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ungainly 发音

英:[?n?ɡe?nli]  美:[?n?ɡe?nli]

英:  美:

ungainly 中文意思翻译




ungainly 网络释义

adj. 笨拙的;不雅的adv. 笨拙地;不雅地

ungainly 词性/词形变化,ungainly变形


ungainly 短语词组

1、ungainly craft ─── 笨拙的手艺

2、ungainly crossword clue ─── 笨拙的纵横字谜线索

3、ungainly definition ─── 笨拙的定义

4、ungainly craft crossward ─── 笨拙的船横越

5、ungainly craft crossword ─── 笨拙的填字游戏

6、ungainly means ─── 笨拙的手段

ungainly 相似词语短语

1、unmaidenly ─── adj.非少女(或处女)的,不适合少女(或处女)身份的

2、unmanly ─── adj.怯懦的;无男子气概的;女子气的;娇气的

3、ungravely ─── 解开

4、ungainful ─── 笨拙的

5、ungainliest ─── adj.最笨拙的,最不雅观的

6、uncertainly ─── adv.不确定地;没把握地;犹豫地

7、ungain ─── 乌加因

8、ungainlier ─── adj.笨拙的;不雅的(ungainly的变形)

9、gainly ─── adj.姿态优美的

ungainly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I thought him terribly ungainly when he danced. ─── 我觉得他跳舞时显得极其笨拙。

2、7.To date,sports bras have largely been ungainly,with all the functional trappings of a maternity bra and little more in the way of stylish design. ─── 此前,运动胸衣总的来说不太优雅,有母性胸衣的种种功能性装饰,却缺少时髦的设计。

3、He had pitched, as I have said, against the bulwarks, where he lay like some horrible, ungainly sort of puppet;life-sized, indeed, but how different from life's colour or life's comeliness! ─── 我刚才说过他已滑到舷墙边,躺在那里像个丑陋可怕的木偶,跟真人一样却没有一丝血色,也无活人的生气。

4、Like other SRL inventions, this ungainly beast was sort-of-steered by a radio-control unit designed for model cars. ─── 如同生存研究实验室的其他发明一样,这头笨拙的怪兽由一台模型汽车的遥控器来操纵。

5、But he tends to regard me as an ungainly, trouble causing nuisance. ─── 但是他却想把我看作是个一无是处、惹事生非的讨厌货。

6、On land the turtle is ungainly, but in the water it is very agil. ─── 乌龟在陆地上很笨拙,但是在水里却很灵活。

7、The person of this individual was to the last degree ungainly without being in any particular manner deformed. ─── 此人的模样,虽说并没有特别的畸型残缺之处,但看上去极不匀称。

8、Again Pierre fell into the na?vely symmetrical pose of an Egyptian statue, obviously distressed that his ungainly person took up so much room, and doing his utmost to look as small as possible. ─── 皮埃尔又做出一副埃及雕像那种恰如其分的稚气的姿势,显然,他因为自己那粗笨肥大的身体占据太大的空间而倍觉遗憾,才煞费苦心尽量使自己缩得小一点。

9、i am a bit hate teacher and civil servant for temporal,and a colleague make a joke that a ungainly teacher would marry a good husband but a pretty trade operator couldnot.what's wrong??? ─── 没有几个人是一夜成名的,就算一夜成名也有个过程,只是我们没有看到罢了,安慰自己吧,毕业才不多久呢?

10、long, ungainly legs; ─── 难看的长腿;

11、It is often an ungainly, comic endeavour ─── 那往往是一种笨拙可笑的尝试。

12、The poems rhyme too determinedly, ungainly as pairs tied together in a three-legged race ─── 这些诗的韵脚硬绑绑的,象两人各把一条腿绑在一起参加三腿竞走那样笨拙。

13、the ungainly movements of ducks out of water ─── 鸭子出水的笨拙动作

14、To date, sports bras have largely been ungainly, with all the functional trappings of a maternity bra and little more in the way of stylish design. ─── 此 前 , 运 动 胸 衣 总 的 来 说 不 太 优 雅 , 有 母 性 胸 衣 的 种 种 功 能 性 装 饰 , 却 缺 少 时 髦 的 设 计 。

