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09-14 投稿



lampreys 发音

英:[?l?mpriz]  美:[?l?mpriz]

英:  美:

lampreys 中文意思翻译



lampreys 词性/词形变化,lampreys变形

名词复数: lampreys |

lampreys 相似词语短语

1、-preys ─── n.猎物;受害者,牺牲品;(情绪易受伤的)脆弱的人;掠夺品;v.捕食;伤害;折磨,困扰;n.(Prey)(美、德、爱)普赖(人名)

2、pamphreys ─── n.洋白菜

3、lampers ─── 兰帕斯

4、lamprey ─── n.[鱼]七鳃鳗;八目鳗

5、lamprey eels ─── 七鳃鳗

6、lamprey eel ─── 七鳃鳗

7、lamper eels ─── 鳗鱼

8、lampyrids ─── 煌斑岩

9、sea lampreys ─── 七鳃鳗;八目鳗

lampreys 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、superclass of eel-shaped chordates lacking jaws and pelvic fins: lampreys; ─── 鳗鲡状的脊索动物超类,没有咽喉和骨盆鳍;

2、Robots of the future might end up resembling medieval monsters, with shrews' heads, octopuses' arms and lampreys' bodies. ─── 未来的机器人可能会象中世纪时期的怪物,具有的鼩鼱的头,章鱼的足,七鳃鳗的身体。

3、haematophagus Eating blood as in lampreys. ─── 食血的吃血液的,如在八目鳗中。

4、superclass of eel-shaped chordates lacking jaws and pelvic fins: lampreys; ─── 鳗鲡状的脊索动物超类,没有咽喉和骨盆鳍;

5、oral fimbriae Small tag-like appendages around the perimeter of the buccal funnel of lampreys (Petromyzontiformes). ─── 口部的毛缘八目鳗(七鳃鳗目)漏斗口周缘小而悬垂的附肢。

6、superclass of eel-shaped chordates lacking jaws and pelvic fins: lampreys; hagfishes; some extinct forms. ─── 鳗鲡状的脊索动物超类,没有咽喉和骨盆鳍;七鳃鳗;八目鳗类鱼;一些已灭绝的种类。

7、They're kind of like eels or hagfish or lampreys, but different. ─── 它们有点像鳝鱼、丑鱼或者鳗鱼,但并不相同。

8、Henry I of England dies of food poisoning from a surfeit of lampreys at St. ─── 年,英国亨利一世国王在诺曼底的圣·丹尼斯朗甫门特因过量食用八目鳗鱼死于食物中毒。

9、Finger said these chemosensory cells are found in most aquatic vertebrates, including sharks, bony fish and lampreys. ─── 芬杰称,大多数海洋脊椎动物都有这种化学感应细胞,包括鲨鱼,硬骨鱼和七鳃鳗。

10、but as there are no suckers nor lampreys here, I know not by what fish they could be made. ─── 但这里没有胭脂鱼或八目鳗,我不知道它是哪一些鱼建筑起来的。

11、primitive jawless aquatic vertebrate: lampreys; hagfishes. ─── 原始的无颚脊椎动物;七鳃鳗;八目鳗类鱼。

12、Now there may be a new way to get rid of the lampreys-with the stench of death. ─── 现在,我们也许可以尝试一种新的方法摆脱七鳃鳗- - -死亡气息。

13、If not able to compete in this manner, selfish individuals will either try to attach themselves like lampreys to the good hearted or simply plan to party hard until the end, living for the moment. ─── 倘若不能以这种方式争斗,这些自私自利的个人或者会尽力像鳗鱼一样依附于那些好心之人,或者仅仅是混到最后一刻,活一时算一时。

14、8.primitive jawless aquatic vertebrate: lampreys; ─── 原始的无颚脊椎动物;七鳃鳗;

15、hagfishes as distinguished from lampreys. ─── 与七鳃鳗区别开的八目鳗类鱼。

16、haematophagous Eating blood as in lampreys . ─── 食血的吃血液的,如在八目鳗中。

17、Any of various primitive aquatic vertebrates of the class Cyclostomata, lacking jaws and including the lampreys and hagfishes. ─── 腹足类的一个很大的目,包含单壳软体动物,有一个梳状鳃。

18、The sharks are often noticeably scarred, possibly through encounters with lampreys or cookiecutter sharks. ─── 很多时在牠们身上都会发现有伤痕,可能是受八目鳗或雪茄鲛的袭击。

19、lampreys as distinguished from hagfishes. ─── 与八目鳗类鱼区别开的七鳃鳗。

20、fimbriate With a fringed margin; a margin with filaments, e. g. margin of sucking disk of lampreys (Petromyzontiformes). ─── 有毛缘的具有一个有穗边的边缘;边缘有丝状突起,例如八目鳗(七鳃鳗目)的吸盘边缘。

21、Lampreys are the simplest living vertebrates. ─── 七鳃鳗是一种最简单的活体脊椎动物。

22、Any of various primitive aquatic vertebrates of the class Cyclostomata,lacking jaws and including the lampreys and hagfishes. ─── 鳗类,鳗无颚的各种原始水生圆口纲脊椎动物中的一种,包括七鳃鳗和盲鳗

23、fimbriate With a fringed margin; a margin with filaments, e.g. margin of sucking disk of lampreys (Petromyzontiformes). ─── 有毛缘的具有一个有穗边的边缘;边缘有丝状突起,例如八目鳗(七鳃鳗目)的吸盘边缘。

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