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historiography 发音

英:[h?,st??r?'?gr?f?; -,st?r?-]  美:[h?,st?r?'ɑɡr?fi]

英:  美:

historiography 中文意思翻译



historiography 网络释义

n. 编史;历史编纂学

historiography 词性/词形变化,historiography变形

副词: historiographically |形容词: historiographic |

historiography 短语词组

1、Historiography in the Soviet Union ─── 苏联的史学

historiography 相似词语短语

1、astrography ─── 天体照相学

2、historiographic ─── 编史的

3、historiographer ─── n.历史学家;史料编纂者

4、historiographical ─── 编史;史料编纂法

5、historiographers ─── n.历史学家;史料编纂者

6、historiographically ─── 史学

7、arteriography ─── n.动脉X线摄影法,动脉造影术

8、autobiography ─── n.自传;自传文学

9、histography ─── 组织论

historiography 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Once again, historiography provides the best illustration for all this. ─── 历史编纂再一次为所有这些提供了最好的解释。

2、Historiography in 20th Century ─── 20世纪史学

3、Once again, historiography provides the best illustration for all this. ─── 历史编纂再一次为所有这些提供了最好的解释。

4、some recondite problem in historiography(Walter Laqueur. ─── 历史编纂中的一些深奥的问题(沃尔特 拉克尔)。

5、Introduction of the republican motherhood thesis dramatically changed historiography. ─── 共和党母性理论的引入戏剧性地改变了史学。

6、The historiography of Alexander is a complex mix of evolution through source,memory,speculation. ─── 亚历山大的史学史是通过史料、残篇、记忆、推测之复杂混合而逐渐形成的。

7、Chinese and Japanese traditional historiography ─── 中日传统史学

8、Positivist historiography and Marxist historiography were two big currents appeared in the twentieth century China. ─── 20世纪的中国史学有两大流派,即实证主义史学和马克思主义史学。

9、This point of view is prominently reflected in historical conception, historiography objective, research areas, and research methods. ─── 这在历史观、治史旨趣、研究领域和研究方法等方面都有突出的反映。

10、Period research is the generalization of a thing's development.It is the marking that historiography research whether is mature. ─── 分期问题是对事物发展历程的一种概括和揭示,是史学研究是否成熟的标志。

11、Antiquarian Research and Western Historiography ─── 博学好古研究与西方史学

12、the current historiography and the past historiography ─── 今昔史学

13、At the same time Caesar confirmed his status in Roman historiography by the Gallic War and became the key of development of Roman historiography. ─── 凯撒虽无心为史,但他作为统军将帅亲笔写下了整个战争的经过,从而开创了历史写作的新体裁,也奠定了他在罗马史学中的地位。

14、Title: Historiography: A Discipline of the Natural Sciences? ─── 关键词:历史学;自然科学;人文学科;艺术

15、Lien-sheng Yang: Foreword to the Second Printing, ChineseTraditional Historiography, by Charles S. Gardner, Harvard University Press, 1961. ─── 1958年哥伦比亚大学出版社出版,对司马迁的生平、思想、史学思想及《史记》做了比较全面的研究。

16、As the last step in interpretation, a historian prepares a written account of events.The writing of history is part of a field called historiography. ─── 历史学家研究的最后一步是准备一份历史事件的书面叙述,写作历史是被称做历史编纂学领域的一部分。

17、ancient Chinese historiography ─── 中国古代史学

18、Both the historian's pursuits for integrity and truthfulness, and the moralization on their own part, show that the Chinese traditional historiography contained rich thoughts of epistemology. ─── 史家对“书法不隐”、“秉笔直书”的执着追求和与之相对应的史家自身素养的规范,都显示出中国传统史学中蕴含的丰富的史学认识论思想。

19、informatizational historiography ─── 信息化历史学

20、He also explored how to compile the history of the ordinary people and put forward some original perspectives to build the new historiography. ─── 他在如何撰写民史方面也做出了有益的尝试,同时又对如何建设新史学提出了一系列独到的看法。

21、His contribution to history lies not only in historiography, but also in historical thought. ─── 他认为历史就在于展示上帝的意志,是基督教战胜异教的过程;

22、historiography of Chinese literature ─── 中国文学史学

23、historiography in Pre- Qin Dynasty ─── 先秦史学

24、Idem. "The Formation of the Neo-Mamluk Style in Modern Egypt." In The Education of the Architect: Historiography, Urbanism and the Growth of Architectural Knowledge. ─── 作者同上,〈现代埃及的尼奥-马穆鲁克风格的形成〉,《建筑师教育:编史,都市化和建筑知识的发展》

25、On the contrary, from the point of view of the development of the disciplines, Global History should be seen as a new branch of historiography. ─── 从学科发展的角度来看,“全球史”可以界定为历史学门类下一个正在形成中的新的学科分支。

