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hemorrhagic 发音

英:[?hem??r?d??k]  美:[?hem?r?d??k]

英:  美:

hemorrhagic 中文意思翻译



hemorrhagic 常用词组

hemorrhagic fever ─── [医]出血热

hemorrhagic shock ─── 出血性休克

epidemic hemorrhagic fever ─── 流行性出血热

hemorrhagic 词性/词形变化,hemorrhagic变形

形容词: hemorrhagic |动词现在分词: hemorrhaging |动词过去分词: hemorrhaged |动词过去式: hemorrhaged |动词第三人称单数: hemorrhages |

hemorrhagic 相似词语短语

1、haemorrhaging ─── n.大出血;(人、资金等的)大量流失;vt.大量快速流失(人、资金等);vi.大出血

2、hemorrhages ─── n.[病理]出血;v.[病理]出血(hemorrhage的单三形式)

3、haemorrhages ─── n.溢血;出血(haemorrhage的复数)

4、haemorrhaged ─── v.(尤指体内)大出血;大量快速流失(资金、人才等),遭受大损失(haemorrhage的过去式和过去分词)

5、hemorrhaging ─── n.出血,溢血;v.大出血;损失(hemorrhage的ing形式)

6、hemorrhaged ─── 出血

7、menorrhagic ─── 月经过多

8、hemorrhage ─── n.[病理]出血(等于haemorrhage);番茄汁;vt.[病理]出血;vi.[病理]出血

9、haemorrhagic ─── 出血的

hemorrhagic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Objective To study effect of endoscopic surgery for hemorrhagic necrotic nasal polyp and to analyse its clinical characteristics. ─── 摘要目的探讨鼻内镜手术治疗出血坏死性鼻息肉的疗效,并分析其临床特点。

2、In 1994, horses on a property in Queensland developed acute respiratory distress with hemorrhagic manifestations--14 of 21 infected horses died. ─── 1994年在昆士兰一个农场的马匹患上伴有出血性症状的急性的呼吸困难症一24匹马中有21死亡。

3、To discuss if it is possible to forecast hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) incidence with time series predictive models. ─── 目的探讨时间序列模型预测肾综合征出血热(HFRS)发病率的适用性。

4、He is skilled in the treatment of hepatic tumors and hemorrhagic diseases. ─── 他尤其擅长于肝脏肿瘤及出血性疾病的治疗。

5、Omsk Hemorrhagic Fever is a viral hemorrhagic fever caused by a Flavivirus. It is named for an outbreak in Omsk. ─── 什麽是'鄂木斯克出血热-病毒性出血热造成的黄'?

6、HHS can inhibit the activation of local RAS in hemorrhagic shock. ─── HHS可抑制失血性休克时组织中的RAS的激活。

7、The Ebola virus can cause hemorrhagic fever that is usually fatal. ─── 埃博拉病毒能够导致致死性的出血热。

8、The virus may be detectable in the blood for up to 10 days, in patients with the hemorrhagic icterus form of RVF. ─── 裂谷热患者若有出血性黄疸症状,10天后血液中仍可检出病毒。

9、Here is a cerebral infarct from an arterial embolus, which often leads to a hemorrhagic appearance. ─── 动脉栓子引起的脑梗死,常导致出血性外观。

10、dengue virus causes dengue hemorrhagic fever, shock and encephalitis. ─── 登革热病毒导致登革热出血热、休克和脑炎。

11、Objective: To observe the effect of Yiyiheji on the patients with acute hemorrhagic necrotic pancreatitis (AHNP). ─── 摘要目的观察抑胰合剂治疗急性出血坏死性胰腺炎的疗效。

12、Effect of temperature of fluid infusion on diamine oxidase, MB isoenzyme of creatine kinase, creatine-kinase and lactate dehydrogenase in hemorrhagic shock rabbits ...... ─── 失血性休克;液体复苏;肌酸激酶同工酶;肌酸激酶;乳酸脱氢酶;二胺氧化酶

13、The clinical symptoms of DHF/DSS include plasma leakage, hemorrhagic abnormalities, thrombocytopenia. ─── 在临床上,DHF与DSS主要的症状为血浆渗漏、不正常的出血、血小板低下等症状。

