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09-13 投稿


carpel 发音

英:['kɑ?p(?)l]  美:['kɑrpl]

英:  美:

carpel 中文意思翻译



carpel 短语词组

1、carpel tunnel+physical therapy ─── 腕管+理疗

2、conduplicate carpel ─── 双心皮

carpel 词性/词形变化,carpel变形

形容词: carpellary |

carpel 相似词语短语

1、carper ─── n.苛评的人;吹毛求疵的人;n.(Carper)人名;(英)卡珀

2、carpels ─── n.心皮

3、carpale ─── n.腕骨

4、carpal ─── n.腕关节;adj.腕关节的

5、cartel ─── n.卡特尔;企业联合;垄断联盟;俘虏交换条约;n.(Cartel)人名;(法)卡泰尔

6、carpet ─── n.地毯;地毯状覆盖物;(非正式)人工球场;地毯衣蛾;(非正式)斥责;v.把地毯铺在……上;厚厚地铺上;(非正式)斥责;n.(Carpet)(美、巴、印、法、比)卡尔佩特(人名)

7、carrel ─── n.研习间,小阅读室;小书房,小室

8、carcel ─── 卡索(旧时法国的光度单位);n.(Carcel)人名;(法、西)卡塞尔

9、carped ─── n.鲤鱼;抱怨;鲤科属鱼;v.吹毛求疵;n.(Carp)(美)卡普(人名)

carpel 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Legume 1.(pod) A dry dehiscent singleor many-seeded fruit formed from a single carpel, that dehisces mechanically by splitting, often explosively, along both sides. ─── 荚果:由单个心皮发育而来,含有一或多枚种子的干裂性果实,常沿两侧裂开或爆开。

2、An oil tube in the carpel walls of the fruits of the Umbelliferae (Apiaceae). ─── 油道 Vitta(pl. vittae) 伞形科植物果实心皮壁上的油管。

3、Carpel 5 or 6, a few depart; ─── 心皮5或6,几分离;

4、ovules usually 2 in each carpel, rarely 1 or several, anatropous, superposed. ─── 在每心皮内通常2胚珠,很少1个或者几个,倒生,叠加。

5、Carpels many, rarely few, inserted on convex torus, each carpel becoming a drupelet or drupaceous achene; ─── 心皮多数,有时少,着生于凸起的花托上,每心皮形成一小核果或具核瘦果;

6、ovules 2 per carpel, superposed. ─── 每心皮2胚株,叠置。

7、solitary carpel ─── 单心皮

8、valve carpel ─── 瓣状心皮

9、floral formula a superior ovary is denoted by a line below the carpel number. ─── 花程式时,子房上位的表示方法是在心皮数下加一横线。

10、The nectary originates from the several outer layer cells of base of carpel primordia. ─── 蜜腺起源于心皮原基基部外侧的几层细胞。

11、dorsal carpel branch of ulnar artery ─── 尺动脉腕上皮支

12、The tapetum was glandular tapetum of heteromorphism development of the gynoecium was normal, the ovary was solitary carpel and unilocular, it was unitegmic,tenuinacellar and anarropous. ─── 小孢子母细胞胞质分裂为同时型,四分体为四面体型,成熟花粉粒为2-细胞型,部分败育。

13、Cypsela An achenelike fruit that develops from an inferior ovary and contains some tissues not derived form the carpel. ─── cypsela连萼瘦果:由下位子房发育来的瘦果状的果实,还包含一些不是来源于心皮的组织。

14、The case is a 53 year old female patient who received operation because of carpel tunnel syndromes. ─── 本病例为53岁女性病人,一年前经某医院诊断腕隧道症候群并接受其手术治疗。

15、Two basic floral shapes differ from each other in variability of carpel number. ─── 在两种基本的花形态中,心皮数目存在不同的变异程度。

16、In the female flowers,three or four carpel primordia arise in a whorl. ─── 雄花发育过程中未见雌性结构的分化;

17、ovules 2 per carpel, basal-marginal; ─── 每心皮2胚珠,基底着生。

18、A gynoecium with only one carpel is called monocarpellary; with two or more separate carpel, apocarpous; and with fused carpels syncarpous. ─── 只有一个心皮的雌蕊称单心皮,具两个或更多分离的心皮称离生心皮。

19、Pistils (2 or)3- or 4-carpelled;carpels distinct or connate, if distinct: each carpel with 2-4 ovules, if connate: ovary 1-loculed, placentation parietal, each placenta with 6-13 ovules; ─── 雌蕊(2-)3-4心皮心皮离生或者合生,如果离生:每心皮有2-4个胚珠,如果合生,子房1室,周壁胎座,每胎座有6-13个胚珠;

20、Carpel The female reproductive organ of a flowering plant. ─── 心皮:有花植物的雌性生殖器官。

21、Carpel 5, accrete; ─── 心皮5,合生;