26、"A General Reflection for Political Administration" is a magnum opus in Chinese historiography. ─── 《资治通鉴》是中国史学上的一部鸿篇巨著。

27、An Introduction to Historiography ─── 史学概论

28、Chinese historiography can be well-known throughout the world with globalization and internationalization in study fields, means and teams. ─── 中国史学只有在研究视域、研究手段、研究团队等方面全球化、国际化,才能走向世界。

29、Through the typological study of wares from sites and tombs ,it is expect that the specific historiography and phases can be established. ─── 从考古学上透视了渤海文化的形成过程及"海东盛国"的文化面貌。

30、The historiography of science at the turn of the century: a rediscussion of the trend of researches on the history of science in England and the U.S.A. ─── 世纪之交的科学史学:再论美英科学史研究的学术走向。

31、Different from historiography ordering the world in early Qing dynasty, the scholars textual criticism fastened the flouncing pulsation of the times. ─── 与清初经世史学不同的是,此时史地学者的考证是紧扣时代跳动的脉搏,与筹边谋防联系在一起的。

32、innovation of historiography ─── 创新史学

33、subjectivity of historiography ─── 史学主体性

34、historiography in the Qian-Jia periods of Qing dynasty ─── 乾嘉史学

35、In 1997 colleagues and former students honored him with a Festschrift (Martha Pollak, ed., The Education of the Architect: Historiography, Urbanism, and the Growth of Architectural Knowledge (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1997). ─── 他1961至1962年获富布莱特奖学金赴慕尼黑,1962-1963任教于伦敦建筑协会,1970-1972年间是纽约建筑与城市研究协会的固定成员。

36、From the end of the Great Cultural Revolution to the end of the 20th century, Chinese historiography resuscitated as it self-questioned, advanced step by step towards prosperity. ─── “文革”结束至世纪末的20余年,中国史学在反思中复苏,逐步走向繁荣。

37、For the view of art historiography , analys the ancient history of art is how to treat this period , and how to descrip and recorde it. ─── 从美术史学史的角度,分析古代美术史学是如何看待这一段绘画的历史,又是怎样记载、著录它的。

38、Seek Truth and Good in Historiography ─── 历史的求真与求善

39、the organization and planning of historiography ─── 史学组织与计划

40、Abstract: The music historiography is a branch of musicology. ─── 内容提要: 音乐史学是音乐学的一个分支学科。

41、14~ Buddhism and historiography of Wei, Jin,North-South Dynasties. ─── 佛教与魏晋南北朝时期的史学。

42、post- modernist historiography ─── 后现代史学

43、At the same time, the Yi-ology also got a quick development and influenced the historiography deeply. ─── 与此同时,易学也得到迅速发展,并对史学产生了深刻影响。

44、Historiography works of Buddhism were in large quantity,various styles. The Buddhism history of annalistic style,biographical style and the Tripitaka catalogues with explanations were created. ─── 佛教史学著作数量丰富,各体兼备,并创造出纪传体、编年体教史和藏经解题目录等新体例。

45、In short, it is significant to research on legal proverbs from interdisciplinary view of jurisprudence, linguistics, cultural science, and historiography. ─── 从法学、语言学、文化学、历史学的学科交叉角度,对法谚进行研究是有重要意义的。

46、Chinese musical historiography ─── 中国音乐史学

47、Chinese History of Historiography ─── 中国史学史

48、Chinese general historiography ─── 中国通史

49、The fourth chapter mainly deliberates the research value of Zheng Banqiao’s letters from three aspects: historiography value, literary value and ethnics value. ─── 伦理学价值。

50、Deriving from traditional historiography of Rome and absorbing the spirits of his times, Livy’s historiography is a combination instead of the replication of traditional one. ─── 但是,李维的史学并不是对罗马史学传统的复制,而是以传统的史学方法为依托,在其中融入了时代精神。

51、The Journal of Reminiscences of New Historiography was totally published 62 episodes. ─── 其宗旨是宣传和普及马克思主义新史学,配合和服务于当时的新史学教学和研究。

52、editing & publishing industry of historiography ─── 史学编辑出版事业

53、historiography self - restraint ─── 史学修养

54、Chinese Architecture Historiography ─── 中国建筑史学

55、era of traditional historiography ─── 传统史学时代

56、the thought of "New Historiography" ─── “新史学”思潮

57、Postmodernism does not reject scientific historiography, but only draws our attention to the modernists'vicious circle which would have us believe that nothing exists outside it. ─── 后现代主义并不拒斥科学历史编纂,而只是使我们注意到现代主义者的恶性循环,这种循环会令我们相信在它之外不存在任何事物。

58、A Historiography of The Study of Illustrations to The Pure-Land ─── 净土变史概说

59、the social function of historiography ─── 史学社会功能

60、the science of management of historiography ─── 史学管理学

61、In the course of abstraction, we should bear this in mind that the academic dignity and position of historiography should not be neglected. ─── 值得注意的是,在转换过程中不能失去史学的学术品格和自身的位置。

