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09-14 投稿



immission 发音

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英:  美:

immission 中文意思翻译



immission 短语词组

1、immission damage ─── 发射损伤

2、immission dose immission

3、immission flux ─── 飞行通量

4、immission monitoring box immission ─── 监控箱

5、immission system ─── 发射系统

6、immission of pollutants ─── 污染物的排放

7、immission channel ─── 发射通道

8、immission control ─── 发射控制

immission 相似词语短语

1、omission ─── n.疏忽,遗漏;省略;冗长

2、admission ─── n.承认;入场费;进入许可;坦白;录用

3、mission ─── n.使命,任务;代表团;布道;vt.派遣;向……传教

4、impassion ─── v.激起……的热情

5、immersion ─── n.沉浸;陷入;专心

6、commission ─── n.委员会;佣金;服务费;犯;委任;委任状;vt.委任;使服役;委托制作

7、demission ─── n.辞职;放弃

8、emission ─── n.(光、热等的)发射,散发;喷射;发行;n.(Emission)人名;(英)埃米申

9、dismission ─── n.解散;免职

immission 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、immission flux ─── 允许进入流量

2、noise emission and immission ─── 噪声发射和照射

3、Measurement of occupational vibration immission - Part 2: Measuring method; Amendment 1 ─── 工作现场的机械振动测量.第2部分:测量方法.修正1

4、immission rate ─── 允许进入速率

5、The establishment of immission responsibilities system is conducive to the environmental protection and the building of harmonious society. ─── 建立不可量物侵害责任制度有利于保护环境,建立和谐社会与社区。

6、noise immission ─── 噪声照射

7、Hi, I need some information about immission to the school. ─── 您好,我需要一些注册入学的资料。

8、Measurement of vibration immission - Part 1: Vibration meters; requirements, verification ─── 振动影响的测量.第1部分:振动计.要求.检验

9、The Experience of German Immission and Its Reference for China ─── 德国不可量物侵害责任制度的经验及对我国的借鉴

10、States vary in the way that provides the content, which are quite useful to perfect our Immission system. ─── 各国以不尽相同的方式对这一内容进行了规定,对我国的不可量物侵害制度的完善有着相当的借鉴意义。

11、return i immission ─── 回注

12、The establishment of immission responsibilities system is conducive to the environmental protection and the building of harmonious society. ─── 建立不可量物侵害责任制度有利于保护环境,建立和谐社会与社区。

13、Immission Rate Measuring Apparatus ─── 注入速度测定装置

14、immission damage ─── 注射害

15、The Experience of German Immission and Its Reference for China ─── 德国不可量物侵害责任制度的经验及对我国的借鉴

16、The neighboring relation in one building Immission ─── 区分所有建筑物之相邻关系

17、We should take the German stipulations concerned for reference in the course of drafting our own property law and also take into account our nation's actual situation in building up immission system. ─── 我国在制定物权法时,应借鉴德国的有关规定,结合我国的实际情况,设立不可量物侵害制度。

18、immission dose ─── 允许进入剂量

19、Germany law system calls "Immission" , while France incorporates it into "Neighbors Prejudice" . ─── 德国法统称之为“不可量物侵害”,而法国则将其纳入“近邻妨害”中加以解决。

20、should take the German stipulations concerned for reference in the course of drafting our own property law and also take into account our nation's actual situation in building up immission system. ─── 我国在制定物权法时,应借鉴德国的有关规定,结合我国的实际情况,设立不可量物侵害制度。

21、Keywords environmental law;public nuisance;private nuisance;injunction;immission;litigation; ─── 环境法;排除危害;侵害排除;禁令;侵扰;诉讼;

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