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09-13 投稿


redeeming 发音

英:[r??di?m??]  美:[r??di?m??]

英:  美:

redeeming 中文意思翻译



redeeming 短语词组

1、redeeming marriott points ─── 兑换万豪积分

2、redeeming light ─── 救赎之光

3、redeeming grace baptist ─── 救赎恩典施洗者

4、redeeming love bt ─── 救赎爱情bt

5、redeeming the time ─── 挽回时间

6、redeeming live ─── 赎回live

7、redeeming love pdf ─── 救赎爱情pdf

8、redeeming grace church ─── 救赎恩典教堂

9、redeeming codes roblox ─── 赎回代码roblox

10、without a single redeeming feature ─── 没有丝毫可取之处

11、redeeming love ─── 救赎的爱

redeeming 词性/词形变化,redeeming变形

动词过去分词: redeemed |动词第三人称单数: redeems |形容词: redeemable |动词过去式: redeemed |动词现在分词: redeeming |

redeeming 相似词语短语

1、redreaming ─── 再扩孔

2、beteeming ─── 下注

3、addeeming ─── 加法。

4、reddening ─── v.变红(redden的现在分词);[天]红化

5、adeeming ─── vt.废止;撤销

6、beseeming ─── v.合适于(beseem的现在分词)

7、deeming ─── v.认为;相信(deem的ing形式)

8、coredeeming ─── 组织

9、redealing ─── 重新排列

redeeming 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was trying to redeem himself for his earlier failure. ─── 他试图挽回他早些时候的失败。

2、I have found in him one great redeeming feature. ─── 我发现他有一个很大的可取之处。

3、She chronicles her journey on her blog, Redeeming the Time. ─── 在其博客《挽回时间》中,她描述了自己的经历。

4、He had no way to redeem his furniture out of pawn. ─── 他无法赎回典当的家具。

5、On his release, Meyer launched a campaign to clear his reputation as well as redeem that of his beloved Hitlerjugend. ─── 在他的赦免书上说,梅耶在战役中和他心爱的“希特勒青年”师挽回了名誉。

6、They are planning to redeem land from the sea. ─── 他们正在计划填海拓地。

7、A very good feature will sometimes redeem several bad ones . ─── 一俊遮百丑。

8、He will give redeeming love to us who are tiny and sinful! ─── 他将救赎的爱赏赐给我们这些渺小的、有罪的受造物!

9、He was able to redeem his watch from the pawnshop. ─── 他得以从当铺赎回他的表。

10、Shencongwen finished his demand of modernity through the way of discontent and redeeming. ─── 他的现代性诉求是通过“不满”而“救赎”的路径进行的。

11、You deserve to die.But dead you can do nothing.Alive, you may just be able to redeem yourself. ─── 你该死,但是死了你就什么都做不了。活着,你还可能救赎自己。

12、From the power of Sheol I will ransom them; From death I will redeem them. ─── 14我必救赎他们脱离阴间的权势,救赎他们脱离死亡。

13、NIV] Rise up and help us; redeem us because of your unfailing love. ─── [和合]求你起来帮助我们,凭你的慈爱救39赎我们。

14、Christians believe Jesus was sent by God to redeem mankind. ─── 基督徒相信,上帝派耶稣来救赎人类。

15、If instead we embrace our dark side, we can redeem and transform it, and bring new energy into our lives. ─── 不 过 如 果 我 们 不 是 嫌 弃 而 是 主 动 承 认 自 己 的 暗 面 , 就 能 加 以 弥 补 加 以 转 化 , 还 能 在 自 己 的 生 活 中 注 入 新 的 能 量 。

16、The only redeeming feature of the hotel was the swimming pool. Apart from that, it was the worst hotel I've never stayed in. ─── 这所旅馆唯一的可取之处就是它的游泳馆.除此之外,这可以说是我住过的最糟的旅馆。

17、Follows by the exile, marched into dark redeeming. ─── 伴随著被放逐者,步入了黑暗的救赎。

18、At the end of the 1940s, such a unifying movement was held to be revolutionary, progressive and redeeming. ─── 在二十世纪四十年代末,这样的统一运动被视为革命的、进步的和弥补性的。

19、But it has one redeeming feature: the irresistible impulse to see one's writings in print exhausts itself during early life. ─── 但这也有挽回的一面:那种急于看到自己作品印刷出来的不可抵御的冲动,在人生的早期就萎靡下去了。

20、Someone with few redeeming qualities. ─── 几乎没有任何可取之处的人

21、Unlike open-end mutual funds, closed end funds do not stand ready to issue and redeem shares on a continuous basis. ─── 与开放式基金不同的是,封闭式基金不持续地创造和赎回基金单位。

22、A man of integrity should always redeem his promises. ─── 一个诚实的人应该总是履行其诺言的。

23、To deprive (a mortgagor) of the right to redeem mortgaged property, as when payments have not been made. ─── 取消(抵押品的)赎回权:如当无法支付款项时,剥夺(分期付款者)收回抵押财产的权利

