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09-14 投稿



extemporaneous 发音

[?k,stemp?'re?n??s; ek-]

英:  美:

extemporaneous 中文意思翻译



extemporaneous 网络释义

adj. 即席的,临时的;无准备的;不用讲稿的;善于即席讲话的

extemporaneous 词性/词形变化,extemporaneous变形

名词: extemporaneity |副词: extemporaneously |

extemporaneous 短语词组

1、extemporaneous explosive ─── 不合时宜的爆炸

2、extemporaneous delivery ─── 即席交付

extemporaneous 相似词语短语

1、contemporaneous ─── adj.同时期的;同时代的,同时发生的

2、extraforaneous ─── 孔外

3、extemporaneousness ─── 即席性

4、cotemporaneous ─── adj.同时代的(等于contemporaneous)

5、extemporaneity ─── 即席

6、temporaneous ─── 暂时的

7、extemporariness ─── 即席

8、extemporaneously ─── adv.无准备地,临时作成的

9、extemporises ─── 即兴演奏

extemporaneous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The activity of cheeper, be extemporaneous type normally, without firm objective, accordingly, eliminate very hard also to disturb, overcome difficulty, carry out from beginning to end. ─── 幼儿的活动,通常是即兴式的,没有确定的目的,因此,也很难排除干扰,克服困难、贯彻始终。

2、An accomplished extemporaneous speaker. ─── 一位高明的即席演讲者

3、Numerous bag does not have a series of fixed regulation, sometimes best strategy uses talent namely extemporaneous creation and innovation. ─── 众包并无一系列固定的规则,有时最好的战略就是运用才华即兴创作和创新。

4、On the Cultivation of Music Major Students'Ability of Extemporaneous Piano Accompaniment in Teachers College ─── 论高师音乐学生即兴伴奏能力的培养

5、an extemporaneous speech ─── 即席发挥的演说

6、Regard a performance as artistic sale activity all the time, become sale group understanding morely how to check, adjust, again the extemporaneous play of plan of sale of test, readjust. ─── 一直作为表演艺术的营销活动,更多地成为营销团队了解如何测试、调整、再测试、再调整营销方案的即兴发挥。

7、extemporaneous speech ─── 即席讲话

8、She made an extemporaneous speech on the ceremony. ─── 她在典礼上做了一次即兴演讲。

9、Extemporaneous creation in film is a peculiar way of creation, which has some kind of color of mystery. ─── 即兴创作电影是电影创作中一种非常独特的方法,并带有某种神秘的色彩。

10、Second chapters accept the aesthetics characteristic about vocalese "s, Emotion tendentiousness and extemporaneous appreciation of the beauty. ─── 第二章关于唱法的接受美学特点:情感倾向性及即兴审美性;

11、Accordingly, the director lets him what to do again extemporaneous creation. ─── 因此,导演让他不要再搞什么即兴创作。

12、After that, Zhao Hongzhu said in an extemporaneous (or impromptu?) speech that “you are from Jiaxing, the birth place of CPC. ─── 在热烈的掌声中,赵洪祝作了即席讲话。

13、piano extemporaneous accompaniment ─── 钢琴即兴伴奏

14、The skin is extemporaneous to this fine long hair, you produce the burn move after shave probably, and cause beard ingrown . ─── 皮肤对此毫无准备,你很可能产生刮脸后的烧灼感,并且造成胡须向内生长。

15、extemporaneous composition ─── 下笔成章

16、extemporaneous prescription order ─── 临时调配的处方

17、but of the adopted talent of another you have only an extemporaneous half possession. ─── 但模仿他人的才华,你只能暂时地,部分地占用.

18、This paper points out an excellent vocal music teacher should not only have a charming voice, solid background in professional knowledge, but also be an extraordinary extemporaneous piano accompanist. ─── 摘要本文论述钢琴伴奏是音乐作品不可分割的重要组成部分,一位优秀的声乐教师应是个技术超群的钢琴即兴伴奏者。

19、He made an extemporaneous speech. ─── 他作了即席演说。

20、Emphasized on the theory of Author, the obvious characteristics of Author Film in extemporaneous film creation will be demonstrated. ─── 重点是运用作者论理论,论证即兴创作电影具有明显的作者电影特质。

21、Research on the characteristics of piano extemporaneous accompany ─── 钢琴即兴伴奏特征初探

22、Political leaders read speeches for accuracy and precision.They lack the spontaneity of the impromptu speech or the extemporaneous speech. ─── 它们不能像即席演说或者即兴演说那样可以自由发挥。

23、" other one aspect of the matter of actual electrify word unmanned conversation, one greets also is ego extemporaneous performance. ─── 实际上电话另一端并无人说话,一阵寒暄也是自我即兴表演。

