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09-14 投稿



instabilities 发音

英:[??nst??b?l?ti]  美:[??nst??b?l?ti]

英:  美:

instabilities 中文意思翻译



instabilities 常用词组

thermal instability ─── 热不稳定性

emotional instability ─── 情绪不稳定

instabilities 同义词

shakiness | volatility | uncertainty | variability | unstableness | unbalance | unsteadiness | insecurity | imbalance |unpredictability | flux

instabilities 词性/词形变化,instabilities变形


instabilities 反义词


instabilities 相似词语短语

1、disabilities ─── n.残疾(disability的复数);身心障碍者

2、notabilities ─── n.显著;显要人物

3、inevitabilities ─── n.必然性;不可逃避

4、inabilities ─── n.无能力;无才能

5、stabilities ─── n.稳定性;坚定,恒心

6、instability ─── n.不稳定(性);基础薄弱;不安定

7、instability lines ─── 不稳定线

8、intangibilities ─── n.无形;不能把握;不确定

9、cutabilities ─── n.可切性;精肉率

instabilities 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Indeed, the instabilities produced by volatile capital flows have been the main cause of the financial turmoil in our region during the past two years. ─── 事实上,这些变幻无常的资金流向所引起的不稳定情况,正是过去两年亚洲发生金融风暴的主要原因。

2、He based his criterion on the inherent instabilities of extremely complex software, which is what SDI essentially was. ─── 他的批评标准的基础就是超级复杂系统的内部不稳定性,而星球大战计划恰恰就是这么一种超级复杂的系统。

3、The electorate became increasingly intolerant of instabilities when the actual rates transgressed those considered tolerable. ─── 当实际税率超过可以容忍的限度时,选民们就会越发不能忍受经济的不稳定性。

4、Definitions of physical quantities for fundamental frequency and time metrology - Random instabilities ─── 基本频率和时间计量学用物理量定义。随机不稳定性

5、"These instabilities are new and important for understanding how crystals grow, but they're hard to explain," Libbrecht told LiveScience. ─── 光束的颜色质量越好,最后的照片效果就越有意思。”

6、Instabilities of Accretion Disks with Viscosity and Magnetic Field ─── 含粘滞和磁场的薄吸积盘不稳定性

7、1. A description of plasma instabilities in a systematic way is nontrivial. ─── 用系统的方法讲述等离子体不稳定性并不是容易的。

8、Compared to the rest of the universe, intelligence and consciousness and life are stable instabilities. ─── 较之宇宙间其他事物,智力、意识乃至生命,都处于一个稳定的非稳态。

9、This and other instabilities in her character prompted the Jedi Council to end her training. ─── 再加上她性格中的诸多不稳定因素,绝地评议会(theJediCouncil)决定终止她的训练。

10、Floating the exchange rate would expose the country to instabilities that would lead to a host of further problems. ─── 浮动汇率将使中国陷入不稳定,并将导致一系列新问题的产生,尤其是中国处于风雨飘摇之中的银行体系。

11、The text reveals the close connection between many seemingly unrelated topics, such as probe absorption, four-wave mixing, optical instabilities, resonance fluorescence and squeezing. ─── 正文显示在很多好像无关的题目之间的密切的连接,例如探查吸收,混合的4 个波,视觉的不稳定,共振莹光和压。

12、The linked exchange rate system is a solution to the instabilities and uncertainties faced by highly open economies like Hong Kong. ─── 像香港这类高度外向型的经济体系,时刻都要面对不稳定及不明朗因素,实施联系汇率制度正是有效的解决方法。

13、I remarked earlier on the general instabilities of an arms race, but there is a further issue of stability among the nuclear powers. ─── 整体而言,军备竞赛会出现不稳定现象,但核武强国间的稳定问题不只如此。

14、Instabilities and Chaos in Laser System[J]. ─── 引用该论文 张纪岳,李广庭,张自嘉.


16、He grasped the social instabilities of the Middle East, and sensed that they would burst out in new ways once the cold war ended. ─── 他预见到了中东的社会动荡,意识到了一旦冷战结束,他们可能会以新的形势爆发。

17、Instabilities of free surface in open-channel flows and development of roll waves ─── 明渠水流自由面失稳与滚波发育研究

18、As an example, one aspect of the EPRI's Intelligrid program is to give operators greater ability to foresee large-scale instabilities. ─── 举例来说,EPRI的智慧型电力输送网计画中,有一项是让操作人员更能预知大规模不稳现象。

19、On the basis of the one-dimensional theory of Dubois-Violette et al, conditions for the onset of instabilities under the excitation of static, sinusoidal and square wave electric Fields, respectively, are obtained. ─── 在Dubois-Violette等人的一维理论的基础上,我们获得了直流、正弦波和矩形波三种电场激发下的失稳条件。

