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09-13 投稿



goaf 发音

英:[[g??f]]  美:[[go?f]]

英:  美:

goaf 中文意思翻译



goaf 相似词语短语

1、goat ─── n.山羊;替罪羊(美俚);色鬼(美俚)

2、gowf ─── 戈夫

3、golf ─── n.高尔夫球;高尔夫球运动;vi.打高尔夫球;n.(Golf)人名;(西、挪)戈尔夫

4、goa ─── n.西藏高原产的一种羚羊

5、loaf ─── n.条,一条面包;块;游荡;vt.游荡;游手好闲;虚度光阴;vi.游荡;游手好闲;虚度光阴

6、goas ─── n.西藏高原产的一种羚羊

7、goof ─── v.犯愚蠢的错误;闲荡;过量服用(违禁药品);n.愚蠢的错误;傻瓜,蠢人

8、goad ─── n.刺激;(赶牲口用的)刺棒;激励;vt.刺激;激励;用刺棒驱赶;煽动;n.(Goad)人名;(英)戈德

9、goal ─── n.目标;球门,得分数;终点;vi.攻门,射门得分

goaf 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Groundwater, surface water, goaf and settlement of loess are induction factors. ─── 地下水、地表水、采空和黄土湿陷性只是诱导因素。

2、The analyzed the features and difficulties of the support for goaf left by small coal mine in the mine shaft bottom of Shuguang Mine. ─── 分析了曙光煤矿井底车场小煤窑遗留采空区支护的特点和难度,提出采用注浆加固、高强度锚杆、再配合预应力锚索支护方案。

3、Study on goaf disposal of Sandaozhuang mine area ─── 三道庄矿区采空区处理研究

4、Directed at fire prevention in goaf,the paper proposes a method of injecting nitrogen and controlling nitrogen air to flow direction using fugitive air and controlling air quantity in gob. ─── 为解决采空区防火问题,提出从采空区漏入风一侧顺流注氮,充分利用采空区漏风流向控制氮气的流向并控制漏风量的注氮思路。

5、Keywords Revised Voussoir Beam theory;Treatment of big goaf at open pit mine; ─── 伏萨尔梁法修正;露天采场采空区处理;高台阶分区处理大面积采空区工艺;

6、Taking Chenzhuang residential quarter of Pingdingshan Coal Mining Bureau for example, the evaluation method of foundation stability over goaf was systematically studied. ─── 以平顶山矿务局陈庄住宅小区为实例,系统地研究了老采空区上方地基稳定性的评价方法。

7、The shrink quantity,theory value and test result of retaining roadways along goaf are the same,this shows the exantness of the mechanics model. ─── 可缩量、理论值与现场沿空留巷试验测结果相同,说明了这种力学模型的正确性。

8、The flooding accident caused by goaf water has always been a risky factor affecting the production safety of coal mines. ─── 摘要矿井老空水水害一直是困扰煤矿安全生产的不利因素,必须加强其防治措施方面的研究。

9、deformation of ruptured rock mass is the mostly causation of ground subsidence over goaf. ─── 采空区破裂岩体变形是导致地表沉陷的主要原因。

10、This method has the advantage in the modeling of complex models such as goaf. ─── 在建立如采矿区这样的复杂模型时,这种方法显得很有优势。

11、UDEC simulation results show that the porosity of overburden rock fissure field in goaf and its curve is saddle-shaped. ─── UDEC模拟结果表明,采空区覆岩裂隙区域孔隙率曲线呈鞍状分布。

12、Harnesing of old goaf and sealed fire area in the northern open-pit coal mine of Yima coal group ─── 义煤集团北露天煤矿老空与火区的治理

13、The impact of coal mine goaf on seismic surface ground motion and its dynamic stress distribution around the tunnel was investigated. ─── 研究了煤田采空区对地面地震动的影响以及采空巷道的动应力分布。

14、Application of Natral Alternative Electric Field to Explore Older Goaf in Suiyu Mine ─── 天然交变电场法探测古空在水峪矿的应用

15、Information processing of arbitrary boundaries in goaf and automatic generation of finite element mesh ─── 任意采空区边界信息处理与有限元网格生成

16、Surface movement observation in thick alluvium thin basement rock and small goaf ─── 厚冲积层薄基岩小采空区地表移动变形观测研究

17、The principle of using the anchor cable support to replace unexploited coal pillars,constructing artificial stone walls and wooden sheds in the channel along goaf is introduced. ─── 介绍了用锚索支护代替留设煤柱、人工石墙木棚等留巷技术的原理;

18、Practice of goaf back filling using solid wastes ─── 固体废弃物充填地下采空区的实践

19、Application of bolting with wire support technique in heading along goaf ─── 关于锚索支护技术在沿空掘巷中的应用

