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vaccinate 发音

英:[?v?ks?ne?t]  美:[?v?ks?ne?t]

英:  美:

vaccinate 中文意思翻译





vaccinate 网络释义

vi. 接种疫苗vt. 给…注射疫苗n. 被接种牛痘者

vaccinate 短语词组

1、vocation vacation vaccinate ─── 职业假期接种

vaccinate 词性/词形变化,vaccinate变形


vaccinate 习惯用语

1、vaccinate sb. against ─── 给某人接种疫苗以防止

vaccinate 相似词语短语

1、vaccinates ─── vi.接种疫苗;vt.给…注射疫苗;n.被接种牛痘者

2、vaticinate ─── vi.预言;预断;vt.预告,预言

3、succinate ─── n.[有化]琥珀酸盐

4、vaccinator ─── n.牛痘接种员;种痘刀

5、revaccinate ─── v.(为同样的病)对……再种疫苗

6、lancinate ─── v.刺,戳;adj.(尤指疼痛)强烈的

7、machinate ─── vi.策划;图谋不轨;vt.策划;图谋

8、fascinate ─── v.使着迷,使神魂颠倒;(尤指蛇)以眼神震慑(人或动物),使无法动弹

9、vaccinated ─── 接种疫苗的

vaccinate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We are fortunate that we can vaccinate domastic foals against many diseases, like tetanus and equine influenza. ─── 幸运的是我们可以给驯养的小马驹接种疫苗来抵抗很多疾病,像破伤风和马的流感。

2、Keywords Children;Hepatitis B vaccine;Immune;Vaccinate;HBsAb; ─── 儿童;乙肝疫苗;免疫;接种;表面抗体;

3、It may become possible to vaccinate against brain tumours. ─── 接种疫苗预防脑瘤将成为可能。

4、Keywords Hepatitis B virus;hepatitis B vaccine;vaccinate; ─── 乙型肝炎;乙肝疫苗;预防接种;

5、She is vaccinate against smallpox as a child. ─── 她小时候就接种了天花疫苗。

6、In an acute outbreak immediately vaccinate the breeding herd to prevent infection in those animals that are still sero-negative.Discuss with your veterinarian. ─── 在急性爆发猪细小病毒感染时,根据猪群的情况,在兽医指导下对血清阴性的猪进行紧急免疫。

7、Doctors vaccinate us so that we do not catch smallpox. ─── 医生给我们打预防针使我们不会得天花。

8、There is currently a vaccine available for FIV, but you and your veterinarian should decide together whether or not to vaccinate your cats. ─── 感染FIV的猫咪是可以预防注射的.但是你需要跟你的兽医一起讨论需不需要预防注射.

9、vaccinate sb. for smallpox ─── 为某人接种牛痘疫苗以防天花

10、Majority could treat wound after exposure and vaccinate in rabies-clinics,minority inject of antiserum. ─── 暴露后绝大多数人都能及时处理伤口,到门诊就医者基本上都能坚持全程疫苗接种,注射抗血清的为数不多。

11、Sometimes people get the flu from another person soon after they get vaccinate .So vaccinated, so they boreing blame the vaccine, he says. ─── 他说,有时人们会从其它注射过流感疫苗的人那里感染流感,所以他们把责任归咎于疫苗。

12、vaccinate sb. against smallpox ─── 种痘

13、Emergency vaccinate ─── 应急接种

14、“Sort of like a vaccine,” said Hamblin, “[the treatment] kills the tumor in such a way that you also vaccinate the host against it at the same time. ─── “有点像疫苗一样,”汉姆比尔林说,次疗法杀死肿瘤的方式就像是对机体进行预防接种一样。

15、Still do not have specific content at present, also do not have vaccinal vaccinate. ─── 目前还没有特效药物,也没有疫苗预防接种。

16、vaccinate a person against typhus ─── 为某人接种斑疹伤寒的疫苗

17、Fortunately, in recent years most American egg producers have started to vaccinate their flocks. ─── 幸运的是,美国最大的蛋品生产商近年来已经开始对鸡群接种。