20、Pulsational Instabilities of Isothermal and Weakly Magnetized Accretion Disks without Viscosity ─── 弱磁化等温吸积盘脉动不稳定性

21、In the 1930s astronomer Arthur Stanley Eddington showed that the mathematical equations that describe the interior of a star may lead to instabilities that cause a star to pulsate. ─── 天文学家爱丁顿在1930年代发现这类变星并解释变光原因:他表示,描述星球内部的数学方程式也会导致星球因不稳定产生脉动。

22、One of the main combustion characteristics is the burning rate, which is influenced by intrinsic flame instabilities, external turbulence and flame interaction with walls of combustor and sound waves. ─── 在研究中使用一个双环同轴喷流燃烧器,于燃烧器的中心圆管提供气态甲烷充作燃料,而外环圆管则供给空气,以产生双环同轴喷流扩散火焰。

23、Numerical investigations of Z-pinch plasma instabilities ─── Z箍缩等离子体不稳定性的数值研究

24、to investigate power system instabilities created by harmonic resonance or control system interactions. ─── 研究由于谐波谐振或控制系统交互作用引起的电力系统不稳定。

25、The association between the multidirectional instabilities and the vertebral injuries to each of load-sharing point score was analyzed. ─── 包括屈伸。左右侧曲,左右旋转。然后分析伤椎的载荷评分与各向不稳定之间的联系。

26、He often ran into what he called a territory of instabilities. ─── 他经常会突然闯入一个他称为不稳定态的未知领域。

27、Dynamic study on sideband instability in a planar free electron laser has been conducted, and the method dealing with sideband instabilities in planar and free electron lasers are presented. ─── 本文对平面形自由电子激光器中的边带不稳定性进行了动力学研究。

28、A new control method for CJD alternating current electrodynamometer by using fuzzy control strategy based on major dynamics including non-linearities, instabilities and load disturbances is presented. ─── 摘要针对CJD交流电力测功机实验过程中的非线性、不稳定性和负荷干扰,基于模糊控制策略下给出了CJD交流电力测功机转速新的控制方法。

29、Many discover that years of neglect have produced spinal instabilities that never fully heal.These patients elect to continue with periodic chiropractic checkups.It's up to you. ─── 极多情况是脊椎经年累月的被忽视而无法完全得到真正的治愈.这些人可能会不定时的来报到做脊椎保健,要间隔多久则由每人的保健概念自己决定。

30、The purpose of this paper is to present a numerical model for the analysis of flow-induced instabilities in forced-convection steam generator. ─── 本文建立数学模型对强迫循环下蒸汽发生器的流动不稳定性进行了计算。

31、New material includes a detailed treatment of disc instabilities, irradiated discs, disc warping, and general accretion flows. ─── 新材料包括详细的处理光碟不稳定,照射光碟,光碟弯曲,并且一般的增大流动。

32、This paper suggests that predicting some instabilities by directly computing the windowed largest Lyapunov exponent of the time series that sampled from the actual system. ─── 因为用方程法研究分叉时,所采用的方程、初值和参数等对实际系统存在一定的误差,而分叉现象又对方程、初值和参数极为敏感。

33、Thus, it is reasoned, we now live in a "global economy", and this too must be regulated to iron out some of the irrationalities and instabilities inherent in a market economy. ─── 因此,很合理的,我们现在生活在了“全球经济一体化”时代,而这也必须加以管理从而消灭市场经济内在的一些不合理和不稳定的因素。

34、4.Structural phase transitions driven by electronic instabilities: Charge density waves and spin Peierls transition. ─── 4. 在低维系统物性研究: 由于电子结构的不稳定性而产生的电荷密度波与电子自旋形成的二聚物。

35、Sectored-One-Dimensional Model for Simulating Combustion Instabilities in premix Combustors ─── 一维扇型扫描模型用于模拟预混燃烧室中的燃烧不稳定性

36、Jeun-Len Wu,1989"Instabilities of a Compressible Mixing Layer",Ph.D. disseration,Virginia Polytech.Inst. and State Univ.,Blacksburg, VA24061. ─── 吴俊仁,1991,"可压缩合层流之非平行稳定性分析",国科会计划研究报告.

37、Keywords Dusty Plasmas;Dust Lattices;Electrostatic Waves;Lattice waves;Instabilities; ─── 尘埃等离子体;尘埃等离子体晶格;静电波;晶格波;不稳定性;

38、Study of genetic instabilities on chromosome in cervical intraepithelial neoplasma ─── 宫颈上皮内瘤变染色体遗传不稳定性的研究

39、A study on instabilities of the leading-edge shear layer, fluctuations of breakdown location and transformation between to breakdown type are performed. ─── 二次 涡早于主涡破裂,这一破裂导致翼面上旋风涡的产生,旋风涡与前缘 剪切层的相互作用致使前缘剪切层失稳。

40、Magnetic Collapsing Instabilities and Self-Generated Intermittent Flux ─── 磁塌缩不稳定与自生间歇磁流

41、Instabilities of Nondegenerate Optical Parametric Oscillator[J]. ─── 引用该论文 Fei Jia,Guo Qizhi.

