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09-14 投稿



headman 发音

英:[?hedm?n??hedm?n]  美:[?hedm?n; ?hedm?n]

英:  美:

headman 中文意思翻译



headman 词性/词形变化,headman变形


headman 反义词


headman 同义词

headlamp |lamp

headman 短语词组

1、village headman ─── 村长

2、headman series headman ─── 系列

headman 相似词语短语

1、headmen ─── n.首领;酋长;工头

2、headbang ─── v.跟着音乐来回剧烈摇头

3、headland ─── n.岬;n.(Headland)人名;(英)黑德兰

4、leadman ─── n.工头;工长

5、headmark ─── 头牌

6、headsman ─── n.刽子手;坑内运煤工;捕鲸船船长

7、headwoman ─── 女校长

8、headband ─── n.头巾;头饰带

9、deadman ─── n.叉杆;木桩;n.(Deadman)人名;(英)戴德曼

headman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、the village headman ─── 村长

2、The headman said to his friends, the robbers, "I will find excuses and reasons to lead all the villagers into the jungle.This will be easy for me, since they trust me as one of their own. ─── 大臣对这些强盗说:“村民像对待自己人一般信任我,我找借口把他们全部带入丛林,令其忙碌做事,轻而易举。

3、As for me, who am your Captain, now be mine the Headman's wife!' ─── 而我,你们的船长,拥有的将是头人的妻子!”

4、In addition to being clever, the headman was also very greedy.Collecting the king's taxes was not enough reward for him. ─── 这个大臣不仅头脑灵活,而且贪婪,并不满足于收税所得。

5、Headman System ─── 土司制度

6、Need to know his this one get married, much three people eat, the difficult task living may let his headman press on lower only. ─── 要知道他这一结婚,就多了三个人吃饭,生活重担只会让他把头压得更低。

7、Those measures can basically keep away interior-risk, though there is no formal surveillance to its headman. ─── 这些措施能够在很大程度上防范内部风险的产生,但目前仍缺乏对会首的正式监督机制;

8、The Headman System of the Ladhulsi: The Tradition and Change under the Effect of the State ─── 拉祜西头人制度:传统与国家力量影响下的变迁

9、such a headman ─── 土司

10、The idea "Warning 2: Bridget and the Headman" tried to communicate is: Do not ruin anything in a rash, including the historical monuments. ─── 想传达的主旨是:不要用轻率的态度毁坏任何东西,包括古迹。

11、I have stricken a belch , have opened the faucet , the headman hold up go in “, not drinking can make it? ─── 先前很多网友在发生活类贴子时所遇到的要花很多文字去描述位置点或路线的问题由此将迎刃而解。

12、This Baylor, is the big leadership, the big headman, therefore he sits Baylor's position in a hierarchy firmly. ─── 布库里永顺在人群里一站,是高人一头,扎人一臂,象一个显眼的那么高大英俊。因此人们都把他奉为神灵。

13、The idea "Warning 2: Bridget and the Headman " tried to communicate is: Do not ruin anything in a rash, including the historical monuments. ─── 想传达的主旨是:不要用轻率的态度毁坏任何东西,包括古迹。

14、Until then, you are permitted to live as a guest in the headman's house and come and go as you please. ─── 在那之前,他允许你作为客人住在村长家里,出入自由,但是不得离开村庄。

15、The headman brought all the villagers home in the evening. ─── 傍晚,大臣带着村民返回村里。

16、The headman visits a chap entering barber's shop how long to still having being able to give me a haircut from road. ─── 译文:一个家伙把头探进理发店问道,还有多久可以给我理发。

17、Although the community still maintains the traditional leadership ranks of tribal elder, headman and the like, their influence is not what it once was. ─── 尽管社区中仍维持部落的长老、头目等传统领导位阶,但影响力已不复以往。

18、As for me, who am your Captain, now be mine the Headman's wife! ─── ' 而我,你们的船长,拥有的将是头人的妻子!”

19、Coming into being along with the aboriginal culture,"Wu(wizard)" gradually changed its meaning from headman to wizard whol ly in charge of sacrificing ghosts and gods. ─── 随着原始巫文化而产生的“巫”,在历史发展过程中扮演了不同的角色:从原始兼通人神的首领 到专司祭祠鬼神的巫师。

20、And stands in the left side has to get old, said that got old does not surpass 50 years old, the stature not how high, looks like is a headman, inside the hand is pinching the broadsword. ─── 差不离全跟清朝的历史有关系,因为清朝这个王朝离开现在比较近,许多的事情大家又有印象,所以说起来你听的是格外的亲切。

21、He could only hope by the offer of more money to persuade the headman to carry out his agreement . ─── 他只好希望多给头人一些钱来说服他遵守他的诺言。

22、A feasible way is developing tourism estate of minority headman culture.It will produce important action to developing social economy of the Three Gorges of Yangtze River. ─── 发展土司文化旅游产业是一条可行的方法,对三峡库区社会经济的发展将起到重要作用。

23、Tujia's primogenitor's name was BaWuXiang. The meaning of Wu is sky, and that of Xiang is "headman" and "officer". ─── 摘要土家族始祖名叫“巴务相”,“务相”跟元明时期用汉字记录的“墨送”一类的土家人名意义相同。“务”的意思是“天”,“相”的意思是“官长”、“首领”。

24、Since ancient times, circle headman water door, with water for a living, in harmony. ─── 自古以来,圈头人以水而居,以水为生,水乳交融。

25、Shaolin would develop and nurture a circle headman of the martial spirit, Sino-Japanese War and the liberation war and supplied a lot of good fighters. ─── 少林会的发展,培育了圈头人的尚武精神,为抗日战争和解放战争输送了不少的优秀战士。

