Europe's Vision of the Future Is Quietly Eclipsing the American Dream ─── 欧洲梦:欧洲的未来远景和美国梦的消亡

52、had been lost in a car accident in England in 1960, apparently eclipsing at its outset his cricketing career. ─── 在1960年的一次车祸中,他在英格兰丢失了右眼,让他刚开始的板球生涯黯然失色。

53、To a TIE pilot, the success of a given mission is paramount, eclipsing personal safety and even the safety of fellow wingmen. ─── 对于一个钛飞行员来说,成功地完成接到的任务是非常重要的,他们不得不牺牲个人,甚至飞行搭档的安全。

54、For centuries, astronomers had not been able to figure out the nature of this "eclipsing binary system," in which a bright naked-eye star is eclipsed by a companion object every 27 years. ─── 一个多世纪来,天文学家一直没搞清柱一“食双星”的性质,这颗肉眼可见明亮恒星,以27年的周期改变光度。

55、As you watch, the crisp edge of night advances upward, eclipsing the smoldering colors until there is at eye level only a single band of burnished gold lying across the canyon. ─── 在你的注视下,一道边缘清晰的影子向上舒展开来,在不断吞噬燃烧的光彩,到了最后,在你眼睛的平视之处,峡谷的对岸只残存下一条锃亮的金带了。

56、This system is known as an eclipsing binary, in which the two stars pass alternately in front of each other when viewed from Earth. ─── 该系统被称为食双星(eclipsingbinary),即从地球观测该双星系统时两颗恒星会交替经过彼此的前面。

57、Florence Chadwick became the first woman to swim the Catalina Channel, eclipsing the men's record by two hours! ─── 佛罗伦斯·查德威克最终成为第一个游过卡达琳纳海峡的女子,并且以快两个小时的速度打破了男子游过该海峡的记录,这让男子记录黯然失色。

58、He has proven to be durable, eclipsing 200 innings during four of the last five seasons. ─── 过去5个球季中的4个球季都吃掉200局,他已证明是耐用的。

59、eclipsing binary ─── 食双星

60、Spectroscopic Orbits of Eclipsing Binaries: WX Cnc ─── 食双星的分光轨道解:WX Cnc

61、As you might expect, Sigourney Weaver, in yet another Snow-White-eclipsing star turn for the Queen, is the only one to emerge unscathed. ─── 也许如你所料,影片中的另一位明星西格妮·韦弗,她饰演的皇后让主角白雪公主黯然失色,她是此部影片中唯一一位脱颖而出演员。

62、The consequence indicates that this model can reproduce the deformation of line profile of eclipsing binary well. ─── 结果表明,这一模型可以较好地再现畸变的含食双星光谱。

63、A dramatic fall by Cheng Fei from the balance beam did notstop China from eclipsing the world champions by 2.375 points, while2004 champions Romania settled for bronze. ─── 程菲意外掉下平衡木并没有挡住中国女子体操队夺金的步伐。中国队最终得分比世锦赛冠军美国队高出2.375分。2004年雅典奥运会冠军罗马尼亚队获得铜牌。

64、Japanese exports fell 45.7 per cent in January, eclipsing a 35 per cent drop in December and big declines last month for Taiwan and South Korea. ─── 日本出口1月份下跌45.7%,令去年12月35%的跌幅及台湾和韩国上个月的巨大跌幅都相形见绌。

65、Of the major economies, powerhouse China is seen as having the best shot at eclipsing the United States as the world's largest market. ─── 所有主要经济体中,中国被视为最有可能取代美国成为世界最大的市场。

66、eclipsing component star ─── 主食子星

67、From the end of Ming to that of Qing, it was brought to a conclusion eclipsing. ─── 在元代到明中叶达到兴盛,从明末到清末进入它的总结时期,走向衰落。

68、partially eclipsing binary ─── 偏食双星

69、Called the Eclipsing of the red man and his white wife, ─── 呼叫了红色的男人和他的白色太太的引起日蚀人,

70、eclipsing star ─── 主食星

71、The painting of his son soon became his most prized possession, far eclipsing any interest in the pieces for which museums around the world clamored. ─── 儿子的画像很快成为他最有价值的拥有,远远超出了他对全世界那些博物馆所拼命争抢的艺术品的兴趣。

72、Algol-type eclipsing variable ─── 大陵食变量

73、A backyard telescope pointed at Mars on August 27th may reveal vast clouds of dust partially eclipsing some of the planet's familiar surface markings. ─── 后院瞄准火星的望远镜在八月 27 日可能显示灰尘的巨大云部份地引起日蚀一些行星的熟悉表面的印记。

74、in eclipsing ─── 蚀

75、So we were having a party, as you can see they're completely eclipsing me at this point. ─── (这张照片中)我们在聚会,显而易见在这时候他们已经完全把我比下去了。

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