15、He is as ungainly as a new born calf. ─── 他的姿态就象一头初生的牛犊那样笨拙。

16、He walked in long ungainly strides. ─── 他迈着笨拙的大步子行走。

17、He could indeed look a little ungainly. ─── 可能他看上去的确有点笨拙。

18、Through the crowd of ungainly, shabbily dressed actors, Sibyl Vane moved like a creature from a finer world ─── 茜比尔?范在一群其貌不扬,衣着寒酸的演员之间跳着,象一个从哪个美好的世界来的生灵。

19、A large or ungainly automobile. ─── 大汽车巨大的或笨拙的汽车

20、When the ungainly man had left, he remarked hotly to the messenger. ─── 看着这个无能的人走开以后,他气冲冲地对着送信人评头品足起来。

21、If, on the other hand, America found and followed a native line, the results were bound to be ungainly. ─── 如若美国另辟蹊径,其结果必然流于粗俗。

22、On land the turtle is ungainly, but in the water it isvery agile ─── 龟在陆地上行动笨拙, 在水里则很灵活.

23、We shall prove the following ungainly technical lemma. ─── 我们来证明下面的冗长的技术性的引理。

24、I thought him terribly ungainly when he danced. ─── 我觉得他跳舞极其难看。

25、9.Heavy and ungainly out of water, these reptiles are supremely well adapted swimmers. ─── 这种食肉动物在水上沉重而笨拙,它们非常适应游泳。

26、some people seem born to be square and chunky; a dumpy little dumpling of a woman; dachshunds are long lowset dogs with drooping ears; a little church with a squat tower; a squatty red smokestack; a stumpy ungainly figure. ─── 有些人生来就又矮又胖;矮胖的女仆;达克斯猎犬是一种长着下垂耳朵的矮而长的狗;有着四方塔的低矮的教堂;矮短的红色烟窗;矮胖笨拙的形象。

27、the ungainly walk of a goose [gorilla] ─── 鹅 [猩猩] 的笨拙走步

28、Through the crowd of ungainly, shabbily dressed actors, Sibyl Vane moved like a creature from a finer world. ─── 茜比尔·范在一群其貌不扬,衣着寒酸的演员之间跳着,象一个从哪个美好的世界来的生灵。

29、It was an ungainly -looking vehicle, mounted on bicycle wheels driven by a rubber belt that connected the engine to the rear wheels. ─── 这辆车样子笨拙,架在自行车轮子上并靠一根胶皮带将发动机与后车轮。

30、What an ungainly creature a giraffe is. ─── 长颈鹿长得实在太难看了!

31、The tall man wobbled along ungainly. ─── 这高大的男子笨拙地摇晃着向前行进.

32、He was a tall, ungainly boy of 18. ─── 他是个个子高而笨拙的18岁小伙子。

33、some people seem born to be square and chunky; a dumpy little dumpling of a woman; dachshunds are long lowset dogs with drooping ears; a little church with a squat tower; a squatty red smokestack; a stumpy ungainly figure ─── 有些人生来就又矮又胖;矮胖的女仆;达克斯猎犬是一种长着下垂耳朵的矮而长的狗;有着四方塔的低矮的教堂;矮短的红色烟窗;矮胖笨拙的形象

34、Then they stood still, in ungainly disarray, smoothing each white feather carefully into place with their beaks; now and then they would shake their bodies or spread their wings, scattering the drops of water caught in their feathers. ─── 然后参差地站着,用嘴细细地抚理它们遍体白色的羽毛,间或又摇动身子或扑展着阔翅,使那缀在羽毛间的水珠坠落。

35、On land the turtle be ungainly , but In the water It Isvery agile ─── 龟在陆地上行动笨拙, 在水里则很灵活

36、Breslin is her own sweet ungainly self, finding the emotional center of her scenes as if she'd discovered it just lying there in the palm of her hand. ─── 布瑞丝琳则是本色出演,人物的情感把握恰倒好处,好像一切都早已握在手掌心中。

37、I often despaired over that ugly lump of rock right by the front of our house. There it sprawled, a great black, murky mass, with an appearance both bovine and ungainly. ─── 我常常遗憾我家门前的那块丑石呢:它黑黝黝地卧在那里,牛似的模样;

