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09-13 投稿



empirically 发音

英:[?m?p?r?kli]  美:[?m?p?r?kli]

英:  美:

empirically 中文意思翻译



empirically 网络释义

adv. 以经验为主地

empirically 反义词


empirically 词性/词形变化,empirically变形

副词: empirically |

empirically 同义词

by trial and error

empirically 相似词语短语

1、epically ─── adv.宏伟地;史诗式地

2、empathically ─── adv.移情作用地;感情移入地

3、metempirically ─── 气象

4、metrically ─── adv.韵律地;计量地

5、emphatically ─── adv.着重地;强调地;断然地

6、emetically ─── 催吐

7、empirical ─── adj.经验主义的,完全根据经验的;实证的

8、empiricals ─── adj.经验主义的,完全根据经验的;实证的

9、euphorically ─── 情绪高涨地;心情愉快地;心满意足地

empirically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This study intends to empirically examine the effects of earnings growth from various components of earnings on quality of earnings and earnings response coefficients. ─── 摘要:本研究欲探讨来自于不同来源的盈馀所带来的盈馀成长对盈馀品质及盈馀反应系数的影响。

2、On the basis of research and analysis, the paper makes it clear that the first claim can be both conceptually stated and empirically verified. ─── 为此,本文通过对已有研究的分析,阐明了情绪的认知观点既可用概念也可用经验表述和检测;

3、In order to investigate the relationship between entrepreneurial competence, control mechanisms, and radical innovation, a conceptual model is proposed and it is further examined empirically. ─── 摘要通过建立一个概念模型论证了企业家创业能力、控制机制与突变创新之间的关系,并采用多行业的大样本数据验证了我们的模型。

4、The intrinsic relationships between volatility and returns, trading volume, open interest are empirically investigated by utilizing econometric models developed for Chinese futures market. ─── 摘要利用构建的计量经济学模型对我国期货市场波动性与收益率、交易量和空盘量之间的内在关系进行了实证研究。

5、Kant held in the Critique of Pure Reason that the world of appearances (phenomena) is empirically real and transcendentally ideal. ─── 康德之后的主要继承者有费希特、谢林和黑格尔,他们都共同点是试图取消物自体。

6、But he tried to explain this empirically established fact of its significance in the wrong terms-in terms of matter and not of spirit. ─── 但他试着用错误的术语来解释这种建立在经验基础上的事实的意义——用物质而非精神的术语。

7、This paper use a panel data, applying the fixed-coefficient model to study the relation empirically between the investments and the regional economic growth in China. ─── 摘要本文利用面板数据,运用变系数固定效应模型对固定资产投资与经济增长之间的关系进行了实证研究。

8、It empirically examines whether auditors' are willing to sacrifice independence because of NAS fees, and if auditors would decide to maintain independence in accordance with engagement risks. ─── 另一方面,会计师是否因委任风险评估程度不同,决定是否维持独立性。

9、The method of extreme bounds analysis(EBA) is used to empirically test the effect of import trade and spillovers of international research and development(R&D) by FDI on the economic growth of China. ─── 文章运用极值边界分析方法,实证检验了进口贸易和FDI传导的国际R&D溢出对我国经济增长的影响。

10、But as an experimental economist, Chen will keep testing it empirically, comparing the emerging design with other available models, such as the one he is testing today. ─── 但身为实验经济学家,陈其一不断藉由实验进行测试,拿新的设计与其他现有的模式比较,今天的测试即是一例。

11、Empirically, the distinction between active and idle balance is elusive. ─── 在实际生活中,把货币分为活动余额和闲置余额是难以捉摸的。

12、NEWSWEEK was complicit in that message a dozen years ago;it’s long past time to realize that it is wrong both empirically and in terms of evolutionary theory. ─── 怒其不争,NEWSWEEK 在12年前与人同流合污的表明了错误立场,现在经过这么长的时间,我们可以自豪的说现在无论在实践的立场上,或是从进化论的立场上,我们站对了队!

13、1 - The Greeks were rash in their hypotheses, but the Milesian school, at least, was prepared to test them empirically. ─── 希腊人是勇于大胆假设的,但至少米利都学派却是准备从经验上来考查这些假设的。

14、An experiment is designed to empirically evaluate CKCMA's multiagent knowledge classification technique. ─── 我们并实际验证此模型之知识分类技术。

15、Empirically it seems to be hard to start a startup with just one founder. ─── 从经验上来说,只有一个创始人的公司往往很难。

16、Most of the doctors used antibiotics empirically. ─── 多数医生凭经验使用抗生素;

17、God does not care about our mathematical difficulties. He integrates empirically. ─── 上帝并不在乎我们的数学困难。他以经验来管理大局。

18、At last, it empirically studies the iron and steel industry by using the method mentioned above. ─── 以钢铁产业为例,测度了钢铁产业进口反倾销行为对价格指数的影响程度。

