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09-14 投稿



indrawn 发音

英:[??n?dr??n]  美:[??n?dr??n]

英:  美:

indrawn 中文意思翻译



indrawn 网络释义

adj. 内向的;吸入的;被卷入的

indrawn 词性/词形变化,indrawn变形

原型:indrawn 过去分词:indrawn

indrawn 相似词语短语

1、undrawn ─── adj.未拉开的;未抽出的;v.拉开(undraw的过去分词)

2、-drawn ─── adj.(通常指面容)憔悴的,苍白的;(人或脸部)扭歪的,拉长的;v.画,绘制;拖,拉;拔出;排出(液体);引出;以(平局)结束比赛(draw的过去分词)

3、in fawn ─── 小鹿

4、misdrawn ─── 误画

5、redrawn ─── 重画,刷新屏幕(redraw的过去分词)

6、drawn ─── adj.(通常指面容)憔悴的,苍白的;(人或脸部)扭歪的,拉长的;v.画,绘制;拖,拉;拔出;排出(液体);引出;以(平局)结束比赛(draw的过去分词)

7、undraw ─── vt.拉开,扯开

8、indraft ─── n.吸入;向内的气流

9、airdrawn ─── 空气牵引

indrawn 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、" indrawn woman does not have activity. ─── 内向妇女没有动静。

2、Her psychiatrist had pronounced her too tense and indrawn to endure a strange teacher(Louis Auchincloss) ─── 她的心理医生说由于她过于紧张和内向以致于不能适应新老师(路易斯·奥金克洛斯)

3、horror from the audience and then the anxious and everlasting titter . ─── 观众中传出了因恐怖而倒吸气的声音, 然后便是焦急的不停的窃笑。

4、The indrawn internationalization of Chinese enterprise has reached certain level, and extroversion internationalization, invest to still be in inferior level directly external especially. ─── 中国企业的内向国际化已经达到一定的程度,而外向国际化,尤其是对外直接投资还处于较低的水平。

5、Look, he cowardly, indrawn, it is the tragedy of a life really, although want a change,also be not changed. ─── 看来,懦弱、内向的他,确实是一场人生的悲剧,即使想要改变也改变不了。

6、Extroversion is optimistic hold concurrently with two kinds of indrawn careful disposition and have, be considered as what suit most to do poineering work disposition. ─── 外向开朗和内向缜密型两种性格兼而有之,被认为是最适合的创业性格。

7、an indrawn gasp; her announcement was greeted with several indrawn breaths from around the table. ─── 气喘;她的讲话让在座的人倒吸凉气。

8、The person's disposition is varied of course, each has his strong point, but look from the point of view that holds mental health, disposition shoulds not be too indrawn. ─── 人的性格当然多种多样,各有所长,但从保持心理健康的角度看,性格不宜过于内向。

9、His disposition is very indrawn, cowardly, without the lofty quality of a bit man, very sensitive much anxious, he feels to the environment all round is oppressing to his generation and browbeat. ─── 他的性格十分内向、懦弱,没有一点男子的气概,非常敏感多愁,他觉得四周的环境都在对他产生压迫和威胁。

10、This article begins with the adverse effect of FDI introduction, then analyzes and discusses the specific contents about regulations for China's indrawn FDI. ─── 本文以引资产生的负面效应为出发点,对中国引进FDI规制问题的具体内容进行了分析和探讨。

11、indrawn breath ─── 吸气

12、Xu Ning is indrawn, the friend is little, most after school time, squeezed an Internet bar. ─── 许宁内向,朋友少,大多数的课余时间,都挤给了网吧。

13、an aloof, indrawn man ─── 冷漠而内向的人

14、The robot cleaning system contains robot cleaner with an opening through which the first dust container collecting indrawn dust is transported into and out of the robot cleaner; ─── 所述机器人清洁系统包括机器人清洁器,所述机器人清洁器具有开口,收集被吸入的灰尘的第一集尘器通过所述开口被运送到机器人清洁器内和从机器人清洁器运送出;

15、Blue indicates the move is quiet, indrawn; ─── 蓝色标志着平静、内向;

16、breath of horror from the audience and then the anxious and titter. ─── 观众里传来因恐怖而倒吸气的声音,然后便是一直不停的不安的窃笑声。

17、Emphasize two aspects that indrawn internationalization and extroversion internationalization are same process at the same time, cannot cut apart to come. ─── 同时强调内向国际化和外向国际化是同一过程的两个方面,不能割裂开来。

18、His nature is very indrawn, cowardly, sensitive, often feel to the environment all round is oppressing to his generation and browbeat. ─── 他的性格十分内向、懦弱、敏感,老是觉得四周的环境都在对他产生压迫和威胁。

19、There was an indrawn breath of horror from the audience and then the anxious and everlasting titter . ─── 观众中传出了因恐怖而倒吸气的声音,然后便是焦急的不停的窃笑。

20、(2)The short and small peg-top shape of midgut were a result of indrawn fold vertically and horizontally on intestine wall. ─── (2)中肠缩短缩小是由肠壁产生横向、纵向内折引起。

21、He likes her more and more, but, he indrawn dare not have any activity however, just look attentively at her back silently every night. ─── 他越来越喜欢她,但是,内向的他却不敢有任何举动,只是每晚默默注视她的背影。

22、His eyes had an indrawn look, like that of a bird hatching her eggs. ─── 他的眼睛有一种吸入的目光,像母鸡在孵蛋。

23、An indrawn gasp. ─── 吸了一口气

24、Inside of the indrawn fold underwent degeneration while the outside were conglutinated. ─── 内折在肠腔内不断退化消亡而外围细胞重新粘合形成新的肠壁。