62、Analyzing from the approach of procreat of historiography of Education, it is the interdisciplinary of Education and History. ─── 从教育史学产生的途径分析,教育史学是教育学与历史学的交叉学科;

63、Principles of Historiography ─── 史学原理

64、Towards an Historiography of Science, J.Agassi, Mouton&. , 1963 ─── 刘兵.克里奥眼中的科学-科学编史学初论.山东教育出版社,1997

65、This is also the case in historiography, at least in what I would like to call postmodernist history (of mentalities). ─── 这也是历史编纂中的情形,至少在我所称的后现代主义(精神状态)史学中是如此。

66、the scientific character of historiography ─── 历史学的科学性

67、In today's society historiography is often misunderstood by some people who consider that it bears no relation to reality. ─── 在当今社会中,史学往往被一些人所误解,认为它与现实没有密切的关系。

68、office of historiography institution ─── 史馆制度

69、Historiography of Classical Chinese Literature ─── 中国古典文学史料学

70、This thesis states that analyzing Becker's relativist historiography should pay attention to its aim that was criticizing the scientific history, otherwise, we might misunderstand Becker. ─── 分析贝克尔的相对主义史学应在其批判科学历史学的旨意下进行,如果脱离了贝克尔所要批判的对象,我们很容易误解贝克尔的史学思想。

71、the legacy of historiography ─── 史学遗产

72、Sino-foreign historiography communication is very rich in its content and it has started a new era, which can be seen from the link of Sinology, Marxist science of history and post-modernist thinking. ─── 中外史学交流研究内容宏富,它将为史学史研究开辟新天地,即从它与汉学、马克思主义史学及后现代主义思潮之关联就可略见一斑。

73、diverse research on historiography ─── 史学研究多元化

74、Cycle theory of history has been as the most superficial historiography, but the linear concept of progress and can not explain this surprisingly similar and the corresponding. ─── 历史循环论曾被当成最肤浅的史学理论,可是进步主义的直线观解释不了这种惊人的相似和对应。

75、The stages of Chinese ancient history has been quarreled for a l ong ti me around the historiography circle, and hasnt got a final conclusion yet. ─── 中国古史分期是我国史学界长期争论的一个重要问题,但始终未形成定论。

76、Most historians also said to have great expectations, hope metrological historiography through to its completion of history science. ─── 大多数历史学家也曾对计量史学寄予厚望,希望通过它来完成历史的科学化。

77、Chinese Marxist historiography ─── 中国马克思主义史学

78、The first opinion extends the Marxian periodization of Chinese history to the study of historiography, although its supporters are not necessarily Marxist historians. ─── 前一种意见将中国近代史与近代史学的起始相提并论,体现了马克思主义史学的影响,但其支持者也有非马克思主义的史家。

79、Historiography worker should return fact of historical Yu Zhen, want to have marvelous time one time really. ─── 史学工作者要还历史于真实,的确要有一番不平常的功夫。

80、Historiography research worker must disentomb ceaselessly hard new historical data, had new historical data, ability has new point of view. ─── 史学研究工作者必须努力去不断发掘新史料,有了新史料,才能有新观点。

81、This early-twentieth-century historiography nonetheless represented the leading research on dissent in the South until the 1960s and 1970s. ─── 尽管如此,直到20世纪60年代和70年代,这种二十世纪早期的史学仍然代表了对南方异见的主要研究。

82、Genres of the historiography ─── 史学流派

83、The historical compiliation is very important realm in historiography research, is a Branch course of begining creating stage for enhancing. ─── 历史编撰学是史学史研究中十分重要的领域,是一门处于草创阶段亟待加强研究的分支学科。

84、However, we should bear in mind that the part which the medieval French historiography played in this process was inglorious, no matter what contributions it made to the French monarchy. ─── 从维护历史学基本伦理准则角度出发,对于中世纪历史学的形态扭曲必须持批判态度。

85、"some recondite problem in historiography" (Walter Laqueur). ─── “历史编纂中的一些深奥的问题”(沃尔特·拉克尔)。

86、This interpretive framework, which once dominated antislavery historiography, had been discounted by historians for two basic reasons. ─── 这种解释框架曾主导过反奴隶制的史学,但由于两个基本原因,它已被历史学家所忽视。

87、However, historiography seldom study on the Xijiang shipping, which had the economic relations with the hinterland agricultural economy. ─── 然而,史学界对西江航运与腹地经济关系方面的研究较为沉寂。

88、Hollinger, David. In the American Province: Studies in the History and Historiography of Ideas. 1985. ─── 《美国的行政区:历史和史学概念研究》1985.

89、It mainly introduces selected topic aims and meanings, study method in the writing course and study trends synopsis in today historiography field. ─── 主要介绍本篇论文的选题目的和意义,以及在本论文写作过程中运用的研究方法和对于这一选题在当今史学界的研究动态之简介。

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