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09-14 投稿



gravedigger 发音

英:[?ɡre?vd?ɡ?(r)]  美:[?ɡre?vd?ɡ?r]

英:  美:

gravedigger 中文意思翻译



gravedigger 词性/词形变化,gravedigger变形

形容词比较级: graver |动词过去分词: graven/graved |形容词最高级: gravest |动词过去式: graved |名词: graveness |动词第三人称单数: graves |动词现在分词: graving |副词: gravely |

gravedigger 同义词

majestic | solemn | thoughtful | slow-moving | sculpture | sombre | grave accent | heavy | imposing | vault | ominous | dignified | burial chamber | important | weighty | essential | grim | engrave | burial place | scratch | sedate | inscribe | sober | mausoleum | sculpt | dangerous | vital | earnest |serious | somber | life-threatening | grievous | tomb | severe | crypt | stately

gravedigger 短语词组

1、coffin ed johnson and gravedigger jones ─── 棺材埃德·约翰逊和掘墓人琼斯

gravedigger 反义词

trifling | petty | trivial | puny

gravedigger 相似词语短语

1、grave danger ─── 极度的危险

2、gravelike ─── adj.重大的;严肃的;黯淡的(grave的变形)

3、gravellier ─── 砾石

4、graverobber ─── n.盗墓者

5、gravediggers ─── n.挖墓者;掘墓人

6、gold-digger ─── 淘金者;以美色骗取男人钱财的女人

7、gold digger ─── 淘金者;以美色骗取男人钱财的女人

8、graveling ─── n.碎石;砂砾;vt.用碎石铺;使船搁浅在沙滩上;使困惑;n.(Gravel)人名;(英、法、西)格拉韦尔

9、graveldiver ─── 孕妇

gravedigger 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、New technology is him gravedigger that traditional and civilized breed goes, before ending, these problems still are not apparently when discussing. ─── 新技术是不是传统文明孕育出的自己掘墓人,尘埃落定之前,这些问题显然还不是讨论的时候。

2、After all, I can't dig a grave without reason. I'm no amateur gravedigger. ─── 无论如何,我不能平白无故地去挖一个墓穴。

3、are the words of a gravedigger in "Hamlet, " one of the more famous cemetery workers of all time. But not the most. ─── 这是来自《哈姆雷特》里盗墓者的话,其中一个一直以来是非常著名的墓地工作者之一,但他并不是最出名的。

4、When Gravedigger comes into play from your hand, you may choose to return a summon creature from your discard pile to your hand. ─── 当掘墓怪由你的手上进场时,你可以在你的弃牌堆中选择一张召唤生物牌,并将它移回你的手上。

5、The gravedigger was happy too. In a short period, he had dug two graves, so his business was finally back on track and his bad luck over. ─── 掘墓人也喜从天降,短短一段时间里掘了两座墓穴,生意终于回归正常。

6、The gravedigger was happy too. In a short period, he had dug two graves, so his business was finally back on track and his bad luck over ─── 掘墓人也喜从天降,短短一段时间里掘了两座墓穴,生意终于回归正常。

7、The Contemporary Perspective on the Theory of Proletariat being the Gravedigger for Bourgeoisie ─── 无产阶级是资产阶级掘墓人理论的当代视角

8、.. to GraveDigger etc. ─── 主题: Re: From FM.

9、Desperate to raise the cash, Eddie, a part-time gravedigger, hears that an exotic dancer with a rich sugar daddy has recently died, and was buried wearing a valuable diamond necklace. ─── 艾迪是一个兼职的掘墓工,他听说一个傍着大款的舞女最近死了,下葬时还戴了一条价值连城的项链。

10、I'm a poor gravedigger. ─── 我可是个可怜的掘墓人啊。

11、Richard Rorty is a gravedigger of the objectivism tradition of the western philosophy. ─── 罗蒂是西方哲学客观主义传统的掘墓人。

12、Grubby Players :: GravediggeR vs 4K. ─── 软件简介: GravediggeR vs 4K.

