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09-13 投稿


festoons 发音

英:[fe?stu?nz]  美:[fe?stu?nz]

英:  美:

festoons 中文意思翻译




festoons 短语词组

1、festoons bags ─── 花彩袋

2、festoons crossword clue ─── 花哨纵横字谜线索

3、festoons of holly ─── 冬青花彩

4、festoons eye ─── 花彩眼

5、festoons and falls ─── 花彩和瀑布

6、festoons of ─── 花饰

7、festoons eyelid ─── 花彩眼睑

8、festoons icd ─── 花彩icd

festoons 词性/词形变化,festoons变形

动词第三人称单数: festoons |动词过去分词: festooned |动词过去式: festooned |动词现在分词: festooning |

festoons 相似词语短语

1、festoon ─── vt.结彩于;[建]以花彩装饰;n.花彩;[建]花彩装饰物

2、festoonery ─── n.花彩装饰,彩饰

3、testons ─── n.头像硬币(正面印有人头之欧洲古银币)

4、testoon ─── 睾丸

5、bosthoons ─── n.乡巴佬

6、festooned ─── vt.结彩于;[建]以花彩装饰;n.花彩;[建]花彩装饰物

7、testoons ─── 测试管

8、festooning ─── vt.结彩于;[建]以花彩装饰;n.花彩;[建]花彩装饰物

9、sestons ─── n.浮游物;[海洋]悬浮物

festoons 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At eight in the evening the schoolhouse was brilliantly lighted, and adorned with wreaths and festoons of foliage and flowers. ─── 教室里灯火辉煌,挂着花环和彩带,彩带上扎着叶子和花朵。

2、cable festoon ─── 拖链装置

3、The decorations of evergreen trees and festoons threw off a pungent aroma that suggested a Sunday-school Christmas festival ─── 那些常绿树和花彩装饰品发出一股浓郁的芳香,叫人想起主日学校里的圣诞庆祝会。

4、to festoon a hall ─── 给大厅结彩

5、driver's festoon ─── 驾驶室半圆顶灯罩

6、hang festoons on. ─── 挂花饰于用或好似用花彩装饰;

7、festoon dryer ─── 长环悬挂烘燥机

8、He set festoons like in the Holy of holies, at the tops of the pillars, and a hundred pomegranates which he placed on the festoons. ─── 又作了一百个石榴,悬在花环上。

9、Having plunged into the commercial sea in three of the south, has decorated with colored silk festoons in the station square, green hill color is not changed after all, Shijiazhuang drag. ─── 南三条里下过海,车站广场挂过彩,青山颜色终不改,石家庄人就是拽。

10、A detected error will then result in the web being gathered back into the festoon system where the error is positioned upon the inspection table for rectification. ─── 阿发现错误然后将结果在网上收集到的绳系统的定位误差时圆桌会议的检查整顿。

11、McCall festoon ─── 麦考尔龈缘弯肿

12、To decorate with or as if with festoons;hang festoons on. ─── 用花彩装饰;挂花饰于用或好似用花彩装饰;挂花饰于

13、They tend to emerge at dawn and dusk, to feed on the lichens which festoon these forest hideaways. ─── 它们只喜欢在清晨和傍晚露面,以林荫处的苔藓为食。

14、Dense festoons of greenish-gray hairlike flexuous strands anchored to tree trunks and branches by sparse wiry roots,southeastern United States and West Indies to South America. ─── 一种附生植物,在多种乔木的树干和枝丫上形成灰绿色头发状、一束束的悬垂丛,生长于美国的东南部和西印度至南美地区。

15、festoon drying ─── 吊挂干燥

16、decorate with coloured silk festoons; decorate for festive occasions ─── 挂彩

17、LED bulb,LED spotlight,LED auto lamp,LED Amusement lamp,LED candle lamp,LED Tailllight,LED indicator lamp,LED festoon,LED signal light,Energy saving lamp, ─── LED球泡,射灯,汽车灯,蜡烛灯,娱乐灯,壁灯,小夜灯,指示灯,仪表灯,刹车灯,转向灯,尾灯,节能灯

18、The decorations of evergreen trees and festoons threw off a pungent aroma that suggested a Sunday-school Christmas festival. ─── 那些常绿树和花彩装饰品发出一股浓郁的芳香,叫人想起主日学校里的圣诞庆祝会。

19、Long graceful ropes of ivy and grapevine and smilax were hung everywhere, in looping festoons on the walls, draped above the windows, twined in scallops all over the brightly colored cheesecloth booths. ─── 到处垂挂着长串的常春藤、葡萄藤和牛尾藤,在墙壁上围成花环,在窗户上变为翠绿的流苏,在所有用色彩鲜艳的粗布围着的摊位上则盘成扇形的图案。

