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09-14 投稿



implosion 发音

英:[?m?plo??n]  美:[?m?pl???n]

英:  美:

implosion 中文意思翻译



implosion 短语词组

1、heavy ion beam implosion ─── [化] 重离子束内爆

2、implosion switch ─── 内爆开关

3、implosion therapy ─── [网络] 内爆疗法;内爆治疗法;治疗

implosion 词性/词形变化,implosion变形

动词现在分词: imploring |动词第三人称单数: implores |动词过去式: implored |名词: implora-tion |动词过去分词: implored |副词: imploringly |

implosion 相似词语短语

1、implexion ─── 暗示

2、impulsion ─── n.冲动;冲击;原动力

3、explosion ─── n.爆炸;爆发;激增;n.(Explosion)《引爆者》(一部中国动作、犯罪电影)。

4、implosions ─── n.向内破裂;内破裂音

5、implosive ─── adj.闭塞音的;n.内爆发音

6、plosion ─── n.爆破音;爆破

7、displosion ─── 位移

8、impassion ─── v.激起……的热情

9、impletion ─── n.充满,充实物

implosion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Instead, he ran through simulations on the mortgage implosion and insisted that the Fed could contain the fallout. ─── 他通过模型分析了次债泡沫的破裂并坚称联储有能力应付房价下跌的负面影响。


3、They are creating this by going into key zones to infiltrate and bring about a simultaneous implosion. ─── 他们通过进入关键区域去渗透正创造这个和引起周围同时发生爆聚。

4、plasma implosion ─── 等离子体聚爆

5、"There may not be a big implosion, but down the road there will be a bunch of blood and tears, " he said. ─── “可能不存在什么大的内爆,但一路上将要面临许多汗水与艰辛。”他说。

6、The mass difference is the main reason for the different implosion behavior of the two wire arrays. ─── 线质量的差异是导致两者内爆行为差异的主要因素。

7、shock wave implosion ─── 冲花内爆

8、implosion test ─── 刚性试验

9、So soon after the chaotic implosion of the 32-year Suharto dictatorship in 1998, Indonesia seems politically stable and economically resilient, likely to show GDP growth of up to 4% this year. ─── 维持了32年的苏哈诺独裁统治在1998年覆灭后,印尼在政治上稳定,经济上也有恢复活力。有数据显示今年的GDP增长率很有可能达到4%。

10、In this model, the resulting implosion and ensuing explosion would blow off the outer envelope of the star and leave behind the core as a neutron star ─── 按此模型,引起的突然压缩和随后的爆发会把恒量的外部包层吹跑,留下的核成为一颗中子星。

11、With so much invested in the U,S., China has no more tolerate a severe U.S. implosion than American can. ─── 中国在美国有巨额的投资,在这种情况下,中国并不比美国更能容忍美国的严重崩塌。

12、Explosion-proof Board:Punched with high quality non-alloy steel for implosion control of CRT. ─── 材料使用优质非合金钢冲压成型,主要用于CRT防爆方向的控制。

13、Successful implosion of all quarks adds 1000 points to the final score. ─── 成功爆所有夸克得1000点。

14、But the roots of AIG's implosion can be traced back to its unique history and idiosyncratic structure. ─── 但美国国际集团从内部跨塌的根源可以追溯到其独一无二的历史和不同寻常的特殊结构上。

15、And, we say, watch out for that process more than you might be watching out for the long-awaited implosion of the sector due to the nature of its activities. ─── 而且,我们说,提防这一进程超过你可能会留意期待已久的内爆的部门,由于其活动的性质。

16、Prednisone combining cyclophosphamide implosion therapy for IgA nephropathy associated with crescentic change ─── 强的松联合环磷酰胺冲击治疗伴有新月体形成的IgA肾病

17、In Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan, thousands of people have taken to the streets to protest against the implosion of a series of retail securities which resulted from the bankruptcy. ─── 在香港,新加坡与台湾,数千市民冲到街上抗议他们买的很多零售证券形同废纸,这都是因为雷曼倒闭。

