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09-14 投稿



reciprocate 发音

英:[r?'s?pr?ke?t]  美:[r?'s?pr?ket]

英:  美:

reciprocate 中文意思翻译



reciprocate 词性/词形变化,reciprocate变形

形容词: reciprocative |名词: reciprocator |动词过去分词: reciprocated |动词现在分词: reciprocating |动词第三人称单数: reciprocates |动词过去式: reciprocated |

reciprocate 反义词


reciprocate 短语词组

1、reciprocate with ─── 报答,酬谢;与…交换

2、reciprocate valve ─── 往复阀

3、reciprocate favors ─── 互相关照

4、reciprocate for ─── 回报…,报答…

reciprocate 同义词

coordinate | give-and-take | joint | correlative |mutual | common | multiplicative inverse | equal | shared | communal | reciprocal cross

reciprocate 相似词语短语

1、reciprocator ─── n.报答者;往复机构

2、reciprocant ─── 互惠的

3、reciprocates ─── vt.报答;互换;互给;vi.往复运动;互换;酬答;互给

4、reciprocated ─── vt.报答;互换;互给;vi.往复运动;互换;酬答;互给

5、reciprocative ─── 互换;交换;报答(reciprocate的变形)

6、reciprocal ─── adj.互惠的;相互的;倒数的,彼此相反的;n.[数]倒数;互相起作用的事物

7、reciprocants ─── 相互的

8、reciprocity ─── n.相互作用(复数reciprocities);相互性;互惠主义

9、reciprocals ─── n.[数]倒数(reciprocal的复数形式)

reciprocate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Reciprocate by offering helpful hints. ─── 天秤座:本周天秤要报答别人为你提供的有用信息。

2、Reciprocate Pump ─── 往复泵

3、If I can reciprocate at any time, please let me know. ─── 如果有要我效劳之事,请告知。

4、2007 is Visit Malaysia Year, I hope our Thai friend will reciprocate our trip to Thailand today by visiting us next year! ─── 别忘了,泰国可是我们的好邦邻,,我们借此机会广交泰国友善的人民,以及来自北马各地的野兔朋友,同时促进我国与泰国的国际间良好友好关系。

5、He has invited me to dinner so many times,and I must reciprocate. ─── 他请我吃了很多次饭,我必须回请才是。

6、If you are overly nice to them, they might reciprocate with the odd positive story, but will revert to type at the first opportunity. ─── 如果你过度的对他们好,他们或许偶尔报道一下正面新闻,但是一有机会还是回到原来的样子。

7、I wasn't sure whether to laugh or to reciprocate with a remark of my own. ─── 我不知道是该笑一笑还是该说点什么作为回应。

8、Isn't the admiration and reciprocate to you with my heart? ─── 不是对你用心的感叹与报答吗?

9、Coyle and Hutchinson certainly do not reciprocate Mr.Ford's indifference to competition but they are by no means in mortal terror of the Man of Dearborn. ─── Coyle和Hutchinson肯定不会象老福特那样漠视竞争对手,但是他们也绝不会恐惧他。

10、So long as he wishes to have relations with us, we are ready to reciprocate. ─── 只要他自己愿意同我们来往,我们还是准备和他来往。

11、If you do a great job, she'll usually want to reciprocate and use hermouth to make you feel great. ─── 如果你做的非常好,她通常想要报答你。用她的嘴给你非常棒的感受。

12、The structure and principle of a mechanical horizontal reciprocate coal fired machinery were introduced. ─── 介绍一种机械水平往复推动式燃煤机的结构及工作原理。

13、If you really love the he/ her, should not go to care to pay and reciprocate. ─── 如果你是真的爱他/,就不应该去计较付出和回报.

