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09-14 投稿



incongruities 发音

英:[??nk???gru(?)?tiz]  美:[???k???ru?tiz]

英:  美:

incongruities 中文意思翻译



incongruities 词性/词形变化,incongruities变形

名词复数: incongruities |

incongruities 同义词

incompatibility | paradox |variety | discrepancy | incongruousness | unsuitability | absurdity | contradiction | inconsistency | strangeness | oddness

incongruities 反义词


incongruities 相似词语短语

1、incongruence ─── n.不一致;不协调

2、inconcinnities ─── 尿失禁

3、ingenuities ─── n.心灵手巧,独创性,足智多谋;精巧的装置

4、incongruous ─── adj.不协调的;不一致的;不和谐的

5、incorporeities ─── n.无形体;无实体;非物质性

6、unconformities ─── n.(地质)不整合接触;不一致

7、incommodities ─── n.不便利之处;不舒适

8、incongruity ─── n.不协调;不一致;不适宜

9、congruities ─── n.适合,调和;一致;全等

incongruities 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In that mixture of incongruities that makes up the self yellow may very well be a horse and cart and gratitude the middle of next week. ─── 在构成自我的,互不协调的混和体中,黄色真可能是一匹马拉的大车,而感激之情则是下星期三、四。

2、Western humour was bound to reflect these incongruities. ─── 西部幽默当然会反映这些滑稽可笑的东西。

3、The incongruities between his income and his expenditure have thrown doubt on his character. ─── 他的收入和消费不相称,引起了人们对他品德的怀疑。

4、An Investigation on the Fairness and Efficiency of Preventive Public Health Work in China and Ways to Solve Any Incongruities ─── 我国预防保健事业的公平与效率考察及对策思考

5、Western humour was bound to reflect these incongruities. ─── 西部幽默当然会反映这些滑稽可笑的东西。

6、With the use of the GTVH and Gutt"s theory, examples are examined to display how verbal skills are employed to trigger various kinds of incongruities and how efficient the translation is. ─── 小说的作者钱钟书在严肃的主体下应用多种语言技巧创建了大量文字幽默。

7、The analysis indicates that cultural overlaps contributeto cross-cultural humor appreciation and translation while cultural incongruities may lead to a failure. ─── 本文应用文字幽默总论和格特的翻译理论对原文和译文进行分析,表明钱钟书是如何运用各种修辞手法制造出各种不一致,并指出翻译的优缺点。

8、Even though a lot of room is still left for interpretation, we at least see beyond the physical incongruities of multi-headed beasts, horns, bowls, and cups. ─── 即使对这些事的解释还留很多空间,我们至少可看出那多头兽、角、碗和杯之间是个不和谐的组合。

9、The maid's vigilance had always spared her the sight of such incongruities. ─── 女仆一向非常小心,不让她看到这种使她不快的景象。

10、From this it also follows that the means of getting rid of the incongruities that have been brought to light must also be present, in a more or less developed condition, within the changed modes of production themselves. ─── 同时这还说明,用来消除已经发现的弊端的手段,也必然以多少发展了的形式存在于已经发生变化了的生产关系本身中。

11、Faced with these incongruities, we cast about for an alternative theory. ─── 既然理论与经验凿枘龃龉,我们就著手寻找新的理论。

12、Analysis on the Incongruities between On-line Translation Versions and the Sources ─── 在线翻译与源语言不匹配现象剖析

13、Translation is invariably a hybrid product that incorporates incongruities into a composite of the foreign and the local. ─── 翻译必然是一种杂合的产物,把各种不协调的东西糅合进异族文化和本土文化的混合物中。

14、Translation is invariably a hybrid product that incorporates incongruities into a composite of the foreign and the local. ─── 翻译必然是一种杂合的产物,把各种不协调的东西糅合进异族文化和本土文化的混合物中。

15、The other adults take a step back too, perhaps jolted off balance by the incongruities of age and audacity, intelligence and exuberance. ─── 在场的其他大人们也都退后了些,仿佛是震惊之下有些慌了神——一个这般年幼的孩子,何来如此的胆识和见识?

16、Everyone has a very detailed subconscious knowledge of how different rooms sound, and although few are able to analyse the reverberation structure, most spot incongruities in artificial reverberation very easily. ─── 通过不停的学习,你慢慢的基础过不同的真是声学空间,你的知识就越来越丰富,对于你创建一个模拟的声学空间就越容易。

17、result, comedy is an art that represents incongruities. ─── 因此,喜剧是表现无害的不协调的艺术。

18、Generally, though there're a lot of achievements thereof, there are also unbalances between the achievements and their application, incongruities between the research prioriti8es and the status quo. ─── 综观这些研究,尽管研究成果不少,但存在着研究成果与现实应用之间的不平衡,以及研究方向、研究重点与现实状况的脱节问题。

19、Such phrases will likewise enable students not to violate certain lexical restrictions, nor produce as many incongruities of register. ─── 这些词汇短语同样还会使学生避免破坏词汇使用中的一些限制,也不会在某种语域中错误地使用词汇。

20、He levels down all the incongruities of life and then suffers the consequences. ─── 他降至所有生命之不可调和的程度,遭受着这一结果。

21、Time and place do not exist, on an insignificant basis of reality, the imagination spins, weaving new patterns: a mixture of memories, experience, free fancies, incongruities and improvisations. ─── 时间和空间并不存在,在微不足道的现实中,想象力织就着新的世界和图案,这个世界是:记忆,经历,自由幻想,以及各种矛盾的混合体。

22、The fundamental incongruities that led the old Sudan to fall apart seem to have been passed down directly to its offspring. ─── 导致老苏丹分崩离析的根本不适应,似乎已通过直接到它的后代。

23、Of course, Beijing is often also able to exploit these seeming incongruities. ─── 当然,北京也时常能够从这些不协调的情况中获益。

24、He levels down all the incongruities of life and then suffers the consequences. ─── 他降至所有生命之不可调和的程度,遭受着这一结果。

25、X-Bonus: Humor may be defined as the kindly contemplation of the incongruities of life, and the artistic expression thereof. -Stephen Leacock, economist and humorist (1869-1944 ─── 幽默可以看作对生活中不和谐事情的善意观察后的艺术化表现。-----斯蒂芬.李科克,经济学家,幽默家。

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