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09-14 投稿



resorting 发音

英:[r??z??t??]  美:[r??z??rt??]

英:  美:

resorting 中文意思翻译



resorting 短语词组

1、resorting to ─── 依靠,求助于;诉诸;常去

resorting 词性/词形变化,resorting变形

动词第三人称单数: resorts |动词过去分词: resorted |动词过去式: resorted |动词现在分词: resorting |

resorting 相似词语短语

1、presorting ─── vt.按邮政编码预先分拣;n.预分类

2、reporting ─── n.报告;报导;adj.报告的

3、reportings ─── n.报告;报导;adj.报告的

4、re-sorting ─── 求助;手段

5、retorting ─── n.干馏;蒸馏法;v.反驳;报复(retort的ing形式)

6、reassorting ─── v.再分类

7、besporting ─── 移植

8、besorting ─── 瘙痒

9、resorbing ─── v.再吸收;消溶(细胞、组织等);吸收

resorting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A carriage was the only resort. ─── 乘马车是唯一的办法。

2、Wow! there sure be a lot of good look girls at this ski resort. ─── 哦!这滑雪场有好多漂亮的小姐。

3、Stone Old Man International Holiday Resort. ─── 如石老人国际度假区译为。

4、Resorting to violence is not the best solution to an argument. ─── 使用武力不是解决争执的上策.

5、Visit Mount Washington Alpine Resort for details. ─── 为细节访问山华盛顿高山的胜地。

6、If I can't get the money any other way, as a last resort I could borrow it from Dad. ─── 如果我没有其他办法筹钱,最後的办法就是向父亲借。

7、A park is a place of popular resort in good weather. ─── 天气好的时候公园是人们爱去的地方。

8、Beidaihe is noted for its summer resort. ─── 北戴河以避暑胜地而著称。

9、Brighton is a famous seaside resort. ─── 布赖顿是著名的海滨胜地。

10、The town is famous as a hot-spring resort. ─── 作为一个温泉胜地,这镇子闻名遐迩。

11、Instead, it is resorting to a strategy used in Japan earlier this decade. ─── 因此,该机构正转而诉诸于本世纪初日本所采用的策略。

12、It is an ideal resort for summer vacationists. ─── 对于夏季度假者来说,这是个理想的去处。

13、Brighton is a famous seaside resort . ─── 布赖顿是着名的海滨胜地.

14、If other means fail, they will resort to force. ─── 如果其他手段失败,他们将诉诸武力。

15、As a last resort, go away and never come back. ─── 不得已,就走开别再回来。

16、Firms commonly resort to various forms of nonprice competition. ─── 厂商经常采取各种形式的非价格竞争。

17、The scout found a fleet ran into China boundary, resorting to the sanction of military authorities. ─── 侦查员发现借助军事当局的批准,一支舰队驶进了中国的边境线。

18、Dalian is known as a summer resort. ─── 大连以避暑胜地著称。

19、In the last resort we can always sleep in the car for a night. ─── 作为最后一着,我们总还能在汽车里过夜。

20、Beidaihe is a nice summer resort. ─── 北戴河是个避暑的好去处。

21、Hawaii is a famous tourist resort. ─── 夏威夷是著名的旅游胜地。

22、If other means fail we shall resort to force. ─── 如果其他手段均告失败,我们将诉之武力。

23、In the last resort we can always walk home. ─── 大不了我们走回家就是了。

24、Steam generation from this hot flue gas is a last resort option. ─── 从这种高温烟道气生产蒸汽是一种最后的选择。

25、So we students had to resort to "self government". ─── 因此,我们学生就要实行自治起来。

26、First, we see that it is possible to topple a hated regime without resorting to a civil war. ─── 第一,我们发现不通过发动内战的方法是有可能推翻一个令人厌恶的政权的。

27、I've tried everyone else and now you're my last resort. ─── 别人我都试过了,现在就看你的了。

28、He discovered that all grassland squirrels made straight for the trees when pursued, and only chose holes in the ground, or hollow logs, as a last resort. ─── 他发现,所有的草地松鼠当被追捕时,首选都是直爬上树,实在没有办法时才选择地洞或中空的木钻。

29、They occupied the city without resorting to force. ─── 他们不动兵戈就占领了那座城市。

30、If it is wrong to enslave another, then God must be able to provide for those who follow him without resorting to slavery. ─── 如果奴役他人是错误的,神一定会供应那些遵行他的话不蓄奴的人劳力上的需要。

31、You must never resort to violence. ─── 你们决不能诉诸武力。

32、How did the customers resort to us? ─── 1客户是怎样找到我们的。

33、Some countries had to resort to barter to obtain foreign goods. ─── 一些国家不得不采取以货易货的方法以得到外国货物。

34、In today's world, there does exist such a country practicing hegemonism and seeking special treatment everywhere by resorting to its power. ─── 在当今世界,确实有一个国家依仗实力到处搞霸权主义和特殊化。

35、Why do you resort to such an unwise move? ─── 为何出此下策?

