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09-13 投稿



encroached 发音

英:[?n?kr??t?t]  美:[?n?kro?t?t]

英:  美:

encroached 中文意思翻译



encroached 常用词组

encroach on ─── 侵犯;蚕食

encroached 词性/词形变化,encroached变形

动词过去分词: encroached |动词第三人称单数: encroaches |名词: encroacher |动词过去式: encroached |动词现在分词: encroaching |

encroached 相似词语短语

1、crotched ─── adj.分成两叉的;成分叉的

2、encroaching ─── adj.渐渐渗入的

3、approached ─── 接近

4、encroacher ─── 侵占者

5、broached ─── vt.提出;钻孔;开始讨论;给…开口;n.钻头;凿子;胸针(等于brooch);vi.突然横转

6、encroach ─── vi.蚕食,侵占

7、encroachment ─── n.侵入,侵犯;侵蚀

8、encroaches ─── vi.蚕食,侵占

9、coached ─── v.指导;训练(coach的过去分词);培养

encroached 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The sea has encroached on the land at many points. ─── 在好几个地方,陆地已受海水侵蚀。

2、But its expansion has pushed cattle ranches further into the jungle, and started itself to encroach on the forest. ─── 但是它的扩张使养牛的农场向丛林中推进,而且其本身也开始侵蚀这片森林。

3、With this wealth they were trying to encroach on the country fiefs of oldtime Mafia leaders whom they contemptuously labeled Moustache Petes. ─── 他们凭着手中的这笔钱,拼命想侵入老黑帮领袖的乡间封地。 他们把老黑帮领袖轻蔑地贬之为老朽。

4、It will not encroach on important structures. ─── 它不侵害重要组织。

5、It is to encroach additionally choroid, enter eye socket through blood-vessel, or by blood, lymphatic move arrives systemic organ. ─── 另外是侵犯脉络膜,经过血管进入眼窝,或者经由血液、淋巴转移到全身的器官。

6、Most Venetians speak the lilting patois, though Luppi acknowledges that over time Italian has increasingly encroached on the local idiom. ─── 大多数威尼斯人都在使用这种轻快活泼的语言,但鲁皮也承认,随着时间的流逝,意大利语正不断蚕食着当地用语。

7、At the same time, the Border Region encroached upon plagues of flood, drought and locust and the agriculture, rural areas and peasantry confronted more difficulty. ─── 同时,边区又接连遭到水、旱、蝗灾的侵袭,使边区的农业、农民、农村面临着更大的困难。

8、A citizen's lawful property shall be protected by law, and no organization or individual may appropriate, encroach upon, destroy or illegally seal up, detain, freeze or confiscate it. ─── 公民的合法财产受法律保护,禁止任何组织或者个人侵占、哄抢、破坏或者非法查封、扣押、冻结、没收。

9、In the municipality of asylum, more than 100 years, no matter how urban expansion, this green has not been encroached upon. ─── 在市政府的庇护下,100多年来,无论市区怎样扩展,这块绿地一直没有被侵占。

10、If pathogenic bacteria noxiousness is acuteness, did not wear outwards in purulent fluid before defeating, inflammation already diffused, encroach whole eyelid board and form palpebral abscess. ─── 如果致病菌毒性剧烈,则在脓液未向外穿破前,炎症已扩散,侵犯整个睑板而形成眼睑脓肿。

11、Because blizzard think net of encroach on China swims the operation of the market, 9 cities darling and can contented its unjustifiable requirement? ─── 因为暴雪想染指中国网游市场的运营,九城只能乖乖满足其无理的要求?