14、Without enough social value, she won't reciprocate the connection and think you're just another "nice guy" trying to get into her pants. ─── 如果没有足够社会价值,不会接受你联系,只会认为是一个想和我干一下“好人”。

15、This is an area where Chinese leadership can really help turn things around, if others are prepared to reciprocate. ─── 在这个领域中,中国的领导能真正帮助扭转局势,如果其它国家愿意采取措施的话。

16、The same thing happens when a Venusian expresses her trust‑a Martian automatically will begin to reciprocate with the caring she needs. ─── 当女人传达信任时,也有同样效果男人会自动回馈她所需要的关心。

17、reciprocate casing ─── 上下活动套管

18、For starters, you need outstanding people skills: Listen carefully, think before you speak, reciprocate favors and manage conflicts diplomatically. ─── 在你已经爬了一段职场阶梯以后,尽你所能的成功意味着你需要两件事情。

19、It is one thing for foreign talent to like, accept and identify with Singapore. But whether Singapore can reciprocate is another matter altogether. ─── 外来人才能够认可、接受、喜欢新加坡是一回事,新加坡能否接受、认可、喜欢外来人才又是另外一回事。

20、reciprocate for ─── 回报 ...报答 ...

21、I reciprocate your good wishes. I will persevere in my efforts. ─── 同样的祝福也送给您,我会继续努力。

22、reciprocate favors ─── 互相帮助

23、They offered us an exclusive agency for their car and we reciprocate with an offer of the agency for our buses. ─── 他们让我们成为他们小汽车的独家代理;作为报答,我们使他们成为我们公共汽车的独家代理。

24、Likewise, if a colleague assisted you in your hour of need, don't forget to reciprocate -- even if the person's request for backup comes at an inopportune time. ─── 同样,一个在你需要的时候为你提供过帮助的同事,不要忘记报答人家,即使是在不合时宜的时候提出个人的要求。

25、reciprocate altruistic behavior ─── 互惠利他

26、The acts of the body reciprocate thoughts of the mind. Simply act as if you're not shy and your mind will follow suit. ─── 身体的行为可以反过来影响心灵,只要你能在行为上表现得不害羞,你的心理就会跟着大胆起来。

27、I reciprocate your good wishes. ─── 我也同样祝福你。

28、Although she did not reciprocate his feelings, she did not discourage him. ─── 尽管她没有回应他的感情,她也没有使他丧失信心。

29、Heat Failure Judgment Method for Reciprocate Compressor ─── 往复式压缩机热力故障判断方法

30、My 2)concern, however, is that Ursula seems to 3)reciprocate your feelings and that does 4)present a problem to me. ─── 如果你捣乱的话,我会腌了你,这样就不用围遮羞布了。

31、When you do nice things for others without any expectation of anything in return, it triggers a desire in people to reciprocate. ─── 当你为别人做好事而且不期待有任何回报时,它会引发别人报答的愿望。

32、If you really love the he / her , should not go to care to pay and reciprocate . ─── 如果你是真的爱他/她,就不应该去计较付出和回报.

33、doesn't reciprocate favors; ─── 不给予回报;

34、TING is secretly in love with ZHAOTONG, and disapproves of HAOYUE teasing ZHAOTONG.ZHAOTONG, however, does not reciprocate TING's love. ─── 婷暗恋东,不忿月对东呼呼喝喝,但东对婷的心意却不领情。

35、States employing CV usually reciprocate by reducing the costs of turnout for its citizens. ─── 实行强制投票制的国家可以降低选民参加投票的成本。

36、Jinghai Company give repayment of staff: Fulfillment and ability raise more seriously to reciprocate the salary. ─── 京海公司给员工的回报:成就感与能力提高更重于薪水回报。

37、They wanted to reciprocate the kindness that had been shown to them. ─── 他们想要报答所受到的亲切接待。

38、Another form of perfectionism is feeling obliged to reciprocate every gift or card with one of your own. ─── 另一种完美主义的形式是觉得不得不用自己的东西来答谢收到的每一件礼物或贺卡。

39、John Wooden, the great UCLA basketball coach, has a philosophy that every day he is supposed to help someone who can never reciprocate. ─── 像加大洛山矶分校篮球队的王牌教练约翰·伍顿就曾表示,他应该每天都让球员有所进步,

40、You hosted a profitable party but feel exploited when others reciprocate perhaps you should see these events as two sides of the same coin. ─── 你举办了一个赚钱的聚会,但当其他人同样做时,你感觉受到了剥削或许你应当将这些聚会看做是一个硬币的两面。

41、Ille Yilmaz (Ismet Yilmaz) condemned on the matter, he said militants "in the test of our patience, we will reciprocate to launch revenge. " ─── 伊勒马兹(IsmetYilmaz)对此事表示谴责,他说,武装分子“在考验我们的耐心,我们将以牙还牙地发起报复”。

