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09-13 投稿



hustling 发音

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英:  美:

hustling 中文意思翻译



hustling 短语词组

1、hustling queen ─── 推搡女王

2、hustling with my crew ─── 和我的船员一起忙碌

3、hustling of stones ─── 石头的推搡

hustling 词性/词形变化,hustling变形

名词: hustler |动词过去分词: hustled |动词过去式: hustled |动词现在分词: hustling |动词第三人称单数: hustles |

hustling 相似词语短语

1、rustlings ─── n.瑟瑟声;v.发出沙沙声;使窸窣作响(rustle的ing形式);adj.沙沙作响的

2、justling ─── 拥挤;撞(justle的现在分词)

3、bustline ─── n.胸围线

4、butling ─── 巴特林

5、bustling ─── adj.熙熙攘攘的;忙乱的

6、whistling ─── n.吹哨,吹笛;鸣汽笛;adj.发出哨声的;听起来像哨声的;v.鸣汽笛(whistle的ing形式)

7、shuttling ─── n.往复运动;梭动;v.使穿梭般往复移动(shuttle的ing形式)

8、rustling ─── n.瑟瑟声;v.发出沙沙声;使窸窣作响(rustle的ing形式);adj.沙沙作响的

9、hurtling ─── adj.飞奔的,疾驰的;v.急飞,猛烈碰撞,猛掷(hurtle的ing形式)

hustling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They survive by hustling on the streets. ─── 他们靠沿街兜售为生。

2、"I will not permit it, Peterkin," said Pavillon, hustling up, "I disliked the mitre, but not the head that wore it. ─── “假如我真是这个不幸的少女,”伊莎贝尔说道,看去又想向他下跪,“您能够在这绝望的时刻抛弃我吗?

3、I'd been out hustling all day, shining shoes, selling newspapers, and I had googobs of money in my pocket. ─── 我整天都在外面忙,擦皮鞋,卖报纸,我口袋里有点小钱。

4、Hustling for social contacts isn't something that just happens. You have to make it happen. ─── 社会关系不是说建立就建立起来的,你得想尽一切办法去争取。

5、London was not always the hustling, bustling place it is now, though it has long had form in finance. ─── 虽然金融业很早便在伦敦形成,但如今的繁忙景象却不是一直都有的。

6、At that very time, reports of the mighty deeds of God were being proclaimed, and men and women who were hustling on the streets believed and responded. ─── 当时我们正在宣扬神的大能作为,而在街上拉客的男男女女,都相信了耶稣,作出回应。

7、By field experiences,the paper sums up four ways to avoid the dropping tools,which are“lowing down instrument”,“hustling”,“hooking steel line”,“up the well head”. ─── 经现场实践,总结出“下放仪器法”、“硬挤法”、“钩钢丝法”、“抬井口法”等4种解卡、解缠的方法,避免了仪器落井事故;

8、The Chinese driver drove a Korean-made Daewoo bus like a drunken man, hustling down the narrow passes to the Vietnamese Red River valley.No use for regrets. ─── 开着一辆韩国大宇巴士的中国司机醉酒似的,在通往越南红河谷的狭窄道路上乱冲。

9、In a busy life, we have been always hustling everyday.It's good to have a day to remind us to be grateful in our life. ─── 在每天匆匆忙忙的生活中有这么一个日子提醒你,要有感恩的心。

10、I secretly lifted the curtain, only to catch a glimpse of the hustling and bustling scene in the garden.I saw my elder sisters, brothers and cousins shuttling among the guests, full of joy. ─── 我在山坡的小屋里,悄悄掀起窗帘,窥见园中大千世界,一片繁华,自己的哥姐,堂表弟兄,也穿插其间,个个喜气洋洋。

11、Two teenage boys asked us for money, saying they were forming a baseball team. Anna said they were hustling us. ─── 两个小男孩向我们要钱,说他们要成立棒球队。安娜说他们在骗钱。

12、Meanwhile, tens of thousands of people, visitors from other towns as well as local residents of Ling'an, would be hustling and bustling about, clogging up the way and making traffic impossible. ─── 成千上万的临安人和外地游客,熙熙攘攘,道路堵塞,车马难行。

13、I can't work with people hustling and bustling round me. ─── 周围的人吵吵嚷嚷的,我没法工作。

14、" With more hustling and flowing, Kelly got his second big break: “Daddy's Little Girl" from Frankie J's 2006 album Priceless. ─── ”随着越来越多熙和流动,凯利获得了第二次突破: “爸爸的小女孩”从弗兰基生的2006年专辑无价的。

15、Roxanne I don't know anything about hustling, but I sure am a Billy Morales fan . ─── 萝珊我不懂赌撞球。但我的确是比利.莫拉雷斯的球迷。

16、A road hustling and bustling a century old ago *驳荅uG ? ─── 百年前熙攘的一条路(1899年):纪?(舍鍓?