18、The argument is the amount of implosion effect you desire. ─── 所用的参数是您所期望的内爆效果量。

19、implosion wave ─── 内爆波

20、Picture tube implosion protection tester ─── 显像管防暴试验室

21、With the aid of instant nonlinear finite element method, a numerical simulation to dynamic buckling of the implosion liner driven by magnetic pressure has been carried out. ─── 摘要采用瞬态非线性有限元方法对电磁内爆套筒屈曲进行了数值模拟研究。

22、Abstract: It is an effective way to obtain high convergent compression of fuel with a shaped pulse driven implosion. ─── 摘要: 利用整形脉冲驱动内爆是实现燃料高收缩比压缩的有效方法。

23、Design and tests of a device for the generation of controlled condensation implosion ─── 冷凝内破裂事故发生控制装置的设计及试验

24、Implosion plasma ─── 内爆等离子体

25、A swift implosion would be a major blow and he is expected to put huge pressure on both sides to stay at the table. ─── 这次和谈如果顷刻瓦解,这对奥巴马将是一个很大的打击,因此他必然会向谈判两方同时施压,强迫双方留在谈判桌上继续谈判。

26、Momentarily possibly initiates the implosion Ataisite means that are too many. ─── 一个随时可能引发内爆的阿泰斯特意味着太多。

27、On the implosion of Burma's economy that has transformed it into one of the 49 least developed countries in the world, she has not much to say. ─── 缅甸经济的内爆把这个国家变成了世界上49个最落后的国家之一,她对此并没有太多言论。

28、The neutron streak image tube also can be used to determine the temperature of the plasma of the implosion of DT-filled targets by measuring the Doppler broadening. ─── 当靶到阴极距离为几十厘米时,也可用于测量爆推靶内爆中子能谱多普勒展宽,从而确定等离子体离子温度。

29、America's reluctance to grant licences to foreign banks stemmed from the implosion of Bank of Credit and Commerce International in 1991. ─── 由于信贷银行与国际商业1991年的内爆,美国不愿向外来银行发放经营许可。

30、Implosion pellet; ─── 内爆靶丸;

31、The new century began with the implosion of Enron and other prominent firms. ─── 先是安然等几大公司的破产给这个世纪开了个头。

32、They may be the first line of defence against trouble but they disappeared all too quickly during this crisis, wiped out by writedowns and by the implosion of business models. ─── 本来盈利应该是金融风暴的第一道防线,但是却因为资产减记和商业模式内爆,而太快地销蚀殆尽。

33、And Prof Merton's evangelical zeal for the product might seem particularly controversial after the media blamed derivatives in part for the implosion at LTCM. ─── 特别是在媒体认为,某种程度上正是衍生品造成了长期资本管理公司的内部崩溃之后,默顿教授宣扬这种产品的热情似乎会引发争议。

34、At this point, the implosion somehow reverses and becomes a powerful outflow. ─── 在这个时候,向内的爆发力量会突然反转,猛烈地向外疾冲。

35、implosion drilling ─── 内爆凿岩

36、Numerical simulation of hydrodynamic instability in direct-drive cylindrical implosion ─── 直接驱动柱内爆流体力学不稳定性数值模拟

37、The sub-keV X-ray spectrum from source region and implosion region were measured by two sub-keV X-ray energy spectrometers respectively through laser incidence hole and diagnostic hole. ─── 在激光入射口及内爆腔诊断口用两台亚千电子伏特X射线能谱仪监测源区与内爆区发射的X光谱。

38、Abstract: The investigation on the solid liner implosion driven by the high energy density physical facility FP-1 is reviewed in this paper. ─── 摘 要: 综述了由高能密度物理装置FP-1驱动的固体套筒内爆研究情况。

39、We were in a dogfight in the middle of a financial implosion and the most competitive person I knew urged me to go to Hawaii. ─── 金融市场动荡不安,我们疲于奔命,而工作最狂热的一个人居然催我去夏威夷。

