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09-13 投稿



counterfort 发音

英:[?ka?nt?r?f??rt]  美:[?ka?nt?f??t]

英:  美:

counterfort 中文意思翻译



counterfort 短语词组

1、counterfort wall ─── 扶壁式挡土墙

2、counterfort design ─── 扶壁设计

3、counterfort definition ─── 扶壁定义

4、counterfort abutment ─── 扶壁式桥台

5、counterfort dam ─── 扶垛坝

6、counterfort columns ─── 扶壁柱

7、counterfort vs buttress ─── 扶壁与 ─── 扶壁

8、counterfort retaining wall ─── 扶垛式挡土墙,垛式挡土墙

9、counterfort wall images ─── 扶壁墙图像

counterfort 相似词语短语

1、counterfire ─── 逆火

2、counterfect ─── 反作用

3、counterforce ─── n.反作用力;反对势力;核子武器还击

4、counterfact ─── 反作用

5、counterfoil ─── n.支票存根;票根

6、countereffort ─── 反作用力

7、counterbore ─── n.埋头孔,扩孔

8、counterforts ─── n.护墙;拱柱;山嘴

9、counterfeit ─── adj.(钱币或商品)伪造的,假冒的;(古旧用法)假装的,虚假的;v.伪造,仿造,造假;假装;(文)酷似;n.仿冒品,伪造物,赝品

counterfort 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The sitting room of perpendicular counterfort pattern that uses processing of splint flat-fell seam advocate metope. ─── 采用夹板拼缝处理的垂直护墙式客厅主墙面。

2、The sitting room of perpendicular counterfort pattern that uses processing of splint flat-fell seam advocate metope. ─── 采用夹板拼缝处理的垂直护墙式客厅主墙面。

3、Counterfort article FQ - Whether you remain love me or not tomorrow series "big easy" The new house resides ─── 护墙篇-FQ明天您是否依然爱我“大容易”新家居

4、Counterfort retaining walls are optimized in the paper, using the optimum program, costs of different counterfort retaining wall parameters were calculated and based on the contrast analysis. ─── 本文对扶壁式挡土墙进行优化计算,利用优化设计程序对不同参数下的截面状态和工程造价进行分析比较。

5、Natural, the adornment method of this kind of local counterfort, OK also amplify arrives bedroom illuminative is other place. ─── 自然,这种局部护墙的装饰方法,也可以引伸到居室装饰的其他部位。

6、mud counterfort machinery becomes the hole filling pile ─── 泥浆护壁机械成孔灌注桩

7、star surrounded counterfort things within each have a pair from outside the coordination bully times. ─── 内围护墙东西棂星门外各有一对。

8、prevent natural environment damage, make counterfort virescence, restore vegetation, improve soil, improve microclimate, purify polluted water and supernutrition water by planting it. ─── 防治水土流失、绿化护坡、恢复植被、改良土壤、改善环境小气候、净化污水和营养化水体。

9、counterfort dam ─── 扶垛坝后扶垛坝

10、If the graph is medium what metope place besmears is muti_function counterfort lacquer, it is a kind special the low burnish that makes up for indoor wall body is high grade emulsioni paint. ─── 如图中墙面所涂的多功能护墙漆,它是一种非凡为室内墙身而配制的低光泽优质乳胶漆。

11、mud counterfort ─── 泥浆护壁

12、Sand pile drilling test adopted mod counterfort to prevent burying the drilling tool by the borehole from collapsing. ─── 砂桩钻孔检测为防止塌孔埋住钻具,采用泥浆护壁。

13、counterfort reinforced concrete retaining wall ─── 扶壁式钢筋混凝土挡土墙

14、The Influence of Soil Parameters Upon the Economic Index of Counterfort Retaining Wall ─── 土参数对扶壁式挡墙经济指标的影响

15、Sometimes cantilevered walls are buttressed on the front, or include a counterfort on the back, to improve stability against high loads. ─── 有时悬臂墙的前面需要加强,或者在墙背设置要塞,以提高抗高负荷稳定性。

16、counterfort type powerhouse ─── 后扶垛式发电厂

17、level low and complex, and often needs the counterfort the geological situation. ─── 钻孔灌注桩适用于地下水位较低的和复杂且常需护壁的地质情况。

18、counterfort column ─── 扶壁柱

19、Analysis of Behaviors of Earth Pressure Behind Counterfort Retaining Wall with Finite Element Method ─── 高大扶壁式挡土墙墙后土压力特性有限元分析

20、The stress analysis and designing calculation of counterfort wall ─── 扶壁式挡土结构受力分析及其设计计算

21、Counterfort article FQ - Whether you remain love me or not tomorrow series "big easy" The new house resides ─── 护墙篇-FQ明天您是否依然爱我"大容易"新家居

22、Natural, the adornment method of this kind of local counterfort , OK also amplify arrives bedroom illuminative is other place. ─── 自然,这种局部护墙的装饰方法,也可以引伸到居室装饰的其他部位。

23、Keywords counterfort pillar rigid;wall panel rigid;deflection; ─── 扶壁柱刚度;壁板刚度;挠度;

24、counterfort wall ─── 扶壁式挡土墙

25、Sometimes cantilevered walls are buttressed on the front, or include a counterfort on the back, to improve stability against high loads. ─── 有时悬臂墙的前面需要加强,或者在墙背设置要塞,以提高抗高负荷稳定性。

26、stone counterfort ─── 铺石扶壁, 石扶垛

27、counterfort retaining wall ─── 扶垛式挡土墙垛式挡土墙

28、Counterfort retaining walls are optimized in the paper, using the optimum program, costs of different counterfort retaining wall parameters were calculated and based on the contrast analysis. ─── 本文对扶壁式挡土墙进行优化计算,利用优化设计程序对不同参数下的截面状态和工程造价进行分析比较。

29、cylinder counterfort ─── 钢筒护壁

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