12、The moralization of Chinese ancient revenge literature has led to general absolute tendency of revenge judgments.If "goodness" is encroached on, any method of revenge can be used. ─── 中国古代复仇文学的道德化倾向,带来了复仇评判的绝对化倾向,认为只要“善”受到了侵害,任何形式和方式的复仇都应该肯定。

13、His new farm buildings encroached on his neighbour's land. ─── 他的新农场建筑侵占了邻居的土地。

14、Not that certain men needed telling. As old age encroached, it seems that Sylvia gave up trying to control her feisty daughter. ─── 不是某些男人的告密,因为年纪大了的原因,似乎西维亚放弃了对脾气暴燥女儿的管束。

15、It is absolutely impermissible to encroach upon the sovereignty of a country. ─── 侵犯别国主权是绝不容许的。

16、Because in case of a long time, the virus will intrude into human body tissue, go along the nerves to encroach the nervous centralis and kill the person. ─── 因为时间一长病毒就进入人体组织,沿着神经侵犯中枢神经,置人于死地。

17、In November 2008, actor friend general is happy be encroached with enjoying the information network of this film solely to transmit power for, to forensic to lodge a complaint. ─── 2008年11月,优朋普乐以独家享有该电影的信息网络传播权受到侵犯为由,向法院提起诉讼。

18、The shrubs encroached ever more on the twisting drive. ─── 灌木丛蚕食了越来越多蜿蜒的车道。

19、But so far, computational place had not received any announcements that encroach MIPS intellectual property about Long Xin from MIPS company. ─── 但到今朝为止,计较所没有从MIPS公司收到过任何对于龙芯加害MIPS常识产权的通知。

20、Bailyn argues, however, that the "Americans" who encroached on Native American land during the Revolution had been British only a few years before. ─── 然而,伯纳德·贝林认为,在大革命期间侵占美洲原住民土地的“美国人”几年前还是英国人。

21、Tending to intrude or encroach, as upon privacy. ─── 侵犯的就要侵入或侵犯,如隐私的

22、Therefore, the Shanghai populace move the physical distribution company to sue the baidu, sues the baidu to encroach upon its trademark rights and the unfair competition. ─── 于是,上海大众搬场物流公司起诉百度,状告百度侵犯其商标权和不正当竞争。

23、Renmin University of China's Dr.Wang Kun also believed that “the black screen motion” equates in trash information, has encroached upon the citizen right of privacy, has hindered the real right use. ─── 中国人民大学的王坤博士也认为,“黑屏行动”等同于垃圾信息,侵犯了公民隐私权,妨害了物权的使用。

24、Another being encroached upon. ─── 另一套被别人侵占。

25、They encroached on hangar space in return for a very dubious contribution to the ships'defence against hostile cruisers. ─── 他们占据了机库空间,因而换取了对敌巡洋舰没多少把握的防御能力。

26、Be like: Favus of the scalp, ringworm of the body, tinea, brothers tinea, tinea versicolor; It is to encroach subcutaneous tissue and splanchnic fungus, the disease that causes calls deep fungus disease. ─── 如:头癣、体癣、股癣、手足癣、花斑癣等;一是侵犯皮下组织及内脏的真菌,所引起的疾病称为深部真菌病。

27、It usually shows limit pathological changes in right ventricle, but it can exacerbate and encroach on the left ventricle. ─── 亦可弥漫性进展,侵犯左室,最终导致左心功能不全。

28、As human populations grow, the pressure to encroach on these fertile grasslands increases. ─── 人口增长增加了对肥沃草地的需求。

29、That, Turner theorizes, might have finally given humans the edge, allowing them to encroach further into land thick with hyenas. ─── Turner推理道,那也许会最终给人类以一种优势,使他们能进一步地占据鬣狗密集活动的土地。

30、He pulled me along toward the east side of the yard, where the forest encroached. ─── 他拉着我向花园东侧走去,那里,是森林的领地。

31、Were it not for the high compressive strength of modern structural materials, the area of the columns would encroach on the usable floor area to the point where this might become nil. ─── 如果不是因为现代化结构材料具有很高的抗压强度,柱子的横截面积就会大到占去全部可用地板的面积。

