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09-13 投稿



disdaining 发音

英:[d?s?de?n??]  美:[d?s?de?n??]

英:  美:

disdaining 中文意思翻译



disdaining 短语词组

1、disdaining fortune ─── 蔑视命运

2、disdaining definition ─── 蔑视定义

3、disdaining define ─── 不屑定义

4、disdaining def ─── 蔑视def

5、disdaining caution ─── 不屑谨慎

6、disdaining antonym ─── 蔑视反义词

7、disdaining meaning ─── 蔑视意义

disdaining 词性/词形变化,disdaining变形

动词第三人称单数: disdains |动词现在分词: disdaining |动词过去分词: disdained |动词过去式: disdained |

disdaining 反义词

admire | praise |respect

disdaining 同义词

disparage | pooh-pooh | contemn | condescension | aloofness | rebuff | disparagement | underestimate | contempt | repudiate |despise | spurn | disregard | freeze off | scorn | patronage | turn down | snobbery | derision | reject | despite

disdaining 相似词语短语

1、disadorning ─── 拆卸

2、disimagining ─── 去成像

3、disloigning ─── 错位

4、distaining ─── v.(使)变色;将……弄脏;伤害……的名誉

5、destaining ─── v.使脱色(destain的ing形式)

6、sdaining ─── 日期

7、distraining ─── n.为抵债而扣押

8、disjoining ─── v.(使)分离,分开

9、dismanning ─── 拆卸

disdaining 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Even Thais who disdain both the rival colour-coded camps smell something fishy here. ─── 军方以前就惯用这样的伎俩。

2、Those who had contracted the virus were treated with the same disdain as someone who had Bubonic plague. ─── 与病毒有染的人会与患了黑死病的人一样受到鄙视。

3、He felt disdain for worldly pleasures and was totally guileless, like a child.But he had a violent temper. ─── 他轻蔑世间的欢乐,像孩子一样地坦率,但脾气暴躁。

4、At the mention of the so-called brilliant scheme,she wrinkled her nose in disdain. ─── 听了那所谓的妙计之后, 她皱鼻子表示不屑.

5、Our posh new neighbors seem to be disdaining to speak to us. ─── 我们高级新邻居似乎不屑于和我们讲话。

6、On one side Yasushi Inoue admired Chinese culture extraordinarily ,but on the other hand he also showed a little disdain . ─── 井上靖一方面对中国文化充满了景仰,另一方面又显示出些许轻蔑。

7、Affecting an attitude of disdain or conceit;haughty and supercilious. ─── 傲慢的摆出轻蔑或自满的样子的;高傲且盛气凌人的

8、They take delight in the embrace of the disdain bodies of the ladies, and the fools fail to make any distinction between their legally married wife and other's wife. ─── 他们陶醉于女人卑贱身体的拥抱,这些愚蠢之人无法在合法妻子和其他女人之间做出区分。

9、Personal strengths: Charm and a disdain for conventional thinking. ─── 个人优点:是一个有魅力的、敢于向传统观念挑战的人。

10、There was disdain in his smile. ─── 他的微笑中含有轻蔑的意味。

11、When you built your mound at the head of every street and you made your elevation in every open square, you were not like a harlot, by disdaining payment. ─── 31你在各路口建造圆顶花楼,在各街市作了高台,你却轻看酬价,不像妓女。

12、Shylock is a tormented character but is also a tormenter, so whether he is to be viewed with disdain or sympathy is up to the reader. ─── 因此,如何看待他,是蔑视还是同情,这取决于读者自己的观感。

13、By his own account, he does not simply disdain coffee; he rages against it, preaches of its evils, overturns coffee urns in restaurants. ─── 套用他的说法,他不只厌恶咖啡,还大骂咖啡,四处宣扬咖啡的弊端,在餐厅里打翻咖啡壶。

14、Unfortunately for the old writer as strange that talk about God and reject the novel, unfortunately for the new writers as fiction writers concocted Shenguai and disdain reading. ─── 不幸为旧文学家当作谈神说怪的小说而屏弃,又不幸为新文学家当作文人编造的神怪小说而不屑一读。

15、Used to express disdain or disbelief. ─── 呸!啐!用来表示轻蔑之情或不相信

16、But her sister, not caring to hide her disdain, expressed it pretty openly in her looks. ─── 她姐姐却绝不肯把她的不屑一顾藏在心里,偏要挺不客气地形之于色。

17、Up in the sky, eyes expressing disdain to the angel appeared. ─── 天空中出现了一只只鄙视的眼睛,

18、Nor should one disdain Mr Obama's way with a crowd. Good presidents engage the country's attention; great ones inspire. ─── 不应该因为奥巴马颠倒众生而鄙视他。优秀的总统吸引国民的注意;伟大的总统激发国民的注意。

