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09-13 投稿



mush 发音

英:[m??]  美:[m??]

英:  美:

mush 中文意思翻译





mush 网络释义

n. 感伤的话;浓粥;软块;胆怯vi. 带狗撬在雪上前进vt. 粉碎int. 走!

mush 短语词组

1、mush recipe ─── 糊状食谱

2、mush slime ─── 糊状黏液

3、cornmeal mush ─── [网络] 玉米面包糊

4、l love you so mush ─── 我太爱你了

5、mush-mouth n. ─── 口齿不清的人

6、mush winding ─── [电] 伞形绕组

7、make a mush of ─── 把...弄得一团糟

8、mush oatmeal ─── 麦片粥

9、mush bite ─── [医] 蜡Ж片

10、mush-mouthed adj. ─── 张口结舌的,结结巴巴的

11、mush meez ─── 穆什米兹

12、mush mouth ─── 糊状口

13、mush overnight oats ─── 燕麦粥

14、lumpy mush ─── 块状糊状物

15、mush meez owl mush meez ─── 猫头鹰

16、mush room cool ─── 浆糊室冷却

17、crystal mush ─── 晶浆

18、mush-head n. ─── 笨蛋, 傻瓜

19、mush and molasses ─── 废话,胡说,胡扯八道

mush 词性/词形变化,mush变形

动词现在分词: mushing |动词过去式: mushed |动词第三人称单数: mushes |名词: musher |动词过去分词: mushed |

mush 习惯用语

1、make a mush of ─── [口]把...弄得一团糟; 把...搞坏

2、mush and molasses ─── [美]废话, 糊涂话

mush 相似词语短语

1、smush ─── vt.压碎,打碎

2、dush ─── 淋浴

3、Rush ─── n.冲进;匆促;急流;灯心草;adj.急需的;vt.使冲;突袭;匆忙地做;飞跃;vi.冲;奔;闯;赶紧;涌现;n.(Rush)人名;(英)拉什

4、musth ─── n.(雄象等的)发情期狂暴

5、Bush ─── n.布什(男子名)

6、mushy ─── adj.糊状的;感伤的,多愁善感的

7、musha ─── 木沙

8、Kush ─── n.库什(电影名)

9、Cush ─── n.台球桌垫;n.(Cush)(美)库什(人名)

mush 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Because they make mush out of him. ─── 因为她们把他弄孬了。

2、We must not presume too mush on the reliability of such sources. ─── 我们不应过分指望/相信这类消息来源的可靠性。

3、Is that mush of a different in price. ─── 价钱也有很大的分别吧?

4、Enjoy life's simple pleasures and save as mush as you can. ─── 享受生活简单的快乐,并尽可能保持这种状态。

5、Yoda wiped his eyes, flinging a dollop of mush Obi-Wan’s way yet saying nothing. ─── 尤达擦了擦眼睛,猛力把一团麦片粥往奥比万的方向丢过来,不过他到底什么也没说。

6、Molly : You're pathetic. Your brain must be mush. No one would ever go out with you. ─── 莫莉:你真是低级趣味。你的脑子一定是坏掉了。没有人会愿意跟你这种人约会。

7、Keywords sea-buckthorn wine;fermentation;mush; ─── 关键词沙棘果酒;发酵;糖化;

8、It doesn't take mush to bring on a blue day. ─── 其实一点小事就让你一天都郁闷难当。

9、having the consistency of mush. ─── 具有糊状物的粘稠特点。

10、"Certainly," said Hal, with freezing politeness, taking hold of the gee-pole with one hand and swinging his whip from the other. "Mush!" He shouted. "Mush on there!" ─── “当然啦,”赫尔有礼貌而又有点生硬地说。他一手抓住舵杆,别一只手抡起鞭子。“走!”他喊道。“朝前走!”

11、Eating too mush junk food makes one fat. ─── 吃太多没有营养的食品容易让人长胖。

12、I've never read such a load of mush! ─── 我从来没有读过如此哀思绵绵的作品!

13、Lubrication of seasoned millet mush out refreshing, aromatic lotus gas, nutrient-rich, nourishing an Jiapin. ─── 冲出的面茶润滑爽口,藕气芳香,营养丰富,属滋补佳品。

14、I've also been asked to tell you that we mush have this work finished by tomorrow. ─── 我也受交代要告诉您,这项工作必须在明天以前完成。

15、Is there mush of a price difference? ─── 价格有很大的区别吗?

