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09-14 投稿



incinerated 发音

英:[?n?s?n?re?t?d]  美:[?n?s?n?re?t?d]

英:  美:

incinerated 中文意思翻译



incinerated 词性/词形变化,incinerated变形

动词过去分词: incinerated |动词过去式: incinerated |名词: incineration |动词第三人称单数: incinerates |动词现在分词: incinerating |

incinerated 相似词语短语

1、incinerates ─── vi.把……烧成灰;烧弃;vt.焚化;烧成灰

2、incarcerated ─── adj.箝闭的;v.监禁(incarcerate的过去式);下狱

3、itinerated ─── vi.巡回;巡回传教

4、incinerator ─── n.[环境][炉窑]焚化炉,焚尸炉;焚烧装置

5、incinerate ─── vi.把……烧成灰;烧弃;vt.焚化;烧成灰

6、incinerating ─── vi.把……烧成灰;烧弃;vt.焚化;烧成灰

7、ingenerated ─── adj.天生的;非产生的;固有的

8、intenerated ─── vt.软化;使变软

9、incineration ─── n.焚化;烧成灰

incinerated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、” The dotcom bust had incinerated an entire generation of start-ups. ─── 网络经济泡沫毁灭了整整一代初创企业。

2、The bottles can be recycled through traditional methods, sent to degrade in a commercial composting facility or incinerated for energy recovery. ─── 瓶可以回收利用传统的方法,发送到降低商业堆肥设施或焚化能源回收。

3、The display unit can improve the problem that the critical size of stored capacitor is changed when the organic layer is incinerated and further promote the display quality of the display unit. ─── 本发明可改善有机层灰化时储存电容临界尺寸变化的问题,进一步提升显示装置的显示品质。

4、Such pollution can occur when used batteries are dumped in landfills or incinerated. ─── 这种污染会在废弃电池被填埋或焚烧时发生。

5、With hacksaws, they severed the heads, double-bagged them and sent them for testing;the bodies themselves were incinerated. ─── 他们用钢锯把鹿头割下来,套上两层袋子送往检验,鹿尸则加以焚毁。

6、The handles and outer cover are made from polypropylene, which unlike some plastics does not generate hazardous gasses when incinerated. ─── 提手和外侧提手扣由聚丙烯制成。焚烧后不会产生有害气体。

7、For the past 5 years the company has received purchase orders of 48 sets of garbage incinerated boilers with 2-stage reciprocating Martine grate. ─── 近五年来,运用二段往复式炉排技术的垃圾焚烧锅炉共签署了48台。

8、The incinerated body still lay curled in its wooden bed of cinders ─── 那具未曾烧尽的尸体还蜷缩在木床的余烬里。

9、The four tukuls, or traditional huts, that used to house his wife and nine children have been incinerated. ─── 四间tukuls,也就是传统小屋,曾是他妻子和九个孩子的安身之所,如今已化为灰烬。

10、using MSW incinerated ash[J ] . Waste Manag , 2001 , 21 : 443 - 449. ─── 阎常峰,林伯川,陈恩鉴,等.垃圾焚烧灰渣的熔融的熔融物理化

11、Most of the waste is incinerated. ─── 大多数垃圾都被焚化了。

12、disposables should be autoclaved or incinerated. ─── 一次性用品应高压蒸气灭菌或焚烧。

13、The still smoldering bodies of victims driven into a gasoline-soaked barn and incinerated by retreating SS. ─── 这副照片是在党卫军撤退时将受害者浸满汽油,打算把他们烧成灰。

14、incinerated gas ─── 焚烧烟气

15、conveyor for separately incinerated material ─── 对分别焚化后的材料的传送装置

16、Last year all refuse collected by Shelbyville city services was incinerated. ─── 去年,谢尔比维尔城市服务中心收集的所有垃圾都被焚化了。

17、The company incinerated cash. And I asked to leave the board. Or I was asked. OK, it was very consensual. ─── 公司消耗了大量现金,而我要求退出董事会,也可以说我是被要求——反正双方意见达成了一致。

18、Reacting condition of harmful substances as waste materials being incinerated in cement kiln and its control ─── 利用水泥窑焚烧垃圾时有害物质的生成条件与控制

19、The direct combustion & integrated solid waste incinerator is a novel waste incinerated technology harmonized with global environ-ment. ─── 新型直燃集成式生活垃圾焚烧技术是一种与环境发展相协调的生活垃圾处理技术。

20、At the end of an autopsy the organs are either incinerated or put in a bag and placed back in the body before it is sewn shut. ─── 尸体解剖的最后,器官要么被烧掉,要么被放进袋子里,放回体内,然后医生将尸体缝起来。

21、Survivors are starting to decide whether to rebuild their incinerated homes and businesses or walk away and relocate elsewhere. ─── 幸存者开始决定是否回去重建被烧毁的房屋,商店。或者是离开,并且重新部署在其他地方。

