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09-13 投稿


denotive 发音


英:  美:

denotive 中文意思翻译



denotive 同义词

explicit | denotive |expressive

denotive 词性/词形变化,denotive变形

动词过去分词: denoted |形容词: denotable |动词过去式: denoted |动词现在分词: denoting |动词第三人称单数: denotes |

denotive 短语词组

1、denotive definition ─── 指称定义

denotive 反义词


denotive 相似词语短语

1、donative ─── adj.捐赠的;n.捐赠物

2、denotate ─── 表示

3、emotive ─── adj.感情的;情绪的;表现感情的

4、denoting ─── 指示(denote的现在分词)

5、decoctive ─── 诱因

6、denote ─── vt.表示,指示

7、genitive ─── adj.属格的;n.属格

8、deletive ─── 删除的

9、denotative ─── adj.外延的;指示的

denotive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Wear-resisting value is to use revolution denotive, degree of bigger, wear-resisting jumps over revolution tall, price is higher also. ─── 耐磨值是用转数表示的,转数越大、耐磨程度越高,价位也就越高。

2、So, in Russian " value how many " be how denotive? ─── 那么,俄语中的“价值多少”是如何表示的呢?

4、" it is denotive it is people the to nature, society relation in producing a course, is people is in manufacturing process not just " the relation to nature " . ─── 二是人类社会生产劳动力的能力。”它表示的是人们在生产过程中对自然界、社会的关系 ,而不仅仅是人们在生产过程中“对自然界的关系”。

5、The netizen is denotive to prices branch " approval collects fees adjust be based on nursery school to overspend run " reason undertakes guessing, oppugn the management state of nursery school. ─── 网友对物价部门表示的“批准收费调整基于幼儿园超支运作”理由进行猜测,并质疑幼儿园的经营状况。

6、Netease is the demon animal that rolls out now in this company transfers make on the zone afore-mentioned denotive. ─── 网易是在该公司今日推出的魔兽过渡专区上作出上述表示的。

7、Xi Guohua is the Bo Ao that holding here Asian forum was made on annual meeting 2009 afore-mentioned denotive. ─── 奚国华是在此间举行的博鳌亚洲论坛2009年年会上作出上述表示的。

8、Who knows red flag Ming Shi denotive what are 00668 malfunction code? ─── 有谁知道红旗明仕00668故障码是表示的什么?

9、Wang Shutong is the electron of the 4th medium and small businesses that held in Ning Bo recently make on congress of development of business affairs application afore-mentioned denotive. ─── 王树彤是于近日在宁波召开的第四届中小企业电子商务应用发展大会上做出上述表示的。

10、Invest directly with the foreign trader / denotive open degree and income allocate GDP ratio place between exist to be lost apparently to the relation. ─── 以外商直接投资/GDP比值所表示的开放程度与收入分配之间则存在明显的负向关系。

11、The personage that is close to Zhu Jun tells sina science and technology, bright red be in the near future make on an in-house conference afore-mentioned denotive. ─── 有接近朱骏的人士告诉新浪科技,朱是在近期一个内部会议上做出上述表示的。

12、In frying a software " measure now " does the number have 3 kinds of different color -- is gules, green, white denotive what meaning be? ? ? ─── 红色说明当前价格高于上一个交易日收盘价,或者资金流入大于流出;绿色说明当前价格低于上一个交易日收盘价,或者有资金流出大于流入;白色表示持平。

13、Ma Huateng is attending 2009 China here (Shenzhen) when IT cacique peak is met, make afore-mentioned denotive. ─── 马化腾是在此间出席2009中国(深圳)IT领袖峰会时作上述表示的。

14、Yao Gang is Chinese government net is accepted to do poineering work yesterday board when the theme undertakes an interview, make afore-mentioned denotive. ─── 姚刚是在昨日接受中国政府网就创业板主题进行访谈时作上述表示的。

15、of a kind of productivity inside human body is expression, the amount with laborer and quality are denotive resource. ─── 是表现在劳动者身上的 ,以劳动者的数量和质量表示的资源。

16、Economic growth essence is the process that shows with Gross National Product the addition of denotive crop reachs his to increase. ─── 经济增长实质是指以国民生产总值表示的产量的增加及其增加的过程。

17、Kong Quan is to be on routine press conference when the reporter quizs, the answer is made afore-mentioned denotive. ─── 因为种类缘故,南非的治安态势严酷,侨胞华侨时常变为违法分子攻袭的对像。据统算,南非2005年共产生40多起对于侨胞华人的武装枪掠,有8人被害。

18、and see when you two watch place is denotive at the same time when time has difference, you do not know now is however when. ─── 而当你同时看到两只手表所表示的时间有差异时,你却不知道现在是几点。

19、Case of acting Er dimension is to accepting Sweden to be done when ground media is interviewed afore-mentioned denotive. ─── 代尔维格是在接受瑞典当地媒体采访时做上述表示的。

20、 双语使用场景

21、Shao Xiaofeng is the business affairs of 2009 Hangzhou electron that holds in Hangzhou safety makes as above on politic forum denotive. ─── 邵晓锋是在杭州召开的2009杭州电子商务安全策略论坛上作出如上表示的。

22、" this is Henan when province vice-governor Li Chengyu is accepting this print journalist to interview, make clear denotive. ─── 这是河南省副省长李成玉在接受本刊记者采访时明确表示的。

23、But, although 3 person denotive it is category of a certain time, language feeling is different however. ─── 但是,尽管三者表示的都是某个时间范畴,语感却是不同的。

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