36、He encouraged the resort of scholars. ─── 他鼓励学者常去访问。

37、Chemical control is the last resort. ─── 化学防治是最后的措施。

38、A couple go on vacation to a fishing resort. ─── 一对夫妇去湖边度假。

39、Zhou met with Stalin at his Black Sea resort. ─── 周恩来在黑海疗养胜地会见了斯大林。

40、Resorting to litotes, it said "the accession negotiations with Turkey have regrettably not moved into any new areas for a year. " ─── 使用反叙法这种修辞方法来说,很可惜,土耳其的入盟谈判一年内都没有任何新的进展。

41、A good debater recognizes that resorting to a tu quoque only weakens one's position in the argument. ─── 一个好的辩论家认识到对对方说“你也一样”这样的语言会减弱自己在辩论中的立场。

42、Cramming should be a last resort. ─── 不到万不得已不要临时抱佛脚。

43、Don't resort to punishment to make a child obey. ─── 不要采用惩罚的方式叫孩子听话。

44、Her only resort is television. ─── 她唯一的消遣是看电视。

45、Hawaii is an excellent tourist resort. ─── 夏威夷是极好的旅游胜地。

46、It's easy to try on a tattoo without resorting to a trip to the tattoo parlor. ─── 人们很容易对纹身进行尝试而不用到纹身店去。

47、They spent their holidays at a resort beset with towering mountains. ─── 他们在一处高山环抱的度假胜地度过了假期。

48、In the last resort, we can always swim back. ─── 大不了我们可以游回来。

49、In the last resort,we can always swim back. ─── 如果万不得已的话,我们总可以游回去。

50、For tourism, vacation, health resort. ─── 为旅游,度假,疗养胜地。

51、In the last resort we can always swim back. ─── 实在没办法时,我们总可以游回去。

52、Digital technology also makes it easier for people to co-ordinate their activities without resorting to hierarchy. ─── 数字技术也使人们更容易协调他们的活动,而不用诉诸等级制度。

53、He contemplated going to some health resort. ─── 他考虑到某一休养胜地。

54、Hawaii is an all-the-year-round tourist resort. ─── 夏威夷一年四季都是旅游胜地。

55、The expansionists are fond of resorting to blood and iron . ─── 亚述成了鼓吹血与铁的学说的第一个国家。

56、As well as an island holiday resort. ─── 也是著名的海岛风景旅游胜地。

57、Resorting to the point is necessary. ─── 因此,他觉得,适当的反击也是必要的。

58、Many people resort to the beaches in hot weather. ─── 天热时,很多人到海滨去。

59、Check out Whistler, Vancouver's famous ski resort. ─── 去温哥华著名的滑雪胜地惠斯勒山吧。

60、A couple went on vacation to a resort up north. ─── 一对夫妇去北边的一个旅游胜地度假。

61、They have resort to various devices for raising money. ─── 他们采取各种不同的方法募款。

62、A month at a health resort will surely do you good. ─── 去疗养所住一个月肯定对你有好处。

63、Along his road to the emper, political trickery played a central part in addition to resorting a little force. ─── 他在通往皇权之路上,虽不乏“篡”的意味,但更多的是利用权谋登上九五之尊。

64、Palm Galleria Resort: Ideal stay. Fantastic rates. ─── 在世界100,000多的旅馆都得到优惠!

65、Young people resort to the seaside or mountains in summer. ─── 年轻人夏天常去海边或山上。

66、I spent my last summer vacation at a luxury resort. ─── 去年暑假我去了一间豪华的度假村。

67、Late winter is the main holiday season in the Aipine Resort. ─── 冬末时节是阿尔卑胜地的旅游旺季。

68、David, in his secret heart, had visions of a sort of sublimated summer resort. ─── 大卫在他心里设想著一个类似理想的避暑地。

69、City break, beach resort or mountain hideaway? ─── 城市休闲,海滨度假还是深山隐居?

70、His last nickel; as a last resort. ─── 他的最后一枚硬币;最后的手段

71、That helps explain why, as I'm First's Rubinoff indicated, the schools to which these students end up resorting can end up being some of the poorest matches for them. ─── 这有助于解释为什么这些学生最终只好选择的学校可能是最不匹配他们的学校,正如 I'm First's Rubinoff 指出的那样。

72、We stayed at a resort hotel during the holidays. ─── 假期里我们住在一家观光旅馆。

73、The Only remedy way you can take is resorting to the law. ─── 你的唯一补救办法就是诉诸法律。

74、January is the resort's worst month weatherwise. ─── 从天气上说,一月份是这个游览胜地最糟糕的月份。

75、As soon as it snows, the ski resort comes alive. ─── 只要一下雪,那座滑雪胜地就热闹了起来。

76、They summered at a beach resort. ─── 他们在沙滩度假胜地度过了夏天

77、Use the REPAIR options only as a last resort. ─── 仅将REPAIR选项作为最后手段使用。

78、Arbitration is only the last resort. ─── 仲裁只是万不得已的事。

79、For most teachers, punishment is the last resort. ─── 对大多数老师而言,体罚学生是最后的手段。

80、Antica Fonte Resort : Book Now - Pay on Check Out! ─── 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.

81、Many people resort to the beaches in hot weather . ─── 天热时,很多人到海滨去。

82、Merely resorting to force can't resolve the conflicts in the Middle East. ─── 单靠诉诸武力解决不了中东的争端。

83、They don't need to resort to flattery. ─── 他们不必诉诸于拍马屁。

84、I want to go to Ayutthaya Worabori Resort. ─── 21我要去天使魔幻剧苑。

85、If other means fail , we shall resort to force. ─── 如果其他手段均失败,我们就将诉诸武力。

86、Celebrated as a hot spring resort. ─── 以温泉胜地著称。

87、Vets have had to resort to killing the animals. ─── 兽医们不得不采取灭杀动物的办法。

88、They could have avoided resorting to force in dealing with the matter. ─── 在处理这件事情上, 他们本来是可以避免使用武力的。

89、Brighton is a leading south coast resort. ─── 布赖顿是南部地区最著名的海滨胜地.

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