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09-13 投稿



hipping 发音

英:[?h?p??]  美:[?h?p??]

英:  美:

hipping 中文意思翻译



hipping 相似词语短语

1、whipping ─── n.鞭打,笞刑;用来缚扎的绳索;v.鞭打,鞭笞(whip的现在分词)

2、kipping ─── v.睡觉;逃学;住宿(kip的ing形式)

3、chipping ─── v.打破;凿下(碎片);削成;(边缘或表面)剥落;打(或踢)高球;将(土豆等)切条;植入微芯片(chip的现在分词);n.(石或木等)碎屑;(铺路或铁轨用的)碎石;切削

4、dipping ─── v.蘸(dip的现在分词)

5、happing ─── n.机会,运气;偶然;vi.偶然发生;n.(Hap)人名;(柬)哈;(中)洽(广东话·威妥玛)

6、gipping ─── n.吉平(英国地名)

7、hopping ─── adj.积极的,活跃的;忙碌的;暴跳如雷的;adv.极度地;n.单足跳;跳跃;v.(人)单脚跳;(鸟等)齐足跳;跳过,跃过;作快速旅行;快速离开;(快速改变位置等)跳到;跳上(开动的车辆);换来换去;(飞机,渡船)速递;用啤酒花调味;使……兴奋(hop的现在分词形式)

8、shipping ─── n.[船]船舶,船舶吨数;海运;运送;v.运送,乘船(ship的ing形式);n.(Shipping)人名;(英)希平

9、lipping ─── n.唇形变;v.用嘴唇接触;轻轻说出(lip的ing形式)

hipping 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hip hop is my passion! I love to pop and lock and jam and break! ─── 嘻哈是我的热情!我爱摇滚,流行音乐跟霹雳舞!

2、The two of them go about as if they were joined at the hip. ─── 他俩好得像是焊在了一起。

3、Hip abduction pillows were not used routinely in either group. ─── 两组中都没有常规应用外展垫。

4、He emerged with grime on his right sleeve, hip and back. ─── 他出现时,右手袖子上、臀部和背部都沾满污垢。

5、Befitting the film's hip goth vibe, its accompanying soundtrack is sui... ─── 全世界艺术电影原声带...-全世界艺术...

6、Cindy. How long have you been doing Hip Hop? ─── 你跳街舞多久了?

7、Doctors have replaced the top of his hip bone with a metal sphere. ─── 医生用一个金属球体置换了他的股骨头。

8、They are determined to smite the invaders hip and thigh. ─── 他们决心狠狠打击侵略者。

9、Results were similar for BMD for the total hip. ─── 两组的全髋骨密度检测结果基本一致。

10、People still listen to blues and rock, but they also listen to hip?hop and rap. ─── 人们仍然听布鲁斯和摇滚,但他们也听街舞音乐和说唱乐。

11、The doctor was down in the hip. ─── 医生垂头丧气的。

12、Or in a hip phrase like poetric avant-garde! ─── 先锋到死!

13、He had a hip harness made for the race horse he raised. ─── 他请人给自己养的赛马做了副后暸。

14、It might be that thigh and hip fat protects against heart disease. ─── 也可能是大腿和臀部脂肪保护人体对抗心脏病。

15、Three cheers for the losing team:Hip,hip,hurray! ─── 为失败的队欢呼三声:“Hip,hip,hurray!”。

16、The rotation of a dancer's legs from the hip sockets in classical ballet. ─── 外开性古典芭蕾中舞蹈演员两脚外开,脚跟并拢,两脚呈直线的姿式。

17、From hip to hock long and sinewy, hock to pad short and strong. ─── 从臀部到飞节长而强壮有力,飞节到脚垫短而结实。

18、Maybe a little frog on my hip, or a gecko. ─── 也许在臀部刺一只小青蛙还是壁虎什么的。

19、You need to get hip with what's going on around here. ─── 你需要了解这一带正在发生的事。

20、The following is a simple guideline to what kinds of hairstyles are hip. ─── 以下是一个流行发型的简明指南。

