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09-14 投稿



intruder 发音

英:[?n?tru?d?r]  美:[?n?tru?d?(r)]

英:  美:

intruder 中文意思翻译



intruder 反义词


intruder 同义词

transgress | interject | horn | pry | force upon | discommode | trouble | thrust upon | nose | infringe | gate-crash | impinge | overstep | in | break | interrupt | butt in | upon | intervene | impose | poach | horn in | bother | invade | annoy | burst | insinuate | force | poke | interpose | barge | obtrude | break in | barge in | inject | irrupt | interlope | into | trespass | impose upon | encroach | snoop | vex | meddle | thrust | burst in |interfere | tamper

intruder 词性/词形变化,intruder变形


intruder 短语词组

1、Intruder Monitoring and Guidance Eq ─── 入侵者监测和指导方程

2、intruder aircraft ─── 入侵飞机

3、intruder detection ─── 入侵目标检测

4、intruder alarm ─── 闯入警报

5、intruder function ─── 入侵者功能

6、infrared intruder system ─── 红外入侵系统

7、stealthy intruder crossword ─── 隐形入侵者纵横填字游戏

8、intruder busters ─── 入侵者拦截器

9、intruder mission ─── 入侵者任务

10、intruder in the dust ─── 灰尘中的入侵者

11、intruder fighter ─── 入侵者战斗机

12、unidentified intruder ─── 身份不明的入侵者

13、Intruder Monitoring and Guidance Equipment ─── 入侵者监测和指导设备

14、stealthy intruder ─── 秘密入侵者

intruder 相似词语短语

1、intruders ─── n.入侵者;闯入者(intruder的复数形式);爱管闲事的人

2、intender ─── 监管者

3、obtruder ─── n.闯入者

4、intruded ─── adj.推进的;侵入的

5、interludes ─── n.插曲;穿插;幕间节目;[数]插算;vt.使中断;vi.插入

6、intrude ─── vt.把…强加;把…硬挤;vi.闯入;侵入;侵扰

7、intrudes ─── vt.把…强加;把…硬挤;vi.闯入;侵入;侵扰

8、interceder ─── n.调解者;仲裁者

9、extruder ─── n.[塑料]挤出机;挤压机

intruder 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For sensitive information, data encryption renders captured packets unreadable to an intruder. ─── 对于一个敏感信息,入侵者获得却不能解读这些加过密的数据。

2、Anything an intruder wouldn’t be able to resist reading. ─── 你可以使用入侵者不会不去看的任何主题。

3、If an intruder has access to your database, or even raw machine-level access to the database volumes, he or she might be able to see information in the session. ─── 如果入侵者可以访问您的数据库,甚至是对数据库信息的原始计算机级访问,他或她都可能看到会话中的信息。

4、He was always an unwelcome intruder. ─── 他经常冒冒失失地闯进别人的家中。

5、An intruder could potential determine server endpoints and such, but little else. ─── 入侵者可以确定服务器端点,但也只能做到这一点。

6、There is little space between them and I feel like an intruder, but I don't move back. ─── 他们之间非常亲密,让我感到我自己是个闯入者,但是我没有离开。

7、The owners of the mansion had installedan electric fence and several large dog to drive away any intruder. ─── 为了不让人闯进来,那个公馆的主人们设置了一道电网,并养了几条大狗。

8、The influence of intruder level on nuclear deformation is studied within the framework of the nucleon-pair shell model truncated to an SD-pair subspace. ─── 利用原子核配对壳模型讨论了侵入态对原子核形变的影响。

9、It must be this miserable trader-this intruder. ─── 一定是那个晦气的商人--那个外来的家伙。

10、Answer: Some people think it is better to disable the ability to load device drivers using modules, because an intruder could load a Trojan module or a module that could affect system security. ─── 回答:有些人认为禁止商用模块加载设备驱动会更好一些,因为入侵者有可能会加载木马模块或影响到系统安全的模块.

11、Intruder Monitoring and Guidance Equipment ─── 入侵飞行体监视与制导设备

12、Several nurses tackled the intruder and got him down. ─── 几名护士抱住闯进来的人,将他摔倒在地。

13、The computer intruder of from early stage begins, and they develop hard to make to return technology or back door. ─── 从早期的计算机入侵者开始,他们就努力发展能使自己重返被入侵系统的技术或后门。

14、She show a lot of pluck in dealing with the intruder ─── 她对付那些闯入的歹徒表现得十分勇敢

15、But when an intruder breaks into his home, kills his son and brutalize his wife, Archer's ideal life is shattered. ─── 但好景不常,一名凶徒闯入他的住所爱儿杀害并暴虐他的妻子,就此粉碎了他完美的生活。

