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09-13 投稿


crampon 发音

英:[?kr?mpɑ?n]  美:[?kr?mp?n]

英:  美:

crampon 中文意思翻译




crampon 网络释义

n. 鞋底钉;攀登用鞋底钉;铁钩n. (Crampon)人名;(法)克朗蓬

crampon 词性/词形变化,crampon变形


crampon 短语词组

1、crampon boots ─── 铁爪靴

2、buffet crampon ─── 自助餐冰壶

3、crampon bag ─── 克拉彭包

4、crampon bar ─── 冰壶酒吧

5、crampon bible ─── 克拉彭圣经

6、crampon bail ─── 克拉彭保释金

7、crampon type ─── 冰爪型

crampon 相似词语短语

1、campos ─── n.热带草原;n.(Campos)人名;(法、西、葡、英)坎波斯

2、crampons ─── n.攀岩用鞋底钉;[机]起重吊钩;(防滑的)带钉鞋底

3、cramped ─── adj.狭窄的;难懂的;难辨的;v.用夹钳夹;约束(cramp的过去分词)

4、cramponed ─── 抽筋的

5、cramp ─── n.痉挛,绞痛;[五金]铁夹钳;vt.束缚,限制;使…抽筋;以铁箍扣紧;adj.狭窄的;难解的;受限制的;n.(Cramp)人名;(英)克兰普

6、campong ─── n.部落(等于kampong)

7、cramper ─── 抽筋

8、crambo ─── n.对韵游戏;韵语

9、cramping ─── n.图象压缩,夹压

crampon 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、During the descent, the rope got stuck in Pasangs crampon and was torn away from his pack and fell down the abyss. ─── 在下撤过程中,绳索钩住了帕桑的冰爪;冰爪从他的背包上被扯下来掉到了深渊里。

2、It features the new La Sportiva?MPE sole, suitable for the step-in crampon system. ─── 最新的MPE专利鞋底,可轻松卡上冰爪,不易型变。

3、The tool and crampon attachment systems are clean and foolproof: tool tubes with buckles, crampons strap securely between the tubes. ─── 结果这是唯一一个包会在挂某些弯曲小冰镐时碰到问题。

4、Furthermore, there are no ice-axe lash straps included (just loops) and no crampon attachment system. ─── 更多的是,没有冰镐固定带(只有环),没有冰爪固定系统。

5、In the spring of 2007, Buffet Crampon (Beijing) Co., Ltd. was set up in China. ─── 其生产的木管系列产品为全世界专业音乐家的首选之一。

6、As you know, Buffet Crampon always works on new model to improve the keyworksand the tuning in each instrument. ─── 正如大家所知,布菲公司一直都在开发新产品以提升每种乐器的按键体系和音质。

7、ski crampon ─── 制滑铁

8、A climbing iron; a crampon. ─── 向上攀爬用的尖铁钉

9、crampon strap ─── 冰抓缚带

10、Passang had only one crampon . ─── 帕桑只剩下一只冰爪了。


12、Given the weather, a dysfunctional crampon, and running low on fuel, we were unable to make a second attempt at the summit. ─── 由于天气转坏,性能不良的冰爪,缺少高山燃气和食品,我们无法试试第二次登顶。

13、I used thin rope to temporarily fasten my crampon back on my boot and the two of us slowly continued back to the tent, Liu Yong using what little of the moonlight he could to feel his way. ─── 只好用了附绳临时把冰爪绑上去,我们俩又开始慢慢地走回帐篷,刘勇在微弱的月亮下摸回去。

14、axe and crampon work ─── 冰镐铁爪作业

15、It's very important for student to start with right instrument with good tuning and make sure that Buffet Crampon focus a lot on it. ─── 我们认为对于刚开始学习单簧管的学生而言,使用一支音准标准的单簧管十分重要,布菲十分关注这点。

16、Given the weather, a dysfunctional crampon, and running low on fuel, we were unable to make a second attempt at the summit. ─── 由于天气转坏,性能不良的冰爪,缺少高山燃气和食品,我们无法试试第二次登顶。