18、Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya will simultaneously vaccinate millions of children under five years of age from 9-12 September in the largest ever synchronized vaccination campaigns in the Horn of Africa. ─── 从9月9日至12日,索马里、埃塞俄比亚和肯尼亚将在迄今规模最大的非洲之角同步预防接种运动中同时对数百万名5岁以下儿童进行预防接种。

19、Vaccinate cows in late pregnancy to pass immunity in colostrum ─── 怀孕后期用疫苗免疫接种

20、17. In India, there is preliminary data that capture, neuter, vaccinate, and release programs may be able to eliminate human rabies as a serious problem. ─── 在印度,有夺取的初步数据,中性,接种,并且发行节目也许能消灭人的狂犬病作为一个严重的问题。

21、Vaccinate for one disease at a time. ─── 每次只接种一种疫苗。

22、There is no lifetime effective vaccine at the moment. Its better to follow the veterinarian's recommendation to vaccinate your cat regularly. An adult cat should be vaccinated annually. ─── 现时尚未有可终身免疫的疫苗,为安全起见,应按兽医指示定期为猫儿进行防疫注射。成猫应该每年接受防疫注射一次。

23、China currently only has the capacity to vaccinate around 2 per cent of the target population but intends to increase this to 20 per cent, according to Chen Zhaoxiong, vice governor of Hunan. ─── 湖南副省长陈肇雄称,中国目前的疫苗生产能力仅能满足2%的需求,不过我们计划将生产能力提高到20%。

24、Health officials are launching a campaign to vaccinate 8 million children after a case of polio was reported there. ─── 由于那里又报道有小儿麻痹症产生,健康专员决定在那里开展给八百万儿童种植疫苗的活动。

25、The government would vaccinate all of Hong Kong's pigs before next summer to guard agai t the potentially fatal disease Japanese encephalitis. ─── 政府会在明年夏天前为全港猪只注射疫苗,预防可以致命的日本脑炎。

26、a pilot scheme to vaccinate children against German measles ─── 为儿童接种抗风疹疫苗的试验计画.

27、to vaccinate ─── 种牛痘

28、Thus, the goal might be achievable. But permanently banishing the disease is unlikely because 43 percent of nations do not vaccinate against the disease. ─── 所以,目标似乎可以达到。但是由于43%的人们没有接种疫苗,所以彻底消灭此疾病需要加以时日。

29、"I envision that vaccine approaches like this could be useful as maintenance therapy," says Kwak."We would use chemotherapy and surgery to debulk the tumor and then vaccinate to maintain remission. ─── “我设想,这 样使用疫苗做为一种维持治疗可能更管用,”夸克说,“我们用化疗和手术摧毁大部分肿瘤,然后用免疫方法维持缓解。”

30、An international campaign called the Measles initiative was launched in 2001 to vaccinate children in developing countries. The aim was a fifty percent reduction in deaths related to measles by 2005. ─── 有一个名为“主动防治麻疹”的国际性活动于2001年开始,主要是在发展中国家给孩子们进行预防接种。目标是跟2005年相比,争取因麻疹而死亡减半。

31、Prof. Zhang: I think it's the vaccination. Yes, we vaccinate all the babies since 1992. The prevalence of HBV infection has decreased remarkably during the past ten years, more than 10 years. ─── 张欣欣教授:我认为是疫苗。是的,我们从1992年起对所有的婴儿进行免疫接种。在过去的10年中,甚至超过10年,HBV感染的流行已经有了明显的下降。

32、immunization vaccinate ─── 免疫接种

33、At home it began a program to vaccinate children agai t infectious childhood diseases. ─── 在国内开展了接种计划,予防儿童传染病等。

34、If sow herd is vaccinated, especially pre-farrowing, then it is even more important to vaccinate pigs later. ─── 如果母猪免疫,尤其在产前免疫,仔猪则免疫更嘉推迟。

35、Local helpful offericals health officials then can plan the best times to vakcinate vaccinate people. ─── 当地的卫生部官员接着可以计划最佳时间为人们注射疫苗。