42、requite another's love.See Synonyms at reciprocate ─── 回报另一人的爱参见

43、“This, in turn, would lead us and our partners to reciprocate in a comprehensive and coordinated manner. ─── “这反而会让我们和我们的朋友采取全方位的协调一致的行动。

44、Not only did the Japanese not reciprocate the friendly gesture of the Chinese by making remorse over the war crimes, it declared shamelessly that all accusations on them were only mud-slinging. ─── 中国人一而再的善意日方不但没有投桃报李,洗心革面地对过去所犯的战争罪行做出反省,还厚颜无耻地声称所有指责俱属诬蔑。

45、I hope something will bring you to New York soon, so that I can return/ reciprocate your kindness/ hospitality. ─── 希望不久您能有机会到纽约来,使我能答谢您的盛情款待。

46、You send me a piece of moonlight, and I reciprocate with a foam of surf. The moonlike purity is your soul, and the surflike warmth is my affection. ─── 你送我一片月光,我赠你一朵浪花;月般的洁净是你的灵魂,浪般的热烈是我的感情。

47、Essentially, by saying “I love you” first, you’re risking that your partner will not reciprocate, thus making you feel like somewhat of a chump. ─── 基本上来说,第一个说“我爱你”的人会有被拒绝的风险。

48、Yes. And if the lady is of noble stock and has indicated that she may reciprocate. . . Jane, of whom do you think I speak? ─── 没错只要那位女士也出身贵族并且她有会回应你的情意的迹象简你以为我在说谁

49、We appreciate and reciprocate your sentiment of being eager to make our relationship more stronger. ─── 我们对您关于双方的关系进一步加强的渴望表示赞赏和感谢。

50、I am determined to attain the supreme Wisdom and help sentient beings. I think this is how I can reciprocate Her Love. ─── 我下定决心要修得无上智慧并帮助众生,以回报师父的爱。

51、Standard game theory predicts that in an anonymous one-off exchange like this the trustee ought to keep the gift and not reciprocate. ─── 标准的游戏理论预测,类似的匿名一次性交换中,被信任者应该留住礼物,而不会回报。

52、The mother cat purrs announcing that it is feeding time and her kittens reciprocate the act after about a week old,;maybe as a sign of gratitude. ─── 哺乳期的猫通常会在哺乳前发出喉音来告知自己的孩子,它的孩子们在一周大的时候就会在进食以表演的形式来报答,这也许是表达感谢的一种方式。

53、Some day I will reciprocate your kindness to me. ─── 总有一天我会报答你对我的恩德。

54、It [ a visual art genre ] has wilted in latter decades, but recrudesced in recent years(Earl W.Count.See also Synonyms at reciprocate ─── 它在后来的几十年中衰落了,但近年来又复苏起来(厄尔 W 康特)参见同义词

55、You send me a piece of moonlight, and I reciprocate with foam of surf. The moonlike purity is your soul, and the surflike warmth is my affection. ─── 你送我一片月光,我赠你一朵浪花;月般的洁净是你的灵魂,浪般的烈是我的感情。

56、How to reciprocate within the three countries, will prodigiously effect on the peace and stability of territories. ─── 三国间如何互动,将在很大程度上影响该地区的和平与稳定。

57、1.back and forth; to and fro; 2.to reciprocate ─── 往复

58、If we can reciprocate at any time,please do not hesitate to ask. ─── 同样,如果有什么事情需要我们帮助,请不要犹豫,随时告诉我们。

59、I will reciprocate everything you did for me. ─── 总有一天我会报答你对我的恩德。

60、I shall be pleased to reciprocate your favor when the opportunity arises. ─── 当机会来临时,我一定回报你的帮助。

61、reciprocate conditio ─── 互易条件

62、If I can reciprocate at any time, please be sure to call on me. ─── 如果将来我能为您做些什么,请直言。

63、At the serninar she learned to share her feelings without expecting or demanding Larry to reciprocate. ─── 当他学习倾听他所关心的人,并得到感激的回报后,会逐渐开放自动分享。

64、But Mr Bush did not reciprocate. ─── 但是布什并没有给予回报。

65、You are a great host; please allow me to reciprocate next time. ─── 你真是个好主人,请下次让我做东。