24、Gal. 4:5 That He might redeem those under law that we might receive the sonship. ─── 加四5要把律法以下的人赎出来,好叫我们得著儿子的名分。

25、But, in spite of their quaintness, a little study revealed that the old reading books have many redeeming features. ─── 可是,只要稍加研究就不难发现,老书尽管古怪,却包含着不少优点。

26、He tried by every means to redeem the pawn. ─── 他千方百计要赎回典当物。

27、Walk in wisdom toward those who are without, redeeming the time. ─── 5你们对于外人要凭智慧行事,要赎回光阴。

28、The education-through-labor institutions follow the policy of educating, persuading and redeeming the offenders, with the emphasis on redeeming. ─── 劳动教养机关对被劳动教养的人实行教育、感化、挽救的方针,着眼于挽救。

29、He tried to redeem the bank loan two years ago. ─── 两年前他就试图偿还银行贷款。

30、Their redeeming quality is that they are loyal to their friends. ─── 作为补偿的气质,是对他们的朋友很忠诚。

31、Claiming the need for censorship is one thing , but rationally proing its redeeming alues represents a quite different issue . ─── 主张审查制度的必要性是一回事,理智地证明它的可取之处是完全不同的另一回事。

32、He buried himself in his work from morning till night to redeem the lost time. ─── 为了弥补失去的时间,他一天到晚都在埋头工作。

33、Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time. ─── 你们要爱惜光阴,用智慧与外人交往。

34、But God will redeem my life from the grave; he will surely take me to himself. ─── 只是神必救赎我的灵魂,脱离阴间的权柄,因他必收纳我。(细拉)

35、But after a decade there, he was looking for a new career path with a "more direct socially redeeming value, " he said. ─── 但据他自己介绍说,在那工作了几年之后,他想寻找一个能“更直接回报社会”的职业。

36、Type O:Type O people are stubborn and impulsive. Their redeeming quality is that they are loyal to their friends. ─── 型的人顽固、冲动。作为补偿的气质,是对他们的朋友很忠诚。

37、After New Year he wanted to get it off his hands as he had no hope of redeeming it. ─── 转过年来,他想出手那辆车,他没有自己把它赎回来的希望。

38、At the end of the 1940s, such a unifying movement was held to be revolutionary, progressive and redeeming. ─── 在二十世纪四十年代末,这样的统一运动被视为革命的、进步的和弥补性的。

39、Investors could change the fund size by buying or redeeming the fund shares after the Open-end fund was established. ─── 在开放式基金成立以后,投资者可以通过申购或赎回基金份额来追加或减少基金份额,影响基金规模。

40、Most bonds allow the issuer to redeem them at any time before the maturity date. ─── 大多数债券允许发行者在到期日之前赎回。

41、Not only for Him to redeem us, but also to renew us. ─── 不单单救赎我们,也更新我们。

42、The purpose of her Triumph is to prepare souls to receive the redeeming grace of the Sacred Heart. ─── 圣母玛利亚要取胜的目的,是为准备众人的灵魂,迎接耶稣圣心的救恩。

43、And the kinsman said, I cannot redeem it for myself, or else I will mar my own inheritance. ─── 6那亲人说,这样我自己就不能赎了,恐怕于我的产业有损。

44、This essay mainly provides a method for the modeling system and it has redeeming feature for the model building of every mini system. ─── 本论文主要对系统建模提供了一种方法,其中对于各个小系统的建模都有可取之处。

45、Even in the bad poems there are redeeming features. ─── 即使坏诗里也有补救败笔的。

46、They sought not to reserve the revolution but to redeem it. ─── 他们并不想把革命逆转过来,而是想要拯救革命。

47、Draw near to my soul; redeem it; Ransom me because of my enemies. ─── 18求你亲近我,救赎我;求你因我的仇敌把我赎回。

48、To let them know that God will redeem and revive them. ─── 使他们知道神必定会救赎他们,复兴他们。

49、His only redeeming feature is honesty. ─── 他的惟一可取之处是他诚实。

50、That He might redeem those under law that we might receive the sonship. ─── 5要把律法以下的人赎出来,好叫我们得着儿子的名分。

51、To deprive(a mortgagor) of the right to redeem mortgaged property,as when payments have not been made. ─── 取消(抵押品的)赎回权如当无法支付款项时,剥夺(分期付款者)收回抵押财产的权利。

52、His only redeeming feature is his sense of hummour. ─── 他唯一的优点就是他有幽默感。

53、If instead we embrace our dark side,we can redeem and transform it,and bring new energy into our lives. ─── 不过如果我们不是嫌弃而是主动承认自己的暗面,就能加以弥补加以转化,还能在自己的生活中注入新的能量。

54、Redeem Israel, O God, from all their troubles! ─── 22上帝啊,求你救赎以色列脱离他一切的愁苦。

55、NIV] Come near and rescue me; redeem me because of my foes. ─── [和合]求你亲近我,救赎我,求你因我的仇敌把我赎回。