21、On the doorstep he felt in his hip pocket for the latchkey. ─── 他站在门口的台阶上,摸了摸后裤兜,找大门钥匙。

22、Don't shoot from the hip, make a plan first. ─── 别莽撞,先定个计划。

23、Do whirligig for axes with hip joint. ─── 以髋关节为轴心做旋转运动。

24、She have a hamburger and a portion of hip. ─── 她吃了一个汉堡包和一份炸薯条。

25、Acute cardiorespiratory dysfunction during total hip arthroplasty. ─── 人工全髋关节置换术中急性心肺功能障碍。

26、"Hip" (adj) comes from US Beat slang, and is now in general use. ─── “Hip”这个字来自美国“beat”(垮掉的一代派)的俚语,现已普遍使用。

27、Nicked myself shaving. Biting her nether Hip, hooking the placket of her skirt. ─── 一会儿是我刮胡子,刮出了血,一会儿又是她,裙腰开口处的钩子不牢,狠狠地咬着下唇。

28、Hip hop singers like to go bling bling in their music videos to look fancy. ─── 在音乐录影带里,嘻哈歌手喜欢披挂一堆珠宝,让自己看起来很花俏。

29、The lovely Walkman Hip offers quality radio listening pleasure. ─── 一款非常可爱的随身听,提供了高品质的收音。

30、You walked by the riverside path with the full pitcher upon your hip. ─── 你腰间搂着灌满的水瓶,在河边路上行走。

31、Hip hop music has definitely affected American culture. ─── 嘻哈音乐无疑影响了美国文化。

32、Basic stretches can help your leg, hip, lower back, neck, and shoulder muscles. ─── 基本的伸展可以锻链腿部、臀部、下背部、颈部和肩部的肌肉。

33、Hip Woo Trade Mark Printing Co. ─── 协和商标印刷公司。

34、Otherwise, the sender will solve a HIP or make a micropayment. ─── 否则,寄件者就必须解答HIP或支付小额费用。

35、The doctor told him to have a hip bath for seven days after having piles. ─── 医生告诉他得了痔疮后要用药剂坐浴七天。

36、Hip hop music is popular among young people. ─── 嘻哈乐受年轻人喜爱。

37、Three cheers for the losing team: Hip, hip, hurray! ─── 为失败的队欢呼三声:“Hip,hip,hurray!”。

38、U believe we can preserve his hip condition if we can avoid injury a traume. ─── 你相信如果我们能避免受伤就可以维持他的髋部状况。

39、Edna: Not exciting but I do think that I am pretty hip. ─── 埃德娜:不激动人心,不过我确实觉得我很时髦。

40、AirMaXX has the adjustable plate, a comfort harness and hip pad. ─── AirMaXX有可调整的背架,舒适背带和护垫。

41、The artificial hip joint luxated and had to be put back surgically. ─── 人工髋关节脱臼了,必须通过外科手术方式归位。

42、He lowered it and drew his hunting-knife from its beaded sheath at his hip. ─── 他放下枪,从屁股后面镶珠刀鞘里抽出猎刀。

43、Helen: So gangsta rap sounds like typical rap or hip hop music? ─── Chen Li: 听起来就像典型的说唱乐,或者是 hip hop 音乐。

44、Opposing Hip Drive: The uphill hip should drive down the fall line. ─── 反向臀部驱动:山上侧的臀部要驱向滚落线。(这句话简单,实际中该怎么理解?)

45、Three cheers for the losing team Hip,hip,hurray! ─── 为失败的队欢呼三声'Hip,hip,hurray!'

46、Thexporters have the right to inspect the export goods before Black rdelivery to the Black hipping line. ─── 出口商在向船运公司托运前有权检验商品。

47、In tune with what is going on; hip. ─── 合拍时与发生的事情合拍的; 时髦的

48、We make the proposal hipping to place firm orders when the market is established. ─── 为使市场一旦建立就可以源源不断地订货,特提出此建议。

49、Paul:Why are we here? We're not exactly hip and trendy. ─── 保罗:那我们为什么在这里?我们又称不上时尚名流。

50、You are always shooting form the hip; look before you leap. ─── 你老是鲁莽行事,要三思而后行。

51、Ingredient: Helichrysum, rose hip oil and hyaluronic acid (HA) etc. ─── 主要成份:蜡菊、玫瑰果油、透明质酸、乳清蛋白、氨基酸。

52、His songs have a strong hip hop flavor. ─── 他的歌带有浓烈的嘻哈色彩。

53、Three cheers for the losing team Hip, hip, hurray! ─── 为失败的队欢呼三声'hip, hip, hurray!'