32、The rapid expansion of urban areas has in many cases encroached on valuable cultivatable land and led to a general recognition that development must not be carried at the cost of agriculture . ─── 城区的迅速扩大在很多情况下侵占了宝贵的可耕地,使人们普遍熟悉到发展不能以牺牲农业为代价。

33、Can encroach the skin, mucous membrane to reach any organizations. ─── 可侵犯皮肤、粘膜及任何组织。

34、Its behavior encroached accuser badly to molopolize lawfully the enjoyed right that transmits the evening party through website sth resembling a net, caused huge pecuniary loss to accuser. ─── 其行为严重侵犯了原告依法独占享有的通过信息网络传播晚会的权利,并给原告造成了巨大的经济损失。

35、At the same time they attempt to encroach on the iron resources of Taihang mountains in Henan province. ─── 为了增加煤炭产量,福公司投入巨额资金不断建立新矿井。

36、China was also encroached upon after the October Revolution. ─── 十月革命后也还有侵害中国的事情

37、Gradually his capacious chin encroached upon the borders of the white cravat. ─── 他的广阔的下巴逐渐侵占了白领带的边界。

38、In fact, ITC is decided last year, connect a mobile phone high energy-saving science and technology encroached rich to connect patent. ─── 事实上,ITC是在客岁判定,高通手机节能科技加害了博通专利。

39、Criminal victims that criminal offence encroach on directly, to start factor one of criminal proceeding, direct target that too criminal proceeding protects. ─── 刑事被害人是受犯罪行为直接侵害的人,是刑事诉讼的启动因素之一,也是刑事诉讼保护的直接对象。

40、They encroached on hangar space in return for a very dubious contribution to the ships'defense against hostile cruisers. ─── 他们占据了机库空间,因而换取了对敌巡洋舰没多少把握的防御能力。

41、To encroach, infringe, or trespass. ─── 侵占,侵犯,冒犯

42、Some big shareholders maybe encroach on some Small-Middle shareholders’ behalf by making use of the prerogative they have. ─── 在很多时候大股东往往是企业的董事长或总经理,因而出现个人集权、专断现象非常普遍。

43、His new house encroached on my land. ─── 他的新房子侵占了我的土地。

44、When somebody's right of life has been encroached , he will be dead, some other will suffer some damages, but who are they? ─── 古代社会是以身份为基础建立起来的等级社会,统治阶级通过刑法确立身份、维护身份所代表的特权。

45、No units or individuals may encroach on land or illegally transfer it through buying, selling or other means. ─── 任何单位和个人不得侵占、买卖或者以其他形式非法转让土地。

46、They are behaved more wait to encroach other other of cranky, suspicion, passive or actively, cause huge trouble to bring damage even to other. ─── 他们多表现为偏执、怀疑他人、被动或主动地侵犯他人等,给他人造成极大的麻烦甚至带来祸害。

47、A good salesman will not encroach on his customer's time. ─── 好的推销员不会侵占顾客的时间。

48、Interpol says, norwegian police was 2006 in the computer hard disk of a man the photograph that discovers a large number of children are encroached by the gender. ─── 国际刑警组织说,挪威警方2006年在一名男子的电脑硬盘中发现大量儿童遭性侵犯的照片。

49、If unit of choose and employ persons did not press formulary pay cost, encroach social insurance rights and interests of the worker, the worker has authority to inform against, or submit to to be handled about the branch. ─── 假如用人单位未按规定缴费,侵犯职工的社会保险权益,职工有权举报,或提请有关部门处理。

50、Not that certain men needed telling.As old age encroached, it seems that Sylvia gave up trying to control her feisty daughter. ─── 不是某些男人的告密,因为年纪大了的原因,似乎西维亚放弃了对脾气暴燥女儿的管束。

51、He never allows work to encroach upon his family life. ─── 他从不让工作扰乱他的家庭生活。

52、If they are encroached, obviously it is not enough to compensate for the damage just according to market price. ─── 侵害这类财产,若是仅仅赔偿其市场价格,显然不足以补偿原告的损失。

53、God of the all-round light, please vouchsafe the strength that we are not encroached on evilly, in front of the goodness shield, all the evil spirits will be drive away! ─── ”(“全能的光明之神啊,请赐予我们不受邪恶侵害的力量,在至善的灵盾面前,所有邪魔都将远离!