22、carpel stalk conic, ca. 1.5 mm. ─── 心皮柄圆锥形,长约1.5毫米。

23、ovules 2 per carpel, collateral or subcollateral. ─── 每心皮2胚珠,并生或近并生。

24、When initiation of stamen primordia have finished, carpel primordia initiate spirally along the initiation pattern of stamen primordia on the floral primordium apex. ─── 雄蕊原基发生后,在花原基顶端,心皮原基沿着雄蕊原基的发生序列呈螺旋状发生。

25、In a floral formula a superior ovary is denoted by a line below the carpel number. ─── 写花程式时,子房上位的表示方法是在心皮数下加一横线。

26、;carpel with foveolate striation, margin unequally obliquely winged. ─── 心皮具蜂窝状条纹,边缘具不等的斜翅。

27、conduplicate carpel ─── 对折心皮

28、Within the inflorescence meristem, DEP1 was expressed weakly in the carpel and stamen primordia, with patchy expression in the lemma and palea (Supplementary Fig. 3e). ─── 在花序分生组织里面,DEP1在心皮和雄蕊原基中表达微弱,在外稃和内稃有不完整表达(增图3e)中。

29、The nectary originates from the several outer layer cells of base of carpel primordia. ─── 蜜腺起源于心皮原基基部外侧的几层细胞。

30、Ovary is comprised by 2 accrete carpel, grow a circle, style is short, post 2. ─── 子房由2枚合生心皮组成,长圆形,花柱短,柱头2枚。

31、However, our genetic analysis shows that MADS21 has no function in stamen, carpel, or ovule identity determination. ─── 然而我们的遗传分析表明MADS21对雄蕊、心皮和胚珠的身份决定没有作用。

32、polymorphism theory of carpel ─── 心皮多形性学说

33、A dry, dehiscent fruit derived from a single carpel and usually opening along two lines of dehiscence, as a pea pod. ─── 由单个心皮形成的通常沿两条缝开裂的干果,如豆荚。

34、2 The browning of Yali pear appear carpel at first, and then appear core and flesh. ─── 2 鸭梨果实褐变从心皮组织开始,逐步向果心、果肉扩展。

35、Seeds 5 or more per carpel, exarillate. ─── 种子每心皮5或更多,无假种皮。

36、Capsule reniform, ca. 2 mm in diam., apex retuse, margin 2-seriate filiform denticulate, carpel smooth, without reticulate striae, sometimes minutely hairy. ─── 肾形的蒴果,直径约2毫米,先端微凹,边缘具2轮丝状细牙齿,心皮平滑,没有网状条纹,有时稍有毛。

37、Capsule winged or not, dehiscent or indehiscent, with 1 to several seeds per carpel. ─── 蒴果具翅或不具,开裂或不裂,每心皮有1到数个种子。

38、Grooves are present on the adaxial side of each carpel and develop into ventral sutures gradually closing up. ─── 腹缝线愈合现象表明观光木具有进化特征,与含笑属的亲缘关系较近。

39、7. A gynoecium with only one carpel is called monocarpellary; with two or more separate carpel, apocarpous; and with fused carpels syncarpous. ─── 好吧,如果我说的没错,他就该接受;如果不是,他也不必多心。收藏指正

40、A dry, dehiscent fruit composed of a single carpel and opening along a single side, as a milkweed pod. ─── 由单个心皮形成的沿一侧开裂的干果,如马利筋。

41、A flower may contain more than one carpel. ─── 一朵花可以有一个以上的心皮。

42、The primordia of corolla lobe, stamen and carpel emerged successively after mid September. ─── 花萼5枚。

43、Style The stalklike portion of a carpel, joining the ovary and the stigma. ─── 花柱:为心皮的一部分,是连接子房和柱头的结构。

44、endocarp woody or leathery, usually loose from leathery exocarp.Seeds 1 to many per carpel; ─── 内果皮木质或革质,通常从革质外果皮中释放种子1到多数每心皮;

45、This article shows excellent effect can be reached when TCM acupuncture and manipulation technique combined with psychological counseling on the side effects of operation on carpel tunnel syndromes. ─── 本文透过腕隧道症候群手术后遗症病例报告,凸显出中医的针灸及伤科手法的运用得当,配合心理建设,可以在临床治疗上获得意想不到的效果。

46、No definite conclusion has been reached yet.Through morphologic observation on this character, discovery is made that the numberof carpel varies with specific cultivars. ─── 本文对不同花色的香石竹雌蕊心皮数目及形态特征进行观察,发现香石竹的心皮数目随品种变化而异。

47、pistil In angiosperms,the seed-containing structure.In an apocarpous gynoecium it corresponds to the carpel,while in a syncarpous gynoecmm it is made up of two or more fused carpels. ─── 雌蕊:被子植物中,容纳种子的结构。在离生心皮雌蕊中,它与心皮一样,也是离生的,而在合生心皮中,由两个或多个融合的心皮组成。