16、Then he got his break his wife pretended to faint and the intruder who was holding him went into the other room to see what was happening. ─── 木匠老伴假装昏倒,看押木匠的抢匪到另一房中,看看究竟发生啥事,老木匠这才有了机会。

17、Several nurses tackle the intruder and got him down ─── 几个护士揪着那个闯入者,把他按倒在地。

18、As the defense mechanism, the oyster production is called the nacreous layer one material result form nearby the intruder the lamination stack, the creation pearl. ─── 作为防御机制,生产的牡蛎被称为珍珠层材料的结果之一形式附近的入侵者的复合叠加,创造珍珠。建立珍珠。

19、In computer security, an intruder detector comprising a support with a matrix of foil or fine wire. The footstep of an intruder breaks the foil or wire, and an alarm is activated. ─── 在计算机安全学中,一种入侵者检测器。它由金属薄膜或细线组成,一旦入侵者的脚步破坏了它们,警报器便启动。

20、To work well, digital envelopes require that a public key infrastructure is in place: without the correct digital key to decrypt the wrapper, an intruder can't view the message inside. ─── 为了很好工作,数字信封需要有一个公开的密钥基础设施:没有正确的数字密钥对包装器解密,入侵者就不能看到里面的信息。

21、They were good people, his mother and his father. They never made him feel as if he were an intruder, a stranger, even a visitor. ─── 爸爸妈妈都是好人,从不让他觉得自己像是个入侵者、陌生人或是访客。


23、The owners of the mansion had installed an electric fence and several large dog to drive away any intruder. ─── 为了不让人闯进来,那个公馆的主人们设置了一道电网,并养了几条大狗。

24、The tribe confederate in the war against intruder. ─── 在战争期间,各部队联合起来对抗入侵者。

25、The intruder,it turned out,was no other than a squirrel. ─── 不速之客原来是一只小松鼠。

26、Covert Local Area Sensor System for Intruder Classification ─── 入侵者分类隐蔽本地传感器系统

27、It can capably spot a nasty intruder based solely on what the file tries to do on the computer, without the need for signatures. ─── 它可以才华现场无需签名需要一个讨厌的入侵者根据是该文件尝试在计算机上做只。

28、There might be some intruder lurking about. ─── 可能有人闯进来了。

29、The Curious - This type of intruder is basically interested in finding out what type of system and data you have. ─── 好奇-这类入侵者基本上是对您使用什么系统和拥有是什么数据感兴趣.

30、It reverberates, a soundless sound, a sense-lacking intruder on the senses. ─── 几不可闻,几不可触。“没有官能,那这种知觉是怎么回事?”

31、It was he, the intruder, who interrogated. ─── 他是不速之客,反而盘问个不停。

32、The intruder lunged at me with a knife; I snatched up a briefcase to ward off the blow. ─── 闯入者持刀向我刺来,我急忙抓起一个公文包抵挡。

33、To forestall any attemp by grave robbers, automatic crossbows were installed in the passageway which would kill any intruder with lethal poisoned arrows. ─── 为防盗墓,在进出的门道里巧设机弩,若有情况,会自动射出毒箭,令妄入者丧命。

34、He is so used to the silence and empty skies that when an airplane flies over he always looks up and eyes the distant intruder quizzically. ─── 他完全见惯一片寂寥和空荡的天际,所以当飞机凌空而过的时分,他总是仰起头,神色迷茫的注视着这远方的入侵者。

35、The farmer came after the intruder with a big stick. ─── 农夫拿著大棒追赶闯进来的人。

36、His pulse raced as he faced the armed intruder. ─── 他面对携带武器的闯入者, 顿时血脉偾张.

37、She show a lot of pluck in dealing with the intruder. ─── 她对付那些闯入的歹徒表现得十分勇敢。

38、She picked up the child and, hugging it to her, she leant motionless as a statue against a table by the bed and stared dumbly at the intruder. ─── 她扑到床上,抱起那孩子偎在怀里,便像一尊石像似的靠在床前的停火小桌子旁边,痴痴地对着曾家驹看。

39、Personnel Seismic Intruder Detector ─── 人员地震入侵探测器

40、On detecting an intruder, the alarm triggers an audible warning. ─── 一侦测到入侵者(闯入者),警报就会(触)发出可听见的警告。

41、They arise from a particular type of collision, in which one galaxy (the "intruder") plunges directly through the disk of another one (the "target"). ─── 它们缘起于一次特殊的星系冲突:一个星系(入侵者)直穿过另一个漩涡星系的盘面(目标)。

42、Almost half of the cuckoo species are broodparasites ; these birds lay their egg s in other birds nest (birds of other species). The unwitting host bird feed intruder bird with its own brood. ─── 几乎一般的杜鹃都把自己的蛋下在别种鸟类的窝内,而不知情的鸟妈妈会连同自己所生的一同照顾这个入侵者的孩子.