36、A severe inflection causing mouth ulceration, pneumonia and high fever. Vaccinate every year for prevention. ─── 一种严重的传染病,可导至口腔溃烂、肺炎及高烧。预防方法:每年准行防疫注射。

37、The vaccine cannot certainly vaccinate in the buttocks, because its absorption situation forecast with difficulty. ─── 疫苗一定不能接种于臀部,因为其吸收情况难以预测。

38、We need to vaccinate our dog. ─── 我们需要给狗打疫苗。

39、The reasons of the high rate of adult measles: never been vaccinate;lower antibody concentration in the person vaccinated;high incidence of the floating population. ─── 成人麻疹发病率高与未进行麻疹疫苗接种、麻疹疫苗接种时间太长而使抗体滴度降低、流动人群发病率高有关。

40、Keywords immunization vaccinate;saturating infect rate;SIRS model;equilibrium;global asymptotic stability; ─── 免疫接种;饱和传染率;SIRS模型;平衡点;全局渐近稳定;

41、"This gastropathic vaccin is a research achievement which we own exclusive intellectual proper rights,and is classified National Class I Drug on April 23,2009. ─── “这个胃病疫苗是我们拥有独立知识产权的研究成果,2009年4月23日被国家科技部宣布列为国家一类药物。

42、Boser has to vaccinate her foxes against various diseases. ─── 博瑟必须给她的狐狸接种预防各种疾病的疫苗。

43、Local help phy shows health officials then can plan the best times to vaccinate people. ─── 然后地方的健康官员能计划最佳的时机给人们疫苗。

44、They vaccinate our children and help us to recover when we are sick. ─── 他们对我们的儿童进行预防接种并帮助我们在患病时康复。

45、But permanently banishing the disease is unlikely because 43 percent of nations do not vaccinate against the disease. ─── 但是由于43%的人们没有接种疫苗,所以彻底消灭此疾病需要加以时日。

46、Local healthful health officials then can plan the best times to vacsinate vaccinate people.The disease offen often strikes during dry, dastry dusty weather. ─── 以便非洲髓膜炎地带的卫生官员选择最好的时机给本地区的人口进行免疫,该疾病经常在干燥、多尘的季节发作。

47、The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation recently pledged ten billion dollars to help vaccinate children around the world. ─── 比尔与美琳达?盖茨基金会承诺了100亿美元去支援全世界儿童接种疫苗。

48、Chinese officials have vowed to vaccinate the country's entire stock of poultry. ─── 中国官员誓言要对全国所有家禽进行免疫接种。

49、Keywords non-replicative vaccin ia virus;Japanese encephalitis virus;expression; ─── 流行性乙型脑炎病毒;非复制型痘苗病毒;表达;

50、China reports its first three human cases of bird flu as the government raises to vaccinate poultry ,in an effort to stop the spread of the virus. ─── 中国报道了首例三人感染禽流感病例,中国政府呼吁禽类接种以防止病毒的扩散。

51、Vaccinate prior to liver fluke season ─── 在肝蛭流行前接种

52、Despite efforts to vaccinate and control the population of infected birds, H5N1 is considered firmly entrenched in bird populations across large parts of Asia. ─── 尽管人们努力接种疫苗和控制已感染的禽鸟数量,但H5N1病毒仍顽强地存于亚洲大部分地区禽鸟群内。

53、In a move to contain the spread of influenza, the government has offered to vaccinate all poultry workers. Others would include patients with chronic diseases and frontline staff. ─── 为防止流感扩散,政府为家禽从业员注射流感疫苗。其他包括长期病患者及前线医护人员。

54、The vaccine should vaccinate before the adult upper arm (deltoid muscle area) and the young child thigh's flank spot. ─── 疫苗应接种于成人上臂(三角肌区)和小儿大腿的前外侧部位。

55、A severe diarrhea disease causing damage to bone marrow and immune suppression. Fatal in up to 50% cases. Vaccinate every year for prevention. ─── 一种严重的疾病,可导至骨髓破坏及免疫力下降,死亡率为百份之五十。预防方法:每年准行防疫注射。

