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09-14 投稿



hypnotism 发音

英:[?h?pn?t?z?m]  美:[?h?pn?t?z?m]

英:  美:

hypnotism 中文意思翻译



hypnotism 短语词组

1、lethargic hypnotism ─── [医] 催眠性昏睡

2、minor hypnotism ─── [医] 浅催眠状态

3、major hypnotism ─── [医] 深催眠状态

hypnotism 词性/词形变化,hypnotism变形

名词: hypnotist |

hypnotism 相似词语短语

1、hypnosis ─── n.催眠;催眠状态

2、hypnotiser ─── 催眠师

3、hypnotists ─── n.施催眠术的人

4、hypnotise ─── v.对(某人)施催眠术;(使)着迷,陶醉(等于hypnotize)

5、hypnotises ─── v.对(某人)施催眠术;(使)着迷,陶醉(等于hypnotize)

6、hypnotised ─── v.(使)进入催眠状态;(使)着迷(hypnotise的过去式及过去分词,hypnotise等于hypnotize)

7、hypnotist ─── n.施催眠术的人

8、hypnotisms ─── n.催眠术;催眠状态

9、hypnotic ─── adj.催眠的,催眠术的;易于催眠的;n.安眠药;催眠状态的人

hypnotism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The clinical study on patients with essential hypertension by hypnotism acupuncture treatment ─── 催眠针法治疗原发性高血压的临床疗效观察

2、Keywords Suanzaoren decoction;Sedation;Hypnotism;Extraction technological process; ─── 关键词酸枣仁汤;镇静;催眠;提取工艺;

3、Inflation is the autosuggestion, the hypnotism, the anesthetic, that has dulled the pain of the operation for him. ─── 通货膨胀有如自我暗示、催眠术、麻醉剂,可以减轻手术时的痛苦。

4、No serious complication occured.Conclusion:The simple probing of lacrimal passage with the help of hypnotism is an effective method to treat neonatal dacryocystitis. ─── 结论:借助10%水合氯醛催眠后,单纯行泪道探通术是治疗新生儿泪囊炎的简单、有效方法。

5、The pharmacological actions of single mineral drug were analyzed and summarized from the perspectives of anti-inflammation, anti-neoplasm and sedation and hypnotism. ─── 矿物药药理作用以抗炎、抗肿瘤、镇静催眠为主,其研究方向由单纯的有无效果研究转向作用机制的探讨。

6、Hypnotists and hypnotism proponents see the peculiar mental state as a powerful tool with a wide range of applications. ─── 催眠师和催眠的拥护者们把这一古怪的心理状态看成是有广泛应用的有力工具。

7、But if you think you need more help to control your cravings, there are lots of quitting success stories involving hypnotism. ─── 但若您认为自己需要更多帮助控制自己的烟瘾,很多成功的戒烟故事用到了催眠术。

8、lethargic hypnotism ─── 催眠性昏睡

9、Comparison between Hypnotism and Wicked Religions ─── 催眠术与邪教之比较

10、an early therapeutic application of hypnotism ─── 一种早期的催眠术医疗法

11、hypnosis | hypnotism ─── 催眠|

12、He performed hypnotism on this patient. ─── 他对这个病人采用了催眠术疗法。

13、The patient was brought into a condition of hypnotism . ─── 病人进入了睡眠状态。

14、This is by no means conclusive evidence, but it does lend credence to the idea that hypnotism opens up the subconscious mind. ─── 这绝对不是决定性的证据,但是的确对催眠打开潜意识思维的观点增加了可信度。

15、Austrian physician who sought to treat disease through animal magnetism, an early therapeutic application of hypnotism. ─── 梅斯梅尔,弗朗兹1734-1815奥地利内科医师,试图用动物磁力来治疗疾病,即一种早期的催眠术医疗法

16、mesmerism hypnotism ─── 催眠术

17、Method:To observe the effects of EOL on blood rheology of rabbit,microcirculation of cerebral pia m ater and auricula of mouse,ischemia because of microcirculation dysfunction,sed ation and hypnotism. ─── 方法 :运用血瘀动物模型观察其对家兔血液流变学、大鼠软脑膜微循环、耳廓微循环、小鼠脑循环障碍性缺氧的影响及其对小鼠的镇静催眠作用。