54、Citizens and legal persons who through their fault encroach upon state or collective property, or the property or person of other people shall bear civil liability. ─── 公民、法人由于过错侵害国家的、集体的财产,侵害他人财产、人身的应当承担民事责任。

55、Any units and individual do not get lawbreaking provision, use international couplet net to encroach the communication freedom of the user and communication secret. ─── 任何单位和个人不得违反法律规定,利用国际联网侵犯用户的通信自由和通信秘密。

56、However, today's news of a recent enactment gave her a bigger reason to scream. “Finally, they passed a law that penalizes private landowners who encroach on protected wildlife areas. ─── “最后,他们终于通过了法令,处罚那些侵占动物保护区的私人土地所有者。

57、His fellow countrymen will rush to copy his business model, poach his staff and encroach upon the ground he has broken. ─── 他本国的同行将会复制其商业模式,挖走其员工并蚕食其开拓的市场。

58、In the center of model prominence still can encroach putamen bursa and horsetail nerve, cause lumbago or be obstacle of saddle area feeling. ─── 中央型的突出物还可以侵犯硬膜囊及马尾神经,引起腰痛或是鞍区感觉障碍。

59、His new house encroached on his neighbour's land. ─── 他的新住宅侵占了邻居的土地。

60、We will never allow anybody to encroach upon China's territorial integrity and sovereignty. ─── 中国的领土和主权绝不允许任何人侵犯。

61、Be being returned from moral level without giving thought to is legal level, I fight this kind of way stoutly, the citizen that is encroached and car advocate can have charge completely. ─── 不管从道德层面还是法律层面,我都是果断反对这种方式的,被侵犯的市民和车主完全可以进行控告。”

62、Chinese and foreign scientists are concerned that the dam would encroach on the only rare-fish reserve on the Yangtze, China's longest river. ─── 中外科学家们担心大坝会侵占长江上唯一一个珍稀鱼类保护区。长江是中国最长的河流。

63、Ensure that no spectators were permitted to encroach onto the pitch area. ─── 保证不能有一个观众翻过护栏进到球场内。

64、The rapid expansion of urban areas has in many cases encroached on aluable cultiatable land , and led to a general recognition that deelopment must not be carried at the cost of agriculture . ─── 城区的迅速扩大在很多情况下侵占了宝贵的可耕地,使人们普遍认识到发展不能以牺牲农业为代价。

65、Back then a SU-15 plane brought down a South Korean air liner which had accidentally encroached upon the territory of the state. ─── 据说当时一架韩国航空班机不小心进入了苏联领空,被一架苏-15战斗机击落。

66、Throughout their history, other cultures have slowly encroached on and devoured their tribal lands. ─── 在他们整个历史当中其他文化一直在缓慢地侵占和吞噬他们的领土。

67、Three years ago China added a clause to its constitution saying that private property was "not to be encroached upon" . ─── 三年前,中国在宪法中添加了一款,该条款称,私有财产“不受侵犯”。

68、Citizens and legal persons who through their fault encroach upon state or collective property or the property or person of other people shall bear civil liability. ─── 公民、法人由于过错侵害国家的、集体的财产,侵害他人财产、人身的,应当承担民事责任。

69、The growing town soon encroached on the surrounding countryside. ─── 这个不断扩大的城市不久便将周围的农村变成了市区。

70、China was also encroached upon after the October Revolution. For instance,in 1929 the Soviet Union seized the Heixiazi Islands. ─── 十月革命后也还有侵害中国的事情,例如黑瞎子岛就是一九二九年苏联从中国占去的。