20、A comparison and analysis for stratum resistivity profile has been made on one coal mine goaf and the result is well in conformance with the practical situation. ─── 将该系统用于某煤田采空区的勘查,对得到的地层电阻率曲线进行对比和分析,结果和实际情况相吻合。

21、As the roof can not cave in time in bolt and anchor cable supporting extraction roadway, a goaf flow field with special air leakage boundary along goal is formed. ─── 摘要锚杆锚索支护的回采巷道采后不及时冒落,形成特殊的沿空漏风边界的采空区流场。

22、Keywords line-passage;goaf of coal mine;stability of site;evaluate;measures; ─── 出线走廊;煤矿采空区;场地稳定性;评价;措施;

23、The prevention and cure of water in the goaf water suffered work face ─── 受老空水威胁工作面的防治水工作

24、On treatment of spontaneous combustion in No.2201 goaf of Daxing Coal Mine ─── 大兴煤矿2201采空区自燃发火的治理

25、When mining under water, the height of the water suture zone in the goaf's overlying strata has direct effect on the safety of the production in mines. ─── 为解决进行水下开采时,采空区上覆岩层导水裂缝带的发育高度直接影响煤矿安全生产问题。

26、New Methods of Dealing With Methane in Goaf during Slicing in Thick Seam ─── 厚煤层分层开采采空区瓦斯处理新方法


28、Application of even ventilation pressure technology to control emission of carbon monoxide from goaf ─── 利用均压技术抑制采空区一氧化碳涌出

29、Slope hazards risk evaluation on Spontaneous ignition of goaf was conducted. ─── 摘要针对采空区自然发火进行了危险性评价。

30、Keywords water prospecting and drainage;electric coal drill;goaf water ponding; ─── 探放水;煤电钻;采空区积水;

31、Keywords room and pillar mining,shortwall mining,goaf,mechanization; ─── 房柱式采煤;短壁采煤法;采空区;机械化;

32、Balanced pressure technology applied to control gas emission from neighboring goaf to coal mining face ─── 回采工作面相邻采空区瓦斯涌出影响因素分析及治理对策

33、This paper introduces the measure and experiment about how to use earthquake exploration technology in goaf and puts forward some reasonable suggestions in goaf. ─── 介绍了告成煤矿运用地震勘探技术在探测老空区方面的方法及经验,并提出了探测采空区的合理化建议。

34、Application of bolting with wire mesh in roadway driving along next goaf under compound roof ─── 复合顶板孤岛面窄煤柱沿空掘巷锚网支护的应用


36、Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua and Its Application in Calculation of Bolt Support on Coal Goaf ─── 快速拉格朗日差分法在巷道锚杆支护计算中的应用

37、The concept of inferior spontaneous combustion state in goaf is presented regarding the coal goaf with high risk of spontaneous combustion. ─── 针对高危自燃采空区遗留煤发生自燃问题,提出采空区亚自燃状态的概念。

38、Keywords underground mine;goaf management;discussion and practic; ─── 地采矿床;采空区处理;探讨与实践;

39、This text analyses and compares 3 kinds of the stereoscopic diagraph method of goaf, recommend using laser measure system to underground mine according to our company actual circumstance. ─── 对3种井下空区立体测量方法进行分析对比,结合本公司实际情况推荐一种可行而有效的测量方法,即井下空区激光测量系统。

40、It is generally known that the deformation of the roch around the road driven along goaf during the driving is divided into two stages which are decelerative and stable deformation. ─── 一般认为沿空掘巷掘进期间的围岩变形可分为减速和稳定变形两个阶段。

41、Deal with geological faults in the face by applying goaf side roadway retained technique ─── 应用沿空留巷技术处理工作面过断层

42、Road driving along next goaf with bolt support in deep soft roof, floor and coal seam with complex roof ─── 大采深复合顶板三软煤层沿空掘巷锚杆支护

43、The design, apparatus and results of the experiment are shown.The modification of goaf gas emission under the conditions of several common face ventilation systems and airflow quantity is given. ─── 本文介绍了实验方法、装置和结果,提出了关于风量以及常见的几种工作面通风方式对采空区沼气涌出量影响的修正方法和系数。

44、Probing into goaf desert resources surface remining in Pingshuo eastern open-pit coal mine ─── 平朔东露天矿采空区遗弃资源露天复采的探讨

45、Goaf Float Coal Retrieving Method and Consideration on Recovery Rear Beam Face ─── 收尾梁工作面采空区浮煤回收方法的设想