19、The Empirically Analysis of Portfolio Optimization Models Based on Different Measure of Risk ─── 基于不同风险度量的投资组合模型实证分析

20、Seasonal vaccines are traditionally produced from high-growth reassortant viruses, which have been derived empirically using well-established techniques. ─── 季节性流感疫苗是由复制迅速的重组病毒生产的,这种传统的方法是经过实践检验形成的成熟技术。

21、This paper, based on Granger causality test in a vector autoregressive process, empirically analyzed the money supply in China. ─── 在向量自回归模型基础上,通过格兰杰因果检验对我国货币供给的内生性或外生性作了实证检验。

22、One of the fundamental ideas supporting instructional technology is the idea that empirically based principles can be applied to generate predictably effective instruction (Anglin, 1995,P12). ─── 支持教育技术的基本观点之一是基于经验基础上的一种观点:运用一定的原则能够产生预期的有效的教学(盎格林,1995)。

23、The inclusion of empirically supported treatment manuals reflects a popular trend in the field of mental health practice. ─── 列入实证支持治疗手册反映了流行趋势领域的心理健康的做法。

24、This paper discusses the principle of loss distribution approach, and empirically analyzes operational risk of Chinese commercial banks by means of Monte Carlo method. ─── 摘要讨论损失分布法的基本原理,运用蒙特卡罗模拟对我国商业银行操作风险的经验数据进行了实证分析。

25、To Analyze Empirically the Income of Investments on the Funds of Basic Medical Insurance by Establishing Mathematical Models ─── 建立数学模型实证分析基本医疗保险基金的投资收益

26、Mr Smithers shows that this conclusion is empirically false: stock markets exhibit "negative serial correlation" . ─── 史密瑟斯提出,从经验来看,这一结论是错误的:股市呈现的是“负序列相关”。

27、Empirically, there is evidence to show that the extracted element of ATB constructions is originated in the first conjunct only. ─── 从实证角度上看,有?据表明横越式句型的成分提取仅起始于第一个并列项而已。

28、In the subsequent section, I test the proposed hypotheses empirically, using three wave of the General Social Surveys. ─── 在后来的区段中,我以经验为主地测试被计画的假定,使用一般的社会调查的三个波。

29、One must treat budding programmes leniently: programmes may take decades before they get off the ground and become empirically progressive. ─── 必须宽厚地对待年轻地纲领:研究纲领可能需要几十年的时间才开始发展并成为经验上进步的纲领。

30、Someone maintains that any statement that cannot be verified empirically is meaningless. ─── 主张任何经不起检验核实的论断都是无意义的。

31、It is used in the treatment of serious gram-positive infections.It has been used empirically in neutropenic patients. ─── 常在机体有排斥万古霉素时作为低毒性的改进替代药物使用。

32、By using cross-sectional data in 2000,this paper empirically tests the influence of trust index in every area in China on regional industrial agglomeration. ─── 以2000年的截面数据,实证检验我国各地区信任指数对地区工业集聚水平的影响。

33、Such claims need to be tested empirically. ─── 这类断言需要实践来检验。


35、A conceptual model of social exchange theory is presented and empirically assessed. ─── 以南投县鱼池乡日月村之邵族人和日月潭之观光客为调查对象。

36、eighthly, proving empirically the Inner-and-Outer Win-Win Model of Innovative Organizations after the research on 20 famous innovative organizations. ─── 八是对创新型组织内外双赢管理模式进行了实证检验,采用案例分析的方法对国内外20家创新型组织进行了分析。

37、Lacked the tools of investigation necessary to explore those ideas empirically. ─── 意思是缺乏探索那些观点的实际调查,因此,这与问题选项中。

38、If there is some truth to the idea that people in crowds are suggestible, no one has managed to demonstrate it empirically. ─── 因此把一个感性的群体看成与一个理性的群体相对的,是毫无意义的。

39、Empirically, the distinction between active and idle balances is elusive. ─── 在实际生活中,活动余额和闲置余额的区别是难以捉摸的。

40、An outfielder's empirically based "theory" of missiles is reminiscent of the latter stages of Ptolemic epicyclic models. ─── 一个棒球外场手,他那种基于经验所形成的空中飞行物的“理论”,其实就很像托勒密本轮模型的后期阶段。

41、Based on the Shanghai dividend index and Shanghai composite index, the paper explores the bubbles of Shanghai stock market empirically by using the method of unit root and cointegration. ─── 摘要针对沪市红利指数和上证综合指数,提出利用单位根、协整检验方法对中国沪市泡沫做相关实证分析。

42、They each produce empirically rich accounts of concrete and socially-situated economic processes; ─── 它们都对具体的、社会情境的经济过程进行了大量的经验性描述。