38、“Eyes barricaded by Giant glasses, teeth encased in metal, hair tortured into an ungainly do, Betty Suarez does not look as if she should be assistant at a high-fashion magazine. ─── “双眼前架着超大眼镜,牙齿上箍着金属牙套,头发乱蓬蓬的毫无美感。这个女孩怎么看也不像是高级时尚杂志的助理。

39、2.While the story sounds impressive, he seems ungainly for such exploits, possibly a bit more hapless than debonair. ─── 虽然这故事听起来叫人印象深刻,这些事情似乎并没有给他带来太多好处,厄运多过于喜悦。

40、Mae Mobley is plump and ungainly; she looks charming in a diaper but not in the sort of frilly dresses her mother favors. ─── 协会莫布里是丰满而笨拙,她看上去迷人的尿布,但在她的母亲有利于褶边连衣裙排序。

41、It is often an ungainly, comic endeavour. ─── 那往往是一种笨拙可笑的尝试。

42、in an ungainly fashion ─── 不雅地,难看地

43、He had pitched, as I have said, against the bulwarks, where he lay like some horrible, ungainly sort of puppet; ─── 我刚才已经说过,他滑到了舷樯旁,像个可怕而丑恶的傀儡一样躺在那里。

44、He uses it to swipe across the ground with titanic power, while his boulder-like fists hammer and jab at the Prince and his massive ungainly paws grab and toss our hero around like a lifeless ragdoll. ─── 用他巨无霸的蛮力挥舞着这把大刀扫过地面,同时他那石头般的拳头猛锤向王子,用丑陋厚实的手爪抓住我们的英雄,象扔破娃娃一样扔了出去。

45、Although he has been described as gangly and ungainly, he has silenced his critics with two outstanding performances in recent pre-World Cup ‘friendlies' against Hungary and Jamaica. ─── 虽然他被称为是瘦高笨拙,但他在与匈牙利和牙买加为对手的近期的世界杯中的卓越表现令评论者哑口无言。

46、A person regarded as ungainly or dull witted. ─── 愚笨的人被认为是笨拙的或弱智的人

47、Not graceful; ungainly. ─── 不优雅的; 难看的

48、While we cannot fault GTA for their use of carbon fiber trim and aluminum accents, the flat surfaces and ungainly control knobs clash with the car's aerodynamic exterior. ─── 虽然我们不能故障多伦多供其使用的碳纤维装饰和铝的口音,平坦的表面和笨拙控制旋钮冲突与赛车的空气动力外形。

49、During Louis' lifetime this huge, ungainly, and ornate building was not only his residence, but it also housed the royal court and central bureaucracy of France. ─── 在路易十四有生之年,这一宏伟,庄严,华丽的建筑不仅是他的住处,同时还是法国的中央官僚机构的驻地。

50、Ungainly and vulnerable on land - Hesperornis couldn't walk - they crowded together in colonies for safety and chose inaccessible rocky outcrops. ─── 它们不能行走,在岸上显得笨拙而脆弱,故而聚集在一起以寻求安全,并选择难以接近的多石地形。

51、However, this ungainly appearance belies the fact that the baneling is an extremely dangerous organism, one of several new zerg specialists recently seen on the battlefield. ─── 虽然虫族专家最近才在战场上发现自爆虫的存在,它已经被确认为一种极度危险的生物。

52、an ungainly gesture ─── 不雅的姿势。

53、The first ungainly prototypes had fuel-cell stacks, which produce the electricity, and drive systems so bulky there was room for little more than the driver. ─── 第一款样子笨拙的原型车安装着若干燃料电池架,庞大驾驶系统几乎占据了除驾驶员座席外的其他空间。

54、shameful conduct; disgraceful manners; ungainly sight ─── 丑态

55、'More of the problems have to do with the fact that China is a large, ungainly, rapidly moving animal that's hard to measure. ' ─── 他说,问题更多的是与这样一个事实有关:中国是一只庞大、笨拙、行动迅速、难以衡量的动物。

56、Like other SRL inventions, this ungainly beast was sort-of-steered by a radio-control unit designed for model cars. ─── 如同生存研究实验室的其他发明一样,这头笨拙的怪兽由一台模型汽车的遥控器来操纵。

57、Your judgment and sensitivity sharpen as you are forced to face, word by deadly word, the ill-written ungainly passages. ─── 你的判断力和敏感性 ,由于你被迫面对那一个个枯燥乏味的字眼和粗劣笨拙的段落而变得敏锐起来。

58、Reflected in the transparent water, he saw below him his own image, but he was no longer a clumsy dark gray bird, ugly and ungainly. ─── 他看到了自己的倒影。

59、1.a gawky lad with long ungainly legs; clumsy fingers; what an ungainly creature a giraffe is; heaved his unwieldy figure out of his chair. ─── 长着难看的长腿的笨拙男孩;笨拙的手指;长颈鹿是多么难看的动物呀;把他笨拙的身体从椅子上抬起来。

60、He walked in long ungainly stride s. ─── 他迈着笨拙的大步子行走.

