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09-13 投稿


declaimer 发音

英:[d??kle?m?r]  美:[d??kle?m?(r)]

英:  美:

declaimer 中文意思翻译



declaimer 相似词语短语

1、acclaimer ─── 喝彩者

2、declarer ─── n.(桥牌)定约人;宣告者;宣誓者

3、reclaimer ─── [计]回收程序;回收装置

4、claimer ─── n.申请者;索赔人

5、declaims ─── vi.慷慨陈词;演讲;朗读;vt.演讲;慷慨激昂地发表

6、declaimed ─── vi.慷慨陈词;演讲;朗读;vt.演讲;慷慨激昂地发表

7、reclaimers ─── [计]回收程序;回收装置

8、disclaimer ─── n.不承诺,免责声明;放弃,拒绝

9、declaim ─── vi.慷慨陈词;演讲;朗读;vt.演讲;慷慨激昂地发表

declaimer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、6.To speak at great length, often in a grandiloquent manner;declaim. ─── 高谈阔论经常以夸张的口气做长篇演讲;

2、To orate affectedly; declaim. ─── 宣称有感染力地演说;宣布

3、To speak or declaim in a violent,loud,or vehement manner;rave. ─── 大叫大嚷,夸夸其谈用粗野的,极大的声音或粗野的态度说话或下结论;大声责骂

4、It's all very well for you to declaim that I should take pleasure in creating elegant and charming programs, but how am I supposed to make this mess into a work of art? ─── 你说过我应该在创作优雅和迷人的程序的过程中找到快乐,可我现在该如何将这些乱七八糟的东西变成艺术品?”

5、To speak or declaim in a violent, loud, or vehement manner; rave. ─── 大叫大嚷,夸夸其谈用粗野的,极大的声音或粗野的态度说话或下结论;大声责骂

6、read aloud with expression; recite; declaim ─── 朗诵

7、To speak at great length,often in a grandiloquent manner;declaim. ─── 高谈阔论经常以夸张的口气做长篇演讲;声明

8、"I hate Diderot,he is an ideologist, a declaimer, and a revolutionist, a believer in God at bottom, and more bigoted than Voltaire ─── “我恨狄德罗,他是个空想家,大言不惭,还搞革命,实际上却信仰上帝,比伏尔泰更着迷。

9、Such, for example, is the labour of the musical performer, the actor, the public declaimer or reciter, and the showman. ─── 例如乐师、戏剧演员、朗诵或吟诵演员和节目主持人的劳动就是如此。

10、Comparing to the case of News’ announce speech, the IP in prose declaim speech even contains more intermediate units. ─── 为此,可以通过以下几个主要步骤来达到增进自然度的目的。

11、to declaim a speech ─── 慷慨激昂地发表演说

12、53.It is possibly a sign of humility to declaim relationship palace asaleofficialtst pride. ─── 用慷慨激昂的言语攻击傲慢并不那样谦逊的标志。

13、to declaim in a singsong. ─── 歌舞会上朗诵。

14、I know not who has recently discovered that Tacitus was a declaimer, that Nero was a victim, and that pity is decidedly due to "that poor Holofernes. ─── 东西两地的妇女都一样扼腕呼天,一方面是波涛,一方面是黄土,这里水淹,那边土掩,无独有偶,惨绝人寰。

15、This England actress in 34 years old, who act Titanic and declaimer, lodge a complaint for this article at once. ─── 文章。这位曾出演《泰坦尼克号》和《朗读者》的34岁英国女星随即对这篇报道提起诉讼。

16、843. It is not a sign of humility to declaim against pride. ─── 叱责傲慢并非是谦逊的标志。

17、To speak at great length, often in a grandiloquent manner; declaim. ─── 高谈阔论经常以夸张的口气做长篇演讲;声明

18、8. Whatsoever is harmonically composed delights in harmony; which makes me much distrust the symmetry of those heads which declaim against all Church-Music. ─── 大凡和谐构成之物,必喜和谐,据此,则彼辈攻击一切教堂音乐者,其头脑之中是否尚有匀称二字,我实不能不深致疑虑。收藏指正

19、Shall I make an oration to the rocks, or declaim to the mountains, and think to move them with arguments? ─── 难道我要向石头演讲,向山宣读,并且期待他们因我的论证而移动吗?

20、to declaim; to present one's views vehemently ─── 慷慨陈词

21、Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and others say it is not clear that speculators are declaim[to blame] for high oil prices. ─── 财政部长,亨利保尔森和其他人说,现在还不清楚投机者为了高油价而受到批评.

