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09-14 投稿



intermingle 发音

英:[??nt?r?m??ɡ(?)l]  美:[??nt??m??ɡ(?)l]

英:  美:

intermingle 中文意思翻译




intermingle 网络释义

vt. 使混合;使搀和vi. 混合;掺杂

intermingle 词性/词形变化,intermingle变形


intermingle 短语词组

1、intermingle with ─── 混合

intermingle 常用词组

intermingle with ─── 混合

intermingle 相似词语短语

1、intertangles ─── v.缠住;(使)陷入困境;(使)缠结在一起

2、intertangle ─── v.缠住;(使)陷入困境;(使)缠结在一起

3、intermingles ─── vt.使混合;使搀和;vi.混合;掺杂

4、intermingled ─── adj.混合的;v.混合;掺杂(intermingle的过去式和过去分词)

5、to intermingle ─── 混合

6、intertangled ─── v.使……纠缠(intertangle的过去式和过去分词)

7、intermingling ─── n.混合物

8、interminable ─── adj.冗长的;无止尽的

9、interminably ─── adv.无限地;漫无止境地

intermingle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Bouquet: Attractive, lifted varietal aromas of black cherry, cassis, mint and faint eucalypt all intermingle to give complexity. ─── 口感:口感丰满,酒香强劲,带有浓厚的成熟洋李和樱桃香味。

2、The investigation on the phenomena of intermingle Chinese herbs ─── 中药材互掺与代用现象调查

3、China and the United States are both countries of vast territory where many ethnic groups co-exist and different cultures intermingle. ─── 中美都拥有辽阔的国土,都是多个民族并存、多种文化融合的国家,都生活着勤劳智慧的人民。

4、Salt and sugar intermingle with each other. ─── 糖和盐相互混合在一起。

5、Tumor cells at the margin may intermingle with cells of the surrounding gastric wall. ─── 边缘的肿瘤细胞与周围的胃壁细胞互相混合。

6、intermingle with ─── v. 混合

7、Oil and water will not intermingle. ─── 油和水不相融。

8、Grand architecture, historic homesteads and immaculate parks intermingle with the technology and style of modern life. ─── 恢宏的建筑、古老的宅院、整洁的公园融会了现代技术和风尚。

9、to intermingle salt with sugar ─── 将盐与糖掺和在一起

10、Intermingle and Interaction of Language, Media and Communication ─── 浅论语言、媒介、传播的共融与互动

11、The Celts believed all laws of space and time were suspended during this time, allowing the spirit world to intermingle with the living. ─── 凯尔特人相信,空间和时间会在这一时刻暂时停止,因而为这些魂灵创造了与活人接触的机会。

12、They intermingle with the crowd in the hope that their pursuer will lose sight of them. ─── 他们混在人群中,想让追捕他们的人再也找不著。

13、Intermingle with more aged characters (chocolate and cigar-box).The beautiful aged characters are achieved by a combination of wooded and unwooded. ─── 经过橡木处理和未经过橡木处理的设拉子的结合使用使之带有巧克力和雪茄盒的美味,也增添了更多的年龄特征。

14、Extraction , the square, intermingle when inscribing closely to mathematics, inequality waits for a sign to import if drawing? ─── 您的位置:我的知道>教育/科学>科学技术>数学>贴数学题时,开方,平方,交集,不等式等符号如和输入?

15、Do not intermingle with these nations that are left among you. Do not call upon their gods or swear by their name. Do not serve them or bow before them, ─── 不可与你们中间所馀的异族往来,不可提起他们的神名,不可指著他们起誓,不可事奉那些神,也不可在他们面前跪拜。

16、The development of secondary lymphoid organs begins when T and B cells intermingle and then separate into distinct T and B cells areas, followed by the induction of GC in T cell areas. ─── 当T和B淋巴细胞掺和在一起,随后又分成T和B淋巴细胞区时,次级淋巴器官开始发育,随后受到T淋巴细胞区GC的诱导。

17、Ripe and intense fruit flavors characterize this lovely 2003 Medoc wine.The mouth-feel is rounding, rich and full.Subtle plum flavors intermingle with hints of spice and cedar-true Medoc character! ─── 带成熟果香,彰显出03年梅铎区出产之特质,口感圆滑丰满,略带洋梨气味,蕴藏一丝丝香料及雪松气味,为梅铎区之特质!

18、Oil intermingle in system ─── 系统串油

19、Fibers of the Salpingopharyngeus intermingle with those of the superior contrictors, providng assistance in elevation of the pharyngeal wall. ─── 耳咽管肌的纤维与咽上缩肌相混后提供咽管壁一个辅助。

20、Intermingle CaO in electronic emission materials can reduce the evaporation of BaO and increase the emitting electric current. ─── 电子发射材料的组份和质量关系到钨阴极的寿命和支取的电流密度。

21、China and the United States are both countries of vast territory where many ethnic groups coexist and different cultures intermingle. ─── 耶鲁大学校训强调追求光明和真理,这符合人类进步的法则,也符合每个有志青年的心愿。

22、A recently completed international workplace survey highlights that many people intermingle their private and work lives. ─── 内容介绍: Sixty per cent of people at work admit to one or more intimate relationship.