16、The total amount mush be paid in full upon receipt of the shipping documents. ─── 一收到货运单据,货款必须全数一次付清。

17、Chicken Leg and Black Mush room Soup/ ─── 凤爪冬菇汤/

18、We mush pull together,or we will fail. ─── 我们必须齐心协力,否则就会失败。

19、Listen to the tape than answer this question.How mush Amy clean the floor? ─── 听录音并回答问题。艾米需要如何来清扫地板?

20、The potatoes will turn to mush if they are overcooked. ─── 土豆煮久了就会变成糊。

21、You mush experiment, reason, think out new derices. ─── 你们必须做实验,推理想出新方法。

22、He eat so mush impossibly for hunger but for greediness absolutely. ─── 他完全是嘴馋才吃那么多,不可能是肚子饿。

23、We mush pull together , or we will fail . ─── 我们必须齐心协力,否则就会失败。

24、My apologies. I mush have misunderstood you. ─── 很抱歉,我一定弄错了。

25、God have gifted me some beaty and mush worth ,I should made its hard for you to leave me as its now for me to leave you....... ─── 当年为了表示出我崇高的爱情品质........曾经向好几个妹妹念过.......不过那时候也的确为此强有力的语言颤栗过

26、A: It's a bunch of mush! Where does he get off calling me a kitten? ─── 为赋新词强说愁”!他凭什么叫我“小猫”?

27、People mush there fore, learn to deal with people. ─── 因此人们必须学会处理这种问题。

28、To a man, geisha can only be a half wife, we are the wives not in lightful, and yet to learn of kindness after so mush unkindness. ─── 对一个男人来说,艺伎只能作为半个妻子,我们是黑暗中的妻子,而且在遭遇许多不善之后还要学习去善待。

29、The school was far across town and the walking distance alone consumed my breakfast of mush and lard gravy ─── 去学校要穿过市区,光是步行的距离就把我早饭吃的猪油玉米粥消耗光了。

30、His insides suddenly felt like mush. ─── 他内心突然伤感起来。

31、They were provided with over 100 tonnes of tomatoes by the town council for the battle which lasted about one hour and left participants covered in pulp and standing ankle-deep in red mush. ─── 市政厅共提供了100多吨番茄供人们扔砸,整个活动持续了约一个小时,参与大战的人浑身糊满了番茄浆,而且都站在深及脚踝的番茄泥中。

32、At the end of it all, you ended up with a gross mess of dirt, dead skin and oily mush. ─── 这个过程的最后,会留下一大堆脏东西、死皮和油腻腻的一团糊糊。

33、Students mush finished their homework assigned by the teacher before their go to class. ─── 学生应该上课之前完成好教师布置的家庭作业。

34、Shopkeepers put up huge plastic covers on their store fronts or boarded them up to protect their properties from the sea of red mush. ─── 店主们都在自家店面前挂上了大幅塑料罩布,或是用木板挡住店面,以免这场红色战争殃及店内货品。

35、I've eaten so mush that I feel ready to burst! ─── 我吃得太多,肚子都要撑破了。

36、And while I take de banjo down, Just gib de mush a turn. ─── 咳!内里噢内里,请听我来唱,我愿为你歌一曲醉人的旋律。

37、of Africa's unique island mammal families that were present 26 million years ago are absent from sites younger than Mush. ─── 比 Mush 更年轻的遗址中,不少2600万年前只属于非洲大陆的哺乳科动物消失了。

38、With so mush perseverance in judging andbehavin ill did Mrs. Elton engross ─── 厄尔吞夫人一味坚持成见,不知检点,只跟简·凡凡可斯讲话而不理睬自已

39、In the kitchen he found Jim, the other boarder, eating mush very languidly, with a sick, far-away look in his eyes ─── 他在厨房见到了另一个房客吉姆,那人正在懒洋洋地吃着玉米粥,眼里泛出厌烦的、心不在焉的神气。

40、In the kitchen he found Jim, the other boarder, eating mush very languidly, with a sick, far-away look in his eyes. ─── 他在厨房见到了另一个房客吉姆,那人正在懒洋洋地吃着玉米粥,眼里泛出厌烦的、心不在焉的神气。