40、of America's most storied investment Banks. ─── 美国最负盛名的几家投资银行破产。

41、The above principle can be used in the research of multi-step pulse driven implosion. ─── 同样的原理可推广到多台阶整形脉冲驱动内爆压缩研究中。

42、implosion weapon ─── 核爆武器

43、Keywords the damage function model;spallation;slipping detonation;implosion loading;numerical simulation; ─── 损伤度函数模型;层裂;滑移爆轰;内爆加载;数值模拟;

44、Implosion pellet ─── 内爆靶丸

45、The masses of the outer and inner arrays could be determined by the implosion time of the nested-wire array, which is roughly the same as that of the single-layered wire array. ─── 双层丝阵内、外层质量的选取应以优化的单层丝阵内爆到心时间为标准;

46、Optimization design of a wire array load for Z-pinch plasma implosion experiments ─── Z箍缩等离子体内爆实验金属丝阵负载优化设计分析

47、Otherwise the general election could prove to be the second coronation in a row, after Hillary's implosion that has ended with a surprise. ─── 希拉里已经在一片惊讶声中猝然宣布退选,倘若奥巴马再不采取措施,这场大选只好沦为第二场加冕典礼了。

48、THE recent implosion of the conservative movement is one of the great puzzles of American political history. ─── 近期保守主义运动的内部暴乱可谓是美国政治历史上的一大难题。

49、I press him gently on the reasons for the implosion of his premiership, starting with his attempt to impose a "mining supertax" . ─── 我先从他试图征收“资源附加税”说起,委婉地追问他突然辞职的原因。

50、But the movement's implosion is nevertheless astonishing. ─── 然而,这场运动的内爆令人震惊。

51、Implosion compression ─── 内爆压缩

52、Exploring the long-term therapeutic efficacy of high-dose steroid implosion therapy in juvenile myasthenia gravis ─── 激素大剂量短程疗法治疗重症肌无力远期疗效

53、But the implosion in the banking and insurance sectors is just overwhelming. ─── 但是在银行和保险业里内爆是只是把人压垮的.

54、Fast Z-pinch implosion ─── 快Z箍缩内爆

55、Luxury hotels that depend largely on foreign guests are already suffering after a miserable summer of visa restrictions followed by Wall Street's implosion. ─── 华尔街财富破灭伴随签证减少,度过一个凄惨的夏季之后,指望海外客人的奢华酒店已经深受打击。

56、The implosion must be extremely symmetrical to be fully successful. ─── 内爆要完全成功,必须达到极度对称。

57、implosion loading ─── 内聚爆加载

58、Today, our worries have turned around: the prospect of a population implosion haunts our future. ─── 如今,我们的担忧完全改变了:人口锐减的前景笼罩着我们的未来。

59、thermonuclear implosion ─── 热核聚爆

60、Clinical efficacy of glucocorticoid for implosion therapy of mechanically ventilated patients with severe community acquired pneumonia ─── 糖皮质激素冲击疗法对重症社区获得性肺炎患者机械通气的临床疗效观察

61、implosion drill ─── 内破裂钻机

62、furnace implosion ─── 炉膛内爆

63、Predictions of the spectacular implosion of English soccer are not new. ─── 对于英格兰足球发生壮观内爆的预言并不新奇。

64、Another potential troublemaker is the initiator, a small device at the center of the core that emits a burst of neutrons to start the chain reaction reliably at a precise stage of the implosion. ─── 另一个可能的麻烦是启动器,这是位于核中心的一个小装置,会发射出中子,以确保在内爆时某个确切阶段启动连锁反应。

65、population implosion ─── 人口内挤

66、Studies of implosion processes of nested tungsten wire-array Z-pinch ─── 双层钨丝阵的Z箍缩动力学过程研究

67、indented implosion ─── 缩排内爆

68、The experimental study of fuel ion temperature and neutron yield for directly driven implosion ─── 激光直接驱动内爆中子产额实验诊断