46、Then this method is used in the calculation of bolt support on coal goaf, and deformation of goaf is compared before and after bolt support. ─── 并将这种方法应用于巷道锚杆支护的计算中,对锚杆支护前后围岩的变形进行了对比。

47、On the basis of investigation for the accumulated water in goaf areas in the Tongxin mine field,occurrence of the accumulated water in goaf areas is examined in this paper. ─── 本文依据井田范围内采空积水调查资料,探讨了采空积水的贮存分布规律,并采用冒落带及导水裂隙带最大高度的计算方法,预测了未来开采下伏可采煤层造成的漏水灾害区。


49、In order to obtain a good result of gas drainage in gob roof, the control methods of gas from goaf are discussed. ─── 摘要为了在采空区顶板实施瓦斯抽放技术获得较高的瓦斯抽放效果,对采空区瓦斯治理方法进行了探讨。

50、The influence of surface load to critical affection depth in goaf ─── 地面荷载对地下采空区的临界扰动深度及其影响

51、Keywords new type gel;goaf;fire-prevention; ─── 关键词新型凝胶;采空区;防灭火;

52、LI Zong-xiang,LIU-Jian,MA Yun-dong.Study on Numerical Simulation for Gases from Spontaneous Combustion in Goaf by Boring Water Diversion[J].China safety science journal,2004,14(4):107-111. ─── [14]李宗翔,刘剑,马云东.采空区自燃火灾气体钻孔导流的数值模拟研究[J].中国安全科学学报,2004,14(4):107-111.

53、Keywords low gas face;top corner;gas transfinite;goaf drainage; ─── 低瓦斯工作面;上隅角;瓦斯超限;采空区释放;

54、The development and utilization of the goaf hydrops have practical significance for releasing the shortage of the water resources in North China. ─── 开发利用采空区积水,对于缓解华北地区水资源紧缺的局面具有现实意义。

55、Practice on Probe Drilling Water of Working Face Goaf in Deepening Coal Pillar ─── 延深煤柱工作面采空区探放水的实践

56、Basedon the application of the theory and the cite test, the laws of methane movement in sublevl cav-ing face and goaf are studied. ─── 应用该理论结合现场试验,研究综放开采顶煤瓦斯和采空区瓦斯运移规律及工作面瓦斯涌出规律。

57、At the same time ,these are abundant mineral resources under ground in these regions, because of its long history mining, the goaf cavities are distributed widely. ─── 同时这些地区矿产资源也十分丰富,由于其地下开采历史悠久,以致于这些地区采空区也分布较广。

58、According to the analysis of gas effusion from the interior goaf, the concept of gas effusion intensity of goaf is put forward. ─── 摘要为研究采空区内部瓦斯涌出规律,解决采煤工作面的瓦斯超限问题,从分析采空区内部的瓦斯源出发,提出了采空区瓦斯涌出强度的概念;

59、The paper introduced the principle of the EH4 image system and features, also introduced the exploration cases and results in coal mine goaf, fault and bore holes. ─── 本文介绍了EH4电导率成像系统的原理、特点和该系统初次在煤矿进行的采空区、断层和钻孔位置等物探实例及其效果。

60、Using earthquake wink phase profile to define the border of coal goaf ─── 利用地震瞬时相位剖面划定煤矿采空边界

61、The paper introdu ces some utilizations of mine goaf, such as, water filling, waste filling, rubbish filling, etc., which are Helpful to mine goaf treatment. ─── 介绍了采空场的若干应用,包括水充填、尾砂充填、垃圾充填,对空场处理有借鉴意义。

62、The goaf engineering treatment scope determination is one of the highway construction difficult problems, which until now there has no good computation method to settle with. ─── 摘要采空区工程处理范围确定是捆扰通过采空区高速公路建设的难题,目前尚无良好的理论计算确定方法。

63、underground muhilayer complex goaf ─── 地下多层复杂采空区

64、A mathematical model was established,for spontaneous combustion and the release and movement of CO which generated from coal oxygenation in goaf. ─── 得到CO沿工作面回风边界涌出强度偏重于回风隅角,沿边界分布呈急剧衰减变化;

65、The exploration result basically accords with the geologic profile of coal field bores and bore validating of goaf. ─── 探测结果与煤田钻孔地质剖面图、采空区钻孔验证基本吻合。

66、The application of materials with big bubbles in dealing with natural fire in drift and goaf and it has achieved comparatively good result in fire extinction in coal mine. ─── 介绍了新集一矿应用艾格劳尼处理巷道高冒和采空区的自然发火,在矿井防灭火上取得了较好的防治效果。

67、Particularly some unknown around the state-owned mine goaf is one of the most important damage source to impact on the mine safety. ─── 特别是一些国有矿山周边的不明采空区,是影响矿山安全生产最主要的危害源之一。