43、As the defense mechanism, the oyster production is called the nacreous layerone material result form nearby the intruder the lamination stack, the creation pearl. ─── 作为防御机制,生产的牡蛎被称为珍珠层材料的结果之一形式附近的入侵者的复合叠加,创造珍珠。

44、He uses the powerful imagery of a barnyard hen clucking a warning as her little chicks rush to nestle under her wings for protection from some intruder. ─── 祂用母鸡聚集受侵的小鸡到牠翅膀底下接受庇护的有力意像形容祂的心境。

45、Danger, danger! an intruder has penetrated our force shell! ─── 危险,危险!一名入侵者已经攻破了我们的军防!

46、Determined to find out who the intruder is, Crusoe constructs a hiding place in a cave near the footprint and spends years searching that part of the island. ─── 他决心弄清这个闯入者是谁,便在脚印附近的一个洞里垒起一个藏身处,并长年在荒岛的这一带进行搜索。

47、They instantly detecting the intruder, stripped him of his borrowed plumes, and falling upon him with their beaks, sent him about his business. ─── 他们立刻发觉了这个闯进来的家伙,拔掉了他身上捡来的羽毛,并且用嘴啄他,把他赶了出去。

48、Detectors for Intruder Alarm Systems ─── 入侵探测器

49、In this case, the intruder has access to a machine on which WebSphere Application Server is running. ─── 在这种情况中,入侵者已经可以访问运行WebSphere Application Server的计算机。

50、He had his monkey up at this last piece of insolence and struck the intruder. ─── 他对这最后无礼的举动忍无可忍,打了那个闯入者。

51、If anyone tries to access the files, the security team is alerted to the trespassing before the intruder can do any real damage. ─── 如果任何人试图访问这些文件,在入侵者能够进行实际破坏之前,就向安全保卫组发出入侵警报。

52、His pulse raced as he faced the arm ed intruder. ─── 他面对携带武器的闯入者,顿时血脉偾张.

53、Intruders take advantage of this hole by tricking a Web site into displaying in the browser a script that the intruder wants the site to execute. ─── 入侵者欺骗Web站点在浏览器中显示入侵者要该站点执行的脚本,通过这样来利用此漏洞。

54、He walked to the door and opened it, prepared to accost an intruder with righteous indignation. ─── 他走上前去开门,义愤填膺地想向闯入者发难。

55、Formal authentication based on identification of intruder role impersonate ─── 基于攻击者的“角色冒充”的协议验证方法

56、The intruder is not necessarily outside the company, but he is executing code from outside of the application itself. ─── 入侵者并不一定是在公司外部,但他是从应用程序自身的外部执行代码的。

57、When a couple is taken hostage in their home by an intruder, a simple home invasion robbery turns into something much more complicated. ─── 当一对夫妇被一个侵入者劫为人质时,一桩简单的入室抢劫变得复杂。

58、An Intruder Locating System Based on Network Intrusion Detection ─── 基于网络入侵检测的入侵者定位系统

59、He flattened the intruder with a single punch. ─── 他一拳就把闯入者打倒在地。

60、Frequent movement of household and workplace items so that the target knows this has been done by an intruder but cannot prove it. Skewing of furniture and bedding is common. ─── 家里和工作场所的物品经常的移动,所以受害者知道这是一个入侵者做的,但不能阻止它。家具和床褥被挪动是经常性的。

61、An intruder used a superuser account, giving him access to our whole system. ─── 入侵者使用一个超级用户的账号进入了我们的整个系统。

62、He tackled a masked intruder at his home. ─── 他在家里抓住了一个私自闯入的蒙面人。

63、In terrestnal ecosystems, the largest changes occur when the intruder brings quite different traits from those of native species. ─── 在陆地生态系统中,当传人者带来十分不同于那些当地物种特性的物种时,会发生最大的变化。

64、An intruder has just arrived and is planning an attack. ─── 一名入侵者刚抵达现场,正计划着一项攻击行动。

65、Because a wireless access point is public to all inside user, intruder and distrustful user can enter wireless network to access all kinds of source easily. ─── 一个无线访问点对内部的所有用户都是公开的,入侵者及不受信任的用户可以很容易的进入无线网络访问各种资源。