20、The festoons of Japanese lanterns in and aroud the barn were not yet lighted, but some halfdozen lamps, with great tin reflectors, that hung against the walls were burning low. ─── 马房内外那一串串日本灯笼还没有点上,可是有五、六盏挂在墙上的灯,灯上装着巨大的白铁反光板,已经点亮了,光度很弱。

21、Hang up red festoons in snow the lantern, sees next year atmosphere. ─── 首页>>风景名胜>>雪中挂红灯笼,看到过年气氛。

22、At eight in the evening the schoolhouse was brilliantly lighted, and adorned with wreaths and festoons of foliage and flowers. ─── 教室里灯火辉煌,挂着花环和彩带,彩带上扎着叶子和花朵。

23、The whole room is gay with festoons. ─── 整个房间用花彩装饰,充满了喜庆之气。

24、McCall's festoon ─── 麦考尔(氏)龈缘弯肿:前庭面龈缘的救生圈样肿大, 最常见于尖牙和前磨牙

25、Reach for light adorn with festoons, wel-come good fortune happily arrive New Year, set off firecrackers, wish the beautiful year in and year out, happiness. ─── 新年来到,张灯结彩双喜迎接福临家门。燃放爆竹,祈望年年美好快乐。

26、gingival festoon ─── 牙龈彩突

27、festoon ,of paper, paperboard, cotton wool etc., for use as christmas decorations ─── 圣诞节装饰用彩旗,纸、纸板和棉绒等制

28、The pendulous festoons of blue green blossoms are spectacular when viewed from below. ─── 它那一串串的蓝绿色花序从下面望去极为壮观。

29、The paper is looped over these spars in long festoons. ─── 纸圈挂在这些桅杆上,形成许多长条的花彩。

30、Spanish Festoon ─── 红星花凤蝶(凤蝶科)

31、There were a thousand things to prepare for the bride, and red sashes and colored festoons of silk and big lanterns to be hung up, and the bridegroom’s rooms to be decorated. ─── 桌子,蜡签儿,脸盆,痰盂,平亚床上的帐幔,被褥,除去他还躺在上面的床,可以说件件要换新。五月节大门上换的艾蒲也要拿下来,在原地方儿与门框上要挂上红彩绸。

32、festoon rack ─── 挂布架

33、festoon curve ─── 尖浪形曲线

34、festoon drapery ─── 带穗花缎窗帘

35、Overhead was the week's washing, hanging in festoons so low that Martin did not see at first the two men talking in a corner. ─── 一周来的衣服洗过了,像万国旗一样低低地晾在屋里,马丁刚进来时竟没看见有两个人在一个角落里谈话。

36、festoon lighting ─── 灯彩

37、festoon light ─── 彩灯

38、Site Festoon Lighting"," ─── 工地彩灯"

39、A representation of such a wreath or festoon, used as an architectural ornament or a heraldic device. ─── 花冠,华饰此种花环或花圈的象征,用来作为建筑上的装饰品或纹章的小饰物

40、McCall's festoon instrument ─── 麦考尔(氏)龈缘点彩形成器

41、To decorate with or as if with festoons; hang festoons on. ─── 用或好似用花彩装饰;挂花饰于

42、To decorate with or as if with festoons; hang festoons on. ─── 用或好似用花彩装饰;挂花饰于

43、At eight in the evening the schoolhouse was brilliantly lighted, and adorned with wreaths and festoons of foliage and flowers. ─── 晚上八点,教室里灯火辉煌,装饰着树叶和鲜花编成的花环和彩带。

44、The paper is looped over these spars in long festoons. ─── 纸圈挂在这些桅杆上, 形成许多长条的花彩。

45、the two large windows, with their blinds always drawn down, were half shrouded in festoons and falls of similar drapery; ─── 除非盖茨黑德府上偶而拥进一大群客人时,才有必要动用全部房间。

46、To remember this true love, the Ancient Greeks made crocus garland to festoon marriage feasts and strew on the bridal bed. ─── 为了纪念这一真爱,古希腊人将藏红花做成花环装饰婚宴,点缀婚床。

47、festoon loop washer for piece-goods ─── 悬环式布匹洗涤机

48、I like speaking used telephone. Festoons of words ─── 免提电话

49、Control System of Full-automated Vermicelli Festoon Machine ─── 全自动粉丝挂杆机控制系统

50、festoon; paper garland ─── 纸拉花

51、The technology of pipe reactor for sulfuric acid and ammonia consists of a festoon single pipe reactor changed from the TVA embedding double pipe reactor for sulfuric acid and ammonia. ─── 硫酸、氨管式反应器技术是将TVA埋床式硫酸、氨双管改为悬挂式单管道反应器。