14、The hemorrhagic symptoms were ameliorated with infusions of fresh frozen plasma, but it was complicated by hyperalbuminemia, hypergammaglobulinemia and hypertension. ─── 出血症状随著入冰冻鲜血浆而改善,但产生了高白血症,高丙种球蛋白血症和高血压等并发症。

15、Hemorrhagic bullae were found in int erior and inferior regions of mammaries and xiphoid process region one mo nth ago. ─── 四肢、干泛发性羊皮纸样萎缩性斑片5年,双乳内下方和剑突处起血疱1个月。

16、Ebola irus (EBO) and Marburg irus (MAR) belong to the Filoiridae family and cause seere hemorrhagic feer in humans and nonhuman primates. ─── 伊波拉病毒和马尔堡病毒属于丝状病毒科,在人类及非人类的灵长类生物中可引起严重的出血热。

17、Fish consumption was not associated with hemorrhagic stroke. ─── 食用鱼肉与出血性中风没有联系。

18、Methods Eighteen rabbits were randomly divided into three groups: lidocaine group(Group L,n=6), hemorrhagic shock group(Group H,n=6)and control group(Group C,n=6). ─── 方法:18只白兔随机分为3组,每组6只,利多卡因组(L组)、失血性休克组(H组)和对照组(C组)。

19、Objective To study the value of limited fluid resuscitation in treating hemorrhagic traumatic shock. ─── 目的研究限制性液体复苏在创伤出血性休克急救中的实用价值。

20、The other kind is called a hemorrhagic, or bleeding stroke.This happens when a blood vessel breaks. ─── 另一种称为出血性或流血性中风,它是由于脑部血管破裂所造成的。

21、In summary, Bifidobacteria can be useful in reducing BT in hemorrhagic shocked rats, and encapsulated Bifidobacteria can augment this effect further. ─── 总之,双歧杆菌可预防失血性休克大鼠的细菌移位,微囊化双歧杆菌可进一步增强这一效果。

22、However, studies on resuscitation using norepinephrine in uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock are lacking. ─── 去甲肾上腺素用于进行性失血性休克治疗方面的研究甚少。

23、Hemorrhagic infarction refers to the brain artery or its branch embolization, or thrombosis. ─── 出血性脑梗塞系指脑动脉主干或其分支栓塞,或血栓形成。

24、Hemorrhagic infarcts of forehead and parietal lobe were fanlike or irregular and low density area with mottling high density. ─── 出血性梗塞多位于额、顶叶,表现为扇形或不规则低密度区内出现斑点状高密度,有明显占位表现。

25、Bolivian hemorrhagic fever (BHF), also known as black typhus or Machupo virus, is a hemorrhagic fever and zoonotic infectious disease occurring in Bolivia. ─── 什麽是'玻利维亚出血热-马丘波病毒性出血热看到在玻利维亚'?

26、A normal adult ovary has been sectioned here to reveal a hemorrhagic corpus luteum. Note the dark red-black hemorrhagic region surrounded by a thin rim of yellow corpus luteum. ─── 剖开的正常成年人卵巢示出血性黄体。可见暗红色的出血区被一薄层黄体包绕。

27、DRA may offer a novel method to treat organ/tissue ischemia in cardiovascular disease and hemorrhagic shock. ─── 在医药领域,减阻剂对心血管疾病、失血性休克等局部或全身性缺血有潜在的治疗价值,并有可能成为利尿剂。

28、DV is a causative agent for dengue fever (DF) and/or dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome (DHF/DSS). ─── DV是登革热(dengue fever, DF)和登革出血热/休克综合症(dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome, DHF/DSS)的病原体。

29、Dewan Ak, Mohan GM, Ravi R.Intravesical formalin for hemorrhagic Cystitis following irradiation of Cancer of the cervix[ J].Int. ─── 于国瑞.子宫颈癌[A].谷酰之,殷蔚伯,刘春福.肿瘤放射治疗学[M].北京:北京医科大学,中国协和医科大学联合出版社,1993.662-664.