17、It's innocent enough, and that's something, he said, but even the fair was guilty of its own style of hustling. ─── 他说,它很单纯,非常难得。但是,这个集市本身也还是自有其纷扰。

18、Over the next few years, he lived on the streets and began hustling. ─── 在接下来的几年里,他在街上流浪,并开始游荡过活。

19、What are you hustling about there ? ─── 你在那儿忙什么呢?

20、hustling around, playing good defense on TD and even taking a charge from him late in the game. ─── 在场上拼得很凶,对邓肯的防守和强悍,甚至在比赛后段还造了邓肯一个带球撞人。

21、Men in motors were hustling to pass one another in the hustling traffic. ─── 开汽车的人在繁忙的交通中急急忙忙地互相超车。

22、An elegant summerhouse where you can find tranquility in a hustling surrounding. ─── 闹中取静的凉亭颇有几分雅致。

23、“But if one team is hustling more than another, the quality of player doesn't really matter as much as it should.” ─── “但是如果一支球队比另一支积极得多,球员的品质就不会像它本来那么要紧了。”

24、The crowd that has been hustling in Wall Street for years suddenly became leisurable.People have been cancelling most amusements since then, as well as reducing their daily expenses. ─── 昔日华尔街奔忙的人群忽然变得闲散异常,人们不但缩减了各种娱乐,并且正逐渐的压缩到自身开销上。

25、She is still pondering those questions weeks later while rushing from grocery store to party store, assembling volunteers and hustling food for a fundraiser. ─── 几个礼拜以后,这些问题依然在她的脑海里盘绕着,尽管此时她正在杂货铺和舞会用品店忙乎着,接着召集了那些志愿者并为一位筹资活动匆忙地准备着食物。

26、If I think for a moment that one of you hos is hustling me... ─── 我想你们其中一个正在挤我...

27、Pompeii, a hustling and bustling city in ancient Rome, was deeply buried by the volcanic ash when the Vesuvius Volcano erupted. ─── 庞贝古城,这个古罗马曾经繁华的象征,被深深的掩埋在维苏威火山灰中。

28、Throughout the morning, police patrol cars are hustling in urban district, sometimes in the opposite direction to traffic, with their sirens on. ─── 整个上午警方巡逻车鸣着警笛在市区行驶,有时还逆向行驶。

29、It situates in the prosperous golden belt in Jinqiao Function Zone and provides a unique and elegant retreat in the hustling and bustling zone. ─── 毗邻中央党校,邻近上海新国际博览中心,至陆家嘴金融贸易中心、东方明珠、金茂大厦十分便捷。

30、Others include immense space and minute figures, roaring waters and quiet souls, magnificent hustling river and unsophisticated artless beings, and suchlike. ─── 诸如巨大的体量与渺小的身影、喧嚣的河水与岑寂的心灵、华丽繁冗的河流与质朴无华的生命等等。

31、hustled stolen watches; hustling spare change. ─── 卖掉偷来的手表;得到多余的零钱

32、Roxanne:I don't know anything about hustling, but I sure am a Billy Morales fan. ─── 我不懂赌撞球。但我的确是比利.莫拉雷斯的球迷。

33、Now, all of your men are undoubtedly hustling to make sure that you don't have to be the bad guy. ─── 现在,你手下所有的人无疑都在忙着确保你不必做那个恶人。

34、The bustling and hustling of metropolis dazed and dazzled him. ─── 大都市车如流水马如龙的繁华景象,看得他头晕目眩眼花缭乱。

35、We're not hustling at all. The Jazz are taking all the hustle plays. ─── 我们根本没在积极拼抢。爵士拼了命在抢球。

36、Stop hustling me. ─── 不要推我。

37、Rainy nights and hustling boulevards ─── 在雨夜熙攘的大道

38、To keep staff, Nestle and other companies are hustling to install retention programs that meet employee demands. ─── 为了使员工继续留任,雀巢和其他公司正在加紧制定能满足其雇员要求的稳定员工队伍的计划。


40、In this detailed recreation of medieval England, Rob Cole leaves poor, disease-ridden London to make his way across the land by hustling, juggling, and peddling cures to the sick. ─── 在此详细康在中世纪的英格兰,抢柯尔树叶穷人疾病缠身伦敦闯神州大地的喧哗,戏法,贩药给病人.