43、In response to this gap, this study empirically examines the relationships between value, rareness, competitive advantage, and performance. ─── 为了填补这一空白,本研究就从实证的角度检验了价值、稀缺性、竞争优势与绩效之间的关系。

44、Empirically, the distinction between active and idle balances is elusive ─── 在实际生活中,活动余额和闲置余额的区别是难以捉摸的。

45、Empirically supported treatments ─── 实证支持治疗

46、Empirically "world history" started in the fifteenth century. ─── 在经验上,“世界历史”开始于十五世纪。

47、The Empirically Comparative of Portfolio Selection Models Based on Different Measure of Investment Risk ─── 基于不同风险度量的投资组合模型的实证比较

48、Empirically Analysis of Investment Expenditure Structure in the Financial System of Chinese Rural Compulsory Education ─── 农村义务教育财政支出结构实证分析

49、This coefficient will be specific to each organization and can be found empirically by collecting metrics over a project or two. ─── 此系数将具体到每个组织,并且可以通过收集一两个项目量度按经验寻找。

50、This study empirically examines the link between public relations and strategy by incorporating the resource-based view from management literature. ─── 摘要本文通过涵盖管理学的资源观,从经验角度来检验公共关系与策略之间常被忽视的联系。

51、Seismic processing is often based on the assumption that the earth's reflection coefficient series is random, which is empirically true ─── 地震数据处理常常基于地下反射系数序列是离散的这一假设,且经验证明这一假设是正确的。

52、5. Relationships between the minor axis semidiameter and major axis semidiameter have been empirically determined for different structural detail geometries. ─── 对于不同结构细节的几何形状,已经确定了短轴和长轴半径之间的关系。

53、These common characteristics of an epistemic community have to be defined empirically. ─── 如此知识社群研究取向永远无法被否证。

54、Comparing Level of Regional IT Application and Empirically Researching Difference Factors ─── 区域信息化水平比较与差异因素的实证研究

55、By using R/S analysis method,we empirically analyze Chinese stock market closing index with different time-windows and study the scale properties. ─── 应用重标度极差分析法(R/S),对我国股票市场不同时间间隔的收盘指数进行实证分析,研究我国股票市场的标度特性。

56、To Empirically Test the Chinese Saving Behavior by Using Buffer-Stock Model ─── 应用缓冲储备模型实证检验我国居民的储蓄行为

57、We apply the distortion pricing principle to the motor insurance in our country and analysis the insurance Prremium empirically. ─── 摘要本文根据失真保险定价原则,以我国某保险以同的某项机动车保险业务为例,对其保费进行了实证分析。

58、The critique, then, of practical reason generally is bound to prevent the empirically conditioned reason from claiming exclusively to furnish the ground of determination of the will. ─── 因而实践理性批判主要是阻止经验的理性宣称独一无二的提供了意志决定的基础。

59、It concludes that the Chinese poetic style shows a kind of empirically perceptual feminine beauty, and the English poetic style reflects a kind of dialectically rational masculine beauty. ─── 中国的诗歌文体体现出一种经验性的感性阴柔美,英国诗歌文体体现出一种思辨性的理性阳刚美。

60、Using provincial data, this paper empirically explores the relationship between demographic factors and economic growth. ─── 摘要文章使用中国分省资料,对人口因素和经济增长之间的关系进行了实证研究。

61、Considering the system in China, we tested empirically the effect of ownership structure on the investment of listed company in China by using the financial data. ─── 摘要基于我国制度背景,利用上市公司财务数据,实证检验了股权结构、现金流对我国上市公司投资行为的影响。

62、Kant wrote in Critique of Pure Reason (1781) that we can empirically review the "phenomena" (outward appearance) of nature and use innate reason to draw useful conclusions. ─── 在纯粹理性批判(1781年)康德写道,我们可以实证性地检视自然“现象”(外表)的性质,并使用先天原因得出有益的结论。

63、Lux Printed Knit DressPrinted knit dress cut with a deep-v neck and empir... ─── Lux 高腰款女连衣裙v形领口,高腰款式,泡泡袖口,凸显都市女性气质之美。

64、This paper empirically examines the relationship between top management team(TMT) size and firm performance based on the evidence from Chinese listed companies in the manufacturing sector. ─── 就高管团队规模对企业绩效的影响进行了理论分析和实证研究。

65、It takes Jiangsu and Guangdong Provinces as cases to empirically analyze the issues caused by the governance mechanism of simplification of state in the process of regional development. ─── 文章以粤、苏两省为分析单位,重点剖析了国家简单化管理在两省区域协调发展中带来的主要问题。

66、Yet both kinds of models were empirically constructed in the same inductive Ptolemaic way. ─── 不过,这两种模型都是基于经验,以同样的托勒密式归纳法建立起来的。