48、Lomentum (pl. lomenta) A dry dehiscent fruit formed from a single carpel and bearing more than one seed, as in sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia). ─── 节荚:由单心皮组成的含有多个种子的裂果,如红豆草(Onobrychisviciifolia)。

49、A flower may contain more than one carpel ─── 一朵花可以有一个以上的心皮。

50、Ascidiate carpel numerous, initiated in spirals. ─── 心皮多数,螺旋状向心式发生,为囊状型心皮。

51、ovules many per carpel. ─── 胚珠很多每心皮。

52、The AMS971 flower consists of four sepals, six carpelloid stamens without anthers and a normal carpel in the center of the flower. ─── 比较花器官发现, AMS971除一个正常的雌蕊外,还有6个梭形的心皮化假性雌蕊。

53、A dry, dehiscent fruit composed of more than one carpel. ─── 由两个或多个心皮形成的开裂干果。

54、A dry , dehiscent fruit composed of a single carpel and opening along a single side , as a milkweed pod . ─── 由单个心皮形成的沿一侧开裂的干果,如马利筋。

55、Ovary inferior, carpel 1, locule 1; ─── 子房下位,心皮1,子房室1;

56、Author Song Yili Chen Yunchao Zhang Yanqing Hu Zipo ( Zaozhuang Swan Carpel General Factory); ─── 作者宋仪力;陈允超;张延庆;胡子坡;

57、pseudovalve carpel ─── 假瓣心皮

58、Dude, I'm good with texting but this is giving me carpel tunnel, let's "go primitive" I'll call you tomorrow at 10. ─── 兄弟,我可以发短信,但是手会累的,我们还是打电话说吧,明天10点我给你打电话。

59、Gynoecium (pl.gynoecia) The CARPEL or carpels of a flower. ─── 雌蕊群(雌蕊):一朵花中由一个或多个心皮组成的结构。

60、The carpel is homologous with the megasporophylls of certain spore-bearing vascular plants (pteridophytes) and the ovuliferous scales of gymnosperms. ─── 心皮和能产生孢子的维管植物(羊齿类)还有具胚珠的裸子植物的大孢子叶是同源的。

61、Syncarpous pistil --- from more than one carpel but united ---compound pistil ─── 合生生心皮雌蕊---复雌蕊

62、achene A dry indehiscent fruit formed from an ovary with a single carpel containing a single seed, e. g. oak(Quercus). ─── 瘦果:由一个心皮构成的闭果,果内只含有一粒种子。例如橡树果实。

63、The carpel closed toward and connected with the ovary central column to form axile placentation since mid October. ─── 十月中旬起心皮向内合生并与中轴连合形成中轴胎座。

64、ovule solitary in each carpel, basal, campylotropous. ─── 胚珠单生在每心皮,基部,。

65、Follicle A dry dehiscent fruit formed from one carpel that splits along one edge to release its seed, for example Delphinium fruit. ─── ?荚果:由单心皮形成,并沿心皮的一缝开裂释放种子的一种开裂干果。如飞燕草的果实。

66、CRABS CLAW(CRC) is a key gene controlling the carpel development of Arabidopsis thaliana,encoding a transcription factor which belongs to MADS family. ─── CRABS CLAW(CRC)是控制拟南芥心皮发育的主要基因之一,属MADS box基因家族中的成员.

67、The Arabidopsis floral organ identity gene AGAMOUS (AG) specifies stamen and carpel development as well as floral determinacy. ─── 拟南芥花器官特征基因AGAMOUS(AG)的指定雄蕊和雌蕊发展以及花确定性。

68、achene A dry indehiscent fruit formed from an ovary with a single carpel containing a single seed, e. g. oak(Quercus). ─── 由一个心皮构成的闭果,果内只含有一粒种子。例如橡树果实。

69、Capsule inflated, bladder like, with membranous fruit wall, dehiscing at tip of each carpel. ─── 膨大的蒴果,囊状,具膜质的果壁,每心皮在顶部开裂的。

70、solid carpel ─── 结实心皮

71、semi-solid carpel ─── 半结实心皮

72、Stamens converting to carpel ─── 雄蕊心皮化

73、These interactions all involve the ability of the carpel to recognize and reject its own pollen and accept pollen from a different plant. ─── 这些相互作用都涉及雌蕊识别和拒绝自身花粉以及接受不同植株花粉的能力。

74、Carpel many reach, from unripe, or n and in the axis is born repeatedly. unripe ovule many reach; ─── 心皮多个至一个,离生,或腹面与中轴连生。倒生胚珠多个至一个;

75、8.The pollen grain germinates on a special extension of the carpel, the stigma, and double fertilization results in a diploid zygote and triploid (usually) endosperm nucleus. ─── 花粉粒在柱头上萌发,双受精导致双倍体的合子和三倍体的胚乳形成。

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