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09-13 投稿


leaflike 发音

英:[?li?fla?k]  美:[?li?fla?k]

英:  美:

leaflike 中文意思翻译



leaflike 短语词组

1、leaflike strata crossword ─── 叶状地层纵横字谜

2、leaflike part of a fern ─── 蕨类植物叶子状的部分

3、leaflike part crossword ─── 叶状部分纵横字谜

4、leaflike layers ─── 叶状层

5、leaflike part of palm ─── 棕榈叶状部分

6、leaflike plant part crossword ─── 叶状植物部分纵横字谜

7、leaflike part of palm crossword ─── 手掌纵横字谜的叶状部分

8、leaflike part of a fern crossword ─── 蕨类植物纵横字谜中叶子状的部分

leaflike 相似词语短语

1、beamlike ─── 像束

2、bearlike ─── adj.像熊一样的

3、beanlike ─── 正常

4、sheaflike ─── 谢夫利克

5、earlike ─── 其他

6、headlike ─── 头像

7、elflike ─── 精灵般的

8、beaklike ─── 鸟嘴状的

9、beadlike ─── adj.珠状的

leaflike 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Disk leaflike, inside hairy, 5-10-lobed. ─── 花盘叶状,在内部有毛,5-10裂。

2、Branches usually flattened, leaflike, with a stout midrib, soft, spineless. ─── 通常扁平,叶状的分枝,具一粗壮中脉,柔软,无刺。

3、Stipules free, large, often leaflike, deeply lobed. ─── 托叶离生,大,经常叶状,深裂。

4、Having leaves or leaflike structures. ─── 有叶的,叶状的具有叶子的或叶状结构的

5、Sargassums are also known as sea holly because of their highly Branched stems with hollow, Berrylike floats and many leaflike, sawtooth-edged Blades. ─── 马尾藻还因其高度分支、浆果状气囊和许多带锯齿边缘的叶片状拟叶而被称为海冬青。

6、A leaflike structure that bears microsporangia. ─── 小孢子叶长有小孢子囊的叶状结构

7、A leaflike structure that bears megasporangia. ─── (植)大孢子叶带有大孢子囊的叶形结构

8、To split into thin leaflike layers or folia. ─── 裂成薄片分成薄的叶状层

9、Having three leaves or leaflike parts,as in the trillium. ─── 三叶的有三片叶子或具三个叶状部分的,如延龄草

10、Inflorescences terminal, capitate, globose, many flowered, with involucre of green leaflike bracts. ─── 花序顶生,头状,球状,多花的,具绿色叶状苞片的总苞。

11、anthers oblong. Female inflorescences crowded in apical leaf axils among leaflike bracts and bracteoles. ─── 花药长圆形雌花序在叶状的苞片和小苞片中聚集于顶端叶腋。

12、of ocrea usually with green leaflike wing; leaf blade 5-12 cm wide. ─── 叶鞘通常具绿色的叶状的翅的先端;叶片5 - 12厘米宽。

13、Green and leaflike in appearance or texture. ─── 似绿叶的绿色并在外形或纹理上象树叶的

14、branches usually flattened and leaflike, or 3-winged, with stout midrib, margins crenate, coarsely serrate, or lacerate, sometimes horny. ─── 枝通常扁平和叶状的,或具3翅,具坚固的中脉,边缘具圆齿,有粗锯齿的,或撕裂状,有时有角的。

15、Main stems erect or climbing, generally branched, with cladodes (leaflike stems) in axis of main stems and branches. ─── 主茎直立或攀援的,通常是分枝,具扁茎(叶状茎)在主茎和分枝腋处的。

16、green algae of the genus Ulva, having a membranous leaflike, irregularly shaped thallus sometimes used in salads. ─── 种石莼属的绿色海藻,有膜状叶形的不规则的叶状体,经常用在沙拉中。

17、bracts broadly lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, leaflike, usually longer than pedicel. ─── 苞片宽披针形的到长圆状披针形,叶状,比花梗通常长。

18、A leaflike thallus, as of a seaweed or lichen. ─── 叶状体例如海藻或苔藓的叶状体



松树pine 南瓜pumpkin 树叶leaf 喜欢like



n. 叶子;(书籍等的)一张;扇页

vi. 生叶;翻书页



I like to collect the leaves of various trees.



leaf blade叶片

in leaf有叶子的;叶茂的;长满叶子的

leaf area叶面积;叶面

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