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09-13 投稿


congenitally 发音

英:[k?n?d??n?tli]  美:[k?n?d??n?t?li]

英:  美:

congenitally 中文意思翻译



congenitally 短语词组

1、congenitally meaning ─── 同源义

2、congenitally definition ─── 先天定义

3、congenitally missing teeth meaning ─── 先天缺牙的意思

4、congenitally define ─── 先天定义

5、congenitally missing ─── 先天性缺失

congenitally 相似词语短语

1、congenially ─── adv.意气相投地

2、nongenital ─── 非生殖的

3、monogenically ─── 单基因

4、genitally ─── 生殖器

5、congenital ─── adj.先天的,天生的;天赋的

6、consensually ─── 自愿的

7、conventually ─── 按惯例

8、congenial ─── adj.意气相投的;性格相似的;适意的;一致的

9、congeniality ─── n.同性质;适意;意气相投;同精神

congenitally 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Clear that I am congenitally borned with romanticism. ─── 显然,我出生的先天与浪漫主义。

2、The result showed there were 24 patients with congenitally missing lower incisors, accounting for 5.3% in all orthodontic patients. ─── 调查显示下颚先天缺失门齿者共24位,佔所有接受矫正治疗患者的5.3%,其中男性7位佔29%,女性17位佔71%:缺失2颗下颚门齿者有13位,女性佔12位;

3、I can't do it any other way, for you are both congenitally unable to understand a philosophic abstraction. ─── 因为我打算以子之矛攻子之盾,只好先承认它,因为你们俩天生就无法理解哲学的抽象。

4、Such projects are often used for land acquisition as a result of the total investment budget for the compensation of "congenitally deficient", difficult to achieve statutory compensation standards. ─── 这类项目往往由于总投资概算中用于征地补偿的比例“先天不足”,难以达到法定补偿标准。

5、Gungliau district has been and important fishery city for congenitally outstanding conditions and abundant fishes in northeastern coast since the Ching Dynasty.3. ─── (二)贡寮地区先天有发展渔业之优异条件,鱼类资源丰富,自晚清起已是东北部之渔业重镇。

6、I admit to being congenitally lazy. ─── 我承认我天生懒惰。

7、Congenitally fused structure ─── 先天融合性结构

8、The performance was significantly different between the two shunt groups and not shunted congenitally hydrocephalic rats. ─── 两个分流组和未分流的先天性脑积水大鼠之间,其表现差异显着。

9、congenitally skinlike cyst and fistula ─── 先天性皮样囊肿和管痿

10、This is no doubt many Chinese scholars as a congenitally deficient. ─── 这无疑是中国许多学人的一种先天不足。

11、Corresponds with it, took the procedure fair should have righteousness criminal unlawfully obtained evidence exclusionary rule to be congenitally deficient naturally. ─── 与之相对应,作为程序公正中应有之义的刑事非法证据的排除规则自然先天不足。

12、Congenitally hydrocephalic ─── 脑积水

13、Only a person who is congenitally self-centered has the effrontery and the stamina to write essays ─── 只有生来以自我为中心的人才会厚颜无耻、持之以恒地去写散文。

14、It's congenitally good,but the postnatal fostering is very important! ─── 先天不错,但后天培养很重要!

15、When the C1 posterior arch is deficient congenitally or broken by trauma, the procedure may not be suitable. ─── 当C1后弓先天性缺陷或创伤性骨折时,手术不太合适。

16、Congenitally deaf ─── 先天性聋

17、congenitally dislocated hip ─── 先天性髋关节脱臼

18、Subsequently, the use of old friend the printer packaging boxes made a major impediment to compensate study louvre "congenitally deficient", the end of my "minds of contamination. ─── 后来,朋友利用废旧的打印机包装盒做了一只异形的大灯罩才弥补书房的“先天不足”,终结了我的“心头之患”。

19、An abnormal location or position of an organ or a body part, occurring congenitally or as the result of injury. ─── 异位器官或身体部位的位置异常、先天性或由受伤造成

20、Curiously, the congenitally blind athletes revealed the greatest response to losing, but sighted Olympians showed a weaker reaction to defeat. ─── 令人好奇的是,天生就失明的运动员对失败的反应最为明显,那些视力正常的运动员对失败的反应反而要弱一些。

