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09-13 投稿



dawdling 发音

英:[?d??dl??]  美:[?d??dl??]

英:  美:

dawdling 中文意思翻译




dawdling 短语词组

1、dawdling dora ─── 懒洋洋的朵拉

2、dawdling defined ─── 磨蹭定义

3、dawdling definition ─── 磨蹭的定义

4、god dawdling ─── 上帝在磨蹭

5、dawdling crossword ─── 游手好闲的填字 ─── 游戏

6、dawdling meaning ─── 磨蹭的意思

7、dawdling means ─── 磨蹭的手段

8、dawdling define ─── 懒散的定义

dawdling 词性/词形变化,dawdling变形

动词过去式: dawdled |动词现在分词: dawdling |名词: dawdler |动词过去分词: dawdled |副词: dawdlingly |动词第三人称单数: dawdles |

dawdling 相似词语短语

1、daddling ─── v.浪费时间,拖延;闲逛(同dawdle);n.手;拳头(方言)

2、dawding ─── 黎明

3、dawdlings ─── adj.懒散的;闲逛的;v.虚度光阴;闲混(dawdle的ing形式)

4、dawdlingly ─── 慢吞吞地。

5、bardling ─── n.青年吟游诗人

6、daidling ─── 戏弄

7、addling ─── vt.使腐坏;使混乱;vi.变质;变混乱;adj.腐坏的;糊涂的,昏乱的

8、dandling ─── v.摇逗(放在膝上的孩子);上下轻摇;宠溺,纵容

9、bawling ─── vi.大叫;放声痛哭;vt.大声叫出;大声宣布;叫卖;n.叫骂声

dawdling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、1. Stop dawdling and hurry up: we're late. ─── 别磨磨蹭蹭了,快点儿吧:咱们晚了.

2、Dawdling on the way to work. ─── 在去上班的路上闲逛

3、"Upon my word," he said, "I begin to think that I ought to have pursued my profession, instead of dawdling my life away as I have done. ─── “暧呀,”他说,“我开始想到我应该认真从事我律师的业务,不要象我从前那样游手好闲地浪费生命了。”

4、Stop dawdling and hurry up ! ─── 别磨磨蹭蹭了,快点儿吧!

5、Stop dawdling! We're going to be late! ─── 别磨蹭了,咱们快迟到了!

6、Things had been dawdling. ─── 她说:“我们希望借此重新启动谈判。

7、But it's disconcerting to see so much dawdling in an industry with so much incentive to act. ─── 可是,看到一个拥有如此多采取行动动机的行业还在如此拖延,实在令人不安。

8、Stop dawdling and get going. ─── 别磨蹭了,快走吧。

9、Keywords Atmosphere Dawdling amount Flow meter; ─── 气氛;耗量;流量计;

10、You are always dawdling . ─── 你总是泡蘑菇。

11、Rather than continuing dawdling diplomacy it would be prudent for the US to embrace a cease-fire. ─── 相对于继续拖延时间的外交斡旋,对美国来说实现停火是个更谨慎的选择。

12、Xiao has been estranged from his roommate and former buddy because he was short-tempered with him for dawdling before leaving for classes. ─── 肖已经和他以前的好朋友兼室友疏远了,因为室友去上课之前磨磨蹭蹭让他受不了。

13、My observation at soccer stadiums.If you quit dawdling and just turn to, the cleaning will be done in a day. ─── 如果你停止闲逛,马上开始工作,清洁工作一天就能做完。

14、Stop dawdling and finish your work! ─── 别瞎泡了,快把工作做完!

15、Dawdling can rust our wisdom. ─── 游手好闲会使人心智生锈。

16、Sports make the oxygen dawdling amount and the fat quality oxidative rate increase, the body anti - oxidant ability and the red cell membranes fluidity decrease. ─── 运动增加了氧耗量,导致机体抗氧化能力的下降以及脂质过氧化机率的提高,同时还降低了红细胞膜的流动性。

17、There had been other signs: I’m dawdling past a hot dog stand in Central Park, sweat-drenched after a run, when the vendor calls out: “A cold drink for you, sir? ─── 也有其他迹象:我跑完步满身大汗地经过中央公园一家热狗摊,摊主冲我吆喝道:“先生,来一杯冷饮吧?”