30、Traumatic hemorrhagic shock is one of the main causes leading to death of casualties. ─── 创伤失血性休克是导致伤病员死亡的重要原因之一,平时和战时创伤死亡的60%与失血性休克有关。

31、Hemorrhagic pericarditis is most likely to occur with metastatic tumor and with tuberculosis (TB). ─── 出血性心包炎最可能合并转移性肿瘤和肺结核(TB)。

32、Borderline deficiencies often cause small hemorrhagic blemishes. ─── 临界缺乏常引起小的出血瘢疤。

33、Thus, this is called a "hemorrhagic pericarditis". ─── 因此,被称作“出血性心包炎”。

34、The main cause of death was hemorrhagic shock. ─── 失血性休克是死亡的主要原因。

35、Some people in confirmed by pathological physiology, hemorrhagic infarction is the result of artery re-opened. ─── 国内有人通过病理生理学研究也证实,出血性脑梗塞是动脉再开通的结果。

36、Analysis of hemorrhagic complications in perioperative stage: a report of 48 cases. ─── 48例围手术期出血原因分析。

37、There were no hemorrhagic complications associated with the use of aspirin. ─── 使用阿司匹林没有导致出血的并发症。

38、Within a few days, spirochetes become demonstrable in the peritoneal cavity;on the death of the animal (8-14 days), hemorrhagic lesions with spirochetes are found in many organs. ─── 几天后,即可在腹腔中检查出病菌,当动物死亡后(8-14天),在很多器官中都可发现由钩端螺旋体所致的出血。

39、As a result of high blood pressure caused by stroke, ischemic most (such as cerebral infarction, cerebral thrombosis), hemorrhagic relatively small. ─── 因高血压引起的脑中风,以缺血性居多(如脑梗塞、脑血栓),出血性相对较少。

40、Hemorrhagic complications associated with acute and chronic pancreatitis are major factors contributing to the mortality and morbidity of pancreatic diseases. ─── 摘要出血性合并症为造成慢性或急性胰脏炎病人死亡或致病的主要原因之一。

41、The other kind is called a hemorrhagic, or bleeding, stroke. This happens when a blood vessel breaks. ─── 另一种被称为出血性的,或流血性的,发生于血管破裂时。

42、For uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock the traditional method and target of resuscitation may be harmful. ─── 摘要传统的复苏方法和目标对于出血尚未被有效控制的失血性休克可能是有害的。

43、Title: The Protective Effects of L-arginine on Heart Resuscitation Injury After Hemorrhagic Shock in Rats. ─── 关键词:休克;失血性;心脏;左旋精氨酸;大鼠

44、Controlling mosquitoes may result in more cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), a rare and sometimes fatal disease caused by the virus. ─── 控制蚊子数量会引发罕见并且有时致命的病毒性登革出血热(DHF)疾病增加。

45、Recently, however, American researchers announced progress in developing a medicine to prevent Ebola hemorrhagic fever in monkeys. ─── 不过,最近美国研究人员宣布,在制定一种药,以防止埃博拉出血热的猴子。

46、Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever was then diagnosed as febrile diseases. ─── “克罗米亚-刚果出血热”在当时被认作“伤寒”。

47、Detecting and locating is the critical question of diagnosis and treating for the hemorrhagic focus of digestive tract. ─── 消化道出血灶的检测和定位是消化道出血症诊断与治疗的关键。

48、Background and Purpose: Intractable hematuria from radiation-induced hemorrhagic cystitis is a difficult clinical problem to manage. ─── 摘要目的:放射线性出血性膀胱炎所造成之持续出血在临床上是-困难处理的问题。

49、Furthermore, we compared the endothelial susceptibility to hemorrhagic and non-hemorrhagic strains of viruses. ─── 接著又比较造成病人结膜出血与不出血的病毒是否有毒性差异。

50、To investigate changes and clinical significance of gut mucosal barriers function damages following traumatic hepatorrhexis without hemorrhagic shock. ─── 摘要目的探讨不伴失血性休克状态下的不同的程度创伤性肝破裂后肠屏障功能变化及临床意义。

51、Abstract: Objective To investigate the cause, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of the hemorrhagic moyamoya disease in adult. ─── 文章摘要: 目的探讨成人出血型烟雾病的病因、发病机制及诊断治疗方法。

52、Methods Eighteen healthy rabbits were randomly divided into 3 groups (n=6), namely lidocaine group (group L), hemorrhagic shock group (group H) and control group (group C). ─── 方法18只兔随机分为3组,每组6只:利多卡因组(L组)、失血性休克组(H组)和对照组(C组)。