52、The shop is newly opened and the shop front is decorated with festoons. ─── 这店新开张,门口结了彩。

53、There were a thousand things to prepare for the bride, and red sashes and colored festoons of silk and big lanterns to be hung up, and the bridegroom's rooms to be decorated. ─── 千百件为新娘的事在等着办,红带子,丝绸彩饰,红灯笼都要悬挂,新郎的屋子要装饰。

54、Behind him, an assortment of wooden Christmas ornaments festoons the inn's aged door. ─── 在他身后的客栈门﹐古老陈旧﹐挂满了各式各样的木制圣诞饰物。

55、To decorate with or as if with festoons; ─── 用花彩装饰;

56、Each pendent twig and leafy festoon was in a blaze ─── 每根悬挂着的细枝和每一串树叶都在燃烧。

57、Mecarll's festoon ─── [医] 梅卡耳氏突彩

58、A wreath or festoon, especially one of plaited flowers or leaves, worn on the body or draped as a decoration. ─── 花环一种花冠或花圈,尤其是一种由花或树叶编成的,戴在身上或挂着的装饰品

59、festoon cooler ─── 悬挂式冷却装置

60、The Festoon ─── 斜纹刺蛾(刺蛾科)

61、festoon steamer ─── 悬挂式蒸化机

62、Huge banners festoon the warehouse walls listing the company's Six Core Values( " Customer obsession, ownership, bias for action, frugality, high hiring bar and innovation "). ─── 仓库四周彩旗飘扬,公司的六大经营宗旨映入人们的眼帘(一心为客户、共同拥有、实干、节约、聘用高素质人才、创新)。

63、To form or make into festoons. ─── 扎成或制成花彩

64、Sell LED S25,T Series,Festoon,Flux,etc. ─── 出售率领s25,t系列,花彩,通量等。

65、festoon tank ─── 带加强缘条的油箱

66、festoon islands ─── 花彩列岛

67、festoon drier ─── 悬挂式干燥室

68、Crater Cluster Festoon Flow Diagram ─── 多火山口岩浆流动素描地图

69、to festoon ─── 结彩

70、On the bed lay the apple-green, watered-silk ball dress with its festoons of ecru lace, neatly packed in a large cardboard box. ─── "她床上一个匣子里放着一件苹果绿的镶着淡褐色边的纹绸舞衣,折叠得整整嬷嬷。

71、festoons of words ─── 在字面上兜圈子

72、An arrangement of festoons. ─── 彩饰花彩的布置

73、involved phraseology; festoons of words ─── 字面上兜圈子

74、festoon ,of paper, paperboard, cotton wool etc., for use as carnival decorations ─── 化装舞会装饰用彩旗,纸、纸板和棉绒等制

75、My lady smiled as she looked at the festoons and furbelows which met her eye upon every side. ─── 爵士夫人瞧着到处都落在她眼睛里的花彩和饰褶,微笑了。

76、festoon cross-stratificatio ─── 花彩弧状交错层理

77、"festoon:a string or garland, as of leaves or flowers, suspended in a loop or curve between two points." ─── "花彩,花环:如叶或花的两端悬挂在圆环或曲状物中的线或花彩."

78、The streets were all decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the place reechoed with the sound of gongs and drums. ─── 街头到处张灯结彩, 锣鼓喧天。

79、The hall was decorated with festoons. ─── 大厅里装点着花彩。

80、Façades have been painted, streets swept and banners festoon the city: “Goodbye, conflict: welcome, development”. ─── 柱子重新喷刷,大街被清理得干干净净,横幅悬挂城中:再见战争,欢迎发展。

81、festoon cross-bedding ─── 花彩交错层理

82、The festoons of Japanese lanterns in and around the barn were not yet lighted, but some halfdozen lamps, with great tin reflectors, that hung against the walls were burning low. ─── 马房内外那一串串日本灯笼还没有点上,可是有五、六盏挂在墙上的灯,灯上装着巨大的白铁反光板,已经点亮了,光度很弱。

83、5. dense festoons of greenish-gray hairlike flexuous strands anchored to tree trunks and branches by sparse wiry roots; southeastern United States and West Indies to South America. ─── 一种附生植物,在多种乔木的树干和枝丫上形成灰绿色头发状、一束束的悬垂丛;生长于美国的东南部和西印度至南美地区。

84、a wreath or festoon,especially one of plaited flowers or leaves,worn on the body or draped as a decoration ─── 一种花冠或花圈,尤其是一种由花或树叶编成的,戴在身上或挂着的装饰品

85、the two large windows, with their blinds always drawn down, were half shrouded in festoons and falls of similar drapery;the carpet was red; ─── 两扇终日窗帘紧闭的大窗,半掩在清一色织物制成的流苏之中。

86、hang up festoons ─── 扎彩

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