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09-13 投稿



embroilment 发音

英:[[?mb'r??lm?nt]]  美:[[?mb'r??lm?nt]]

英:  美:

embroilment 中文意思翻译



embroilment 词性/词形变化,embroilment变形

动词第三人称单数: embroils |名词: embroilment |动词过去式: embroiled |动词过去分词: embroiled |动词现在分词: embroiling |

embroilment 相似词语短语

1、embowelment ─── 栓子

2、embracement ─── n.拥抱;环绕;领会

3、embruement ─── 薄膜

4、embroiler ─── 牵连者

5、embroiled ─── adj.卷入的;纠缠不清的;v.卷入(embroil的过去式和过去分词);牵连

6、embodiment ─── n.体现;化身;具体化

7、embowment ─── n.弯成弓形

8、embroiling ─── vt.使卷入;使混乱

9、embossment ─── n.浮雕;凸起

embroilment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Besides, electric power is controlled directly hereat, coal, spin will tighten therewith linkage, then, include food inside, all production, means of subsistence embroil among them. ─── 除此之外,电力直接受制于此,煤炭、纺织将紧随其联动,进而,包括粮食在内,所有的生产、生活资料都将牵连其中。

2、What hand in easy committee member to want to understand additionally federally is, whether do cereal song board of directors and malic board of directors have embroil. ─── 联邦交易委员另外想了解的是,谷歌董事会和苹果的董事会是否有牵连。

3、The likelihood is linked embroil by a few friendship. ─── 可能受到一些友情链接牵连。

4、Your grandma already had more than 60, can not let her also suffer embroil. ─── 你奶奶已有六十多,可别让她也受牵连。”

5、This will also lead to reduce other related bank and non-governmental investment,which can not be neglected,on account of its very strong embroilment of effectivity. ─── 据有关媒体报道,2005年实施稳健财政政策后,发行的国债将会比今年减少300亿元。

6、Many Americans would like the withdrawal of combat troops from Iraq to signal the beginning of the end of America’s overall embroilment in the benighted regions of the world. ─── 许多美国人都希望从伊退兵意味着美国开始不再过多干涉世界上蒙昧无知地区的食物。

7、embroil oneself in ─── 使某人卷入纠纷

8、The Hua Qi data of mandatory server closes down suddenly, make their discharge also gets embroil, encounter almost " disaster " . ─── 托管服务器的华启数据突然倒闭,使它们的流量也受到牵连,几乎遭遇“灭顶之灾”。

9、S. alliance could embroil the South in an unwanted potential conflict over Taiwan, which China has warned it may invade if the island ever declares independence. ─── 中国一再警告,如果台湾宣布独立中国就可能动武。

10、Their embroilment is to our advantage ─── 他们闹,对我们有利。

11、The netizen is right Zhu Mou's behavior substantially condemn, and the censure that she also is reached a fellow student by embroil by relatives and friends, colleague. ─── 网友对朱某的行为大加声讨,而她也被牵连遭到亲友、同事及同学的非议。

12、Although political leaders, Olympic committees and athletes everywhere have decried efforts to embroil the Olympics in politics, that has often been the case - and none more so than in China now. ─── 虽然政治领袖,奥会和运动员责难奥运捲入政治所在多有,但比而较之,历届奥运恐难出即将于八日揭幕的北京奥运之右。

13、I was reluctant to embroil myself in his problems. ─── 我不愿意卷入到他的问题中去。

14、Strengthening Hospital Management According to Law and PreventingOccurrence of Medical Treatment Embroilment ─── 依法加强医院管理预防医疗纠纷发生

15、On the resolving of moving--point acceleration when embroil motion is rotating ─── 牵连运动为转动时动点加速度求解的研究

16、These steps had not surprisingly produced a rising tide of anti-Japanese sentiments in China, which in turn led the Japanese to embroil themselves even more deeply into Chinese affairs. ─── 无庸质疑,日本的种种行径在中国掀起了日益高涨的反日热潮,这反过来使得日本更加深陷于对华事务。

17、To entangle; embroil. ─── 使陷入;使混乱

18、The Hua Qi data of mandatory server closes down suddenly, make their discharge also gets embroil, confront disaster almost. ─── 托管服务器的华启数据突然倒闭,使它们的流量也受到牵连,几乎遭遇灭顶之灾。