56、He has a chance to redeem himself after last week's mistakes. ─── 他有机会弥补上星期犯下的错误。

57、Come near and rescue me; redeem me because of my foes. ─── 18求你亲近我,救赎我。求你因我的仇敌把我赎回。

58、All the firstborn of thy sons thou shalt redeem. ─── 凡头生的儿子都要赎出来。

59、It is complicated to redeem coupons. ─── 兑换优惠券是很复习。

60、The few redeeming elements only squirt a few drops of perfume on the overwhelming stench of the rest of this game. ─── 与此相比,那些能够挽回一些游戏品质的元素就好比在无尽的恶臭中喷上几滴香水一样。

61、And every firstborn male among your sons you shall redeem. ─── 凡你儿子中头生的都要赎出来。

62、Chinese members can use their PTP revenues to redeem for ADS only. ─── 中国成员能使用他们的PTP收支赎回为ADS唯一。

63、To bar an equity or a right to redeem a mortgage. ─── 取消赎回抵押品的权利

64、Follow the step-by-step process, and enter 8-digit reward code of the reward that you would like to redeem. ─── 依指示输入您想换取的8位数字奖赏编号。

65、Redeem them with sword and fire! ─── 以剑与火救赎彼等!

66、And he shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities. ─── 他必救赎以色列脱离一切的罪孽。

67、We offer our members the opportunity to redeem their points or cash earned here. ─── 会员拥有兑换积分或现金的机会。

68、Type O people are stubborn and impulsive. Their redeeming quality is that they are loyal to their friends. ─── 型的人顽固、冲动,他们的补偿特质是对他们的朋友很忠诚。

69、Unfortunately, there's not one redeeming nutritional aspect in eggnog. ─── 不幸运的是,没有一个确切的营养方案能取代蛋蜜乳。

70、How much will it cost to redeem my watch from pawn? ─── 从当铺将我的表赎回来要多少钱?

71、What you don't see till you're a parent, I suspect, and this is my own experience, is all their wonderful redeeming features. ─── “当你在二三十岁的时候你没有孩子,他们就看上去发臭,自私,嚎叫,那些乳臭未干的小子们,他们就是这样的。”

72、How am I supposed to solve the unsolvable|murder mystery and redeem yourself? ─── |我怎么可能解开根本无解的悬案|而让你自己满意呢?

73、Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. ─── 爱惜光阴,因为现今的世代邪恶。

74、They don't expect their beloved writer to redeem humanity. ─── 他们并不期待他们喜爱的作家去拯救人类。

75、He decided to redeem the pledge. ─── 他决定赎回质押物.

76、And if any man will redeem his tithes, he shall add the fifth part of them. ─── 人若愿意把应献的十分之一赎回一部分,除物价外,应另加五分之一。

77、Servants have ruled over us: there was none to redeem us out of their hand. ─── 原是奴隶的人,竟然统治我们,但没有人解救我们,脱离他们的手。

78、To deprive(a mortgagor)of the right to redeem mortgaged property,as when payments have not been made. ─── 取消(抵押品的)赎回权如当无法支付款项时,剥夺(分期付款者)收回抵押财产的权利

79、But, beloved, the sweetest and the loudest note in our songs of praise should be of redeeming love. ─── 为从祂丰富的手中所收受的感谢祂,因为我们原不配得,祂却慷慨地赐予。

80、Redeeming coupons makes me feel good. ─── 兑换优惠券给我良好的感觉。

81、Based on watching the Tujia's rite of redeeming their vows to Tima,the author analyses such activity's status quo in reality. ─── 作者通过实地观察一次土家族的还梯玛愿活动,分析了它在现实生活中的存在状况。

82、You Botched the last joB But can redeem yourself on this one. ─── 你把上次的工作搞糟了,但可通过这次的工作挽回声誉

83、If the owner wishes to redeem the animal, he must add a fifth to its value. ─── 他若一定要赎回,就要在你所估定的价值以外加上五分之一。

84、The one redeeming quality he showed was a propensity for getting to the line, averaging nine free throws a game. ─── 他的表现能有所补偿的地方似乎倾向于罚球线,场均能有9个罚篮。

85、Only the fierce loyalty of close pals provides a redeeming feature. ─── 只有生死之交的狂热忠诚才能让读者发出赞许之言。

86、They hope the acting will redeem the play. ─── 他们希望出色的表演能弥补戏本身的不足。

87、But there is another side to the debate, one that explores the redeeming aspects of adolescent Web inundation. ─── 但是,争论的另一方考察的结果弥补了网络对青少年发展的冲击。

88、And if a man will at all redeem ought of his tithes, he shall add thereto the fifth part thereof. ─── 人若要赎这十分之一的什么物,就要加上五分之一。

89、To deprive(a mortgagor) of the right to redeem mortgaged property, as when payments have not been made. ─── 取消(抵押品的)赎回权如当无法支付款项时,剥夺(分期付款者)收回抵押财产的权利

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