61、Tall, thin, and ungainly. ─── 瘦高且笨拙的

62、Anteaters, so ungainly they appear put together with parts left over from the Creation, bustle about. ─── 食蚁兽东窜西钻,姿态笨拙,好像是上帝用创世时剩下的材料拼凑出来的。

63、As above woman befell, whereafter, the second woman chain with the ungainly man. ─── 如同之前那个女人的下场,圣彼得把第二个女人跟他带来的 丑男人绑在一起。

64、a stumpy ungainly figure. ─── 矮胖笨拙的形象。

65、6.turned outward in an ungainly manner. ─── 以难看的样子向外翻转。

66、Clumsy and awkward; ungainly. ─── 笨拙的和不灵敏的;不雅的

67、A person regarded as ungainly or dullwitted. ─── 愚笨的人被认为是笨拙的或弱智的人。

68、Your partner may be a floundering dancer, but my partner is so ungainly. She makes an elephant look like a ballerina. ─── 你的舞伴可能还只是步点不稳,可是我的舞伴简直就奔得不像样。跟她比大象简直就是芭蕾舞演员。

69、His assets were learning, memory and a mastery of language; his ungainly figure and his stiffness of gesture were disadvantages. ─── 博闻强记,长于辞令,是他的优点;而体形不雅,姿势呆板,则是他的短处。

70、His tall and ungainly figure gradually faded into the morning mists. ─── 他高大笨拙的身影逐渐消失在晨霭中。他高大笨拙的身影逐渐消失在晨霭中。

71、If, on the other hand, America found and followed a native line, the results were bound to be ungainly ─── 如若美国不另辟蹊径,其结果必然流于粗俗。

72、All too soon my prayers were answered; the bell cracked, usurped by an ungainly, adolescent alto; ─── 我的祈祷很快就灵验了,铃铛出现裂痕,取而代之的是不雅的老爷们儿声。

73、Comical in their ungainly gait, nunas are flightless fowl native to the swamps of Naboo.The rounded two-legged "swamp turkeys" have short beaks, fatty waddles, and slow wits. ─── 努那兽是原生于那卜沼泽不能飞的鸟类,牠们笨拙的步伐相当滑稽,这体态浑圆的两足"沼泽火鸡"有著短短的嘴喙、肥胖摇摆的步伐、以及迟钝的智力。

74、One by one the doors burst open till all four flapped wildly and the car swooped downwards looking like a huge, ungainly bird. ─── 车门一个接一个甩开,直到四个门全部狂野地唿扇着,像一头丑陋的大鸟一样飞了下去。

75、The thick, ungainly boots can cut off a woman's legs in a most unflattering way - resembling two stuffed animals gnawing at the feet. ─── 这种厚厚的、样子丑陋的靴子以最不讨好的方式将女性的腿掩藏起来,就像两只吃饱了的动物在啃人的脚。

76、On land the turtle is ungainly, but in the water it is very agile. ─── 龟在陆地上行动笨拙,在水里则很灵活。

77、The beast was shaped like a lizard, with sinewy arms and legs that protruded from its body at right angles and moved with quick, ungainly gestures. ─── 这畜牲形状像只蜥蜴,强壮的臂和腿以和身体垂直的角度突出,移动起来虽然难看却很迅速。


tall是形容干高的形容词,没有副词,有比较级taller,最高级the tallest,近义词high,反义词short



adj. 高的;长的;过分的;夸大的

adv. 夸大地

Tall trees cut out the sunlight.


She goes for tall slim men.


He was a tall, ungainly boy of 18.


She's very tall, as is her mother.


It is a light room with tall windows.


He was very tall and plainly dressed.


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