25、But I must admire my friend, I like to compare indrawn, clever, be good at understanding, not so exaggerated person. ─── 但我的朋友我得欣赏,我喜欢比较内向、聪明、善于理解、不那么夸张的人。”

26、Close the space is indrawn model, it emphasizes the segregation with the outside, have close sex of clear safe sense and illicit. ─── 封闭空间是内向型的,它强调与外界的隔离,具有明显的安全感和私密性。

27、"Her psychiatrist had pronounced her too tense and indrawn to endure a strange teacher" (Louis Auchincloss) ─── “她的心理医生说由于她过于紧张和内向以致于不能适应新老师”(路易斯·奥金克洛斯)

28、Corollaceous funnel shape, the canal is long, outside by filar wool, lobation 5, short needle, indrawn tweezers adds up to shape to arrange; ─── 花冠漏斗状,管长,外面被丝毛,裂片5,短尖,内向镊合状排列;

29、Other reason of disinfectant liquid indrawn problem about Bellco haemodialysis machine ─── 贝尔克血透机消毒液吸入故障的又一原因

30、Because each other are indrawn disposition, two people can get the foundation of human relation trains, education has resistance. ─── 因为彼此都是内向性格,两人都能得到人际关系的基础训练,培养起抵抗力。

31、Xu Ning is indrawn, the friend is little, most after school time " crowded " gave an Internet bar. ─── 许宁内向,朋友少,大多数的课余时间都“挤”给了网吧。

32、In recent years, adverse effect of excessive indrawn FDI has begun to emerge. ─── 近些年来,大量引资的负面效应开始显现。

33、In recent years, adverse effect of excessive indrawn FDI has begun to emerge. ─── 近些年来,大量引资的负面效应开始显现。

34、Demiurgic volition is to avoid to make too indrawn or be too the offspring of extroversion. ─── 造物的意志是避免制造过于内向或是过于外向的后代。

35、"I as a child disposition is more indrawn, no matter produce what job,say with parents, friend not quite. ─── “我从小性格就比较内向,不管发生什么事都不大和父母、朋友说。

36、All that betrayed his surprise was a sharply indrawn breath. ─── 他大大吸了一口气,无意中流露出他吃了一惊。

37、She used to be indrawn, but now she is very outgoing. Friends also change more. ─── 她以前是很内向的,但是现在特别外向,朋友们也变多了。

38、Where Colin was loud, Quentin was quiet, indrawn, unassuming. ─── 科林喧闹,昆廷则安静,内向,谦逊。

39、Therefore, it is a theoretical and practical problem eager to be resolved that the indrawn FDI should be regulated and the adopting efficiency should be improved. ─── 因此对中国引进的FDI进行规制,提高其利用效率就成为目前函待解决的一个理论和实践问题。

40、The patient is right now verbal sterility, dissocial and indrawn, social function is damaged badly, form a kind special " gawkish " condition. ─── 此时病人言语内容贫乏,孤僻内向,社会功能严重受损,形成一种特殊的“痴呆”状态。

41、To particularly great, great, bigger event, CNCERT should ensure bureau report in 2 hours of indrawn communication, report relevant communication management board in time. ─── 对于特别重大、重大、较大事 件,CNCERT应在2小时内向通信保障局报告,并及时通报相关通信管理局。

42、an indrawn gasp; her announcement was greeted with several indrawn breaths from around the table ─── 气喘;她的讲话让在座的人倒吸凉气

43、The experiment proves, disposition is relatively indrawn and weak child, appropriate uses the furniture with colour stronger contrast; ─── 试验证实,性格较为内向而软弱的孩子,宜用色彩对比较强的家具;

44、Martial art is to choose happiness male singers, through competition because they want to overcome his shy indrawn disposition. ─── 身手之所以列进选择康乐男声,是由于想经由过程比赛战胜本身含羞内向的脾性。

45、Slant blue tonal mark is quiet, indrawn: Baby blue behaves affable, dilate, create atmosphere; ─── 偏蓝色调标志平静、内向 : 淡蓝色表现友善、扩张 , 易于创造气 氛 ;

46、Demiurgic volition is to avoid to make too indrawn or be too the offspring of extroversion. ─── 造物的意志是避免制造过于内向或是过于外向的后代。

47、At times, her chest swelled in a long, indrawn sigh which, when released, seemed to afford her some slight relief and left her for a few seconds with a feeling of well- being. ─── 玛格丽特脸色惨白,半张着嘴,竭力想喘过气来,她不时深深地吸气,然后长嘘一声,似乎这样可以轻松一些,可以舒畅几秒钟。

48、One of, disposition does not want too indrawn. ─── 其一,性格不要过于内向。

49、Annals of blue color patch is quiet, indrawn. ─── 蓝色标志平静、内向。

50、9 see joke: Collywobbles of one indrawn woman is painful, neighbour people persuade her to see department of gynaecology. ─── 9看笑话: 一内向妇女肚子疼痛,邻居们劝她去看妇科。


qurk是没有这个词的你想问的是不是‘quirk’?Quirk的意思:n. 怪癖;急转;借口A quirk is something unusual or interesting that happens by chance. (偶然发生的) 怪事; 趣事例:By a tantalizing quirk of fate, the pair have been drawn to meet in the first round of the championship.由于命运的捉弄,这对选手被抽中在锦标赛的第一轮相遇。


drawn [dr??n],v. 画,绘图(draw的过去分词);adj. 拔出的例句:All the characters in the film are drawn from life. 这个电影中所有的人物都取之于生活。

We have drawn ahead of our competitors in that field. 在那方面,我们已经超过了我们的竞争对手。

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