13、If I am a gravedigger, or even a hangman, there are some people I can work for with a great deal of pleasure. ─── 如果我是个掘墓人,甚至是执行绞刑者的话,对一些人,我非常愿意为他们效劳。

14、Think of the Dane's endless puns and the extraordinary scene between Hamlet and the clown who also doubles as a gravedigger. ─── 你可以想到,丹麦人总是有用不完的双关语,并且在哈姆雷特与身兼掘墓人的小丑之间总有别具一格的场面。

15、In the play "Hamlet",it is usual for an actor to double the first gravedigger with the spirit of Hamlet's father. ─── 在《哈姆莱特》这出戏里,演员通常既要扮演第一个掘墓人,也要扮演哈姆莱特父亲的幽灵。

16、Fallen, the brightest blooms are hard to find;With aching heart their gravedigger comes now Alone, her hoe in hand, her secret tears Falling like drops of blood on each bare bough. ─── 花开易见落难寻,阶前闷杀葬花人,独倚花锄泪暗洒,洒上空枝见血痕。

17、In the play "Hamlet", it is usual for an actor to double the first gravedigger with the spirit of Hamlet's father. ─── 在《哈姆莱特》这出戏里,演员通常既要扮演第一个掘墓人也要扮演哈姆莱特父亲的幽灵。

18、Before Stewart charmed audiences with his British accent, he worked as a gravedigger at Highgate Cemetery in London during his teens. ─── 在洛·史都华用他的英国腔迷倒歌迷之前,他年轻时在伦敦的高门墓地当掘墓者。

19、Samuel Beckett: Gravedigger of Words and Plots of Novels ─── 贝克特:小说语言与情节的掘墓人

20、Now quickly run to where the Gravedigger is and stand on top of the highest mound of dirt, Press R2 again. ─── 然后快速跑到挖坟老头儿那里,站在最高的一个土堆上,再按一下R2;

21、The view that the proletariat is the gravedigger of the capitalist society occupies a very important place in the theory of Marxism. ─── 无产阶级作为资本主义社会的掘墓人,在马克思的学说中占有十分重要的地位。

22、Otherwise unrestricted growth will become its own gravedigger, with the earth as the grave. ─── 难道非要国难当头,青年才有理想有责任吗?

23、If I were a gravedigger, or even a hangman, there are some people I can work for with a great deal of pleasure. ─── 如果我是个掘墓人,甚至是执行绞刑者的话,对一些人,我非常愿意为他们效劳。

24、Legend has it that a gravedigger(10) who knew which body was Mozart's at some point sneaked the skull out of the grave. ─── 传说一个知道哪具是莫扎特尸体的盗墓者偷偷摘走了他的头骨。

25、I'm the only gravedigger in town. ─── 镇上就我一个挖坟的”。

26、I'm a poor gravedigger. ─── 我可是个可怜的掘墓人啊。

27、"I don't know any of these people" he said. "I'm the only gravedigger in town." ─── “这些人我一个都不认识”,他说。“镇上就我一个挖坟的”。

28、You know what Herman the gravedigger just told me? ─── |你知道那个挖墓人Herman 告诉我什么吗?

29、"I'm the only gravedigger in town. ─── “镇上就我一个挖坟的”。

30、Similar discussion, the reporter also saw in forum of a few aviation a lot of, some people say electronic airline ticket is the gravedigger that traditional airline ticket acts as agent even. ─── 类似的讨论,记者在一些航空论坛中也看到了许多,有些人甚至称电子机票是传统机票代理的掘墓人。

31、Richard Rorty is a gravedigger of the objectivism tradition of the western philosophy. ─── 罗蒂是西方哲学客观主义传统的掘墓人。

32、Nevertheless, the pearl incurs gravedigger who spoils the corpse.It makes the man being bothered even in the grave after died. ─── 然而正因此名珠而引来挖墓者,导致尸体遭到破坏,可说是死也不得安宁。

33、Gravedigger,when u dig my grave.pls make it shallow,so that I can feel the rain. ─── 十年,匆匆,太匆匆,我还没来得及计算,你就已这样从指尖溜走....

34、Gravedigger at Sona? ─── 索纳监狱的挖墓人?

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