54、Do not carry it in your hip pocket. ─── 不要把它放在裤子后面的口袋里。

55、Three cheers for the losing team: Hip,hip,hurray! ─── 为失败的队欢呼三声:“Hip,hip,hurray!”

56、Store regularly used items between eye and hip level. ─── 商店之间经常项目用眼睛和髋水平.

57、Figure 7-2 Leer arms acting on hip joint. ─── 图7-2,作用于髋关节的杠杆臂。

58、So you can demonstrate the drop hip on the right? ─── 你能示范右边臀部下坠吗?

59、A box full of chocolates,Hip,hip,hooray! ─── 一个装满巧克力的盒子,咳呀,咳呀,万岁。

60、He took a swig of whisky from his hip flask. ─── 他猛灌了一口扁酒瓶中的威士忌。

61、He thinks I've got the Bots for Lily? It's shooting from the hip! ─── 他说我迷恋上李丽了?这简直是胡说八道

62、Her left hand was on her hip, her stomach stuck out. ─── 她左手插在腰间,肚子努出些来。

63、Meanwhile, Barbie has some hip new rivals on the scene. ─── 与此同时,芭比娃娃在玩具市场中也有一些时髦的新对手。

64、He thinks I've got the hots for lily? It's shooting from the hip! ─── 他说我迷恋上了莉莉?这简直是胡说八道。

65、He reached into his hip pocket and took out Nancy's tail. ─── 他伸手到裤子后面的口袋里掏出南希的辫子。

66、HIP LUEN CHINA INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. ─── 协联中国实业有限公司。

67、Are you as true as steel to your joints at the hip and peas in a pod? ─── 你对你的朋友们忠诚如钢吗?

68、Scott: All of the hip and trendy people often hang out here. ─── 史考特:所有时尚名流通常都在这里聚会。

69、Bil SIJ and hip joint spaces are intact without joint effusion. ─── 双侧荐髂关节以及髋关节之关节腔正常无关节积液。

70、You hip and hop hopelessly for your fortune. ─── 你漫无目的的为这飞来艳福而跳跃。

71、He held a bow in his left hand and his quiver hung on his right hip. ─── 头上戴着猎人的头巾,左手持弓,右跨下挂着一个箭袋。

72、No, this club is really hip . ─── 不这个社团很新潮的。

73、Ingredient: Helichrysum, sea salt and rose hip oil etc. ─── 主要成份:蜡菊、海盐、玫瑰果油、酪蛋白酵素、杏仁颗粒。

74、The word hippie refers to someone who is hip. ─── “嬉皮”这个词指的是那些“时髦的”人。


76、Reversed crunches, develops hip flex and abdominal strength. ─── 仰卧腿上举,增强臀部和腹部力量。

77、Celebrate those fading summer memories with the hip beach girl look. ─── 以时尚沙滩女郎的形象庆祝即将过去的夏天。

78、Right hip is open to begin rotation forward for spiking motion. ─── 右边髋关节打开,准备往前转动做击球动作。

79、Three cheers for the winner: Hip, hip, hurray! ─── 为胜利者欢呼三声:加油,加油,加油!

80、He carried a gun on his hip. ─── 他在他的臀部挂一把枪。

81、If the unlucky one liang sentence of energy is in advance hipping express the standard being able to reach 7, 8 mark affirmatively formally. ─── 如果事先能背一两句模式化的正式表达就肯定能达到7、8分的标准。

82、Pulling at his tunic,Omoro bared his left hip. ─── 奥摩罗掀起他的外衣,露出了他的左臀部。

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