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09-13 投稿



gentoo 发音

英:['d?entu:]  美:[d?en'tu:]

英:  美:

gentoo 中文意思翻译



gentoo 词性/词形变化,gentoo变形


gentoo 短语词组

1、gentoo linux gentoo linux

2、gentoo penguins ─── 珍图企鹅

3、gentoo penguin ─── 金杜企鹅

gentoo 相似词语短语

1、gentil ─── adj.文静的;温和的;平和的;平缓的;n.(Gentil)(法、巴、美、阿、瑞、英)剑提(人名)

2、genoa ─── n.热那亚(意大利西北部港市)

3、genro ─── n.政界元老,元老政治家;n.(Genro)人名;(葡)任罗

4、Gentoos ─── 氏族

5、gentes ─── n.氏族(gens的复数)

6、genitor ─── n.母亲或父亲

7、genom ─── n.基因组,染色体组

8、Gentoo ─── n.白眉企鹅;印度教徒;企鹅科

9、genito- ─── n.(Genito)人名;(意)杰尼托;(葡)热尼托

gentoo 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Gentoo Penguig ─── n. 巴布亚企鹅

2、I dont want to say wether gentoo is good or not. ─── 自认为没有瑕疵,就是自大了。

3、The Antarctic peninsula is warming five times faster than the average in the rest of the world, affecting four penguin species -the emperor penguin, the gentoo, chinstrap and adelie, it said. ─── 报告指出,南极半岛之暖化速度,为全球平均速度的五倍,并有四种企鹅受影响,包括帝王企鹅、绅士企鹅、颊带企鹅以及阿德利企鹅。

4、[Gentoo] Why I used Gentoo on my server. ─── 我为什麽采用 Gentoo 当作我的系统.

5、Gentoo package management is designed to be modular, portable, easy to maintain, flexible, and optimized for the user's machine. ─── 的Gentoo的包管理是专为模块化,轻便,易于维护,灵活,适合用户的机器。

6、The site has the largest concentration of Gentoo penguins(Pygoscelis papua) within the South Shetland Islands.The average number of breeding pairs is estimated at about 4,000. ─── 目前,阿德雷岛是南设得兰群岛地区最大的金图企鹅聚居地,大约有4000对该种企鹅;

7、- But most users are not aware of some other nifty functions in the Gentoo initscripts that have the potential for making their lives easier in administering their Gentoo boxes. ─── + 在安装和管理您的Gentoo Linux时,您已经了解如何将服务加到个别的执行阶段(runlevel)当中,也了解如何启动和停止这些服务。

8、This suggests that change in climate might impact on the behavior of modern Gentoo penguin. ─── 该企鹅聚居地的出现可能反映了现代气候对金图企鹅生活习性的影响。

9、I had just install gentoo. ─── 所有时间均为[北京时间]。

10、This is how gentoo's doc-base file gentoo. Doc-base looks like ─── gentoo的doc-base文件gentoo.doc-base如下所示

11、The root filesystem is using the Gentoo distribution. ─── 根文件系统使用的是Gentoo发行版本。

12、Visitors can tour the museum, buy souvenirs, post mail, and view the large gentoo penguin colony. ─── 在这里,来访者可以参观博物馆,买纪念品,寄信,还可以游览白眉企鹅栖息地。

13、Tags: Apache , Gentoo , Java , Maven , Tutorial , Webserver .。 ─── 0 评论 标签: 阿帕奇,Gentoo 的, 爪哇 ,Maven的, 教程, 网页服务器。

14、With their food source under threat and their habitat evaporating, Emperor, Adelie, King, Chinstrap and Gentoo Penguins all share Antarctica's uncertain future. ─── 被冻僵了?由于食物来源受到威胁、栖息地日益萎缩,帝企鹅、阿德利企鹅、王企鹅、帽带企鹅和巴布亚企鹅同南极大陆一样,面临着不确定的未来。

15、What ever, I am choice the Linux and Gentoo, I am prefer and very easy to management and work on it. ─── 以目前视讯会议各作各的来看,要可以连得通,是比登天还难,可能用传统的电话会议还是有效率得多。

16、Please enable this if the host is using the Gentoo Linux distribution. ─── 如果主机使用的是 Gentoo Linux 发行版,请启用此项。

17、Interestingly, we ve also received a couple of e-mails asking whether Gentoo Linux is a commercial or free product. ─── 有趣的是,我们还接收到一些电子邮件,询问Gentoo Linux是商业产品还是免费产品。

18、Gentoo offers downloads, documentation, and news about this compile-it-from-scratch version of Linux. ─── Gentoo提供了这个从零开始编译的Linux版本的相关下载、文档和新闻。

19、Poised to plunge belly-first into the ocean, a colony of gentoo penguins lines up for a dip. ─── 一批巴布亚企鹅列着队,腆着大肚子,从容地跃进海洋。

