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hospice 发音

英:['h?sp?s]  美:['hɑsp?s]

英:  美:

hospice 中文意思翻译



hospice 网络释义

n. 收容所;旅客招待所;救济院n. (Hospice)人名;(法)奥斯皮斯

hospice 短语词组

1、hospice philosophy of death ─── 临终关怀死亡哲学

2、hospice philosophy ─── 临终关怀哲学

3、the aged and hospice ─── 老年人与临终关怀

4、sincere hospice ─── 真诚的临终关怀

5、avow hospice ─── 承认临终关怀

6、deaconess hospice ─── 女执事临终关怀

7、hospice care n. ─── 临终关怀; [医]休养所,疗养所 ─── 临终关怀;安宁疗护

8、hogs for hospice ─── 收容所的猪

9、hospice movement ─── 安宁疗护运动

10、chaplaincy hospice house kennewick wa ─── 华盛顿州肯尼威克牧师收容所

hospice 词性/词形变化,hospice变形


hospice 相似词语短语

1、to spice ─── 调味品

2、hostie ─── n.空姐(等于airhostess)

3、spice ─── n.香料;情趣;调味品;少许;vt.加香料于…;使…增添趣味;n.(Spice)人名;(英)斯派斯

4、coppice ─── n.矮林;小灌木林

5、auspice ─── n.赞助,主办;吉兆

6、bespice ─── vt.用香料调味;加香料于

7、hostile ─── adj.敌对的,敌方的;怀敌意的;n.敌对

8、hospices ─── n.济贫院(hospice的复数)

9、hosepipe ─── n.软管;水龙软管;vt.用水管浇洗

hospice 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Doctors, nurses, support groups and hospice are good sources of dementia information. ─── 医生、士、持的组织和疗养院都是很好的信息渠道。

2、Finally the patient could positively face the last course of his life.We combined the hospice care and assisted the patient and family to understand the meaning of hospice care. ─── 互动过程中以倾听、微笑、陪伴、关怀的护理美学与专业态度照顾个案及家属,而以正向态度面对生命最后一程;

3、With the money they saved for years, the disabled couple initiated the first hospice for cancer victims in the local area ─── 以过多年积蓄之后,这对残疾夫妇牵头开办了当地第一家临关怀医院,为癌症患者提供了一个理想归宿

4、Wooten found himself making excuses to return to the boy, who was living in an AIDS hospice in South Africa. ─── 伍德发现自己总是寻找借口回到那个在南非一家艾滋病收容所的男孩子的身边。

5、Hospice care of 138 nonagenarians in shanghai ─── 138名长寿老人临终关怀调查

6、Volunteering to help the homeless or hospice patients can show you that things aren't quite as challenging as you originally thought. ─── 自愿去帮助那些无家可归的人或临终患者能让你知道,事情并不像你原本以为具有挑战性。

7、A man ravaged by AIDS is bathed at a hospice in Zambia. ─── 一个感染艾滋病病毒的男子在赞比亚一处医务所沐浴清洗。

8、Brain Death and Hospice Care ─── 大脑死亡与临终关怀

9、Hospice care is a basic component of the social care system. ─── 临终关怀是社会卫生保健体系的基本组成部分。

10、Antonio was in her office the day in August 2003, just a year after his mother had told him the news, when a hospice nurse called. ─── 2003年8月安东尼奥坐在这位律师的办公室中,恰好是他母亲告诉自己那件事之后整一年时间。

11、The government resources has been of great help in the development of hospice palliative care, and more service needs are identified. ─── 安宁疗护住院及居家的评鉴工作由台湾安宁缓和医学学会开始运行,同时,2001年第一批的安宁缓和医疗专科医师诞生了。

12、As hospice and palliative care courses can increase medical students' knowledge that be used to care for dying patients and improve viewpoints of humanism, so it should be a required course of medical students. ─── 在此基础上,提出了宁养医学课程有助于在医学生中普及照顾不可治愈病人的原则和知识,培养人文关怀的理念,因此建议将其列为必修课。

13、Along with the other12 scholars in her host district, she participated in a drive to raise funds for the Children's Hospice Association of Scotland, the district governor's chosen charity for the year. ─── 她夥同地主地区其他12名奖学金学生,参与了一项慈善劝募活动,为苏格兰儿童救济院联合会募款,这是该地区选为今年重点服务的慈善机构。