18、And it amazes him how I'm forever dawdling with my coffee and misplacing it at job sites. ─── 而且看着我慢吞吞地喝着咖啡,在工地随便乱放,也弄得他无可奈何。

19、The sight of Tom Slattery dawdling on his neighbors' porches, begging cotton seed for planting or a side of bacon to “tide him over,” was a familiar one. ─── 汤姆?斯莱特里在邻居家的走廊上赖着不走,向人家讨棉花籽儿下种,或者要一块腌肉去"对付一顿",他使出自己的一点点力起来憎恨邻居们,感到他们在客气底下暗藏着轻蔑;

20、Merkel had been put under extra pressure to reach a speedy solution after coming under attack from the US for damaging dawdling. ─── 默克尔一直承受着巨大压力,美国攻击说欧洲反应太慢,需要迅速拿出解决方案。

21、Pearl, a pig, is dawdling on her way home from school when she makes the acquaintance of a small, and very friendly, bone ─── 图书性质:全价/非现货图书(想了解什么是非现货图书,请点击这里)

22、Stop dawdling and help me with these suitcases. ─── 别偷懒了,快来帮我拿这些手提箱吧。

23、Finding the right tempo is very important with Short passing, because if you use too slow tempo, you will often get caught dawdling on the ball. ─── 如果你用的是比较慢的比赛节奏,你常常会被球所拖累。

24、The result was a draw in a predictable and mostly dawdling debate, but that undoubtedly suits Mr Obama much better. ─── 结果是预料之内的平局,并且在大部分时间里是没有激情的辩论,但这毫无疑问更对奥巴马更有利。

25、Come along now, let's have no more dawdling ─── 好了,快走吧!我们不要再耽搁了。

26、When will you ever be able to finish, if you go on dawdling like this? ─── 如果你这么泡蘑菇,什么时候才完得了?

27、I was dawdling about the stage entrance, hoping vaguely for a casual brush with one of the butterflies, when an open truck pulls up to the sidewalk. ─── 我正在舞台入口处闲荡,希冀同某个女演员不期而遇,这时一部敞开的卡车在人行道上停住了。

28、It never occurred to me whether I had been dawdling time away during the past years, or maybe I have lost interest in such questions. ─── 我从没有想过这几年我有没有浪费的渡过,或许这种问题,对我已经再也提不起兴趣。

29、rather a curious fellow too, with a fund of sly wit and quiet humor, under his listless, dawdling, indifferent, irresolute manner. ─── 而且还是一个喜欢寻根究底的人,在他那无精打采的、虚度光阴的、漠不关心的、踌躇不决的态度之下,却储藏着狡猾的机智和文静的幽默。

30、He has been dawdling his time away. ─── 他中直在虚度光阴。

31、Stop dawdling and hurry up: we're late. ─── 别磨磨蹭蹭了,快点儿吧: 咱们晚了。

32、4.Stop dawdling away your homework. ─── 快把作业做好,别拖拉了。

33、Stop dawdling and do something useful! ─── 不要闲逛了,做点有益的事情吧。

34、It seems says : “Why are you still dawdling as you have to hand in tomorrow?”Then I opened it slowly with red pen in hand. ─── 我死死盯着它,它也了无生气地还我以颜色,怎地,明天交稿,你还磨蹭什么?!

35、You are always dawdling. ─── 你总是泡蘑菇。

36、The result was a draw in a predictable and mostly dawdling debate, but that undoubtedly suits Mr Obama much better. ─── 结果是预料之内的平局,并且在大部分时间里是没有激情的辩论,但这毫无疑问更对奥巴马更有利。

37、"Why are we dawdling?" he bellowed. The command ship blurred forward to superluminal speed. ─── “我们在磨蹭什么?”他怒吼道。指挥舰变得模糊起来,进入了超光速状态。

38、She doesn't get her work done because she's always dawdling. ─── 她没做完,总是磨洋工。

39、If you go on dawdling like this, when will you ever be able to finish? ─── 你这么抠抠搜搜的, 什么时候能干完呢?