22、Charter one is the preface to declaim concisely the research aim and meaning for this thesis. ─── 从库存控制和管理的基本理论介绍开始,分析了供应链管理理论产生的背景和供应链管理的基本理论。

23、This person continued to live in this decaying place, and to declaim in the same strain, refusing for many years to buy a house there, because all was going to destruction; ─── 这个人仍是住在这个衰落败坏的地方,以同一的论调演说。

24、It's estimated that the president might make a declaim. ─── 估计总统即将发表声明。

25、I could declaim over you and shake my head at you. ─── 若是你们处在我的境遇中,我也会说像你们所说的话,也会花言巧语讥笑你们,向你们摇头。

26、declaim against ─── 抗议, 攻击

27、8.Whatsoever is harmonically composed delights in harmony;which makes me much distrust the symmetry of those heads which declaim against all Church-Music. ─── 大凡和谐构成之物,必喜和谐,据此,则彼辈攻击一切教堂音乐者,其头脑之中是否尚有匀称二字,我实不能不深致疑虑。

28、English: It is not a sign of humility to declaim against pride. ─── 中文:叱责傲慢并非是谦逊的标志。

29、he is an ideologist, a declaimer, and a revolutionist, ─── 他是个空想家,大言不惭,还搞革命,

30、to speak at great length,often in a grandiloquent manner; declaim ─── 高谈阔论;经常以夸张的口气做长篇演讲;声明

31、2. to declaim in a singsong. ─── 歌舞会上说、唱、诵。

32、Listen respectfully crosses the person that Tang Jun makes a speech to think he is a declaimer that is full of passion, what the Tang Jun in reality does on detail is better. ─── 聆听过唐骏演讲的人都认为他是个布满激情的演说者,现实中的唐骏在细节上做的更好。

33、It is not a sign of humility to declaim against pride ─── 抨击骄傲并不就是谦虚的标志

34、Declaim against pride is not always a sign of humility. ─── 抨击骄傲未必是谦卑。

35、To declare in a pompous manner; declaim ─── 发表:以庄重的方式说;宣布

36、which makes me much distrust the symmetry of those heads which declaim against all Church-Musick. ─── 至于我自己,我对上述之音乐确实服膺无已,此固与我之虔诚信仰有关,亦系我的特殊禀赋所致;

37、It is not a sign of humility to declaim against pride. ─── 用慷慨激昂的言语攻击傲慢并不是谦逊的标志。

38、to declaim one's poetry ─── 朗诵某人的诗篇

39、declaim v. ─── 朗诵,演讲;

40、Did we let the system only declaim the working daywhich less than 8 hours ? ─── 我们能不能电子表单系统设定工作天的工时少于八小时?

41、Celebrity declaim in Beijing University ─── 名人演讲在北大

42、Fan Bingbing: she and her company, even her whole family declaim here: No facelift ABSOLUTELY! But it is just a joke for audiences. ─── 范冰冰:虽然她和她的公司以及她的全家都跑出来说,“范冰冰绝对没有整过容!”但观众只会把这当成个笑话听听罢了!

43、4 I also could talk as you do, were you in my place. I could declaim over you, or wag my head at you; ─── 若是你们处在我的境遇中,我也会说象你们所说的话,也会花言巧语讥笑你们,向你们摇头。

44、You have seen the rich attacked time and again in newspapers and magazines.You have read numberless articles and editorials against them.You have heard agitators declaim against them by the hour. ─── (你应该在报纸和杂志上不止一次的看到富人被袭事件,你也应该读过不少抨击富人的文章和社论,你还听说过有造谣生事之人谴责富人长达一小时之久。

45、But danger now threatened them from the wind of actors, from the Ignoramuses whom they were wont to regard as barely able to declaim the fine passages written for them by men of letters. ─── 但现在的威胁却来自演员社会,一些向来被他们认为只会照本宣读文人给写下的高雅台词的愚昧分子。

46、Diderot, he is an ideologist, a declaimer, and a revolutionist, a believer in God at bottom, and more bigoted than Voltaire. ─── 我恨狄德罗,他是个空想家,大言不惭,还搞革命,实际上却信仰上帝,比伏尔泰更着迷。

47、It is not sign of humility to declaim against pride. ─── 用慷慨的言语攻击傲慢并不是谦逊的标志。

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