53、Hemorrhagic fever is not a plague, caused by a virus but a rat by an acute infectious disease transmission. ─── 出血热不是鼠疫,而是一种由病毒所致的经鼠传播的急性传染病。

54、Reports of hemorrhagic strokes in young women who had taken a PPA-containing drug began circulating in the 1970s. ─── 从1970年代起,就有年轻妇女因为服用含PPA的药物,而导致出血性中风的报告出现。

55、Fluorescent microspheres are applied in flow cytometry assay of epidemic hemorrhagic fever. ─── 发展了一种应用荧光微球进行流行性出血热流式细胞术检测的新方法。

56、The surface of the heart with hemorrhagic pericarditis demonstrates a roughened and red appearance. ─── 出血性心包炎的心脏表面呈红色粗糙状。

57、Here is another hemorrhagic pulmonary infarction in a patient with a pulmonary thromboembolism to a medium sized pulmonary artery. ─── 这也是一个由于肺中动脉分支的血栓栓塞所引起的肺出血性梗死。

58、Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) is a group of clinically similar illnesses caused by hantaviruses from the family Bunyaviridae. ─── 什么是'肾综合征出血热-汉坦病毒感染:肾功能衰竭和出血引起的汉他病毒'?

59、Methods: Twenty-two Wistar rats were selected.In 13 mouse the model was established with endotoxemia and hemorrhagic shock. ─── 方法:建立内毒素血症加失血性休克双重打击模型,用放射免疫法测定模型动物脑内TRH及其受体含量。

60、Ebola is the common term for a group of viruses belonging to genus Ebolavirus, family Filoviridae, which cause Ebola hemorrhagic fever. ─── 什么是'埃博拉病毒-埃博拉出血热病毒看到在非洲'?

61、Factors about placenta was the most common cause of obstetric hemorrhagic shock. ─── 主要的危险因素是多次妊娠和流产、院外分娩及重度子痫前期。

62、Acute hemorrhagic necrotic pancreatitis (n=16) was showed heterogeneous higher signal intensity on T1WI.The low signal circle can be found on T2WI. ─── 16例诊断为急性重型胰腺炎,T1WI可呈斑片状高信号,T2WI可出现低信号环。

63、It is a benign rapidly growing hemorrhagic lesion of unknown origin. ─── 回顾文献记载,大部份的鼻腔内小叶状毛细血管瘤病例年龄分布在成人,罕见于小孩子。

64、Objective To study the clinical efficacy and value of laparoscopy in the management of ectopic pregnancy with hemorrhagic shock. ─── 摘要目的探讨腹腔镜治疗异位妊娠并发失血性休克的临床效果及应用价值。

65、Abstract: Objective:To observe the clinically curative effects of Qingwen Baidu drink(清瘟败毒饮) on epidemic hemorrhagic fever (EHF). ─── 摘 要: 目的:观察清瘟败毒饮治疗流行性出血热的临床疗效。

66、Ebola is a hemorrhagic fever. ─── 埃博拉病毒是一种出血热。

67、Pulse CTX is only rarely associated with hemorrhagic cystitis and has not been associated with bladder cancer. ─── CTX静脉冲击疗法极少造成出血性膀胱炎而且不会产生膀胱癌。

68、The coagulation system was activated which cause consumption of blood coagulation factor and hemorrhagic tendency,which develop to DIC. ─── 凝血系统过度激活最终引起凝血因子消耗和出血倾向,进一步发展成弥散性血管内凝血(DIC)。

69、A hemorrhagic gut was the predominant lesion at autopsy. ─── 尸检的主要发现是肠出血。

70、She was special in the diagnosis and therapy of virus hepatitis, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, febrility, exanthesis and so on. ─── 技术专长:病毒性肝炎的诊断与治疗,肾综合征出血热诊断与治疗,发热及发疹性疾病等的诊断与治疗。

71、To the dog pathogenesis is the hemorrhagic yellow helicoid and the dog hook end helicoid two blood serums. ─── 对狗致病的是出血性黄疸螺旋体和犬钩端螺旋体两个血清型。

72、The rat lung and kidney were taken to examine the epidemic hemorrhagic fever antigen, isolate hantaan virus, and culture Leptospira interrogans. ─── 取鼠肺和鼠肾分别检验流行性出血热抗原及分离病毒和分离培养钩端螺旋体。