22、incinerated solid residues ─── 焚烧灰渣

23、'd got incinerated?We could lose our final chance to see our charred father in the terminal ward. ─── 倘若不接,我们就会失去在临终病房最后看一眼已经烧焦了的父亲的机会。

24、Keywords engine oil;incinerated;Neocuproin-Hydroch lorid Monohydrat;spectrophotometry; ─── 机油;灰化;新亚铜灵;光度法;

25、The company has the technologies of garbage incinerated CFB boiler and 2-stage reciprocating Martine grate firing and has the best independent developing ability of this industry in China. ─── 拥有循环流化床燃烧技术和二段往复式炉排燃烧技术,其自主开发能力位居行业第一。

26、Few enemies can withstand the awful power of the prismatic beam for long: even large and heavily armored targets like buildings or battlecruisers are incinerated in moments. ─── 只有少数的敌人能顶住这极强的晶棱射线一段时间, 即使是拥有厚重装甲的建筑物或是巡洋舰,不多久也会焚毁.

27、year city services will separate for recycling enough refuse to reduce the number of truckloads of refuse to be incinerated to half of last year's number. ─── 今年,城市服务部门将对垃圾进行分类回收,从而将垃圾焚烧的卡车数量减少到去年的一半。

28、A new technology was employed to treat black liquid of paper|making industry.The black water could be incinerated after being mixed with coal slurry. ─── 介绍一种新的造纸黑液治理技术,即用造纸黑液制造黑液水煤浆通过燃烧实现造纸行业黑液无害化的目的。

29、Keywords refuse incinerated ash;addition of cement;comprehensive utilization; ─── 垃圾焚烧灰渣;水泥混合材;综合利用;

30、The life will be incinerated. ─── 生命将被烧成灰烬。

31、The copper ion content is determined with direct spectrophotometry after the engine oil was incinerated,dissolved with acid and developed with Neocuproin-Hydroch lorid Monohydrat. ─── 将机油灰化、酸溶解后,新亚铜灵显色、直接光度法测定铜离子含量,样品回收率在92。

32、It is estimated that these incinerators will produce over two million tons of incinerated ashes every year. ─── 这些焚化灰渣中含有过量之戴奥辛及重金属,若未加以妥善处理则会造成严重的二次污染。

33、Dewatering is seldom used as an intermediate process unless the sludge is to be incinerated. ─── 脱水很少被用作一种中间的处理,除非是泥浆要被焚化。

34、In their fury, Alexstrasza's dragons tore Grim Batol apart and incinerated the greater bulk of the Dragonmaw clan. ─── 暴怒的红龙将格瑞姆巴托要塞彻底摧毁,把大部分的龙喉氏族的余党都烧成了灰。

35、The crops used to detoxify the farm that are incinerated will release non-harmful gases as well as provide fuel and heat for the home. ─── 当烧成灰烬时,它们将释放出无害的气体,同时为家用提供燃料和热量。

36、Apparently, the Protoss were aware that the Hive Spores had already despoiled the planet and seeking to prevent further infestation, incinerated the planet. ─── 很明显的,神民族也已经知道了这个星球已经被异形孢子所污染,为了避免进一步的感染,他们彻底的焚烧了这颗星球。

37、Biological waste will be treated to create soil and fertilizer, or may be incinerated for additional power. Plastic and metal waste will be recycled. ─── 生物垃圾将用于制造泥土和肥料,或者可能用于制造额外的能源。塑料和金属废品将会被回收。

38、Once considered a waste product and incinerated or placed in a landfill, now agricultural biomass is made into packaging that returns to the earth after use through composting or biodegradation. ─── 一度被认为产品和废物焚化或放置在一个垃圾填埋场,现在的农业生物质制成的包装,返回地球后,使用通过堆肥或生物降解。

39、The orgy culminates when the nanoprocessors are loaded into one unlucky woman who is promptly incinerated by the heat of the nano-orgy that ensues in her bloodstream. ─── 当奈米处理器被载入一名不幸的女子体内,达到最高量时,这名女子立刻因为奈米液在血液内所导致的高热而化为灰烬。

40、The researchers incinerated a crop of Streptanthus they grow in nickel-rich soil. ─── 研究人员焚烧了他们在富含镍的土壤中培养的链球菌。

41、” The fires burnt through the roofs, down the floors, the debris falling inward after it, and incinerated the civilians hiding in the cellars. ─── 烈火窜上屋顶,窜下地板,建筑物残余跟着火势塌落而下,藏在地下室里的市民活活被烧死。

42、Daughter: I think you mean incinerated. ─── 女儿:我想你是想说被烧死。

43、Keywords medical waste incinerated flue-gas;semi-drying process;spray-drying process;the optimized design and research; ─── 医疗废物焚烧烟气;半干法;喷雾干燥;优化设计;

44、the hair and the skin of the carcass are incinerated through a crusher, after the carcass and the media are crushed, the carcass and the media are mixed; ─── 通过破碎机对尸体进行毛发衣物焚化处理,并将尸体与介质破碎后混合;