17、A device, such as a crampon, used in mountain climbing. ─── 鞋钉,助爬器一种设备(例如尖铁钉),在爬山中使用

18、Buffet Crampon was established in 1825, located in Paris, France, with a history of more than 180 years. ─── 布菲公司创建于1825年,总部设在法国巴黎,至今已有180多年的历史。

19、Main products of Buffet Crampon are include: clarinets, oboes and brass instruments at all kinds of levels. ─── 目前公司主要销售的产品包括各个级别的单簧管、双簧管以及铜管。

20、foot onto vague terrain and using the points differently allow one to pull with crampon rather than simply push. ─── 脚提到一个不明情况的脚点和利用不同的齿点使人有时候带着冰爪做牵引动作,而不只是简单的推进。

21、It's very important for student to start with right instrument with good tuning and make sure that Buffet Crampon focus a lot on it. ─── 我们认为对于刚开始学习单簧管的学生而言,使用一支音准标准的单簧管十分重要,布菲十分关注这点。

22、Kent: Well, if worse comes to worst, I can always pry her off the rock with a crampon. ─── 肯特:我看这可不行,我用钩子把她从岩石上钩起来。

23、10.The crampon can also be used for counter balance or by hooking with the heel behind icicles or in holes in the ice. ─── 冰爪有时用来做反平衡或用脚后跟钩在冰柱上,或者放进冰上的小孔内。

24、Heel counter and front clip for easy crampon fitting. ─── 登山这双鞋比较适合,鞋舌和鞋帮完全由皮面连接。

25、6. A device, such as a crampon, used in mountain climbing. ─── 鞋钉,助爬器一种设备(例如尖铁钉),在爬山中使用收藏指正

26、Lifting the foot onto vague terrain and using the points differently allow one to pull with crampon rather than simply push. ─── 同样的,冰爪和传统的比起来也有很大的不同,得到了发展使他们能够用于这种地形,例如:带前齿的冰爪使垂直冰面踢冰穿透冰壁成为可能。

27、As you know, Buffet Crampon always works on new model to improve the keyworksand the tuning in each instrument. ─── 正如大家所知,布菲公司一直都在开发新产品以提升每种乐器的按键体系和音质。

28、crampon cable fasterner ─── 冰抓绳钩扣

29、The skeptics countered by pointing out the shortcomings of the tool and crampon attachment scheme; ─── 复杂工具和冰爪附挂系统成了批评家的借口。

30、During the descent, the rope got stuck in Pasangs crampon and was torn away from his pack and fell down the abyss. ─── 在下撤过程中,绳索钩住了帕桑的冰爪;冰爪从他的背包上被扯下来掉到了深渊里。

31、Most technical ice crampons have vertical front points that look like the pick of an ice tool rather than the front points of a mountaineering crampon. ─── 攀冰也是冬天的传统项目,不过对器材的要求非常高,也是一项比较花费大的运动项目,这里简单介绍下攀冰器材的选择。

32、On snowslopes, beware of soft, sticky snow that balls up between crampon points, transforming them into roller skates in a matter of seconds. ─── 在雪坡上,小心软而粘的雪沾到冰爪齿间,经过一段时间会变的硬而且滑。

33、The crampon can also be used for counter balance or by hooking with the heel behind icicles or in holes in the ice. ─── 冰爪有时用来做反平衡或用脚后跟钩在冰柱上,或者放进冰上的小孔内。

34、Just below the last rappel Liu Yong's headlamp ran out of battery power and my crampon came loose (a part had fallen off). ─── 下降的最后一段时间里,刘勇的头灯没电了和我的冰爪从鞋脱离(一个配件掉了)。

35、crampon work ─── 冰爪技术

36、Although they resemble approach shoes, they have the grip of a honed crampon. ─── 仅管这双鞋看起来相似于其它鞋子,但却具有如同钉鞋般好的抓地力。

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