19、Not really.To embroil the war with the settlement of such intractable disputes is to give an excuse for prevarication. ─── 这不尽然,卷入一场解决此类棘手争议的战争将给巴基斯坦提供推诿的借口。

20、Not only such, sell the home to still cross a branch to call, even " where had seen you " colleague also by along with all the others embroil inside. ─── 不但如此,卖家还跨部门打电话,连“哪里见过你”的同事也被一并牵连在内。

21、Elementary discussion of focus problem in ship quality embroilment case ─── 船舶质量纠纷案件中焦点问题初析

22、to embroil the management of someone's company ─── 搅乱某人公司的管理工作

23、The practice of risk management in preventive medical embroilment in outpatient department ─── 危机管理理论在门诊护理管理中的应用

24、Strengthening Hospital Management According to Law and PreventingOccurrence of Medical Treatment Embroilment ─── 依法加强医院管理预防医疗纠纷发生

25、embroil v. ─── 拖累;牵连;卷入纠纷 [F embrouiller(EN-, BROIL争吵;

26、It is good when the operation to because make drug,was not hit, hit spinal column aches, the leg of embroil also aches now, the effect with bad what can you have? ─── 手术时由于打麻药没打好,打的脊柱疼,现在牵连的腿也疼,会有什么不好的影响吗?

27、The practice of risk management in preventive medical embroilment in outpatient department ─── 危机管理理论在门诊护理管理中的应用

28、Or child of the domain name fall the embroil of authority. ─── 或者是子域名的降权的 牵连。

29、If time grew, probable meeting embroil arrives pupil, cause blindness! ─── 假如时间长了,很可能会牵连到瞳孔,造成失明!

30、Depending on the my own experience, I think that this kind of embroilment itself is not dreadful. ─── 对这种纠纷本身我觉得并不可怕。

31、The Times continues to clamour for the nation to range itself beside Russia and France, and to embroil itself in the great continental war that is arising before us. ─── 泰晤士报仍在呼吁政府与俄、法并肩作战,加入到眼前这场欧洲大陆上的大战中。

32、It should also be something that will not embroil us in those states of mind from which we are trying to free ourselves, such as greed, anger and delusion. ─── 他应该是那些不会使我们陷入那些我们试图脱离的精神状态,如贪婪、愤怒以及幻象。

33、1. embroil vt. ─── 使混乱;

34、but because these regulations and method embroil range are wide, the case is complex, disappear tardy come on stage. ─── 但由于这些规章与办法牵连面广,情况复杂,迟迟不见出台。

35、The country at first did not want to become embroil in the battle ─── 这个国家起初不想卷入到战争中去

36、" no matter be the accounting personnel in the branch,she still says still is an any administrator try to prevent a thing to disclose, because of a lot of people in them embroil among them. ─── 她还说无论是部门中的会计人员还是任何一名治理人员都试图阻止事情败露,因为他们之中的很多人都牵连其中。

37、The country at first do not want to become embroil in the battle. ─── 这个国家起初不想卷入到战争中去。

38、Elementary discussion of focus problem in ship quality embroilment case ─── 船舶质量纠纷案件中焦点问题初析

39、Until now, Barack Obama has been oddly shy of embroilment, partly because of the lack of a solid Israeli government. ─── 直到现在,巴拉克·奥巴马一直为巴以之间的纠纷感到异乎寻常地羞愧,部分原因是由于缺少一个稳固的以色列政府。

40、What to get is a hooligan, don't belong to an underworld property, should not have what embroil. ─── 领的是飞车党,不属于黑社会性质,该不会有什么牵连。

41、to embroil; to involve ... in; to implicate ─── 连累

42、I have no embroilment with that matter. ─── 我跟那事毫无牵连。

43、"Element person " the characteristic that the skin provides depends on, she can rise the embroil with lifestyle and product, very good sale. ─── “素人”皮具的特点在于,她能把生活方式和产品、销售很好的牵连起来。

44、1.to encumber; to embroil; to be a burden on 2.an encumbrance ─── 拖累

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