41、Forget all that mush about multilateralism, this official told an audience of (mostly mushy) Europeans. ─── 忘掉那些多边主义的无稽之谈吧——那位官员向(多半都稀里糊涂的)欧洲观众说道。

42、What really takes me away from it all are the rocks and fossils exposed by and alongside the Mush River. ─── 真正把我从这里带走的是因 Mush 河冲刷而暴露在其两旁的岩石和化石.。

43、I was entirely without friends, nay , even so mush as without acquaintances. ─── 我一个朋友也没有,不,甚至于没有一个相识的人。

44、But then the finest ingredients can turn to overcooked mush in the hands of a cackhanded chef. ─── 不过,即便最精华的素材在“庸厨”手下也会因火候过猛而成为一团糊糨。

45、mush bite ─── [医] 蜡Ж片

46、I have never read such a load of mush! ─── 我从来没有读过如此哀思绵绵的作品!

47、A soldier mush stand up to danger ─── 勇敢的面对,坚决反抗

48、Don't stuggle so mush, best things happen when not expected. ─── 不要的做太多的坏事最好的东西就是发生在出乎意料的时候。

49、You and I mush make a pact.We must bring salvation back. ─── 你和我有一个约定,那就是唤起一场拯救.

50、To reduce to mush; mash or crush. ─── 使成软糊状;使成一团糟或压碎

51、If you purchase whole, fresh crawfish, make sure they are alive. Dead crawfish decompose rapidly, resulting in mush, discolored meat. ─── 市场上的有新鲜完整的、生的、或者预先烧煮的小龙虾可购买,或可即食,或可用来烹饪你自己的小龙虾大餐。

52、You are all these things and so mush more ─── 你就是这一切

53、And I want to be part of a internal workings and crushed into mush within. ─── 我还想钻到机械组件里去,然后给碾成一团泥。

54、There are moments in life when you miss someone so mush that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! ─── 人的一生有许多这样的时刻:当你朝思暮想某人的时候,你恨不得把她从梦境中拉出来,与她真正地相拥于现实中!

55、Ui Mushū ─── 宇井无愁(1909-),日本人,作家。

56、Zina: It's a bunch of3) mush! Where does he get off calling me a kitten? ─── 吉娜:为赋新词强说愁!他凭什么叫我“小猫”?

57、The vegetables had turned to mush. ─── 蔬菜都烂成了一堆。

58、So failing can help a student to lead a mush happier life if he or she draws the right conclusion from the failing. ─── 失败会帮助一个学生生活得更丰富,如果他或她能从中得出正确结论的话。

59、Don’t accept mealy-mouthed half-baked editorial mush that says otherwise. ─── 不要接受那大块嘴巴里还留有食物残渣、衣服穿得半裸的编辑所说的话。

60、But overlaying with this gradient did not mush of effects so we will pick up soft brush, set the flow jitter to about 2%-5%, set the mode to Screen or Overlay and do some freehand drawing. ─── 但是重复应用斜线并不能产生很大的效果,所以我们需要使用柔光笔刷,将流量度设置为2-5%,再将图层模式更改为正片叠底或者叠加。现在可以适当得做一点随意的涂抹。)

61、“We're going to pin it on the wall and siphon out the gray mush that it uses as a brain,” said one of the Narkhys aggressively.The others gave out appreciative grunts. ─── "我们会把它按在墙上,把它所谓的大脑里的那些灰色粘液给抽出来,"其中一个拿克骇蜥气势汹汹地说.其他的同伴发出赞赏的咕哝声.

62、Happiness is not so mush in having as sharing.We make a living by what we get,but we make a life by what we give.Little things are big. ─── 希望大家下载后多在共享文件夹里呆上一段时间。好让更多的人下载,如果大家都下载完就移走,那最后谁也下载不了我相信这种情况谁也不愿看到,我为人人,人人为我!!!