67、They approached this part of their task empirically. ─── 他们实证地处理这部分任务。

68、All of today's general anesthetic drugs were developed empirically, which is to say, they were tested for their ability to produce the desirable effects that define the anesthetized state. ─── 今日使用的麻醉药,全都是经验下的产物;也就是说,这些药物都是经由实际应用,而确认了它们具有产生麻醉状态的预期效果。

69、Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) has received great attention, however, the construct characteristic of OCB has not been empirically examined. ─── 摘要多构面的组织公民行为系属潜在或聚合构念,仍未有实证研究特别讨论。

70、Empirically Microeconomic Analysis of China's Bank Credit Channel to Transmit Monetary Policy ─── 我国货币政策信贷传导途径的实证研究及微观分析

71、Empirically then, we see that the medication has not at all improved their health, just their symptoms. ─── 根据经验,然后我们看到,这些药物并没有改善他们的健康,只是消除他们的症状。

72、The relationship between operational decentralization and new product development speed was analyzed empirically. ─── 摘要对中国企业业务分权和新产品开发速度之间的关系进行实证分析。

73、Back at Illy's labs, the scientists say that while Hyper Espresso is made with the same blend of beans, it is empirically different than the traditional stuff. ─── 回意利的实验室中,科学家们说,虽然超咖啡是用同样的混合豆,它是不同的经验比传统的东西。

74、Using an extended tax-smoothing model,it empirically studies the relationship between seigniorage and tax-smoothing criteria in China, which denies the tax-smoothing hypothesis. ─── 利用扩展的税收平滑模型,对我国政府的铸币税融资是否满足税收平滑假设进行了实证研究,发现结论是否定的。

75、It may be readily seen that the temporal structure of everyday life is exceedingly complex, because the different levels of empirically present temporality must be ongoingly correlated. ─── 我们很容易看出日常生活的时间结构是极端复杂的,因为经验当下时,时序性的不同层次一定是持续相关的。

76、Cass R.Sunstein, Formalism and Statutory Interpretation: Must Formalism Be Defended Empirically? ─── 形式主义和制定法解释:必须经验性的为形式主义声辨吗?

77、The acceptance criterion is usually set empirically based on the type of device being fabricated ─── 合格标准一般是根据制作器件的类型由经验确定。

78、There are nonetheless several empirically proven benefits. ─── 尽管如此,还是有一些被经验证明的益处。

79、The learning theovy of Audiolingualism is the behavioural psychology which is an empirically based approach to the study of human behaviour. ─── 听说法的学习理论是行为主义心理学,行为主义心理学是一种以实验的方法研究人类行为的科学。

80、A strategy is developed to empirically test the rational model against the political model of collective decision in the context of land tenure choice in rural China. ─── 摘要本文以中国农村为背景,试图发展一种可以检验集体决策过程是理性模型还是政治模型的方法。

81、The paper analyzes empirically the overreaction phenomenon and its causes in Chinese stock market with the data of Shanghai stock exchange during the period of 1997-2004. ─── 摘要本文采用1997-2004年上海证券交易所的所有股票交易数据,对我国股票市场的过度反应及其成因进行实证分析。

82、Your course of action therefore needs to be identified empirically. ─── 因此,我们可以借鉴别人的经验,看看你可以怎么做。

83、This study tries to empirically investigate the feasibility of using BTM to evaluate Taiwan people’s health benefit obtained from air quality improvement. ─── 故本研究希望运用既有调查资料对效益移转进行实证研究,以了解此方法在推估台湾地区民众因空气污染改善而获得之健康效益的适用性。

84、Every science begins by accumulating observations, and presently generalizes these empirically. ─── 各门科学以积累观察结果开始,旋即凭借经验对它们进行概括。

85、Whether or not party strength had an influence on fair-housing laws'adoption that was empirically independent of more primitive characteristics of the state's electorate will be examined below. ─── 从经验主义的角度讲,公平住房法对于政党力量对于公平住房法的采用是否有所影响。

86、At the meanwhile, demonstrating that there is a practical significance in the agriculture and rural economy empirically. ─── 主要创新点:运用简单博弈模型分析农业标准化体系建设中存在的问题;

87、Subsequently, the corporation investment behavior under the different shareholding financing result and size is empirically studied. ─── 在此基础上,本文对不同股权融资结果和融资规模下的公司投资行为进行了实证研究。

88、However, it remains, to be tested empirically whether there are decision usefulness differences among cash flow statement, balance sheet and income statement. ─── 但是现金流量表、资产负债表和利润表的决策有用性是否毒在差异,还缺乏经验证据。

89、With A-shares samples on the Shenzhen stock exchange,the paper tests empirically the determinants of investor relations on corporate websites. ─── 在此基础上,我们以深圳主板上市公司网站为样本,对影响公司网站投资者关系水平的因素进行了实证检验。

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