40、Stop dawdling! We're going to be late! ─── 别磨蹭了,咱们快迟到了!

41、Stop dawdling and get going. ─── 别耗着了,快走吧。

42、The camel is dawdling along the sandy path. ─── 骆驼沿着沙径懒洋洋地走着。

43、Adopt the hot technology of compressing smoke and suck the steam some two times can economize the amount of dawdling steam . ─── 采用热压缩技术,抽吸部分二次蒸汽,可节约生蒸汽耗量。

44、Stop dawdling and do some- thing useful. ─── 不要闲荡了,做点儿有益的事吧。

45、After dawdling for a few months, the owners jumped to action, the hard way. ─── 荒废了几个月后,新老板们突然开始行动,以一种强硬的方式。

46、If you quit dawdling and just turn to, the cleaning will be done in a day. ─── 如果你停止闲逛,马上开始工作,清洁工作一天就能做完

47、Frivolous spending of time; dawdling. ─── 放荡度日;虚掷光阴

48、rather a curious fellow too, with a fund of sly wit and quiet humor, under his listless, dawdling , indifferent, irresolute manner. ─── 而且还是一个喜欢寻根究底的人,在他那无精打采的、虚度光阴的、漠不关心的、踌躇不决的态度之下,却储藏着狡猾的机智和文静的幽默。

49、But Ping is totally different.He is “dead already” at first;a beau dawdling the hours away, until he is awakened by Fanyi’s passion. ─── 但是话说回来,昆曲的曲调又是相对固定的,作曲这方面没有太多发挥的余地。

50、When will you ever be able to finish the work if you go on dawdling like this? ─── 你这样磨蹭,哪辈子才能干完?

51、Stop dawdling, keep revising, as examination is approaching. ─── 考试在即温功课,宝贵时光莫蹉跎。

52、As a rule they spent a part of every Sabbath--after morning service-- in this sumptuous home, the rest of it they spent in Europe, or in dawdling around in their private yacht. ─── 按照惯例,每逢安息日晨祷过后,他们在这所豪宅里消磨一部分时光,其他时间花在欧洲,或者花在优哉游哉的私人游艇上。

53、No more dawdling now. Move your ass. High gear, gentlemen, high gear. ─── 别再磨磨蹭蹭了。快走。开高速档啊,先生们,高速档。

54、The cow was dawdling the fields. ─── 牛在田野里游荡。

55、Stop dawdling and hurry up we're late. ─── 别磨磨蹭蹭了,快点儿吧咱们晚了.

56、Strolling through the women's section of a Tokyo department store, dawdling university freshman Jiro (Keisuke Koide) meets a lovely grinning young lady. ─── 大一新生次郎(小出惠介饰演)在东京一家百货公司的女士商品部闲逛。在这里,他遇到了一位可爱的,笑容满面的年轻女孩子。

57、dawdling the hours away. ─── 一小时一小时地浪费掉

58、Many of us often spend their Sunday in dawdling away. ─── 我们很少能从星期日的宝贵时光中获得益处。

59、Studying of the Correspondence of the Dawdling Amount of Fuel and of Meteorological Conditions Outdoors ─── 供暖燃料耗量与气象条件相随性研究

60、On 57 minutes, Quaresma became the first Porto booking for dawdling over a free-kick. ─── 在57分钟时,Quaresma由于在处理罚球时拖延时间而为成第一位被黄牌警告的波尔图球员。

61、They had been dawdling over the dishes, and their eyes had frequently met. ─── 吃饭时,他们一直在慢慢地消磨时间。

62、I've yet to see him dithering and dawdling over anything! ─── 我从没见过他办一件事要花半天工夫!

63、Common signs that this is happening are players dawdling on the ball when seemingly under little pressure or seeing a lot of players with short passing instructions banging it long. ─── 这种情况发生的最普通的标志,就是当球员似乎处于无压力的情况下浪费机会,或者看到很多有短传指令的球员却长传。

64、It was all because of your dawdling that we were late. ─── 都是你老磨蹭, 害得我们迟到了。

65、But low speed dawdling is not at all what this bike is about, is it? ─── 但低速顸,是不是这回事,这是自行车约,是吗?

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