56、Local health officials then complain can plan the best times to vaccinate people. ─── 然后当地卫生官员就可以安排最适宜的时间为人们接种疫苗。

57、My only hope is that the clinical trials of this new tomato go well and that it is quickly delivered to health care providers who will use it to vaccinate people against hepatitis. ─── 我唯一的愿望就是这一新型种类的西红柿的临床试验进展顺利,能很快送到医务工作者手中,让人们获得对肝炎的免疫力。

58、As vaccines available initially will not be sufficient, a step-wise approach to vaccinate particular groups may be considered. ─── 由于最初可得的疫苗将不够用,可考虑采取阶梯式方式为特定人群接种疫苗。

59、A respiratory infection often causing chronic eye infections that are unresponsive to treatment. Vaccinate every for prevention. ─── 一种呼吸系统传染疾病,可导致长期眼睛感染而对治疗无效的情况。预防方法:每年准行防疫注射。

60、Edward Jenner demonstrated how to vaccinate children against smallpox. ─── 爱德华詹纳演示了如何为儿童注射这种疫苗来预防天花。

61、The vaccin is a newly-developped intellectual- proper-rights-entirely-possessed drug,whose developping team has achieved 8 national invention patents during their researching progress. ─── 在研制过程中,该研究小组已获得国家发明专利8项,是一项具有完全自主知识产权的新药。

62、Booster vaccinate three weeks later ─── 三周后加强免疫一次

63、The special reminder, besides did not advocate that the pregnant woman vaccinates the influenza vaccine, because of vaccine including egg ingredient, therefore cannot vaccinate to the egg allergy. ─── 特别提醒,除不提倡孕妇接种流感疫苗外,因疫苗含鸡蛋成分,所以对鸡蛋过敏者也不能接种。

64、Some parents’ refusal to vaccinate children seems to be behind the highest rate of measles cases reported since 1996, federal officials said Thursday. ─── 星期四时联邦政府官员说,似乎是在1996年报道的麻疹最高率之后,一些父母拒绝给他们的孩子注射疫苗。

65、3. Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis is caused by Feline Herpes Virus. Range of disease includes rhinitis, tracheitis, laryngitis and conjunctivitis. Vaccinate every year for prevention. ─── 病毒性鼻气管炎是由猫只泡疹病毒引起,病症包括鼻炎、气管炎、喉炎和结膜炎。预防方法:每年准行防疫注射。收藏指正

66、Vaccinate herds in endemic areas yearly (avirulent live spore vaccine) ─── 流行地区牧场每年接种疫苗(无毒活苗)

67、"They give his body time to form its own antibodies, or protective substances, against some diseases. The doctor may vaccinate him for protection against others." ─── 它们为他的身体提供了时间去形成对抗某些疾病的抗体或有保护性的物质。医生可以给婴儿接种疫苗保护他不受其它疾病侵袭。

68、The World Health Organization has began begun to use a new vaccin vaccine against polio. ─── 世卫组织开始使用一种新的疫苗来对抗脊髓灰质炎。

69、More than that,the vaccin adopts a kind of dosage form by special process,which could overcome the destruction from gastric acidity or pepsin,thereby render the vaccin more effective and stabler. ─── 其次,它采用特殊工艺剂型,克服了胃酸、胃蛋白酶对疫苗的破坏作用,提高了疫苗的有效性和稳定性。

70、BEIJING( AP)-- The Humane Society on Wednesday said it will give China$100,000 to vaccinate dogs against rabies if it promises to immediately stop their mass slaughter in areas where humans have died from the disease. ─── 北京(P)--在星期三人道社会说它将给中国$000,000接种狗反对狂犬病,如果它在区域许诺立刻停止他们的许多屠杀,人死了于疾病。

71、Following the detection of this case, the MoH has decided to vaccinate the entire population of the Mandiana prefecture. ─── 发现这一病例后,卫生部决定对Mandiana专区的全部人口进行疫苗接种。

72、vaccin n.m. ─── 疫苗,菌苗;