21、Learning Deficits in Congenitally Hydrocephalic Rats and Prevantion by Early Shunt Treatment ─── 早期分流手术对脑积水大鼠学习能力的影响

22、The child is always ailing. The doctor says he's congenitally deficient. ─── 这孩子体弱多病,医生说他先天不足。

23、Congenitally small punctum lacrimale ─── 先天性小泪点

24、congenitally corrected transposition of great arteries ─── 先天性纠正型大动脉错位:合并或不合并其他畸形

25、Glioblastoma (GBM) only rarely occurs congenitally and has not been fully characterized. ─── 很少有先天性的恶性胶质瘤(GBM),它还没有被充分地研究。

26、Congenitally deficient in the tough constraints of land resources, land conservation intensive essential to the achievement of sustainable economic development. ─── 在土地资源先天不足的硬约束下,节约集约用地对实现经济可持续发展至关重要。

27、" However, the negative layer is based on the design of the park planning, into shopping malls congenitally deficient. ─── 然而,由于负一层是按停车场的规划进行设计的,改建为商场先天不足。

28、If the surrounding environment "congenitally deficient", the lack of natural landscape, "acquired" How to compensate also for no "double King," at most a "small environment". ─── 周边环境如果“先天不足”,缺乏自然景观,“后天”再怎么弥补也弥补不出“双景”,顶多算是“小区环境优美”。

29、The President is congenitally allergic to the bellicose language Presidents typically employ to summon the dogs of war. ─── 总统是先天过敏的好战语言总统通常采用召唤战争的狗。

30、Even the congenitally pessimistic expressed a cautious sense of hope about the direction of the country after Obama. ─── 即使是天生悲观的与会者也对奥巴马当选后国家的前途抱以小心翼翼的希望。

31、congenitally missing teeth ─── 下颌个别牙先天缺失

32、Comparison of vocalization development between normal and congenitally hearing impaired infants during pre-language period ─── 正常与先天性重度聋婴幼儿言语前期言语发育的比较研究

33、NO significant between two trials,but performance was significantly different between the two shunt groups and not shunted congenitally hydrocephalic rats. ─── 在两组实施分流术的脑积水大鼠中,表现未见显著的不同,但与脑积水大鼠比较有显著意义。

34、congenitally corrected transposition of great vessels ─── 先天性纠正型大血管错位

35、these enzymes are congenitally absent in sufferers of lysosomal storage diseases. ─── 在溶酶体储存病患者中,天生缺乏这些酶。

36、Significantly congenitally disabled people should not be allowed to reproduce . ─── 显然,先天性残疾人不应该被允许生育。

37、One day, a girl who was congenitally blind played the piano beautifully before a large audience. Everyone in the audience was very pleased. ─── 有一次,一个先天失明的女孩,在大群观众面前弹奏出美妙的钢琴曲。所有观众为之震惊。

38、Congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries, ccTGA ─── 先天性矫正型大动脉转位

39、Keywords ductus arteriosus;patent;surgiery;heart defect;congenit al/surgery; ─── 动脉导管未闭/外科学;心脏缺损;先天性;

40、Star Arts Street fashion in recent years as a wind west end area of rapid development and large-scale residential groups, the existence of commercial facilities are congenitally deficient. ─── 星艺街的时尚风城西地区作为一个近几年来发展及其迅速的大规模居住区群,其商业设施却存在先天不足。

41、Glaucoma may occur congenitally, as a primary disease, or secondary to other ocular or systemic conditions. ─── 青光眼可以是先天性的,即原发性青光眼,也可以由其他眼科或系统性疾病引起。

42、a congenitally deformed baby ─── 畸形儿

43、With sugar malabsorption, intestinal mucosal enzymes, such as lactase, which splits lactose to galactose and glucose, may be congenitally absent or temporarily deficient secondary to GI infection. ─── 糖吸收不良:小肠粘膜酶,如乳糖酶能将乳糖分解成半乳糖和葡萄糖,可能是先天缺失或因胃肠感染引起暂时不足。