20、Tags: Gentoo , Linux , Tutorial .。 ─── 0 评论 标签: 的Gentoo,Linux 操作系统, 教程。

21、Tags: Gentoo , Linux , Nginx , Tutorial , Webserver .。 ─── 0 评论 标签: 的Gentoo,Linux 操作系统,nginx 的, 教程, 网页服务器。

22、The penguins had been joined temporarily by a group of Gentoo penguins earlier this year while they were in transit. ─── 今年早些时候曾有一群巴布亚企鹅在转运途中暂时加入这些洪堡企鹅的群体。

23、gentoo penguin ─── 巴布亚企鹅

24、Tags: Gentoo , Linux , Mailserver , Tutorial .。 ─── 0 评论 标签: 的Gentoo,Linux 操作系统, 邮件服务器, 教程。

25、also, gentoo must be good for clusters, I had openmosix working, but not good enough since it only do process....do any of you MPICH experts got some news?thx ─── 有志者,事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚苦心人,天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴有志者,事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚苦心人,天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴

26、Also, being built upon the strengths of Gentoo, you know you're getting a rock solid distribution worthy to slam with processor and ram intensive jobs while having the OS run smoothly. ─── *稳定性: 虽然有些发行板会说自己是测试版本,但我们提供您选择。您可以自动按装并启动XGL选项,或是您也可以使用传统的Gentoo的稳定环境。

27、And in general, when a Gentoo Linux user has a problem with one of the new journaled filesystems, I usually hear about it. ─── 一般来说,不管Gentoo Linux用户在使用哪个新出现的文件系统时遇到了问题,我肯定会听说那个问题。

28、debian, turbolinux, suse, redhat, gentoo, ... ─── 任何一个版本都是不错的。

29、Goal: to make it easier for users to install Gentoo Linux ─── 目的:使用户安装Gentoo Linux更容易

30、Pic: Baby Gentoo Penguins born. ─── 图片:宝贝巴布亚企鹅。

31、Gentoo Linux: "All of a sudden, Larry the Cow was in control. And he liked it." ─── 最良好的邮件客户端会自动打开一个链接的,因此它不应该是一个问题。

32、Photo of the Day: Best of March 2008 Poised to plunge belly-first into the ocean, a colony of gentoo penguins lines up for a dip. ─── 2008年3月最好的每日一图。一群巴布亚企鹅排成一行为了第一次泰然自若的跳进海洋。

33、Tags: Befehl , Gentoo , Linux .。 ─── 2 评论 标签: 代码,Gentoo 的,Linux 操作系统。

34、The Gentoo documentation was repeatedly labelled as the best online documentation of any distribution. ─── Gentoo的文档已多次被认为是最好的在线文档之一。

35、The distro of choice was Gentoo, and instructions and patches are promised this weekend. ─── 本周将进行后续报道。)

36、Gentoo Penguins, Antarctica, 2006 Photograph by Paul Nicklen Poised to plunge belly-first into the ocean, a colony of gentoo penguins lines up for a dip. ─── 译文:主标题:巴布亚企鹅,南极洲,2006年。泰然自若的企鹅第一次跳进到大洋,一群同行的巴布亚企鹅排成一线为了一沾海水。

37、And in general, when a Gentoo Linux user has a problem with one of the new journaled filesystems, I usually hear about it. ─── 一般来说,不管GentooLinux用户在使用哪个新出现的文件系统时遇到了问题,我肯定会听说那个问题。

38、Whereas Gentoo is a source distribution, this is a binary only distribution.If you need the source code or want to make modifications - please take a look at the Gentoo home page. ─── 这也很适合想要在任何有电脑的地方,都只靠著一张光碟,以及一个随身碟或软碟片之类的储存装置,便能立刻享安相同操作环境的人。

39、Cuverville Island was covered with gentoo penguins. ─── 维尔岛上住满着巴布亚企鹅。

40、- * After spending a lot of time with other distributions (debian, gentoo, mandrake, redhat, fedora, slackware) and even FreeBSD I think that I finally found the distribution I was looking for. ─── + * 在其他各种发行版(debian, gentoo, mandrake, redhat, fedora, slackware)甚至FreeBSD上浪费了大量时间之后,我想我最终找到了我一直在寻觅的发行版。

41、Tags: Development , Gentoo , Linux , Tutorial .。 ─── 3 评论 标签: 发展 的Gentoo,Linux 操作系统, 教程。

42、Caption:: Gentoo penguins waddle through a web of icy paths on the slope between their hilltop rookery on Antarctica's Danco Island and the open water where they feed. ─── 巴布亚企鹅是全球18种企鹅的其中一种,居住于南极洲,图中牠们在冰道上行走,样子很趣致。

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