68、Bolt and Boltmesh support tech. In road driving along next goaf during bearing force action period ─── 支承压力作用期沿空掘巷锚网支护技术

69、It is indicated that W type ventilation goaf reduces the pressure difference between working face ends, and narrows air leakage range. ─── 指出W形通风采空区明显降低工作面两端风压差,缩小漏风范围的效果。

70、Technical Harnessing of a Goaf Fire at Single Face ─── 一起单放工作面采空火灾的技术治理

71、Strip Bolt and Bolt Grouting Technology with Roadway Lining Applied to Gateway Passing Goaf ─── 应用双筋桁架锚杆、锚注支护技术及砌碹过采空区

72、above old goaf threatens the safety of surface buildings. ─── 采空区造成地层缓慢沉陷,严重威胁地表建筑物的安全。

73、The top coal's recovery ratio in fully-mechanized sublevel caving face controls the stowing degree of the goaf, thereby influences the stability of hard and massive overlying roof. ─── 摘要综放采场顶煤放出率控制着采空区的充填状况,从而影响着大厚度坚硬顶板的稳定性。

74、In the same goaf, there would be an equivalent or approximate equivalent obvious variation period and sustained time. ─── 同一采空区中,不同测点有相等或近似相等的显著变化周期和持续时间。

75、Processing method of goaf suspended ceiling in monomer column working fave ─── 单体柱工作面采空区悬顶的处理方法

76、The paper presents a new way of grouting in discrete zone and stowing in goaf. ─── 充填开采增加矿井设备和生产成本,且充填材料来源在某些矿区比较缺乏。

77、Oxygen Deplet Course Numerical Simulation in Natural Fire Forepart of spontaneous Combustion Inchoate Goaf ─── 回采采空区自燃的早期过程及数值模拟分析

78、Controlling of Spontaneous Hidden Peril in Goaf of 4326 Extra-long Fully-mechanized Caving Faces ─── 4326超长综放面采空区自燃隐患的治理

79、The application of the gas drainage technology in Donghai coal mine is introduced, including gas drainage in close coal layer, gas drainage in goaf, gas drainage from coal, and local gas drainage. ─── 介绍瓦斯抽放在东海矿的应用,抽放方式为邻近层抽放、空区抽放、本煤层抽放及局部抽放。

80、Application of natral alternative electric field to explore accumulated water in goaf ─── 天然交变电场法在王村矿测试采空积水的应用

81、It suggests that studying goaf gas flow patterns applying CFD model is one of the feasible methods. ─── 同时表明:采用CFD模型研究采空区瓦斯流动规律是可行的方法之一。

82、This paper introduces the application of bolting with wire mesh in roadway along goaf in Qitaihe Cleaned-Cleaned Company. The better supporting result has made. ─── 七台河精煤集团公司在沿空留巷时使用锚索锚杆支护巷道,经过实践取得了良好的支护效果。

83、The foundation stability and residual deformation must be evaluated before building life or service facilities above old mine goaf. ─── 在老采空区上方建设生活或服务设施时,必须对老采空区上方地基稳定性和残余变形情况进行评价和预测。

84、Keywords replacement face;old goaf partial ponding;sending roadway along goaf; ─── 接替面;老空区局部积水;沿空送巷;

85、YANG Bao-gui,CUI Xi-min,SUN Heng-hu.Feasibility research of mining damage controling by goaf cement backfilling in coal mines[J].Journal of China Coal Socity,2000,25(4):262-265. ─── [4]杨宝贵,崔希民,孙恒虎.煤矿采空区胶结充填控制采动损害的可行性探讨[J].煤炭学报,2000,25(4):262-265.

86、Therefore, the seismic and dynamic load affected to the stability of the goaf should be considered in the mining design. ─── 因此在开采设计时,应考虑地震等动载荷对采空区稳定性的影响。

87、The paper firstly analyzed the damage mechanism in entry along the goaf with fully mechanized sublevel caving mining by which field actual measure the character of deforming and damage. ─── 本文首先通过对深井综放开采沿空巷道的变形破坏特征的现场实测,分析了综放面沿空巷道的破坏机理。

88、The isolated island working face is surrounded with the goaf and its Surrounding coal column and goaf have a tendency of spontaneous combustion. ─── 孤岛综放工作面四周均与采空区相连,其四周煤柱和工作面采空区易于出现自燃发火。

89、Test results of surface gas extraction technology from boreholes in the goaf in Zhangbei Coal Mine, Huainan Mining Group are introduced in the paper. ─── 本文介绍了淮南矿区张北矿地面钻孔抽采采空区瓦斯技术的试验成果。

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