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lordly 发音

英:['l??dl?]  美:['l?rdli]

英:  美:

lordly 中文意思翻译



lordly 词性/词形变化,lordly变形

形容词最高级: lordliest |名词: lordliness |形容词比较级: lordlier |

lordly 短语词组

1、lordly knack ─── 至高无上的诀窍

2、lordly djre remi ─── 尊贵的djre remi

3、lordly dj ─── 尊贵的dj

lordly 习惯用语

1、in lordly way ─── 气派十足地

lordly 相似词语短语

1、boldly ─── adv.大胆地;冒失地;显眼地

2、lairdly ─── adj.(苏)地主的

3、unlordly ─── 不体面的

4、lordy ─── int.(表示惊讶等)老天爷,天哪

5、luridly ─── adv.色彩斑斓地;骇人听闻地;大肆渲染地

6、worldly ─── adj.世俗的;世间的;尘世的;adv.世俗地;世故地

7、floridly ─── adv.华丽地;浮华俗气地

8、loudly ─── adv.大声地,响亮地

9、clodly ─── 冷淡地

lordly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、From himself he also drew forth the mind, which is both real and unreal, likewise from the mind ego, which possesses the function of self-consciousness and is lordly. ─── 他也从他自己那里引发出头脑,既是真实也是虚幻,同样也来自头脑的自我,支配着自觉的功能,是尊贵的。

2、Queen Elizabeth : Have her, then, but you're a lordly fool. She's been plucked since I saw her last - and not by you. It takes a woman to know it. ─── 娶了她,那你就是个贵族傻瓜(注意,这里是双关).她在我见过的那次后就和别的男人已经有过鱼水之欢了--但却不是你.我凭女人的直觉感觉到了.

3、4.As for SN, we find three.Two in XinChuan Road, and one in MiaoJing North Road, named HongLiYu, it was very lordly too, If some TF has verified it, Please tell me the price and service. ─── 4.说到SN,我们发现了三个,两个位于新川路,还有一个在妙境北路,叫红鲤鱼,看上去也是很气派,如果TF们验证过,也麻烦告知价格和服务,多谢了。

4、a lordly feast ─── 豪华的宴席

5、The family owns a lordly mansion. ─── 那个家族拥有一座气派的大厦。

6、He dismissed people with a lordly gesture. ─── 他傲慢地让大家离去。

7、dismiss people with a lordly gesture ─── 颐指气使让大家离去.

8、May prove as lordly and complete a thing;In lifting upward, as in crushing low! ─── 就象把人践踏在脚下,一样是;威严和彻底完满的征服!就象

9、Let me bless your name, O Lord, O Lordly. ─── 让我赞颂你的名字,我的上帝,我的王者。

10、to dance is to let the body breathe, inside every girl a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight.Inside every boy a lordly lion prepared to prance. ─── 跳舞就是让身体呼吸,每个女孩体内都隐藏着一只沉睡的天鹅,渴望展翅而飞,每个男孩体内,都有一只高贵的狮子,期待一展雄风。

11、A lordly and charitable enterprise. ─── 一项高贵的、仁慈的事业

12、live lordly and extravagantly ─── 骄奢淫逸

13、His lordly manners angered everyone. ─── 他那不可一世的样子惹得大家生了气。

14、9.But as the meek and lowly at the penitent form catch splendid glimpses of their future lordly existence, so did he catch similar glimpses of the state he would gain to by possessing her. ─── 但是正如在忏悔席上的谦卑、恭顺的忏悔人瞥见他们未来的辉煌生活一样,他也从占有露丝瞥见了类似的辉煌生活。

15、Expression essentially scowling, dignified, lordly, discerning, sober and snobbish, one of independence. ─── 一副愁眉不展的神情,高贵、庄重、严肃、冷静、独立。

16、Your lordly expression is unyielding like the granile. ─── 你傲然的神情如同岩石般坚毅.

17、Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!' ─── 请告诉我你尊姓大名,在黑沉沉的冥府阴间!”