24、The extemporaneous interesting hobby, achievement effect that produces to people behavior. ─── 即爱好爱好、成就等对人们行为产生的影响。

25、I am not a very good extemporaneous ─── 无准备的,即席的,不用讲稿的,善于即席讲话的,临时的

26、3.Knew working content and cause only, ability have a definite object in view begins the work, do not make extemporaneous fight. ─── 只有了解了工作内容和目标,才能有的放矢开展工作,不打无预备之战。

27、The skin is extemporaneous to this fine long hair, you produce the burn move after shave probably, and cause beard ingrown. ─── 皮肤对此毫无准备,你很可能产生刮脸后的烧灼感,并且造成胡须向内生长。

28、but of the adoptde talent of another, you have only an extemporaneous half possession. ─── 但模仿他人的才华,你只能暂时地、部分地占用。

29、Of wrong idea: The gender should be extemporaneous forever. ─── 错误观念之七:性应该永远是即兴的。

30、Please note that we will have one formal class debate, one extemporaneous class presentation, and one planned class presentation over the course of the semester. ─── 请注意,我们整学期课程将有一次正式的课堂辩论,一次即席课堂抽问,以及一次事前准备的上台报告。

31、an extemporaneous piano recital; ─── 临时的钢琴独奏会;

32、Spoken, performed, done, or composed with little or no preparation; extemporaneous: ─── 即席的,无准备的:毫无准备地说、表演、做或作曲的;临场的:

33、On the Training of Piano as Extemporaneous Accompany Skills ─── 浅谈钢琴即兴伴奏技能的培训

34、a person who can make up extemporaneous songs while playing the dongbula is called an aken, which means a wandering minstrel. ─── 人们把即席作词演唱歌者称为"阿肯",意即游唱诗人。

35、make an extemporaneous speech; give an offhand talk; give a talk offhand ─── 即席发言

36、In an extemporaneous or informal manner. ─── 即席地,非正式地

37、acknowledgedly fine speaker.His reply to me was that sometimes he writes 12 drafts of a speech.So, my remarks here today, being extemporaneous, I am sure you will make allowances for me. ─── 贵国和敝国之间有着160年悠久历史的情谊,我觉得贵国人民和敝国百姓有许许多多的相似点,而这些相似点正是两国情谊的基础,我也相信并非只有我有这样的感觉。

38、Other than an extemporaneous art, belly dancing requires the dancer to explore her autonomic rhythms, so she can dance to the music naturally. ─── 肚皮舞不只是即兴表演舞蹈,而是需要开发身体的自主性动作,让身躯自发性的随音乐不自觉摆动而起舞。

39、only an extemporaneous half possession. ─── 你只能暂时地、部分地占用。

40、So, my remarks her e today, being extemporaneous, I am sure you will make allowances for me. ─── 因此,今天本人在此发表的即席演说,我确信各位一定会包容。

41、So, my remarks here today, being extemporaneous, I am sure you will make allowances for me. ─── 昨天,我碰巧向总统先生提及此事,我说倭很高兴知道,以他如次知名又公认的演说家,还必须写这么多份草稿。

42、On the Technique of An Extemporaneous Speech ─── 浅谈即兴讲话的技巧

43、Wandering from the text, Clinton gave a speech that was one-third extemporaneous. ─── 从文本中徘徊克林顿发表了演说即席三分之一。

44、Words, music, or actions uttered, performed, or carried out in an extemporaneous manner. ─── 即兴表演即兴说出的台词,即兴表演的音乐或即兴完成的动作

45、A brief analysis of piano extemporaneous accompaniment ─── 浅谈钢琴即兴伴奏

46、never imitate .your own gift you can present every moment with the cumulative force of a whole life's cultivation: but of the adopted talent of another you have only an extemporaneous half possession. ─── 你自己的天赋可以随时以自己毕生积累的素质修养来展示:但模仿他人的才华,你只能暂时的,部分的占有。

47、1.[Formal] impromptu; extemporaneous; offhand; improvised; ad lib; extempore; 2.to take one's seat ─── 即席

48、other one aspect of the matter of actual electrify word unmanned conversation, one greets also is ego extemporaneous performance. ─── 实际上电话另一端并无人说话,一阵寒暄也是自我即兴表演。

49、his ad-lib comments showed poor judgment; an extemporaneous piano recital; an extemporary lecture; an extempore skit; offhand excuses; trying to sound offhanded and reassuring; an off-the-cuff toast; a few unrehearsed comments. ─── 他的即席评论显得缺乏判断力;临时的钢琴独奏会;即席演讲;即席幽默;临时借口;试图听起来即席又可靠;即席祝酒;一些临时评论。

50、These people were skilled at making up extemporaneous songs, and they also had large repertoires of historical tales and carried on the tradition of long epic ballads. ─── 这些人既有即兴编唱的能力,又掌握了大量的历史故事、传说的长篇唱词。

51、extemporaneous:Carried out or performed with little or no preparation; impromptu ─── 即兴的:毫无准备的或稍作准备就执行或表演的;即兴的.