14、Background: Approximately thirty thousand cancer deaths occur annually in Taiwan, and only 20% of terminal patients receive hospice palliative care. ─── 台湾每年将近三万人死于癌症,但只有约20%的末期病人接受到安宁缓和医疗服务。

15、But the hospice caregivers celebrated, and he became their superstar. ─── 十年前,他公开坦承,自己为忧郁症所苦,企图自杀。

16、The hospice movement started in 1983, and the first hospice was set up in 1990. ─── 三个基金会、一个协会和一个医学会已经添加推广安宁运动。

17、hospice care ─── 休养所, 疗养所

18、Influence of hospice care on quality of life of family members of cancer patients ─── 临终关怀对癌症病人家属生活质量的影响

19、Hence, it gradually includes anthropology, sociology, psychology, ethics and other social sciences in the hospice care service group at leading of the medical science. ─── 在以医学为主角的临终关怀服务团队中,渐渐渗透了包括人类学、社会学、心理学、伦理学等社会科学视角。

20、My mother brought me to the hospice two days after my request. ─── 在我请求两天之后妈妈带我去了收容所。

21、When my dad moved to hospice, I took off an entire month just to be with him before he died. ─── 我父亲住院的时候,我休假一整个月去陪他,直到父亲病逝。

22、The Reasons and Countermeasures of the Gray Mental Status of Hospice Care Nurse ─── 安宁护士的灰色心理状态原因及对策

23、Investigation of the knowledge, attitude and requirement related to hospice care among Guangzhou residents ─── 广州市民对临终关怀服务的认知、态度和需求的调查

24、Benefit is payable only in relation to care received by a recognized hospice ─── 只有被公认的收容计划接受的护理才能享受此福利

25、Keywords Hospice care;Qualitative research;Experience; ─── 安宁照护;质性研究;体验;

26、Two terminal cancer patients with mechanical ventilation were transferred to our hospice ward after June 2002, both patients' consciousness were in a drowsy state.Their family also asked for DMV. ─── 同年6月之后,亦有两位癌末病人转入安宁病房,但是他们已陷入昏迷状态。

27、ANITA DANIELS-GALLETTI: So many Stage 4 cancers, people that have been in hospice that have rebounded and are now in remission. ─── 加利地:如此多的第四期癌症病人,有些甚至己到了善终服务,都治好了,癌症受控制了。

28、hospice unit ─── 安宁病房

29、Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care Ltd. ─── 善终服务会有限公司

30、Medical students with previous hospital volunteer experience did not indicate greater willingness to serve as a hospice volunteer. ─── 曾担任过医院志工的医学生较不愿意参与安宁疗护志工工作;

31、Engrave in Egyptian pyramid profound last home way a solemn dignity of voodoo:Who bothered the pharaoh's hospice, the wing of Azrael would condescend to come on his head. ─── 在埃及金字塔幽深的墓道里,刻着一名庄重威严的咒语:谁打扰了法老的安宁,死神的翅膀就将降临在他头上。

32、The status of the hospice movement in Taiwan is positive and promising. ─── 安宁照顾已扩允涵盖到非癌症的末期病人。

33、As to those patients having the diseases that can't be cured, physicians shouldn't treat the diseases loathly, but do total patient care from the aspects of peaceful and soft remedy and hospice care. ─── 对于有些患者临终且不能医好的病,就不要再勉强地去治疗,该由安宁缓和医疗和临终关怀的层面去做全人医疗。

34、Hospice; a transitional alternafive for euthanasia ─── 临终关怀安乐死的过渡性选择

35、In the core idea,humanitarian nursing, a brand-new idea of nursing corresponds to hospice care ,the career of medical service accommodating with the social need. ─── 人文护理作为一种全新的护理理念与临终关怀这一适应社会需要的卫生服务事业在核心理念上达到了一种契合。

36、Outside the hospice in Pinellas Park where Mrs Schiavo, 41, is living out her 15th year in a persistent vegetative state, protesters stood with red tapes across their mouths proclaiming "Life". ─── 2005年2月25日,佛州最高法院做出判决,同意于3月18日拔去维持泰里生命的进食管,让她安乐死亡。

37、what's a hospice murse from manhattan doing at a high school home coming in Texas? ─── 一名临终护士到德克萨斯的一所高中的返校节上来干什么?