42、Research on Algorithms to Eliminate Numerical Instabilities in Topology Optimization ─── 拓扑优化中去除数值不稳定性的算法研究

43、Because of the importance of two-phase instabilities,substantial efforts have been made to understand the physical phenomena governing such instabilities. ─── 由于两相流不稳定性在实际应用中的重要性,许多学者对其本质进行了大量的研究。

44、Keywords stirred tank;digital particle image velocimetry(DPIV);flow field;Fourier transform;spectral analysis;Macro Instabilities (MI); ─── 搅拌槽;数字粒子图像测速仪(DPIV);流场;傅立叶变换;频谱分析;宏不稳定现象(MI);

45、Central banks seldom adjust their monetary policies to arrest asset bubbles and related imbalances and instabilities. ─── 中央银行很少调整其货币政策逮捕资产泡沫和相关的不平衡和不稳定。

46、Experimental and Numerical Study of Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities ─── 瑞利-泰勒不稳定性的实验研究及数值模拟

47、After that debris settles back down around the rim of the crater, it could even out any instabilities, reducing any resulting tumbling by as much as a factor of five. ─── 撞击后,残片在撞击坑周围沉积下来,这可将由撞击产生的不稳定和晃动抵消或者减少五倍。

48、A new linear analysis for magnetic helical instabilities of arc discharges in a cylindrical plasma is deve| loped based on a set of electrostatic magnetohydrodynamic(MHD)equations. ─── 在静电磁流体方程基础上提出了柱状放电电弧等离子体的磁螺旋不稳定性的一种新的线性分析方法。

49、It is pointed out that the static flow excursion in a natural circulation system can induce dynamic flow instabilities. ─── 研究结果证明:在自然循环中静态流量漂移将会诱发动态流量振荡。

50、And the new system runs extremely smoothly, without any major problems or instabilities (knock on wood). ─── 并且新系统运行平稳,完全没有任何问题和不稳定(运气不错)。


52、Keywords Topology optimization;Material Interpolation Method;Numerical Calculation Instabilities;Optimization Solution Algorithm;MEMS Design; ─── 拓扑优化;材料插值模型;数值计算不稳定性;优化求解算法;MEMS设计;


54、Characteristics of instabilities in the mesopause region over Maui, Hawaii ─── 在夏威夷的毛伊岛上空中层顶区域的不稳定特性

55、When left alone disks galaxies can rearrange their stars and gas (as a response to instabilities).This process (called secular evolution) is often seen as spiral disks and galactic bars. ─── 当分离后,有盘的星系可能会重整它们的恒星和气体 (作为对不稳定状的一种回应),这种过程 (称为世代演化) 经常在螺旋星系和棒旋星系中观察到。

56、Different points of preventing instabilities between axial and centrifugal compressors are pointed out. ─── 指明了轴流压缩机和离心压缩机防止不稳定现象侧重点的不同。

57、Additional flow instabilities occur when the revived shock rushes outward and passes through the layers of the progenitor's onion-shell structure. ─── 当复苏的震波向外疾冲,穿越恒星内原已存在的洋葱结构壳层时,还会产生额外的气流不稳定性。

58、Marangoni-Benard instabilities ─── Marangoni-Benard不稳定性

59、Flow patterns and instabilities of monodisperse droplet formation in a microfluidic T-junction device ─── T型微通道内液滴流型分布及不稳定分析

60、To this day, putting causality back into quantum-gravitational models is the only known cure for the instabilities of superposed spacetime geometries. ─── 直到今日,把因果律放回量子重力模型中,还是对叠加时空几何不稳定性的唯一解药。

61、In this thesis, we investigate the acoustic instabilities in the inner region of AD using the new anomalous magnetic viscosity. ─── 本文就是要利用这种新的反常磁粘滞来研究薄盘内区的声速不稳定性。

62、The bright glowing knots are dense clumps from instabilities that form behind the shock wave. ─── 发光的亮结是致密的云团块,源自激波后方的不稳定性。

63、With a little help from the regulators, the big banks can now declare themselves duly stress-tested, but the systemic instabilities remain. ─── 凭借监管部门的一点帮助,大银行如今可以宣称自己适时地通过了压力测试,但系统依然不稳定。