45、Cadmium rice fills the warehouse. The rice harvested from cadmium contaminated land in Homei Township waits to be incinerated. ─── 镉米满仓。和美镇镉污染农地上收割下来的稻米,等待焚毁。

46、Proposal for standardizing waste incinerated power generation system division and budget making ─── 规范垃圾焚烧发电系统划分和估算编制工作的建议

47、But because the women and children and old men of Hiroshima and Nagasaki didn't disarm the Japanese army, they deserved to be incinerated. ─── 但是因为广岛和长崎的妇女和儿童以及老人没有使日本军队放下武器,他们应当被烧成灰烬。

48、Agricultural wastes are abundant in Taiwan.They are either recycled as a resource or incinerated in a small portion. ─── 摘要:国内农业废弃物非常多,有些采用资源回收方式处理,有些则采用焚化方式处理。

49、The facility recently recorded finding 1,890 grammes of gold per tonne of ash from incinerated sludge. ─── 这个污水厂最近说它从一吨焚化污泥后的灰烬中提取了1,890克黄金。

50、Paramedics and fire crews rushed to the scene, at Clyde North, minutes after the crash at around 5.45pm but the plane had been incinerated, sparking a small grass fire. ─── 在北克莱德,下午5.45左右坠毁数分钟后,医疗救护人员和消防员冲到现场,但是飞机已经烧成灰烬,并将一小块草点燃。

51、2. To monitor, check and control of the incinerated wastes that are convey into the ash pits. ─── 要监测,检查和控制被烧成灰的废物转入灰坑。)

52、About 14000 kJ of thermal energy will be generated as one kilogram of rice hulls is incinerated. ─── 摘要在稻壳焚化燃烧作业时,每公斤稻壳大约可以产生14000仟焦耳之热能,可做为稻谷乾燥机之替代性能源。

53、Normally these wastes would have to be incinerated and the ash disposed of to landfill. ─── 正常情况下,这些垃圾必须进行焚化,并且必须使用掩埋的方法进行处理。

54、Using a system based on a cast iron melting furnace, we have established technology for vitrifying waste such as incinerated ash, casing ash, etc. ─── 采用以铸铁熔炉为原型的系统,确立了焚烧后灰烬,铸铁沙粒等废弃物的熔融固化技术。

55、The room was gutted by fire and he was incinerated. ─── 房间烧毁了,他也已化为灰烬。

56、Similarly, national averages feed into calculations of whether a product or its packaging are recycled, incinerated or put into landfill. ─── 同样通过分析国民平均值就能知道某种产品或其包装是否进行了重复使用,被烧尽或是被填入垃圾场。

57、To wags during the cold war, ground zero was a favoured spot: better to be incinerated in the first mushroom cloud, they joshed, than to wake up to a world of radioactive rubble. ─── 对于冷战期间诙谐幽默的人来说更愿意选择地面零点:他们冷嘲到,在第一个蘑菇云出现时就被烧死总比过后意识到全世界到处都有放射性物质要好。

58、The handles and outer cover are made from polypropylene, which unlike some plastics does not generate hazardous gasses when incinerated. ─── 提手和外侧提手扣由聚丙烯制成。焚烧后不会产生有害气体。

59、This artical preseuts some treatment alternative systems and the type of refuse incinerated waste heat boiler as well as application examples, summarily. ─── 简要地介绍了城市垃圾的几种处理选择方案和正在运行的垃圾焚烧余热锅炉型式及应用实例。

60、"Anyone or animal that is caught in its path is immediately essentially incinerated," she said. ─── “任何人或动物一旦被困在这里会立刻化为灰烬。”凯瑟琳说。

61、The water content of refuse is determined acurately with DSC,while the volatile and non volatile organics as well as the incinerated residue contents are obtained with TGA analysis. ─── 热重分析仪(TGA)测定了垃圾的水和低温下有机物总含量、难挥发性有机物和灼烧残渣的含量。

62、2 Dewatering is seldom used as an intermediate process unless the sludge is to be incinerated. ─── 脱水很少被用作一种中间的处理,除非是泥浆要被焚化。

63、The solid wastes can be incinerated. ─── 固体废料可以烧弃。

64、While medical wastes were incinerated in rotary kiln incinerator, medical glass was melted by the high temperature;consequently the molten glass resulted in slagging of rotary kiln. ─── 医疗废物在回转窑焚烧炉内燃烧时,炉内的高温会将医用玻璃熔化,熔融的玻璃会导致回转窑炉的结渣。

65、Selection and analyses of flue-gas cleaning system in refuse incinerated power plants ─── 垃圾焚烧发电中烟气净化系统的选择与分析

66、Ads such as the one featuring the incinerated letter attract attention and project the firm on the offensive as both daring and popular. ─── 像这支主题为燃烧信件的广告吸引了眼球,并且将公司置于既勇敢又受欢迎的攻势。

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