18、Keywords Fructus Schisandrae Sphenanthera;Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis;mice;sedation;hypnotism; ─── 南五味子;北五味子;小鼠;镇静;催眠;

19、A clinical effective study of hypnotism therapy treating anxiety neurosis ─── 催眠疗法治疗焦虑症临床疗效研究

20、Large numbers of saboteurs could also be created using hypnotism through the work of a doctor practicing in a neighborhood or foreign born nationals with close cultural ties with an enemy power. ─── 但大批的破坏者也产生了,他们能通过医生的工作来对邻居或对一个在国外出生的,有着与敌方力量相近的文化联系的公民进行催眠。

21、About this time hypnotism was enjoying a fad throughout the country, and a friend suggested that he try it as a means of helping his condition. ─── 就在此时,催眠术风行全国,一个朋友建议他试试催眠术对他的病情是否有帮助。

22、Whether or not hypnosis is actually a physiological phenomenon, millions of people do practice hypnotism regularly, and millions of subjects report that it has worked on them. ─── 不论催眠是否是一个心理现象,无数人们会经常的进行催眠。而无数的人们也宣称催眠对他们有作用。

23、They are, says Choi, putting in his own words, the victims of "negative hypnotism." ─── 用崔的话说:他们是“消极催眠术”的牺牲品。

24、In the process of psychological counseling and therapy, hypnotism is widely utilized in many areas as a special psychotherapy method. ─── 在心理咨询与治疗过程中,催眠术常常作为一种特殊的治疗方法被广泛运用。

25、In my experience, nearly all so-called previous personalities evoked through hypnotism are entirely imaginary and a result of the patient’s eagerness to obey the hypnotist’s suggestion. ─── 根据我的经验,几乎所有所谓的前世人是由完全虚构的催眠术以及患者渴望听从于催眠师建议的结果引起的。

26、Hypnotism is banned by public schools in San Diego. ─── 催眠在圣地亚哥的公立学校是被禁止的。

27、This is by no means conclusive evidence, but it does lend credence to the idea that hypnotism opens up the subconscious mind. ─── 这绝对不是决定性的证据,但是的确对催眠打开潜意识思维的观点增加了可信度。

28、She saw a psychiatrist who used hypnotism to help her deal with her fear. ─── 她去看了精神病医师,医生用催眠治疗帮助她克服恐惧心理。

29、What you are about to read will help you gain a better understanding of hypnotism services and a clearer way of thinking about using them. ─── 你将要阅读的将会帮助你更了解催眠服务;和获得一种更清晰的方法去思考如何运用它。

30、EOL could improve the blood rheology ,circulation of cerebral pia mater and auricula of mouse,and protect the ische mia because of brain circulation dysfunction,and improve the effect of Clonazepa m on hypnotism and sedation. ─── 该制剂能改善血液流变学及大鼠软脑膜微循环和耳廓微循环 ,对小鼠脑循环障碍性缺氧具有明显保护作用 ,并可增强氯硝安定对小鼠的镇静催眠效应。

31、Objective To explore use and influence factor s of sedative and hypnot ic in medical college students. ─── 目的调查医学生镇静催眠药使用状况及影响因素。

32、Samuel Chung. This was due to his outstanding dissertation named "A perfect marriage: modern hypnotism and ancient Chinese wisdom" . ─── 这是由于他极为优秀的论文:「完美的组合:现代催眠学与古中华民族的智慧」。

33、Hypnotism can be used as an effective means for raising training efficiency and improving players' physical and mental state. ─── 在运动训练中推广催眠方法对提高运动效率、改善运动员身心状态是有效的。

34、White collars reduce pressure through hypnotism ─── 白领催眠减压

35、In my experience, nearly all so-called previous personalities evoked through hypnotism are entirely imaginary and a result of the patient's eagerness to obey the hypnotist's suggestion. ─── 以我的经验,几乎所有所谓的在催眠状态下召唤出的前世人格都完全是想象的,是病人渴望服从催眠者暗示的结果。

36、A Brief Discussion on the Application of Hypnotism in Criminal Investigation ─── 浅谈催眠技术在刑事侦查中的应用

37、The Guild is a professional organization comprised of dedicated individuals committed to advancing the field of hypnotism. ─── 公会是一个专业组织,其成员都为了催眠学的发展而努力。

38、minor hypnotism ─── 浅催眠状态

39、Dulcy also saw a psychiatrist who used hypnotism to help her deal with her fear. ─── 茜还去看了精神科医生,那医生使用催眠术帮她消除恐惧感。

40、Do you believe “hypnotism?”I don't believe. ─── 臭鞋子做氧气罩--你相信“催眠术”吗?