41、If you want to shake off uproariousness in this hustling modern city and enjoy elegant and comfortable Thai-style SPA, Wuxi Banya Leisure SPA will be the best choice. ─── 身处繁华的现代都市,想忘却喧嚣,享受高雅舒适的泰国SPA风情,无锡班雅休闲SPA将会是最佳的选择。

42、Customer:That's alright. You look like you're hustling as fast as you can. ─── 顾客:没关系。你们看起来已经尽可能加快速度了。

43、A well scrubbed, hustling rube with a little taste. ─── 一个整洁干净而强加进一点品味的乡巴佬。

44、I can't work with people hustling and bustlinground me. ─── 周围的人吵吵嚷嚷的,我没法工作。

45、"I was out there hustling, but I think as a unit they didn't," he said. ─── “我是很积极去抢了,不过我认为我们没有作为一个整体来抢...”

46、Our quartet was out hustling and we knew we stood good to take in a lot of change before the night was over. ─── 我们的四重奏是明显地卖座的, 而且我们知道在天亮以前, 我们有把握收入一大笔钱。

47、It was still a nightmare riding among hustling traffics between my home and where the track is available. ─── 一如往常,从家里到可以进去自行车道这一段路程交通繁忙,骑脚踏车如做恶梦.

48、In this hustling and bustling street ─── 你在何处独行

49、Today, Silk Road remains a bustling village of streetscapes, but they seem catatonic compared to the hustling suits who occupy skyscrapers in the Tianhe and Shamian districts. ─── 今天,丝绸之路仍然是一个热闹的村庄的街道,但他们似乎紧张相比,谁占领熙适合摩天大楼在天河和沙区。

50、An attractive Spring Festival Package is available for you to relax and enjoy real tranquility in the hustling and bustling Shanghai. ─── 新春佳节,携亲朋好友入住市中心的绿色花园酒店-上海兴国宾馆,享受超值新春特惠房价,单人/双人入住每晚仅需人民币888元,含自助早餐。

51、In the last game, our perimeter players stopped hustling (out of exhaustion) and we couldn't pull it out. ─── 上一场比赛中,我们的外线队员不拼抢了(由于疲劳),所以我们就没法赢球。

52、hustling ball player ─── 勤快猛干的球员

53、BodyTouch:12345 In some crowded public places, people should avoid hustling together. ─── 在拥挤的公共场所,应避免挤坐在一起。

54、London was not always the hustling, bustling place it is now, though it has long had form in finance. ─── 尽管伦敦从很早开始形成了金融业,便它并不是一直像现在这样忙碌而吵闹的。

55、They survive by hustling on the streets. ─── 他们靠沿街兜售为生。

56、Sacramento's inability to cope with the Hornets ' hustling defense on the ball-handler proved to be a key factor in the game. ─── 萨克拉门托无力破解黄蜂对持球者的紧逼防守,这证实是这场比赛的一个关键;

57、Now that aches and pains have jockeyed for prominence with scoreboard success, several teams are hustling toward the regular-season finish line in less-than-perfect health. ─── 现在伤病似乎已经成为了影响比分板上的胜利的一个主要因素。一些球队在常规赛中似乎总是受到伤病的困扰。

58、"We thought that with the consolidation in the banking sector, the banks will have enough money and capacity to get customers. Why is it that all these girls are now moving around hustling?" ─── “我们原认为,银行经整合后,会有充足的资金和能力来开发客户。为什么现在弄成了这些女孩在四处‘拉客’?”

59、In my opinion,Jim is a hustler who never gives up in life and keeps hustling through out trials and tribulations. ─── (在我看来,吉姆总是充满热情应对生活的挫折和艰难,从未放弃过对生活的希望)。

60、Now here you are,hustling pool to get your next meal. ─── 现在你只能在这里,在池塘里寻觅你下一餐的食物.

61、a barfly hustling the other customers for drinks. ─── 酒徒迫使别的顾客买饮料

62、Hustling and bustling market of fashion clothes. ─── 熙来攘往的时装市场。

63、In the last game, our perimeter players stopped hustling( out of exhaustion) and we couldn't pull it out. ─── 上一场比赛中,我们的外线队员不拼抢了(于疲劳)所以我们就没法赢球。

64、On the counter Arsenal looked more powerful, hustling higher up the field to win the ball earlier. ─── 阿森纳反客为主,看上去更有活力、进攻更有威胁并且也更早地取得了进球。

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