26、He is the headman of school basket ball team. ─── 他是学校篮球队的队长。

27、Before long, news of the crime reached the king. He recalled the treacherous headman and punished him according to the law. ─── 这起抢劫消息很快传到国王耳里。他召回大臣,依法惩治。

28、Yesterday I met with the headman of the fishing village, and asked that we be allowed to hang up rice sacks for the rubbish on the ground. ─── 昨天我遇到村里的一位渔民头儿,要求他允许我们把放在地上的装垃圾的米袋挂起来。

29、Mizo village headman had a visionary dream. ─── 米佐乡的一个头人做了一个神灵显圣的梦。

30、"Enough, headman, put that aside. Don't ask me that." ─── “聚落主!且止!将此且置,勿以此问余。”

31、According to historical documents, not only was Tian Shunnian a brilliant headman, but also he achieved a lot in cultural study, especially in historical study. ─── 摘要从历史记载来看,田舜年不仅是一位功绩显赫的司主,而且在文化方面,尤其是史学上取得了丰硕的成就。

32、The headman of the gypsies, cowed and nervous, was apparently trying to offer explanations. ─── 领头的吉普赛人显然被吓坏了,正在紧张地试图解释。

33、An Analysis on Historical Evolution of the System of the Tribal Chief and the System of Appointing National Minority Hereditary Headman in Qinghai ─── 论青海土官、土司制度的历史变迁

34、Before long the headman was completely accepted by the villagers. ─── 不久,村民完全接纳了大臣。

35、Reform of the Headman System ─── 改土归流

36、Based on the credit standing and ability of headman, ROSCA forms many measuers to keep away risk. ─── 因此,从总体来看,互助会以会首的信誉和能力为基础,形成了一系列的风险防范措施。

37、He could only hope by the offer of more money to persuade the headman to carry out his agreement ─── 他只好希望多给头人一些钱来说服他遵守他的诺言。

38、The farmer wants a clear title to his land without having to bribe the village headman, and his wife wants the doctor to be there when she takes her sick child to the health center. ─── 农民希望不用贿赂村长就能得到土地,他们的妻子则希望带孩子去卫生中心看病时医生能在岗位上。

39、After congratulations on them, I interview the headman of the group. ─── 在向他们表示祝贺之后,我采访了他们的队长武毅。

40、Pay attention thatbefore your field flying, you should connect with the base principalor your headman. ─── 需要注意的是,在越野飞行前,应该尽可能在出发前和场地负责人或所属队长联络。

41、After here, everybody public election, elects in Acrobatics Yongshun to calculate that they the total headman, gave a name is called “Baylor”. ─── 他们把死者掩埋,受伤的医治,双方高高兴兴拥着布库里永顺,就到了黑狼寨。黑狼寨的老百姓一听,今儿个遇上天神了,携老带幼出来看新鲜,一看可不是吗?

42、HeadMan - Brett Anderson biography and gallery, and Suede items. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

43、The Adventurous Headman's another Side--Addressing oneself in that Hu-Shi advocated early new poem ─── 急先锋的另一面--胡适早期新诗主张中的自我论述

44、On the Management of Such a Headman in Dong's Areas at the Beginning of Qing Dynasty ─── 试论清朝初期对侗族地区土司的管理

45、Then as now, India was a land of villages, each with its headman and panchayat (council of elders). Officials of the central government supervised groups of villages and organized irrigation systerms. ─── 过去的印度同现在一样,都是由一个个的村庄组成,每个村都有自己的首领和五人长老会,中央政府的官员们只负责监督村一级,并组织兴修水利。

46、Is the lice of bald sub- headman clear to put!! ─── 各位委员辛苦了,谢谢你们。支持你们工作!

47、Those measures can basically keep away interior-risk, though there is no formal surveillance to its headman . ─── 这些措施能够在很大程度上防范内部风险的产生,但目前仍缺乏对会首的正式监督机制;

48、The "work point coupon" printed by the commune or the brigade shall be distributed to the commune members by the headman or team leader in accordance with their laboring hours and work points earned. ─── 由公社或大队自印的“劳动工分票”,经生产队长或组长按每个社员所做的工时、所得的工分分发出去。

49、When the day arrived, the headman assembled all the villagers and led them into the jungle. ─── 到了约定时日,大臣召集全部村民,带入丛林。

50、To show his appreciation he appointed him headman of a remote border village.His duty was to represent the king and collect the king's taxes from the villagers. ─── 任命其为一个偏远边界村的首领,代表国王征收村民税赋。

51、Some Hebrew scholars date this flight back to 700 BC, but the hill tribesmen became convinced of their Jewish roots only 40 years ago. A Mizo village headman had a visionary dream. ─── 一些希伯来学者把这次大逃亡追溯到公元前700年,但这引起山地部落人确信他们的根为犹太人不过是40年前的事。米佐乡的一个头人做了一个神灵显圣的梦。

52、Musical styles, the rhythm of soothing calm, as the circle headman leisurely, was not rash to life, it is so integrated into people's lives. ─── 音乐曲调舒缓沉稳的节奏,正如圈头人不紧不慢、不急不躁的生活,就这样融入了人们的生活中。

53、This made them very sad.The travelling merchant appeared and said to them, 'This treacherous village headman has betrayed your trust in him. ─── 行脚商过来告诉他们:“这个背信弃义的首领辜负了你们的信任,他和强盗一定是一伙的。

54、Have passed through the several day , the fellow, headman explore enter the store inner having asked that the same problem , barber say the fellow approximately 2 has left hour. ─── 过了几天,这个家伙,又把头探进店内问了同样的问题,理发师说,大约2个小时,这个家伙又离开了。

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