73、DRA may offer a novel method to treat organ/tissue ischemia in cardiovascular disease and hemorrhagic shock.DRA may also be a novel class of diuretic. ─── 在医药领域,减阻剂对心血管疾病、失血性休克等局部或全身性缺血有潜在的治疗价值,并有可能成为利尿剂。

74、Studies on Indices ahd Methods for Effective Control of the Focus of Infection of House-rat Type of Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever. ─── 家鼠型流行性出血热疫源地有效控制指标和方法的研究

75、Two rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus strains named RHD-NW1 and RHI)-NW2 wereisolated in the Wu Chuan county, Inner Mongolian. And their morphological-. ─── 从内蒙古自治区武川县分离出2 株兔出血症病毒,分别命名为RHD-NW1毒株和RHD-NW2毒株。

76、One patient died in sinus rhythm from hemorrhagic stroke 4 weeks after the procedure. ─── 一名患者在治疗4周后的窦性心律期内死于出血性中风。

77、Methods 45 rats with hemorrhagic shock were divided into three groups:the POB group,the simple lymph treated group,and normal saline control group. ─── 方法45只失血性休克大鼠分为三组:酚苄明(POB)组、单纯淋巴液治疗组及生理盐水对照组。

78、Hemorrhagic fever caused by the virus is hantavirus. ─── 引起出血热的病毒是汉坦病毒。

79、Methods 45 rats with hemorrhagic shock were divided into three groups:the POB group, the simple lymph treated group, and normal saline control group. ─── 方法45只失血性休克大鼠分为三组 :酚苄明(POB)组、单纯淋巴液治疗组及生理盐水对照组。

80、Note the dark red-black hemorrhagic region surrounded by a thin rim of yellow corpus luteum. ─── 可见暗红色的出血区被一薄层黄体包绕。

81、In this article, we have attempted to address the pathogenetic role of the gut in irreversible of hemorrhagic shock. ─── 摘要在本文中,作者对于肠道在不可逆出血性休克时扮演之病原学角色进行讨论并回顾相关文献。

82、It has won a clinical success in the treatment of 25 cases of tracheal obstructive diseases,including CR11(44.0%),PR12(48.0%)NR 2 (8.0%) and 4 cases of hemorrhagic patients. ─── 25例气道阻塞性疾病,CR11例(44.0%),PR12例(48.0%),NR2例(8.0%),4例出血病人,止血均获成功。

83、To identify mixed species of quality control, the strains are hemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157, Pseudomonas putida and Straphylococcus aureus. ─── 对混合菌种质量控制检验,结果其分别为出血性大肠埃希菌O157、恶臭假单胞菌和金黄色葡萄球菌。

84、Abstract: Objective To study the cytopathogcnic effect of epidemic hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome virus(HFRSV) on renal tubular cells(RTC) . ─── 摘 要: 目的研究肾综合征出血热病毒(HFRSV)对肾小管上皮细胞(RTC)的致病作用。

85、Method: Modeles of experimental animals were applied to research the effect of Sheng Hua Tang on hemorrhagic anemia, chemical damage anemia in mice. ─── 方法:应用实验动物模型,研究生化汤对失血性血虚、化学损伤性血虚小鼠的治疗效果。

86、The other was a 33 year-old male complained of left epistaxis for 2 months.Nasal endoscopy revealed a hemorrhagic tumor mass in the left superior meatus. ─── 1名33岁男性病患在二个月来断断续续流鼻血,鼻内视镜检查在左上鼻道看到一个出血的肿块。

87、A common cause is bleeding (hemorrhagic shock), typically from trauma, surgical interventions, peptic ulcer, esophageal varices, or aortic aneurysm. ─── 常见原因有出血(出血性休克),主要是有外伤、手术、消化性溃疡、食管静脉曲张或主动脉瘤等引起。

88、AHL can obviously improve lymph microcirculation disturbance in rats with hemorrhagic shock. ─── AHL能明显改善失血性休克大鼠的淋巴微循环障碍。

89、To study the prevalence of epidemic hemorrhagic fever (EHF) in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR). ─── 了解流行性出血热(EHF)在内蒙古自治区的流行情况。

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