64、Latham reported similar experiences while exploring his space.He often ran into what he called a territory of instabilities. ─── 在对他的实验空间进行研究时,拉萨姆总是会记录下一些相似的体验,他经常会突然碰到一个他称为不稳定状态的情况。

65、Key words: Beam position monitor, Transverse &lognitudinal instabilities; ─── 关键词: 束流位置监测系统;横向和纵向不稳定性;

66、To work, it requires that countries with huge trade surpluses reduce the export-led growth that fed the system's instabilities. ─── 为了解决问题,这就要求持有巨额盈余国家放缓导致美元系统不稳定因素的外贸型增长。

67、Based on the classification of the electromagnetic actuated micro-devices, the instabilities of different kinds of electromagnetic micro-devices were analyzed under MMF-controlled models. ─── 摘要在对电磁驱动微器件进行分类的基础上,详细分析了磁动势控制模型中不同类型电磁微器件的失稳特性。

68、Gross flow instabilities are damped and remain small. ─── 总体流动的不稳定性受到阻抑并且很小。

69、Instabilities in the MD Type Spiral Sector Transition Region of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field ─── MD型行星际磁场螺旋扇形过渡区中的不稳定性

70、Instabilities in Silicon Devices-New Insulator, Device and Radiation Effects ─── 不稳定的硅器件-新绝缘体,器件与辐射效应

71、A new linear analysis for magnetic helical instabilities of arc discharges in a cylindrical plasma is developed based on a set of electrostatic magnetohydrodynamic equations. ─── 在静电磁流体方程基础上,提出了柱状放电电弧等离子体磁螺旋不稳定性的一种新的线性分析方法.

72、Thus becalmed, the clouds are more susceptible to wave instabilities. ─── 所以,这些云气较易受重力不稳定性的影响。

73、Abstract The importance of two-phase instabilities has attracted substantial efforts to study the physical phenomena governing such instabilities. ─── 摘要 由于两相流不稳定性在实际应用中的重要性,许多学者对其本质进行了大量的研究。

74、A simplified linear analysis for magnetic helical instabilities of arc discharges in a cylindrical plasma is developed. ─── 摘要在静电近似下,给出了圆柱等离子体中电弧放电螺旋不稳定性的一个简化线性分析,得到了显式解析解。

75、Study on Instabilities of Strategic Alliances Based upon Specific Assets and Hold-up Problems ─── 基于专用性资产及其套牢效应的战略联盟不稳定性分析

76、Keywords Liquid crystal nonlinear optics;electrohydrodynamic instabilities;phase transition dissipation structure.; ─── 液晶非线性光学;电动流体力学不稳定性;相变耗散结构;

77、flow instabilities ─── 流动不稳定性

78、The performance of pressure driven membrane processes may be significantly improved when unsteady fluid instabilities are superimposed on crossflow. ─── 在十字流膜滤的基础上采用不稳定流动方式,则压力驱动的膜过滤过程将得到强化。

79、A Method for Treating the Instabilities of MOO in Transient Scattering by Conducting Surfaces of Arbitrary Shape ─── 一种解决MOO算法求解任意形状导电目标瞬态散射稳定性的方法

80、Beam instabilities ─── 束流不稳定性

81、dynamic instabilities ─── 动力失稳

82、the other is existence, in the real atmosphere, of instabilities not described in our model, like for instance, baroclinic instability. ─── 另一个在实际大气存在的不稳定(此模式未予涉及),例如斜压不稳定。

83、After 1980s, the instabilities of accretion discs in dwarf novae interest both theoreticians and observers very much. ─── 中文摘要1980年代之后,不论是理论天文学家或是观测天文学家,对矮新星中吸积盘的不稳定性都很有兴趣。

84、Overclocked processors or system bus can produce unpredictable results or system instabilities, which might not be readily apparent. ─── 超频的处理器或系统总线会产生不可预测的结果或系统的不稳定,而这些现象可能并不一目了然的。

85、Today, we face new threats and instabilities. ─── 今天,我们又面对着新的威胁与不稳定因素。

86、The speech suggested that African leaders must cease blaming outsiders for the region's political instabilities and lagging economic development. ─── 他在讲话中指出,非洲领导人必须停止将本地区的政治不稳定和经济发展落后的 问题归咎于外界。

87、HF-induced airglow at magnetic zenith: Thermal and parametric instabilities near electron gyroharmonics ─── 磁顶点HF-引起的气辉:在电子回转谐波旁边热和参量不稳定性

88、Gross flow instabilities are damped and remain small. ─── 总体流动的不稳定性受到阻抑并且很

89、Results showed that flutter instabilities would not occur for the ITP with only one degree-of-freedom. ─── 研究表明仅有竖弯自由度或扭转自由度的平板不可能发生单自由度颤振。

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