52、extemporaneous poem ─── 即兴诗

53、A Study of the Extemporaneous Accompaniment ─── 关于键盘即兴伴奏的研究

54、Thoughts of Teaching Extemporaneous Accompaniment at University ─── 关于高师钢琴即兴伴奏教学的若干思考

55、a few impromptu remarks.See Synonyms at extemporaneous ─── 一些临场的评论参见

56、I am not a very good extemporaneous speaker;in fact, I am no speaker at all; ─── 受到诸位所代表的美国人民热情与真诚的欢迎,令我特别感动。

57、an extemporaneous piano recital. ─── 即兴钢琴独奏

58、Nixon carried away with it all, delivered his extemporaneous toast ─── 尼克松对一切都很满意,颇有些情不自禁地发表了他的即席祝酒词。

59、The Analysis of the Teaching of Extemporaneous Piano Accompaniment in Teachers Colleges and Universities ─── 高师钢琴即兴伴奏课教学浅析

60、I am not a very good extemporaneous speaker; ─── 各位知道我在那里见到什么吗?

61、An extemporaneous policy decision. ─── 一个权宜的政策决定

62、I especially enjoyed the extemporaneous speech we just heard. ─── 我尤其欣赏我们刚刚听过的即席演讲。

63、extemporaneous accompaniment ─── 即兴伴奏

64、Inside the castle hall of air space dignified, resound is worn the extemporaneous creation of DJ, african drummer brings primitive passion, guest people can't help swaying as music. ─── 气宇轩昂的城堡大厅内,回荡着DJ的即兴创作,非洲的鼓手带来原始的激情,来宾们不由得随着音乐摇摆。

65、an extemporaneous speech. ─── 不用讲稿的演讲

66、Your own gift you can present every moment with the cumulative force of a whole life's cultivation; but of the adopted talent of another you have only an extemporaneous half possession. ─── 你自己的天赋可以随时以自己毕生积累的素质修养来展示;但模仿他人,你只能暂时地、部分地占用。

67、A qualified music teacher must be a versatile of practical abilities. This paper discusses the cultivation of Music major students' ability of extemporaneous piano accompaniment in teachers college. ─── 作为一位合格的音乐教师,必须具备多方面的实践操作能力,本文从多角度,阐述了高师音乐专业学生钢琴即兴伴奏能力的培养。

68、Presentations must be extemporaneous (delivered from notes but not read off the page), and will consist of a concise presentation of an argument from one of the essays. ─── 此陈述报告须不依讲稿(内容可源自笔记,但不能照本宣科),内容包为其某一篇论文中之一个论点的简明阐述。

69、In one have played for many two Sundays exploding not without reason , extemporaneous baidu English area head, one vast family laughing at. ─── 在百度英语区玩了两个多礼拜有感而发,即兴一首,博大家一笑。

70、In an extemporaneous manner. ─── 无准备的,当场的

71、Wu Yi's speech by 20 minutes when book extemporaneous extend a hour. ─── 吴仪的报告由预定的20分钟即兴耽误到近一个小时。

72、extemporaneous prescription ─── 非法定药物处方, 供当场配制的处方

73、That way, your speech will be more conversational and extemporaneous, and you will be more likely to make a personal connection with your audience. ─── 如此,你的演讲将更加像在”对话”、更“即席”,那么就能和听众之间建立一个更亲密的联系。

74、impromptu; extemporaneous ─── 即兴

75、The texts for Toby shows were usually based on nineteenth-century popular drama, but extemporaneous dialogue and stage business were common. ─── 托比剧团的剧本通常以十九世纪流行戏剧为基础,但即兴对白和舞台做工是相同的。


extraneousadj. 外部的; 外来的; 无关的; 不相干的;

1.Reductant from an extraneous source is introduced.外来的还原剂被引进来。

2.Because of the extraneous and uncontrolled factors, those may affect the dependent variable.由于许多外来的无法控制的因素,这些因素可能影响应变因素。亲,给好评哦~~,电脑打字不容易啊! 不懂可以追问哦~~


词根 cept, 意思是抓住,词源同 capture, 抓住。




con-, 强调。 -cept, 词源同 cap, 抓住,理解


来自 concept, 概念。 -ism ,主义,思想,学说


contra-, 相对,相反。 -ception, 缩写至 conception, 孕育。


de-, 向下,离开。 -cept, 拿,握

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