63、As what is called , an open mind is to widen your breadth of mind so mush that it seams to be a boundless sky. ─── 所谓虚心,就是要开阔心胸,心胸要象天空一样广阔无际。

64、She transmuted the choicest slices of fish into blackened slabs of charcoal, and fresh vegetables, baptized in oil and pickled in salt, became mush. ─── 上好的鱼片到了她手里结果成了黑木炭,新鲜蔬菜在油里泡过之后,再用盐一搅拌,最后变成一团糊。

65、To facilitate the extension of sales, you mush advertise our products by mean of TV and newspapers. ─── 为了扩大销售,你方必须电视和报纸对我们的产品做广告。

66、make a mush of ─── 把 ... 弄得一团糟

67、eaten as mush or as a thin gruel. ─── 当面糊和稀粥吃的东西。

68、"Mush on, poor sore feets," the driver encouraged them as they tottered down the main street of Skaguay. ─── “拉吧,可怜的痛脚鬼们,”当他们在斯盖逵镇的大街上蹒跚而行时,赶狗的人鼓励他们。

69、Her dress is too long. She mush have it shortened. ─── 她的衣服太长,要请人改短一点。

70、Don't strain yourself. If it's too mush effort, just forget if. ─── 不要劳累过度。如果太费力,那就算了吧。

71、There are moment in life when you miss someone so mush that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for redl. ─── 我们花费太多的时间去寻找真命天子,或在我们的爱人身上寻找缺陷,却忘了原本应该完整我们所付出的爱。

72、Her beauty - salon was always full and she mush have made a bomb thereby. ─── 她的美容院总是客满,因此她一定挣了大笔的钱。

73、mush and molasses ─── 废话糊涂话

74、show you friends how mush you care. ─── 告诉你的朋友你有多在乎他们。

75、The ground was a mush of wet leaves. ─── 地面上铺满了松软潮湿的树叶。

76、Moose noshing much mush. ─── 慕思吃了很多玉米粥。

77、I'm sorry, Monica, I'm really happy you got promoted, but cold cucumber mush for thirty-something bucks? ─── 对不起,摩妮卡你升了职我替你高兴... ...可是冷黄瓜糊要三十几块?

78、To a man, geisha can only be a half wife,we are the wives not in lightful,and yet to learn of kindness after so mush unkindness. ─── 对一个男人来说,艺伎只能作为半个妻子,我们是黑暗中的妻子,而且在遭遇许多不善之后还要学习去善待。

79、"We're evolving to eat mush," said Bernard Wood, a paleoanthropologist at George Washington University. ─── 对此,美国乔治-华盛顿大学的古人类学家伯纳德-伍德概括说:“人们正朝着向食用软软的糊状食品的方向进化。”

80、To stand the best chance of success in tough market conditions, programs mush enhance the overall value of the product or service and motivate loyal buyers to make their next purchase. ─── 为了能在激烈的市场竞争中把握最有可能成功的机会,忠诚计划必须能提高产品或服务的总价值,同时能激励忠诚购买者的再次购买。

81、All invoices mush show FOB Freight and Insurance Costs separately. ─── 所有发票均应分别列明FOB价、运费和保险费。

82、You're tired, your mental guard is down, the afternoon sun is cutting loose salvos of stonefall into every gully, and the surfaces of the glaciers and snowfields have turned to mush. ─── 你可能觉得疲劳,警惕性也放松了,下午的阳光使山谷里遍布松石,冰川和雪原的表面也变得松软。

83、We mush have respect for the needs of the general readers. ─── 我们应该顾及一般读者的需要。

84、Another finding is that people who are married or work together do not have as mush much of an effect on happiness as a friend friends do. ─── 另一个发现是结婚的或者在一起工作的人们使对方快乐的几率并不如在朋友们之间的几率。

85、I’m very happy in the new year, I not only get mush lucky money but also get many gifts. ─── 中文:我在新年中非常快乐。我不仅收到了许多压岁钱还收到了许多礼物。我和爸爸妈妈一起放鞭炮。

86、Because his wife mush see it first. ─── 因为他的妻子必须先来看一看。

87、mush area ─── 不良接收区

88、Because of the lower density of the rejected solute during the horizontal solidification of NH4C1-70%H2O, channels grow slantways and upwards and A type segregates form in the upper region of mush. ─── H2O侧向凝固时,析出的溶质密度较小,偏析通道倾斜向上生长,在糊状区上部形成A偏析.

89、We have ice-cream twice a week and we never have corn-meal mush. ─── 我们一周吃两次的冰淇淋而且都不吃孤儿院的食物。

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