69、Short of an implosion to rival that of Bear Stearns in March, however, the rumours are unlikely to become real deals for the time being. ─── 只差一次内部爆炸便足以同三月份的BEARSTEARNS相媲美,不管怎么说,时间不会让流言成真。

70、Prime Creator, in its own personal implosion through love, endowed all things with consciousness. ─── 最初创造者通过爱以他自己身体内爆赋予万物意识。

71、The dynamic buckling of the implosion liners driven by magnetic pressure has been investigated experimentally and numerically. ─── 摘要用实验及数值模拟方法研究了电磁内爆套简的屈曲响应规律。

72、Conventional TCP/IP network suffers some problems, such as simplex services, source address spoofing and implosion of negative acknowledgement in multicast, in the course of its development. ─── 传统的TCP/IP网络在发展过程中遇到了一些难以克服的问题,比如服务单一、源地址欺骗、多播中否定应答风暴等。

73、Coinciding with the implosion of the Soviet Union, Russia was plunged into financial turmoil and desperate to sell its military technology, even to its old foe China. ─── 与前苏联解体时一样,俄罗斯也挣扎在金融动荡之中并不顾一切地推销军事技术,甚至对老冤家中国也不例外。

74、The latest manufacturing figures, particularly in Asia, hint at an end to the implosion of global industrial production. ─── 最新制造业数字预示着全球工业生产内爆的终结,在亚洲尤其明显。

75、“Most of us are ruined,” said Fu Wei, 43, one of the few tea traders to survive the implosion of the Pu’er market. ─── “我们这些人绝大多数都给毁了。”43岁的付伟说,他是普洱茶叶市场内爆中幸存下来的少数人之一。

76、electromagnetic implosion ─── 电磁内爆

77、The calculation shows that the optimal linear mass increases with the rising time of current, and that the maximal kinetic energy of implosion is in direct proportion to square of current peak value. ─── 电流上升时间对最优丝阵负载参数的影响的计算表明,随着负载电流上升时间的增大,负载的最优线质量也要增大。

78、implosion therapy ─── 内曝疗法


80、Keywords prepreg;epoxy matrix;implosion;gel time; ─── 关键词预浸料;环氧树脂基体;爆聚;凝胶时间;

81、The Numerical Simulation of Solid Liner Implosion in SSS Code ─── SSS程序在电磁内爆中的数值模拟

82、Wasif has previously played with New Folk Implosion and Lowercase, according to Pitchfork. ─── 乐队接下来将继续在美国和欧洲连演带玩一番。

83、An instability phenomenon of the current sheath implosion, namely the unstable mode, has been observed in the DPF 40 plasma focus device. ─── 在DPF-40等离子体焦点装置中,首次观测到径向运动电流壳层的一种不稳定现象,即不稳定模式。

84、Studies on the mechanism of energy transformation in implosion processes of the Z-pinches ─── Z箍缩内爆过程中的能量转换机制研究

85、Inner-Si-doped polystyrene capsules are required to meet the demand of characterization of implosion interface. ─── 摘要靶丸内表面掺杂诊断元素可以为内爆压缩介面的研究提供必要的手段。

86、To solve the acknowledgement implosion problem and to improve scalability, the TORM design employs a hierarchical structure in which the reliable multicast service runs as independent entities on the network. ─── TORM采用层次结构 ,解决了确认内爆问题 ,提高了协议的可伸缩性。

87、The first depends on the triggering of the plutonium by an implosion process. ─── 第一个因素取决于引燃钸弹的内爆程序。

88、Amid worries that both the private and government lending industries are struggling with the mortgage market implosion, Freddie shares fell 74 cents, or 2.8 percent, to $26. ─── 投资者担心,私人和政府借贷企业都在抵押贷款市场的内部崩溃中挣扎。由此,连联邦住房贷款抵押公司股价下跌74美分,2.8%,跌至26美元。

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