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09-13 投稿


backslide 发音

英:[?b?k?sla?d]  美:[?b?k?sla?d]

英:  美:

backslide 中文意思翻译




backslide 网络释义

n. 倒退v. 堕落(过去式backslid,过去分词backslid,现在分词backsliding,第三人称单数backslides,名词backslider);退步;背离宗教

backslide 短语词组

1、backslide clue ─── 倒退线索

2、backslide 2003 ─── 倒退2003

3、backslide crossword ─── 倒退纵横字谜

4、backslide on friday chords ─── 在星期五的和弦上倒退

5、backslide def ─── 向后滑动定义

6、backslide angel ─── 倒退角度

backslide 词性/词形变化,backslide变形


backslide 相似词语短语

1、backslid ─── v.故态复萌,退步;堕落(backslide的过去式和过去分词)

2、backslider ─── n.想改掉坏习惯,但改了一段时间后又恢复老习惯的人

3、backlite ─── 后窗玻璃

4、backsplice ─── n.反插接;反向剪接

5、back line ─── 后防线;端线;家畜背线

6、backside ─── n.背部;后方;臀部

7、backslidden ─── 堕落;倒退(backslide的过去分词)

8、backline ─── (尤指球场的)底线;(尤指球场的)端线;后列队员;后台扬声器

9、backslides ─── v.倒退,堕落;n.倒退,堕落

backslide 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hint: Watch out for a "backslide effect" Just before behavior changes it sometimes worsens. ─── 就在孩子的行为改变的时候,“退步效应”的发生会使得情况更糟。

2、You've done a good job in the exam, I hope you won't backslide. ─── 你考试考得不错,我希望你不要退步。

3、and practise regular charity.Then did ye turn back, except a few among you, and ye backslide (even now). ─── 然后,你们除少数人外,都违背约言,你们是常常爽约的。

4、I managed to keep of cigarettes for three months, but recently I am afraid I've begun to backslide . ─── 我设法戒了三个月的烟,但是最近我恐怕又开始故态复萌了。

5、1.to do less well than before; to go backward; to regress; to relapse; to backslide; 2.regression; retrogression; degeneracy ─── 退步

6、He kept away from strong drink for years, but recently I'm afraid he' begun to backslide. ─── 他有好几年没有酗洒了,但我担心最近他又故态复萌了。

7、Many people groan, give up and backslide due to some loss.The intellectuals will stand up to pursue because of not owning something. ─── 许多人因为没有得到而抱怨而放弃而沉沦,智者会因为没有得到而奋起而执著而追求。

8、Many Christians backslide because this truth is not clearly taught.They are unable to stand against the temptations of the world, or of their old nature. ─── 慕安得烈返回南非后的第一个工作地点,是博罗方丁一处充满野兽、原住民与移民的土地,凭著坚定不移的心志与神的恩典,慕安得烈获得了明显的属灵成就。

9、Many thought it would backslide. ─── 很多人认为它会倒退。

10、You're doing excellent work now, I hope you won't backslide. ─── 你现在工作的很好,我希望你不会故态复萌。

11、If ye backslide after the clear (Signs) have come to you, then know that Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise. ─── 如果你们在明证降临之后背离正道,那末,你们当知道真主是万能的,是至睿的。

12、He's a reformed criminal who may yet backslide . ─── 他是个经过改造的罪犯,然而仍有可能故态复萌.

13、Many thought it would backslide. ─── 很多人认为它会倒退。

14、The national economy, meanwhile, is continuing to backslide. ─── 美国经济,在此期间,正在继续倒退。

15、Many Christians backslide because this truth is not clearly taught. ─── 许多基督徒所以冷淡退后,就是因为不认识这个真理。

16、It won't come instantly,and you may backslide from time to time,but don't let that deter you. ─── 你不能一步登天,有时你甚至会倒退,但不要让这些成为你的障碍。

17、We met the love on the corner, Angel believed that the backslide angel don't want to say any more as he would like to see the moon's happinese. ─── “转角遇到爱,天使相信,堕落的天使不想说太多,因为他愿意看着月亮幸福!”英语怎么说?

18、Why, then, do China's rulers continue to backslide into doubt and fear, and why do they seek to avoid having China labeled a superpower? ─── 那么,为什么中国的统治者继续倒退式的质疑和恐惧,为什么他们还是尽力避免让中国贴上超级大国的标签?

19、Cynics said even Bibi, famously tentative, would be hard put to backslide now that the president had publicly announced the accord. ─── 愤世嫉俗的人们说,既然总统公开声明了这份协议,那么即便是以犹豫不决著名的Bibi也很难背离了。

20、He kept away from strong drink for years, but recently I'm afraid he' begun to backslide . ─── 他已经好几年没有酗酒,我担心他最近又故态复萌了。

21、Although you've likely enjoyed incredible highs, it's possible that you've had to navigate an unexpected backslide or two along the way. ─── 尽管你会享受这种惊人的高度,但沿路上你仍有可能会经历一两次非预期中的倒退。

22、Hint: Watch out for a "backslide effect" Just before behavior changes it sometimes worsens. ─── 就在孩子的行为改变的时候,“退步效应”的发生会使得情况更糟。

23、Work can drive out three devils: humdrum, backslide and poverty. ─── 2工作撵跑三个魔鬼:无聊,堕落和贫穷。

24、You just need the displine and determination to see it through.It won't come instantly, and you may backslide from time to time ,but don't let that dter you. ─── 你需要的只是训练和坚持到底的决心,你不能一步登天,有时甚至会倒退,但不要让这些成为你的障碍。

25、"So this global economic recession does create some risks that those gains will backslide." ─── 杜大伟称,尤其需要注意的是,如果数百万农民工从城市返回农村,会造成很多问题。

26、Does Huck Backslide? ─── 哈克故态复萌了吗?

27、He kept away from strong drink for years, but recently I'm afraid he' begun to backslide. ─── 他有好几年没有酗洒了,但我担心最近他又故态复萌了。

28、Although humanity can "easily backslide into war, " Pinker concludes, "the forces of modernity are making things better and better. " ─── 平克的结论是:人类虽然很容易重蹈战争覆辙,但是“现代化力量促使形势不断向好的方面转化”。

29、This is not countermarch or backslide. ─── 这并非“倒退”或“堕落”。

30、Does that have thus is the leadership national?Did you want to backslide?! ─── 那有这样领导国家的?

31、1. He's a reformed criminal who may yet backslide . ─── 他是个经过改造的罪犯,然而仍有可能故态复萌。

32、Freedom House, an American lobby group, called the Swiss vote a “dangerous backslide” for religious liberty in a country that prided itself on tolerance. ─── 美国游说集团“自由之家”称,瑞士曾以其容忍传统为荣,但公投是宗教自由的“危险退步”。

33、But it is impossible that I backslide myself and fall behind him when he keep the same situation. ─── 而不能让我自己堕落失败于原地不动的他

34、Many people groan, give up and backslide due to some loss, but the intellectuals will stand up to pursue because of not owning something. ─── 许多人因为没有得到而抱怨、放弃、沉沦,但智者会因为没有得到而奋起去追求。

35、So what's gone wrong? How have the Yanks backslid from dynasty to playoff also-ran? ─── 所以发生什麽问题了?怎麽洋基会从一个王朝衰退到季后赛未完,便打道回府了呢?

36、economic backslide ─── 经济倒退

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