19、At the same time not to show disdain and contempt to competitors, otherwise it will cause customers resentment. ─── 同时千万不要显示出对竞争对手的不屑与轻视,否则会引起客户的反感。

20、The public recognition that Camus achieved in his lifetime never quite compensated for the wounds of rejection and disdain from those he had thought friends. ─── 大家认为,加缪一生取得的成就,根本不能弥补有些人厌弃鄙视他的伤痛,他曾经把这些人视为朋友。

21、But there are plenty of Christian Democrats in Europe who boast privately that the turmoil provides satisfying vindication of their disdain for “Anglo-Saxon” neo-liberalism. ─── 但在欧洲,有大量基督教民主党人私下里夸耀,金融混乱令人满意地证明了他们对“盎格鲁-撒克逊”新自由主义的蔑视很正确。

22、Your arrogance and conceit, your selfish disdain for the feelings of others made me realise you were the last man in the world I could ever marry. ─── 你十足狂妄自大、自私自利、看不起别人;让我认识到,哪怕天下男人都死光了我也不愿意嫁给你。

23、He replied with haughty disdain. ─── 他的回答充满了不屑。

24、Lucky, prosperous people disdain this human need for protection when times are good and relief is going to the destitute and unlucky. ─── 在景况好,只有赤贫及不幸的人需要救助的时候,幸运富足的人们鄙视需要保护的人类需求。

25、Valenzuela presumably was picked to speak so that she could thunder at Obama for disdaining capitalism. ─── 据推测,共和党选择巴伦苏埃拉来发表讲话,目的是让她炮轰奥巴马轻视资本主义的政策。

26、He held them in such disdain that whenever he lay down to sleep he would send and order them to stop talking. ─── 他对他们非常不屑以至于他躺下睡觉时他命令他们不许讲话出声。

27、Disdaining fortune, with his brandish'd steel... ─── |不以命运的喜怒为意 挥舞着他...

28、Academics I know, members of the Tiananmen generation, are shocked by some students' disdain for foreigners and, often, disinterest in liberal concepts such as democratization. ─── 他们吃惊地发现一些学生蔑视外国人,对民主化等自由概念漠不关心。

29、Love or hatried, respect or disdain, Chateaubriand, like all the genius, left mixed feelings along his path. ─── 像所有的天才一样,夏多布里昂有过激情与爱恨,受到过尊敬与鄙视。

30、Joyo is the practice of Dangdang that seems to disdain. ─── 卓越网则对当当网的做法似乎表示不屑。

31、But they who follow You by disdaining worldly things and mortifying the flesh are known to be truly wise, for they are transported from vanity to truth, from flesh to spirit. ─── 一个人随从祢,轻贱世俗,克苦肉身,真算明智,真算出自虚无,归于真实;抛弃肉情,致力心灵。

32、But you wear it with such a disdain, my guess is that you did not come from money and your school friends never let you forget it. ─── 但是你高傲的态度,我猜测你家里不是很有钱,你的校友们也让你时刻记住这一点。

33、Clodius answered only by a smile of disdain. ─── 克罗狄俄斯报以傲慢的一笑。

34、Second Daughter-in-law and Third Daughter-in-law exchanged secret looks of disdain. ─── 二奶奶和三奶奶偷偷做个鄙薄的眼色。

35、In order to tend to Jane, Elizabeth hikes through muddy fields and arrives with a spattered dress, much to the disdain of the snobbish , Charles Bingley’s sister. ─── 另一方面,为表示与男性平等,他们以衡量男性的标准来衡量自身以及笔下的女主人公,以证明女性同样具备男性所具有的优秀品性。

36、"Strong enough!" answered the other, with assumed disdain. ─── “够稳固

37、Before two years average person is to disdain to use shale at indoor, because its are coarse with cheap. ─── 前两年一般人是不屑于把页岩用于室内的,因其粗糙与廉价。

38、Like an insecure teenager, we shout obscenities, mistaking disdain for interest. ─── 喜欢一个不安全的青少年,我们呼喊淫秽,为兴趣犯错轻蔑。

39、How evil he looked? The face was saturnine and swarthy , and the sensual lips seemed to be twisted with disdain. ─── 他神气多凶!他的脸色黝黑而又阴沉,肉感的双唇仿佛由于鄙夷而扭曲着。

40、Behind closed doors he showed disdain for just about everybody. ─── 他私下却几乎对每个人都表示藐视。

41、"When you built your shrine at the beginning of every street and made your high place in every square, in disdaining money, you were not like a harlot. ─── 因你在一切市口上建造圆顶花楼,在各街上作了高台,你却藐视赏赐,不像妓女。