66、He said that it made him uneasy to see my silver so insecure in the breakfront, where any intruder could smash the glass. ─── 他说,他看见我的银器放在外面,感到很不安全,会吸引外人打破玻璃闯进来。

67、He said that it made him uneasy to see my silver so insecure in the breakfront, where any intruder could smash the glass. ─── 他说,他看见我的银器放在外面,感到很不安全,会吸引外人打破玻璃闯进来。

68、If that link is compromised, an intruder could then assert any identity and completely undermine the security of the infrastructure. ─── 如果该链接受到威胁,则入侵者就可以断言任何身份并彻底破坏基础设施的安全性。

69、Simple-alone high precision perimeter intruder location warning system ─── 单主机高精度周界入侵探测报警系统

70、One story goes that a more compact intruder galaxy crossed in front of Arp 188 - from left to right in this view - and was slung around behind the Tadpole by their gravitational attraction. ─── 为什么星系雅伯188会长出这么怪的尾巴呢?有种说法是曾经有个小而密实的星系从它的前方由左到右闯过,然后被蝌蚪星系的重力甩到后方去。

71、In past several centuries, their isolation was successful.But starts from the 60's, one group of new intruder have broken here tranquility rapidly, they are the tourist. ─── 在过去的几个世纪里,他们的隔离是成功的。但自60年代开始,一批新的入侵者迅速打破了这里的宁静,他们是旅游者。

72、Several times each hour, I think to stumble on an intruder, only to find him a shadow. ─── 一个小时中有几次,我想是被入侵者绊倒,发现那只是影子。

73、He finishes, pulls out knife and begins to pick nose with it. Flips booger with knife toward invisible intruder, rolls over, turns off light. We hear a deep, low GRUNT. ─── 他吃完饼,拿出小刀,开始挖鼻子。他拿着小刀,朝那无形的夜袭者弹了一下鼻屎,翻个身,关灯。我们听到一声低沉的鼻子哼哼声。

74、The guardians spring to life only when an intruder enters the garden. ─── 只有当入侵者进入时,它们才会被注入生命力。

75、A fortress is easier to protect because it's simpler: it has no windows, few doors, no skylights, or vent systems through which an intruder might sneak. ─── 堡垒的保护更容易因为它构造更简单:它没有窗口、几乎没有几道门,没有天窗或通风系统这些入侵者可能利用的东西。

76、He watched the tiny mammal freeze and roll its terrified eyes about in frantic search of the intruder. ─── 他看着那个小小的哺乳动物吓得发呆,惊恐的眼睛骨碌碌乱转,拚命想寻找侵犯它的家伙。

77、An Attack on Digital Signature Protocol Based on Intruder's Role Impersonate ─── 基于角色冒充对数字签名协议的攻击(英文)

78、She stared at the intruder in dismay. ─── 她惊恐地瞪视着那个闯入者.

79、Ahh! An intruder! A man! -Oh, it's you. -You, uh, wanted to see me? ─── 啊!有人入侵啦!一个男人!--哦,是你。--你,噢,想见我?

80、Seconds later the rangers will receive the intruder's co-ordinates on their satellite phones. ─── 几秒钟之后,护林军就能在他们的卫星电话上接收到侵入者的地理坐标。

81、Armed guards wrestled with the intruder. ─── 武装警卫和闯入者扭打起来。

82、As far as Rosalie was concerned, I was an unwelcome intruder into her family's secret life. ─── 在罗莎莉看来,我是扰乱他们家隐居生活的破坏因子。

83、In Parr's photograph the intruder is clearly the photographer himself, and the ice-cream girl's reaction is one of irritation and indignance. ─── 在帕尔的照片中,侵入者很明显就是摄影师本人,冰淇淋女孩的反应是一种受惊与愤怒的反应。

84、The seemingly docile giant pandas have a strong sense of territory, so killing the intruder to guard her domain is a justified act, experts said. ─── 专家指出,看似温顺的大熊猫有强烈的领域感,咬死入侵的野猫捍卫领地,属正当行为。

85、Intruder alarm, my master! Somebody has breached the perimeter! ─── 入侵警报,师父!有人闯进了边界!

86、The footstep of an intruder breaks the foil or wire, and an alarm is activated. ─── 它由金属薄膜或细线组成,一旦入侵者的脚步破坏了它们,警报器便启动。

87、Because the new intruder wasn't familiar, the birds took longer to size him up. ─── 因为新的闯入者不熟悉,鸟儿们就需要多点时间来识别他。

88、Essentially, an intruder passes in a string that is too large for some existing buffer. ─── 其本质为,入侵者传入一个大于现有缓冲区的字符串。

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