41、functional state of hypnotism ─── 催眠功能态

42、Q. Is there any similarity to hypnotism, Kiai method, religious method or any other methods? ─── 这个有类似催眠术、合气道方法、宗教性的方法或任何其他的方法任何的类似吗?

43、I recognize my professional responsibility to add my ideas and findings to the body of hypnotism knowledge and practice. ─── 我明白我具有专业责任把新的理念及研究贡献于催眠学术领域及实践方面。

44、The opeartion was done with the help of hypnotism using 10% chloral hydrate. ─── 患儿治疗前应用10%水合氯醛进行灌肠,待入睡后应用泪道探针行单纯泪道探通治疗。

45、Our purpose is to provide you with the necessary information and understanding to properly evaluate hypnotism services for your particular use. ─── 我们的目的是为你提供必要的信息和阐释,令你恰当的评估催眠服务所给你带来的好处。

46、EffectThe magician gets an assistant to lie on the table using hypnotism. ─── 作用 魔术师使助理说谎在桌使用催眠状态。

47、Keywords tuber fleeceflower stem;lucid ganoderma fungus;sedation and hypnotism;immune modulation;pentobarbital sodium;mice; ─── 关键词夜交藤;灵芝;镇静催眠;免疫调节;戊巴比妥钠;小鼠;

48、What you are about to read will help you gain a better understanding of hypnotism services and a clearer way of thinking about using them. ─── 你将要阅读的将会帮助你更了解催眠服务;和获得一种更清晰的方法去思考如何运用它。

49、sedation and hypnotism ─── 镇静催眠

50、Of or relating to hypnotism. ─── 催眠状态的催眠状态的,或与之有关的

51、The study described the characteristics of hypnotism by stages based on many years teaching and application of hypnotism in mental training. ─── 通过多年在教学、心理训练中采用催眠方法与取得的效应进行了探讨,并对催眠的阶段性特点作了客观性描述,为在运动实践中的应用提供理论依据。

52、major hypnotism ─── 深催眠状态

53、RHIC constitutes the joining of two well known tools, the radio part and the hypnotism part. ─── RHIC的组成是由2个熟知的工具结合在一起的,无线电部分以及催眠部分。

54、Then later we sought treatment for him through psychological counseling &therapeutic hypnotism. ─── 后来,我们用心理咨询及催眠的方法治愈了他。

55、Clairvoyance, clairaudience, dreams, hypnotism, point the way to a better understanding of the history and depth of the human mind and soul. ─── 千里眼(遥视)、顺风耳(遥听)、梦,催眠,它们都指向一个更深刻理解人类心理和心灵及其历史的方向。

56、The subject's heart rate and respiration may slow down, but this is due to the relaxation involved in the hypnotism process, not the hypnotic state itself. ─── 受测人的心率和呼吸也许会放慢,但是是因为催眠过程中放松而不是催眠状态本身的原因。

57、Sorry, you didn't get the power of hypnotism. ─── 对不起,你还没有催眠的能力。

58、Q. Is there any similarity to hypnotism, Kiai method, religious method or any other methods? ─── 问题:这个有类似催眠术、合气道方法、宗教性的方法或任何其他的方法任何的类似吗?

59、It's as if the hypnotism process pops open a control panel inside your brain. ─── 就仿佛是催眠的过程打开了你头脑里的一个控制面板。

60、The Function of Oral-confession out of Drug Hypnotism ─── 论药物催眠口供的线索功能

61、Effect and theory of using hypnotism in mental training were dis-cussed, meanwhile, objective, quantified methods for evaluating the effect of mental training were suggested. ─── 同时还提出了心理效应检测的方法,使心理训练效应直观化、量化。

62、Results: LHYASJ could inhibit the spontaneous activity and cooperate with to affect the sleep time of mices.Conclusion: LHYASJ has obvious se dation , hypnotism effect. ─── 结果:落花叶安神剂能抑制小鼠自发活动,对小鼠睡眠的影响与戊巴比妥钠有协同作用。

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