66、Don't feel the need to reciprocate if your boss gives you something. ─── 如果老板给你某样东西,不要感到有必要回送礼物。

67、I wasn't sure whether to laugh or to reciprocate with a remark of my own. ─── 我不知道是该笑一笑还是该说点什么作为回应。

68、We always invite the neighbors and they never reciprocate! ─── 我们经常宴请邻居,可他们从来不报答我们。

69、Invest little while reciprocate more, the generous profit is waiting for you. ─── 小投资,大回报,丰厚利润等您赚。

70、I hope something will bring you to New York soon so that I can reciprocate your kindne. ─── 希望不久您能有机会到纽约来,使我能答谢您的盛情。

71、My sincere thanks for your timely and generous assistance and I hope I can reciprocate some day. ─── 你及时、慷慨的相助,令我感激万分,希望将来能够报答。

72、Without enough social value, she won't reciprocate the connection and think you're just another "nice guy" trying to get into her pants. ─── 如果没有足够的社会价值,她不会接受你的联系,只会认为是一个想和我干一下的“好人”。

73、reciprocate valve ─── 往复阀

74、Even if you are good friends, if you give them too many gifts, they will feel uncomfortable too, because they don't know how to reciprocate. ─── 即使你们是好朋友,如果你送的礼物太多,他们也会感到不自在的,因为他们不知道如何回礼才好。

75、Your visit gives me the chance to reciprocate some of the kindness and hospitality that was extended to me and my colleagues during our visit to Paris in March this year. ─── 我十分高兴有机会在香港接待各位,让我一尽地主之谊,答谢你们在我和我的同事今年三月访问巴黎期间的盛情款待。

76、The company insists on social responsibility orientation of "Reciprocate the society by green products, protect environment by system". ─── 公司坚持以绿色回报社会,以制度保护环境的社会责任取向。

77、Some day I will reciprocate your great kindness to me. ─── 总有一天我会报答你对我的厚爱。

78、We hope to be able to reciprocate you r good offices on a similar occasion. ─── 我们希望能在类似情况下报答你方的鼎力帮助。

79、We thank you for the information give, and shall be glad to reciprocate your courtesy, shall occasion offer. ─── 感谢您的信息,对此番好意,将来如有机会,一定答谢。

80、We shall regard as a personal favour any help you give Mr. Wang and will always be very happy to reciprocate. ─── 您给王先生的任何帮助我们都将感同身受,并总是乐于给予报答的。

81、Motivating and communicating with children who cannot -- or will not -- reciprocate your efforts requires a great deal of patience and creativity. ─── 对这些不能,或是不愿,响应你的努力的孩子进行激励及沟通,需要极大的耐性与创造力。

82、Children also could reciprocate parents with affection, when parents was old or fell ill, they would stretch out aids. ─── 子女也会对父母报之以情,在父母年迈或生病的困难时期伸出援手。

83、An aggressive passionate approach will help you separate the partners who tease from the ones who want to reciprocate wholeheartedly. ─── 强劲的热情方式能让你把原本想一心一意交往的人们分开。

84、A Chinese who has been "given face" feels that he or she has received a favor. In turn, he or she has to reciprocate the favor so that the other party will not lose face. ─── 在华人看来,人家“给了面子”,自己便是得了人情,因此必须投桃报李,以便使对方也不失面子。

85、You may very well then reciprocate with a concession of your own: agreement with my lesser request. ─── 你很可能出于互惠也作出你的让步:同意我的较小的那个请求。

86、Some day I will reciprocate your great kindness to me. ─── 总有一天我会报答你对我的厚爱。

87、They offer us an exclusive agency for their car and we reciprocate with an offer of the agency for our buses. ─── 他们向我们主动提供独家代理经营他们的汽车,做为回报我们也请他们代理经营我们的客车。

88、reciprocate a visit ─── 回访

89、We believe that every enterprise benefits from society's support and it is our duty to reciprocate by contribution to society. In 2008 our charitable donations were more than 8 million RMB. ─── 我们始终坚信,每一个企业的发展都得到了社会的支持,因此我们有责任为社会做贡献。在2008年,我们的慈善捐赠超过八百万人民币。

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