42、During World War I, there was much disdain over anything considered German and unfortunately the dachshund was a victim of much hostility. ─── 在第一次世界大战期间,德国的很多事物被鄙视,不幸的是腊肠也成了被敌对的受害者。

43、Add to that the cattle-herder’s traditional disdain for hunter-gatherers. ─── 不仅如此,牧牛人自古以来就有蔑视采猎者的传统。

44、He also expresses his disdain for the multimillion-dollar bonuses corporate executives receive and fears this practice will continue. ─── 他还表达了对金融体系高管获得的数百万美元奖金表示轻蔑,并担忧这种惯例会继续。

45、Yet as finance minister he earned plaudits for listening to sharp minds in the bureaucracy rather than disdaining them. ─── 而作为内阁财政大臣他也因为愿意倾听而非蔑视那些尖锐思想而赢得了称赞。

46、extraneous light in the camera spoiled the photograph; relying upon an extraneous income; disdaining outside pressure groups. ─── 外界的光线会损坏照相机里的照片;依靠外来收入;蔑视外界压力集团。

47、In addition, the closure disdain Taurus 9, we all surnamed Jin, fratricide??? ─── 另外,鄙视金牛封金九,大家都姓金,相煎何太急?

48、What do you play, boy?' asked Estella of myself, with the greatest disdain. ─── “孩子,你会玩什么牌?”埃斯苔娜用非常蔑视的态度问我。

49、Work is hit by magical Buddhist smiling expression , that laughs at the romantic charm looking at the land of the living and transcendence disdaining! ─── 作品中神佛的笑容,那种笑看人世间的神韵与不屑的脱俗!

50、There is outright disdain in some quarters for the legion of Eurocrats in Brussels and their steady output of rules and regulations. ─── 在一些地区人们直言不讳对在布鲁塞尔那一大帮欧洲共同市场官员以及他们稳定的规则条例输出的轻蔑。

51、In this world, I see tired flatter those baffling words, but also disdain those who deliberately touted. ─── 在这个世上,我看厌了那些莫名其妙的献媚之辞,更不屑那些刻意的吹捧。

52、Because of his racial and social bias and his disdain for historical precision, his books can no longer be used as classroom or reference texts. ─── 因为他的种族偏见、社会偏见和他对历史准确性的轻蔑态度,他的书已经不能作为教科书和参考书目了。

53、At every discharge by platoons, Gavroche puffed out his cheek with his tongue, a sign of supreme disdain. ─── 分队每发一次排枪,伽弗洛什就用舌头鼓起他的腮帮子,表示极大的蔑视。

54、But the holy tongue remained to those who had neither joined in the project nor praised it, but instead, thoroughly disdaining it, had made fun of the builders' stupidity. ─── 但那些没有参与这一工程,也没有口出谀词,而是对之嗤之以鼻,嘲弄那些修建者的愚昧的人还保留着神圣的语言。

55、It is wrong to disdain a man merely because he is poor. ─── 只因人穷就轻视他是不对的。

56、Your happy love, is a treasure, I disdain the situation toexchange with the king. ─── 你甜蜜的爱,就是珍宝,我不屑把处境跟帝王对调。。

57、People who fail to understand this relationship can overlook and even disdain the relative aspects of spiritual practice and the karmic law of cause and effect. ─── 不解此道者,会忽略甚至轻蔑修行和因果业报的相关性。

58、Jie disdain with flattery around all day at the晋文公associate villains and more complex country晋文公absence of a political Qingming disappointed. ─── 介子推不屑与整天在晋文公身边阿谀的小人为伍,更为晋文公复国之后没有施行清明政治感到失望。

59、Genius may not be necessary, though even genius of the highest sort does not disdain the use of these ordinary qualities. ─── 天赋或许是不必要的,即使是具备最高天赋的人也不轻视使用一般性的才能。

60、Disdaining ungratefully Our gifts, and giving themselves up to (worldly) enjoyment! But soon will they know. ─── 叫他们孤负我赏赐吧,叫他们享乐吧。他们将来就知道了。

61、Worrying about your sighs in your disdaining regrets. ─── 担心你的叹息,还有你轻蔑的悔恨。

62、There are some who use this approach and they tend to be treated with some disdain by other players, but there are certain advantages to having chromatics in more than one key. ─── 但是,拥有不同调子的半音阶口琴确实有一些好处。

63、They were Jeffersonian in their disdain for patricians, Jacksonian in their belief in individualistic, competitive enterprise. ─── 他们是鄙视贵族的杰弗逊主义者(Jeffersonian),信奉个人主义,崇尚企业自由竞争。

64、The girl looked at it with some disdain. ─── 女孩露出轻蔑的样子望着它。

65、The middle class's newfound disdain for democracy is counterintuitive. ─── 中产阶级对民主新滋生出的轻视是有违常性的。

66、He was treated with disdain. ─── 他受到鄙视。

67、Their vibrant presence in these protests is signalling to the government that they will not tolerate its discrimination and disdain any longer. ─── 她们在抗议活动中的活跃表现正是要告知政府,她们不会再继续忍受对她们的歧视和轻蔑。

68、Tell how, disdaining all earth can give. ─── 告诉世人他是怎样蔑视尘?