44、Glioblastoma (GBM) only rarely occurs congenitally and has not been fully characterized. ─── 很少有先天性的恶性胶质瘤(GBM),它还没有被充分地研究。

45、One day, a gril who was congenitally blind played the piano beautifully before a large audience. ─── 有一次,一个先天失明的女孩,在大群观众面前弹奏出美妙的钢琴曲。

46、Significantly congenitally disabled people should not be allowed to reproduce. ─── 显然,先天性残疾人不应该被允许生育。

47、Institutions have its principles,eliminate evil,draw level with goodness ,and also institutions have defects congenitally, it can breed and be selfassertive. ─── 在制度创造方面我们发现,制度有自己的逻辑,它具有“治恶”的逻辑,制度“拉平”了善,而且制度天生是有缺陷的,制度会“自我增殖”,制度还会自作主张。

48、The concept is a logical extension of the replacement of a natural lysosomal enzyme in people who are congenitally deficient for it, something that is already being done. ─── 这个理念是病人天生缺陷的天然溶酶体酶置换的逻辑延伸,在这方面已经做了一些事情。

49、It was pointed out that the bottle neck which restrict the domestic were the congenitally deficient on the basic research of chemical engineering. ─── 指出,制约国产化的最大瓶颈,在于化学工程方面的基础研究先天不足;

50、Anatomic repair of congenitally corrected transposition of the great artery by double switch operation: two cases report ─── 术治疗先天性矫正性大动脉转位二例

51、congenitally handicapped child ─── 有先天缺陷的儿童

52、first is the real estate market "congenitally deficient". ─── 首先是房地产市场“先天不足”。

53、Our real estate is congenitally deficient in this regard. ─── 而我们的房地产业在这方面恰恰先天不足。

54、congenitally abnormal psychological state of children ─── 先天异常儿童心理

55、Mr Ozawa will try to convince voters that the LDP and its allies in the bureaucracy are congenitally incapable of revamping the way taxpayers' money is taken in and spent in unaccountable ways. ─── 小泽先生将努力说服选民,对于纳税人的税款收支方面毫无章法的现状,自民党天生没有能力去改变。

56、If so, this would explain why the congenitally blind displayed more shame in defeat than did people who became blind later in life. ─── 如果是这样,也就解释了在失利中为什么先天失明的盲人会比起后天失明的盲人表现出更多的羞愧。

57、while Chinese medicine believes that NPC is mainly caused by congenitally deficiency, improper diet and emotional disturbance. ─── 中医则认为鼻咽癌主要因先天禀赋薄弱、饮食内伤及情志不遂引致。

58、This acidic environment forms natural protection and congenitally prevents infection.Using normal alkalic shower gel will destroy the weak acidic environment and weaken the protective action. ─── 但使用一般碱性沐浴露,会破坏私处的弱酸环境,减弱保护作用。

59、Therefore, once on solid financial support to commerce, the service industry build up gradually revealing the cultural foundation eastern weak technological strength want congenitally deficient. ─── 因此,曾经依靠雄厚资金支持,以商贸、服务业起家的东部地区逐渐显现出文化基础薄弱,科技力量匮乏的先天不足。

60、Perhaps people are congenitally programmed to follow the herd. ─── 也许,人们生性中编有当“从众”的程序。

61、Congenitally deficient financial aid program, is considered one of the reasons for the differences. ─── 金援计划的先天不足,是造成审议分歧的一个原因。

62、Study on the Development of Fetus and Infant Congenitally Infected by Toxoplasma gondii and Intervention ─── 先天感染弓形虫胎儿、儿童发育及干预研究

63、Keywords congenitally dislocation of hip joint;early diagnosis;midwife; ─── 先天性髋关节脱位;早期诊断;助产士;

64、an abnormal location or position of an organ or a body part,occurring congenitally or as the result of injury ─── 器官或身体部位的位置异常、先天性或由受伤造成

65、But being congenitally unable to see a good idea when it was staring me in the face, I didn't do anything about it for another six years. ─── 但是由于天生愚钝,就算一个好主意正在面前盯着我脸我都看不见它,我6年没有做关于它的任何东西。

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