18、For there is room in the halls of pleasure, For a long and lordly train。 ─── 因快乐的殿堂里,容得下一列宽敞气派的火车。

19、His air of complete self-assurance and somewhat lordly bearing would have frightened me had it not been for his warm and hearty handshake. ─── 他和我握手的时候是那样热情,那样真挚,要不然他那十分自信的神气和略为高傲的派头真会使我害怕呢。

20、Added Lordly status very rare chance for Steel Shield. ─── 时间大帝地位非常难得的钢铁盾牌。

21、Maybe he brings news of our master, the lordly Vlysses. ─── 他也许带来我们主人,威严的尤利西斯的消息。

22、I want you to know that lordly AIRS have come to an end so far as I am concerned. ─── 我要你放明白一点,你那种老爷派头对我来说已经用不上了。

23、For there is room in the halls of pleasure,For a large and lordly train,But one by one we must file on,Through the narrow aisles of pain. ─── 因快乐的殿堂里容得下一列宽敞气派的火车,然而我们必须一个接一个的排队穿过这岁月磨难得狭长隧道进入。

24、a lordly mansion ─── 富丽堂皇的宅第

25、Jdg 5:25 He asked water, and she gave him milk;she brought forth butter in a lordly dish. ─── 士5:25 西西拉求水,雅亿给他奶子,用宝贵的盘子给他奶油。

26、What is the use of peace, if the war criminals and the classes to which they belong cannot preserve their freedom to oppress and exploit and cannot maintain their standard of lordly, luxurious, loose and idle living? ─── 倘若战犯们及其阶级不能维持其实行压迫剥削的自由和骄奢淫逸的生活水准,和平有什么用呢?

27、The south-pointing chariot precedes a lordly procession, preventing the party from losing its way in the desolate countryside of old China. ─── 这个指南车为高贵的队列打头阵,保证整个队伍不会迷失在古代中国荒凉的村野之中。

28、His air of complete self-assurance and somewhat lordly bearing would have frightened me, had it not been for his warm and hearty handshake. ─── 他和我握手时是那样热情、真挚,要不然他那自信十足且略带傲慢的神情真会使我害怕呢。

29、in lordly way ─── 气派十足地

30、Expert analysis: Lucky person floor Shenyang area General Manager Li Chengjia told the reporters, is excessively long, the wide wood floor seems is appears very lordly. ─── 专家分析:福人地板沈阳区总经理李成佳告诉记者,过长、过宽的木地板看上去是显得很气派。

31、His air of complete self-assurance and somewhat lordly bearing would have frightened me, had it not for his warm and heart handshake. ─── 要不是他热情、真诚地和我握手,我还真被他那十足自信和略带高傲的派头给吓坏了呢!

32、lordly a. ─── 贵族气派的;

33、Yichen, my brother, said, "you are a lordly princess, but I will melt away the ice in your mind. I love you." ─── 一尘哥哥说,你是一个高傲的女孩,但我会去融化你内心的冰雪,我喜欢你.

34、heir to a lordly fortune; of august lineage. ─── 继承一笔贵族遗产;贵族血统的。

35、He asked water, and she gave him milk; she brought forth butter in a lordly dish. ─── 西西拉求水,雅亿给了奶;用珍贵的盘子奉上乳酪。

36、his lordly manners were offensive; ─── 他傲慢的态度令人讨厌;

37、Expression essentially scowling, dignified, lordly , discerning, sober and snobbish, one of independence. ─── 一副愁眉不展的神情,高贵、庄重、严肃、冷静、独立。

38、He saw the lordly oaks before the house, the flower beds, the garden and the arbor, and farther off, the glint of rails. ─── 他看到了那屋前高大的橡树,那花坛,那菜园和葡萄棚,再远,那铁轨的闪光。

39、It's a lordly gathering. ─── 这是个贵族聚会。

40、The voice was rich, lordly, Harvardish, like all the boring radio comedians' imitations. ─── 声音浑厚、威严,俨然是哈佛出身的气派,就跟无线电里所有的滑稽演员叫人已经听腻的模仿完全一样。

41、The compradore became a synonym for wealth and was a lordly figure on whom petty shopkeepers looked with awe. ─── 买办变成富有的同义字,以及小店主们必须敬畏看待的权势象徵。

42、Badge of maturity,12-tined antlers crown a lordly bull elk in Yellowstone; ─── 黄石国家公园里的公糜鹿,顶着它成熟的标志富有贵族气质的12叉鹿角;