73、We vaccinate against scarlet fever. ─── 我们注射猩红热疫苗。

74、Our policy to vaccinate girls against cervical cancer is one of the biggest public health campaigns in recent history. ─── 我们的预防子宫颈癌接种政策是近代史上最大的公共卫生活动之一。

75、We start in Sudan.Health officials are launching a campaign to vaccinate eight million children after a case of polio was reported there. ─── 先从苏丹说起,从这里报告有小儿麻痹症病例后,卫生组织即将在这里为八百万的儿童进行免疫。

76、Health officials are launching a campaign to vaccinate eight million children after a case of polio was reported there. ─── 健康组织的官员在苏丹被报道出现小儿麻痹症后开展了为8000000的儿童接种疫苗的活动。

77、Health officials are launching a campaign to (vaccinate) eight million children after (a case of polio) was reported there. ─── 卫生官员们正在发起一个活动为800万儿童注射疫苗,因为在那报道了一起小儿麻痹症病例。

78、The Beijing Morning Post on Wednesday reported that Qingdao, a major port city in Shandong province, was carrying out a campaign to vaccinate 40,000 dogs between now and the end of September. ─── 在星期三北京早晨岗位报告了那青岛,主要港口城市在山东省,执行竞选接种40,000条狗在现在和底9月之间。

79、China reports its first three human cases of bird flu as the government races to vaccinate poultry in an effort to stop the spread of the virus. ─── 中国报道了首例三人感染禽流感的病例,中国政府正加紧禽类接种以防止病毒的扩散。

80、The main mission of GAVI is to vaccinate as many children as possible against vaccine-preventable diseases. ─── GAVI的主要使命是对尽可能多的儿童进行预防接种,使其抵抗能够通过疫苗预防的疾病。

81、"When my patients ask whether they should vaccinate their sons, I say 'certainly, " Gillison said, the Telegraph reported. ─── “当我的父母问我是否有必要为他们的儿子们注射疫苗,我说当然有必要,”Gilliosn说,每日邮电报报道。

82、How do you vaccinate against your family legacy of breast cancer or your constant exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke? ─── 乳腺癌的家 族遗传,或者长期吸二手烟,对于这些因素,怎样才能进行免疫接种呢?

83、Health workers say it is important to vaccinate all children in a community. ─── 从事健康工作的人员表示在一个社区内对所有的孩子使用小儿麻痹疫苗是非常重要的。

84、Instead, officials will encourage hog farmers to vaccinate their animals in response to any swine flu outbreaks in U. S. pig herds. ─── 另外,官员会鼓励猪场主给猪接种猪用流感疫苗以应对美国猪群流感爆发。

85、We also developed a preprolis vaccine with 8 strains of bordetella avium coming from different area.Used the vaccine to vaccinate 1-day-old and 11-day-old chick groups, the preventive rate is low. ─── 同时还用不同来源的8株禽波氏杆菌制成蜂胶灭活苗,并分别免疫1日龄和11日龄雏鸡,结果发现本疫苗对雏鸡的保护率低。

86、At present the whole world had more than ten million children to vaccinate seven price pneumococcus vaccine, thus has avoided over a million pneumococcal disease's occurrences. ─── 目前全球已有上千万儿童接种了七价肺炎球菌疫苗,从而避免了上百万肺炎球菌性疾病的发生。

87、Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis is caused by Feline Herpes Virus. Range of disease includes rhinitis, tracheitis, laryngitis and conjunctivitis. Vaccinate every year for prevention. ─── 病毒性鼻气管炎是由猫只泡疹病毒引起,病症包括鼻炎、气管炎、喉炎和结膜炎。预防方法:每年准行防疫注射。

88、Agriculture Report: More Nations Move to Vaccinate Farm Birds Against Deadly Flu ─── 农业报道:越来越多的国家给家禽注射疫苗以防致命性禽流感

89、1982 to 1984 I took a job working for a veterinary clinic during high school. At this Vet clinic I learned to vaccinate, medicate, assist in surgery and after care. ─── 1982年到1984年我的高中时代去了一家兽医诊所工作,在这家诊所我学到了免疫,药理,手术助理以及术后护理等知识。

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