38、The hospice provides care for the terminally ill. ─── 救济院为身患绝症的人们提供护理。

39、On March 18, Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube was removed by a court order.Since then, she has received no food or water and remains in a hospice in Florida . ─── 三月十八日,泰瑞的喂食管依照法院的命令拔除,从那时起,不再提供食物和饮水给她,并继续待在佛州的一处安养院。

40、hospice service ─── 善终服务

41、I called the local hospice after consulting with Dr. Isaacoff ─── 向艾萨科夫咨询后,我打电话给当地临终医院。

42、Big pack saw take in my hand of leave the slip of school procedure, a pair say of ill-wisher appearance:"You this guy be finally leaving a school, school finally hospice!" ─── 大包看见了我手里拿着的离校手续的单子,一副幸灾乐祸的样子的说:“你这家伙终于要离开学校了,学校终于安宁了!”

43、Yet for all its successes, the hospice movement faces challenges that will far outstrip the resources now dedicated to palliative care, even in the richest countries. ─── 但临终关怀运动仍面临挑战,使得目前用于缓痛护理上的资源投入大量流失,即便是在发达国家,此种情况也有发生。

44、Current Status and Prospect of the Hospice Care in China ─── 中国临终关怀工作的开展及其前景展望

45、hospice aims to ease the sufferings of the dying. ─── 临终关怀医院旨在减轻临终者的痛苦。

46、A Discuss on trend of Hospice care's in Market Economics in China ─── 市场经济体制下我国临终关怀事业的发展趋势探讨

47、Keywords hospice care;the advanced cancer patients;ethic; ─── 临终关怀;晚期肿瘤患者;伦理;

48、Their efforts to establish a hospice in conjunction with the Indian Cancer Society inspired her, in turn, to initiate a project to provide better housing mate- rials to squatters living near the Bangalore train station. ─── 她特别推崇他们与印度癌症学会合作设立救济院的计划,因此她也发起一个提供建材给住在班嘉洛车站附近的违建户的计划。

49、Hospice Care: Let Each Dying Patient Come to a Close with Dignity ─── 临终关怀:让每个临终病人尊严地走完一生

50、Set up a hospice ─── 创办临终关怀医院

51、Research progress on hospice care for pediatric patients ─── 儿童患者临终关怀的研究进展

52、Therefore, it is need to conduct an integrated hospice team to consult for patients and their family, and to avoid the loss of medical resources. ─── 因此,需要团队合作模式的安宁疗护的积极介入,提供病患家属诚恳适切的建议谘询并避免医疗资源的浪费。

53、Hospice and University are also oddball in this sense, but the effect that they produce, and the cost of the building, are just not enough to make them serious game disturbances. ─── 从这点看收容所和大学也是古怪建筑,但是其产生的作用和建造成本不足以导致严重的游戏变化。

54、The goals of total care in hospice palliative care include relief of pain and suffering. ─── 安宁缓和疗护的全人照顾目标,包括病人疼痛与其他痛苦的缓解。

55、hospice care plan ─── 临终关怀计划

56、home care hospice service ─── 家居宁养服务

57、Keywords palliative care;hospice care;hospice care plan;China;United States;policy;comparative study; ─── 姑息护理;临终关怀;临终关怀计划;中国;美国;政策;比较研究;

58、Cecily Saunders spoke of the hospice as “a place of healing”. ─── Cecily Saunders是四十年代英国第一家临终关怀医院的创始人。

59、Among these settings, various care patterns were adopted and categorized into 4 groups: hospice inpatients, hospice team consultation, home hospice care services, and a conventional acute care group. ─── 各医学中心之照护型态可分类为四组:安宁病房、安宁小组会诊、安宁居家及常规式一般照护等。

60、Keywords hospice care;advanced cancer;palliative treatment and care;review literature; ─── 临终关怀医疗;晚期癌症;舒缓疗护;综述文献;

61、About a week or so before she died, she lost the abilities for her body to function at all, and the doctors decided to move her to a hospice. ─── 她去世前一个星期,身体就完全不能自理了,医生们决定把她送到临终安养院。

62、On the Education of Death from Hospice Care Aspect ─── 从临终关怀看死亡教育

63、Keywords hospice care;strategy;developing trend; ─── 临终关怀;策略;发展趋势;

64、hospic care ─── 临终护理

65、Despite very good hospice palliative care, some terminally ill patients still continue to experience intolerable, unrelieved pain and suffering from refractory symptoms. ─── 尽管有很好的安宁缓和疗护,有一些末期病人仍会经历难以忍受无法缓解的疼痛与其他难治疗的症状。