43、The hills here were lordly . ─── 这儿的群山气势磅礴。

44、There is room in the halls of pleasure For a large and lordly train, But one by one we must all file on Through the narrow aisles of pain. ─── 在一辆又大又气派的火车里有一个快乐大厅,但你必须穿过痛苦狭窄的通道。

45、2.原文:His air of complete self-assurance and somewhat lordly bearing would have frightened me, had it not been for his warm and hearty handshake. ─── 译文:他和我握手时的那种热情和真挚不像是那么回事,他那十分自信和略为高傲的派头真使我害怕。

46、I want you to know that lordly airs have come to an end so far as I am concerned. ─── 我要你放明白一点,你那种老爷派头对我来说已经用不上了。

47、The voice was rich, lordly, Harvardish, like all the boring radio comedians'imitations. ─── 声音浑厚、威严,俨然是哈佛出身的气派,就跟无线电里所有的滑稽演员叫人已经听腻的模仿完全一样。

48、His air of complete self-assurance and somewhat lordly bearing would have frightened me, had it not been for his warm and hearty handshake. ─── 他和我握手时是那样热情、真挚,要不然他那自信十足且略带傲慢的神情真会使我害怕呢。

49、He's got a fine lordly way with him, hasn't he? ─── 他挺有贵族气派的,不是吗?

50、We don't feel disgusted and lordly when we stay with other people and color. ─── 基本上,我们仍是愿意与其他色,与其他人共处一室而不会有丝毫厌恶及高傲的感觉。

51、He dismissed us with a lordly gesture. ─── 他傲慢地示意我们离开。

52、The south-pointing chariot precedes a lordly procession, preventing the party from losing its way in the desolate countryside of old China. ─── 这个指南车为高贵的队列打头阵,保证整个队伍不会迷失在古代中国荒凉的村野之中。

53、This compares with some 200m hectares devoted to cattle ranching, much of which is extensive (a Brazilian cow enjoys, on average, a lordly hectare of grazing). ─── 相比之下,巴西几乎有200万公顷的土地用于了牧牛,而且其中大部分牧场都广阔无边(一头巴西籍公牛平均可享受皇族的牧养封地)。

54、The lordly from heaven expression is unyielding like the granite. ─── 天堂的羽毛闪耀着清洁的霞光.

55、However,it's said that the great capacity is unvarnished while the small one is pretentious hence the great pride is usually modest and gentle only the small one reveals a lordly insolent face. ─── 但是,正如大才朴实无华,小才华而不实一样,大骄傲往往谦逊平和,只有小骄傲才露出一副不可一世的傲慢脸相。

56、The wearing of elaborate, unwieldy footwear was an indication of lordly rank, demonstrating that the wearer did not, and could not, perform manual labor. ─── 穿阐述,笨拙鞋类,这表明有气派排名,表明穿着者没有,不能,执行体力劳动。

57、The voice was rich, lordly and Harvardish. ─── 这声音浑厚,威严,俨然是哈佛出身的气派。

58、When providence divided the earth among a few lordly masters, it neither forgot for abandoned those who seemed to have been left out in the partition. ─── 当老天爷把土地分给少数地主时,他既没忘记,也没遗弃那些在这种分配中似乎被忽略了的人。

59、The comprador became a synonym for wealth and was a lordly figure on whom petty shopkeepers looked with awe. ─── 买办变成富有的同义字,以及小店主们必须敬畏看待的权势象徵。

60、patterns of the garden keep the Ming dynasty styles of simple and lordly in general. ─── 总的格局仍保持明代园林浑厚、质朴、疏朗的艺术风格。

61、2) There were a few lordly poplars before the house. ─── 有一排白杨像贵族一样矗立在房子前。

62、For there is room in the halls of pleasure, For a large and lordly train, But one by one we must file on, Through the narrow aisles of pain. ─── 因快乐的殿堂里容得下一列宽敞气派的火车,然而我们必须一个接一个的排队穿过这岁月磨难得狭长隧道进入。

63、I will speake lordly to everyone:I love you,mom. ─── 我要向所有人大声宣布:妈妈,我爱你!

64、Life had not taught her domination--superciliousness of grace, which is the lordly power of some women. ─── 她的生活经历使她和那些威风凛凛的夫人们不同,她身上没有专横和傲气。

65、Stood Collatine and all his lordly crew; ─── 柯拉廷和那些贵人,全都愕然僵立;

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