69、America's disdain for multilateral institutions appeared to be vindicated by the speed with which the Taliban and Saddam Hussein were toppled from power. ─── 塔利班与萨达姆政权迅速倒台似乎为美国蔑视多边机构作了辩护。

70、In the long period of his preparation he must betray often an ignorance and shiftlessness in popular arts incurring the disdain of the able who shoulder him aside. ─── 为了追求永久的价值,他时常会对时髦的学艺一无所知,无能为力,招致那些能人的鄙弃。

71、"You!" said the stately warrior, scanning the small form of the poet with ineffable disdain. ─── “你

72、Therefore, we would disdain and distort an opinion if we judge it with the criterion of the other opinion simply. ─── 因此,简单套用任何一方的模式评判另一方,均是对对方的蔑视与歪曲;

73、But the eagle, disdaining his small size and insignificance, devoured the hare as the beetle looked on. ─── 鹰压根儿没拿区区的屎壳郎放在眼里,硬是当着他的面把兔子吞吃了。

74、Better have borne the petulant proud disdain of Amaryllis, or Menalcas wooed, albeit he was so dark, and you so fair! ─── 也许是阿玛瑞力斯更好吧,尽管他有着傲慢的个性,抑或是梅那可斯也行?尽管他是那样的黑,不如你的肌肤雪白如冰!

75、He remembered he had once said the great Trust had overlooked his little enterprise, disdaining to plunder such small fry . ─── 他记得自己有一回说过,这个大托拉斯有意放过他这门小本经纪,不屑吞这种小鱼。

76、His disdain was a source of embarrassment to his sponsors. ─── 他高傲的态度让他的赞助商非常尴尬。

77、But his disdain for Agamemnon's rule threatens to break the fragile Alliance. ─── 但他对阿伽门农统治权威的蔑视足以使得本来脆弱的同盟解体。

78、They are generally treated with disdain by other races, if not outright hostility. ─── 他们一般轻视其它种族,这是在不是敌对的情况下。

79、"Pig!" she spat out at him viciously, her nostrils flaring in a look of savage disdain. ─── “蠢猪

80、Affecting an attitude of disdain or conceit; haughty and supercilious. ─── 傲慢的摆出轻蔑或自满的样子的; 高傲且盛气凌人的

81、And there is, between the arrogant swans and the prolific geese, an indifference, almost a disdain. ─── 傲慢的天鹅对众多的黑额黑雁表现出一种冷漠,或者几乎以说是一种蔑视。

82、He hates being treated with disdain. ─── 他恨遭人白眼。

83、Zelma kept a small portion of the farm's tobacco, which she used to roll her own cigarettes, disdaining the introduction of filters. ─── 我曾祖母都会留一小部分烟草自己卷烟来抽,因为她对工厂的滤烟技术呲之以鼻。

84、People admit while disdaining these two kinds of jobs that they are a kind of deal too implying, It is only the special deal . ─── 人们在鄙视这两种职业的同时,暗含着承认它们也是一种买卖,无非是特殊的买卖。

85、Then in school I learned some of the common sense of science, and the confidence with which my teacher inspired me soon led me to disdain fear of ghosts. ─── 到进了学校,又从先生口里得知点科学常识,为了信服我们那位周麻子二先生,所以连书本也信服,从此鬼怪便不屑于害怕了。

86、S. ambassador to Thailand puts it bluntly: The middle class "disdain[s] the rural masses and see[s] them as willing pawns to the corrupt vote buyers. ─── 一位前美国驻泰大使直言不讳道,中产阶级“蔑视农村大众,认为他们甘为买选票的腐败分子当马前卒。”

87、The satirical magazine Spy threw darts at all the puffery of the era, and was especially fast to disdain the gaudy arrivistes in favor of dandruff-flecked Old Money. ─── 一家叫《窥视》的讽刺杂志对那一时代的浮夸风大肆抨击,尤其鄙视那些爱炫耀的暴发户,认为那些老富翁更有品味,尽管他们的头发上有头屑。

88、A great man should disdain flatterers. ─── 伟大的人物应鄙视献媚者。

89、He curled his lips in disdain. ─── 他轻蔑地撇了撇嘴唇。

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