23、It is perfectly appropriate to intermingle sequences of events and outcomes, as long as you get into the habit of thinking in these terms. ─── 只要你习惯用于这种思考方式,它非常适合事件和结果组成的混合序列。

24、intermingle with each other ─── 互相来往

25、Translation: When the weather is just right, the two aromas intermingle and it's like a huge, invisible peanut butter cup descending from the heavens. ─── 在适宜的天气里,两种香气混合,它就象从天堂落下的花生油瓶,会产生巨大,无形的香味

26、A bouquet of lovey ripe fruit, on the palate rich raspberries and stewed rhubard,intermingle with more aged characters(chocolate and cigar-box). ─── 散发出迷人的成熟水果的芳香,口感有浓郁的覆盆子和大黄的味道并混合着陈酿的个性(巧克力和雪茄木盒)。

27、blend the nuts and raising together; he blends in with the crowd; We don't intermingle much. ─── 他和人群混合在一起。我们不能混得太多

28、Because it has two behaviors, you tend to intermingle the code, making it harder to understand and maintain. ─── 因为其有两个行为,所以您可能会弄混代码,使其更难理解和维护。

29、Transitioning into a professional college is difficult in its own right, but to do so with no other pharmacy classes to intermingle with makes for a potentially isolating experience. ─── 转换成专业学院,是很难在自己的权利,但这样做没有任何其他药剂班,以与互让,为一个潜在的,孤立的经验。

30、to encourage students with different interests to intermingle ─── 鼓励具有不同兴趣的学生互相交往

31、For example, there are street performance, forum and petition.These turn the Sai Yueng Choi Street to an intermingle area in Hong Kong. ─── 而近年间,人的活动在西洋菜南街更见多元化,例如卖艺、论坛、请愿等,令西洋菜街成为了香港其中一条混杂的街道。

32、Through DSC and TGA analyses, the rare earth complexes show high decompound temperatures, which indicates a good thermal stability and benefit to intermingle with polymer. ─── 由DSC和TGA测试得,这些稀土有机配合物具有良好的热稳定性,有利于其在有机材料中的掺杂。

33、Soaring house prices intermingle with homelessness. ─── 飞涨的房价与无家可归并存。

34、The Celts believed all laws of space and time were suspended during this time, allowing the spirit world to intermingle with the living. ─── 相信的塞尔特人所有的空间法律和时间是中止的在这次期间,允许那精神世界混入那生活。

35、When water speeds, air will intermingle water, and then the water-air twophase flow is being. ─── (3)当水流速度较高时,空气将掺入水体,形成水气两相流。

36、Keywords titanium oxide phthalocyanine;photoconductivity;intermingle;sensitization; ─── 酞菁氧钛;光电导性;掺杂;增感作用;

37、the intermingle of the things and people ─── 物人混同

38、Scandium is a kind of sparsity and spread around element.In the nature, it mostly exists in other minerals in the form of intermingle. ─── 钪是一种稀散型元素,在自然界大多以掺杂的形式存在于其它矿物中。

39、intermingle one thing with another ─── 把一物和另一物混和起来

40、When the wooden board windows are opened, liberating level increases and light and wind further intermingle with surrounding environment. ─── 木制板窗的开启令室内空间更为开放,自然光和自然风的引入也进一步增强了室内空间与周围环境的对话。

41、I'll intermingle every thing he does With Cassio's suit: therefore be merry, Cassio; ─── 无论他干什麽事,我都要插进嘴去替凯西奥说情。

42、This allows the two cultures to intermingle without losing their separate identities. ─── 这让两种文化交织起来却不失去其各自特性。

43、The neighbors do not intermingle with each other. ─── 左邻右舍不互相来往。

44、Grand architecture, historic homesteads and immaculate parks intermingle with the technology and style of modern life. ─── 恢宏的建筑、古老的宅院、整洁的公园融会了现代技术和风尚。

45、The less the spots intermingle the better. ─── 斑点没有混合比较好。

46、Surveying the present situation of audiovisual translation of our country, we may find that excellent translation and inferior translation intermingle due to the confusion of audiovisual management. ─── 纵观目前中国市场上的外国影视翻译,由于管理不善造成影视翻译水平良莠不齐。

47、Unfortunately, HTML's forms are created from elements that intermingle presentation and content. ─── 不幸的是,HTML表单是由混合了表示和内容的元素创建的。

48、Old and new refuse to intermingle anywhere.Should the building ever be assigned a different function, the box could be extracted again without mayhem. ─── 如果建筑物被规划为其他用途,那么这个房屋可以在不损坏的基础上重新装修。

49、Al-F intermingle ─── Al-F共掺

50、To develop and intermingle these two great cultures and expand art eduction and creation;people should interpret and realize the cultural difference. ─── 解读和认识这种文化差异的目的,是为了促进这两种伟大文化的交融与发展,拓展艺术教育与艺术创作更为广阔的空间。

51、Planar Program Calculation About Rainfall Intermingle Influence on Instantaneous Moisture Veriety of Non-saturated Soil in Foudation ─── 降雨入渗对基坑非饱和土瞬态含水率影响的数值计算

52、Lime, melon and Anjou pears intermingle with sweet and tropican fruits such as fig and kiwi to create this delightfully refreshing wine. ─── 青柠,蜜瓜,梨子的芬芳,与无花果,奇异果等热带水果的芳香混合交融而成此款怡人提神的葡萄酒。

53、A GA Method for Estimating the Solve Projects of Oil Intermingle on RHPS ─── 基于遗传算法的飞机液压系统串油问题优化解决方案

54、The method of philosophy teaching is the dialogue between ideas, the internal logic of which requires both sides to share topics, to intermingle views, and to understand each other. ─── 哲学教学的方法是思想与思想对话,其内在逻辑是“对话”的双方一定要有共同的“话题”,它是一种“视界交融”,需要相互之间的“理解”。

55、These characters will resonate with every golfer as frustration and fun intermingle. ─── 这些字符将作为每一个共鸣交融球员沮丧和乐趣。

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