71、Any action that oversteps the authority entitled by the Constitution and laws will give rise to the abusiveness of the right to prosecute and will encroach upon the rights of the accused. ─── 任何对宪法和法律的僭越,都会导致追诉权的滥用,都会对被追诉人的权利造成侵害。

72、If cerebral doing suffers,encroach, can eye annulus circles flesh, mouth annulus circles flesh, masticatory flesh is paralytic with atrophy. ─── 如果脑干受侵犯,可有眼轮匝肌、口轮匝肌、咀嚼肌麻痹与萎缩。

73、The immediate impulse with Chinese legislation of this sort is always to look to political freedoms being encroached upon. ─── 中国这类立法的直接推动力常常是对 政治 自由被侵犯的警惕。

74、Actually, such " encroach copyright issue desk " had happened again and again in our country. ─── 其实,这样的“侵犯著作权纠纷案”在我国已经频频发生。

75、His new farm buildings encroach on his neighbour's land. ─── 他新建的农场房子侵占了邻居的田地。

76、Formosan crested goshawk flying flat out lodges a "serious protest" with a Formosan serpent-eagle that has encroached on its airspace. ─── 拚命下压双翼的凤头苍鹰(右)对飞越其领空的大冠鹫表示「严重抗议」。

77、Because caption takes the one fraction of news only, according to relevant provision, the news without the problem does not maintain basic fact to counterpoise to encroach reputation. ─── 因为标题只占新闻的一小部分,按照相关规定,基本事实没有问题的新闻不认定为侵犯名誉权。

78、While dealing with contemporary English usage I have sought not to encroach on the province of the ordinary dictionary. ─── 在讨论现代英语惯用法的时候,我尽量不涉及普通词典所包含的范围。

79、Nature had come into her own again and, little by little, in her stealthy, insidious way had encroached upon the drive with long, tenacious fingers. ─── 原来自然界已恢复了本来的面目,渐渐把她细长的手指顽强而偷偷摸摸地伸到车道上来了。

80、She has no right to encroach on my time. ─── 她没有权利占用我的时间。

81、The sea encroached on the land following the quake, and ruins of Herakleion are now about four miles from land in the Bay of Abu Qir.The sea also engulfed Canopus and Menouthis. ─── 地震后不久,由于气候因素造成的地中海水位上涨使得海水逐渐侵蚀了这些倒塌的城市,昔日的古城由盛转衰,往日的喧嚣和繁荣也随着时间被彻底埋葬。

82、The army must never encroach upon the people's interests. ─── 军队绝不能损害人民的利益。

83、Did the elder sister that don't no matter be company manager or manager,you feel encroach your legal work rights and interests? ─── 你不觉得无论是公司老总还是老总的姐姐都侵犯了你的合法劳动权益吗?

84、The rapid expansion of urban areas has in many cases encroached on valuable cultivatable land,and led to a general recognition that development must not be carried at the cost of agriculture . ─── 城区的迅速扩大在很多情况下侵占了宝贵的可耕地,使人们普遍认识到发展不能以牺牲农业为代价。政府更加重视这个问题,越来越多的不必要的工程被终止。

85、As the city has gradually encroached on the countryside, people's value concepts have been changing. ─── 乡村逐渐变为都市,人的价值观念也在转变。

86、The immediate impulse with Chinese legislation of this sort is always to look to political freedoms being encroached upon. ─── 中国这类立法的直接推动力常常是对政治自由被侵犯的警惕。

87、The rapid expansion of urban areas has in many cases encroached on valuable cultivatable land ,led to a general recognition that development must not be carried at the cost of agriculture . ─── 城区的迅速扩大在下侵占了宝贵的可耕地,使人们普遍认识到发展不能以牺牲农业为代价。

88、The inborn attribute of the virtual property that it would definitely be the target of being encroached by various criminal activities. ─── 虚拟财产自身的财产属性,决定了它必将成为众多侵财性犯罪活动觊觎的对象。

89、One TV pro-gram is not permitted to encroach on time allotted to another. ─── 一档电视节目不得侵占另一档节目的时间。

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