66、In the maturity of Taiwan's hospice, the model of taking care of cancer terminal patients has triumphantly accomplished the idea of good death. ─── 台湾的安宁疗护发展已臻成熟之际,这套癌症末期病人的照顾模式已经成功的实践医界对于善终的理想。

67、The hospice aims to ease the sufferings of the dying. ─── 临终关怀医院旨在减轻临终者的痛苦。

68、Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care ─── 善终服务会

69、Good death is the main goal of hospice palliative care.It is correlated with sufficient preparation for death.However, depression and suicide always distract patients from death preparation. ─── 帮助癌末病人善终是安宁缓和医疗的主要目标,能否有充份的死亡准备则与病人的善终息息相关。

70、On Medical Students for Humanism and Hospice and Palliative Care Course ─── 宁养医学课程与医学生人文关怀

71、Those from families with terminally ill relative experience did not show a greater willingness to become hospice care physicians. ─── 家人有癌症病患的医学生将来有愿意从事安宁疗护工作者较少。

72、The outcomes of treatment in the literature review suggest that cingulotomy may be effective and safe for intractable cancer pain control especially in the setting of hospice palliative care. ─── 多数文献中都指出扣带回烧灼术对于癌症疼痛控制是有效而且安全。

73、The premise of hospice care is very close to the bone for me. ─── 家庭关怀的前提是为我揭露真相。

74、As a new science to provide supportive and appeasement medical care for dying patients and their family members,hospice care has been developed in the world. ─── 临终关怀作为一门对临终病人和家属提供姑息性和支持性医护措施的新兴学科在国内外不断发展。

75、Hospice Care on Decreasing the Psychology Stress and Negative Emotion of the Relatives of the Aged Mortal Patients ─── 临终关怀降低老年临终患者家属心理应激及负性情绪的效果

76、It is difficult to explore their stress and give support each other.So design the peer supportive group for nurses in hospice to promote relieving stress. ─── 为了让这群护理人员有一个发洩自我身心压力及寻求彼此支持的出口,因而设计与规划出一个适合她们的纾压团体方案。

77、Two days later I walked down the hospice ward at noon. ─── 两天后的中午时分,我顺着收容所病房过道向前走着。

78、Close attention is also given to hospice programs, terminal care, and ethical dilemmas in palliative and end-of-life care. ─── 密切的注意也被对招待所计画,末端小心和用减轻剂和临终的小心的伦理两难给。

79、Berle was diagnosed with colon cancer last year and had been under hospice care for the past few weeks. ─── 去年伯利被诊断患有结肠癌,在过去的几周里他一直受到临终关怀护理。

80、Last February, the famed satirist Art Buchwald was diagnosed with terminal kidney failure, given three weeks to live, and transferred to a hospice for a quiet goodbye. ─── 去年二月,名讽刺作家包可华被医师诊断出末期肾衰竭,只剩三星期可活,他转到安宁病房,准备悄悄告别人世。

81、"I have him hidden away in what used to be the Hospice of the Sacred Heart, on Dreyfus Hill." ─── “我把他藏在德利福斯山上的圣心救济院里了。”

82、The hospice care ─── 临终关怀

83、If it's all to retire into a hospice or a wheelchair, what's the point? ─── 如果从退休到养老院或坐轮椅就是一切,这又有什么意义?

84、The Saint Bernard was used as an avalanche and rescue dog in the snowy passes near the Hospice. ─── 人们在雪崩时用它们来当救护狗,可以在旅客住宿处的雪地上看见它们。

85、Summarizing the concept and developing prospect of hospice care, specially the developing status in China, analyzing and predicting the prospecting of hospice care. ─── 对临终关怀的概念、兴起,特别是在中国的发展情况做一综述,并对以后的发展前景给予科学的分析和预测。

86、A Survey on the attitudes of medical students to death and hospice care ─── 医护本科学生对待死亡及临终关怀态度的调查

87、Christianity and the Concepts and Practices of the Modern Hospice ─── 基督教与现代临终关怀的理念与实践

88、For the 2 years before that, I'd been volunteering one day a week in a 28 bed hospice ward as part of my spiritual practice. ─── 二年前,我想是志愿一天一个星期在28床安宁病房的一部分,我的精神的做法。

89、Buddhist Lotus Hospice Care Foundation ─── 佛教莲花临终关怀基金会

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