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09-14 投稿



icebound 发音

英:[?a?s ba?nd]  美:[?a?s ba?nd]

英:  美:

icebound 中文意思翻译



icebound 网络释义

adj. 冰封的;被冰封冻着的

icebound 同义词

icebound 词性/词形变化,icebound变形

名词: iceboater |

icebound 反义词


icebound 短语词组

1、icebound battleground ─── 冰封战场

2、icebound wilderness ─── 冰封荒野

icebound 相似词语短语

1、air-bound ─── 气障,气隔

2、tide-bound ─── 潮水

3、casebound ─── adj.(书籍)精装的

4、homebound ─── adj.回家的,回家乡的

5、prebound ─── v.加固装订(prebind的过去式和过去分词)

6、hidebound ─── adj.死板的;保守的;顽固的;墨守成规的

7、ironbound ─── adj.坚硬的;包铁的;戴镣铐的;岩石围绕的

8、inbound ─── adj.入境的;归本国的;回内地的;n.入站

9、rebound ─── v.(球或其他运动物体)弹回,反弹;(价格、价值等下跌后)回升,反弹;抢(篮板球);(事件,局势)产生事与愿违的结果;n.(因挫折,危机,失恋)处于情绪波动的状态;(价格等)回升,反弹;(球)在回弹中;(尤指停药后病情的)复发;v.重新装订(rebind的过去式和过去分词)

icebound 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Speciation of Mercury in Water and Sediments from the Songhua River during the Icebound Season ─── 松花江冰封期江水和沉积物中汞形态研究

2、Icebound river, let the distance of the other shore look like very short distance. ─── 冰封的河,让彼岸的距离近似咫尺。

3、Life in the snow and icebound, whole day amusedly exceed grace calmly of gentleman step. ─── 生活在冰天雪地里,整天愉快地迈着优雅从容的绅士步。

4、in Feburary: The earth the severe cold of sleep deeply of icebound, everythings on earth is about to leave, how should you arouse the languid lazy spirit with long already dormancy? ─── 2月:大地冰封、万物沉睡的严寒即将离别,你该如何唤醒蛰伏已久的慵懒心灵?

5、The order complete works of communications centre mission map time telling me to go sight-seeing at single devil beast 3 icebound kings seats be also available! ─── 告诉我玩单机魔兽3冰封王座时的命令大全 要冲任务地图也可用的!

6、Stack it with Icebound Fortitude or Anti-Magic Shell (or both) for truly amazing mitigation. ─── 你可以配合IceboundFortitude或者Anti-MagicShell使受到的伤害明显降低。

7、Keywords The icebound season input response Matural pacification ability Environment capacity Model; ─── 冰封期;输入响应;自净能力;环境容量;模型;

8、How is hematic bottle taken in icebound throne? ─── 冰封王座中怎么带血瓶?

9、The pollution features of the river are the organic pollution seriously in icebound season and most of the toxicants from the point-source. ─── 松花江的环境污染特征是有机污染冰封期加重和点源污染突出。

10、Icebound Fortitude now reduces damage by 20% instead of 50%. ─── 冰封之韧现在从减少伤害50%改变为20%。

11、In May of 1983 they spent a few cold days at a series of little icebound, no-name high lakes, then worked across into the Hail Strew River drainage. ─── 1983年5月,他们在几处结冰的高山湖泊边过了几天冷日子。接着便打算穿过黑耳斯图河。

12、Keywords Organic Toxicant Icebound Season Point-Source Pollution; ─── 有机毒物;冰封期;点源污染;

13、Ask the devil beast to compete for hegemony icebound king seat boundless money and secret book of wood. ─── 求魔兽争霸冰封王座的无限金钱和木材秘籍.

14、an icebound harbour ─── 冰封的港口

15、The attenuation of chemical oxygen demand (COD) in rivers during the icebound season was examined, and how the freezing action of ice-layer worked on the attenuation of COD was presented. ─── 摘要对冰封期河流中化学耗氧量(COD)削减问题进行了研究,提出冰层的冻结对COD的削减作用。

16、Can associate " a thousand li is icebound, 10 thousand lis of Xue Piao " gallant scenery. ─── 可以联想到“千里冰封,万里雪飘”的壮丽景色。

17、"You can't expect power-cut railways and icebound highways to be restored to normal immediately, " Zheng said. ─── 郑国光说:「你不能指望电力中断的铁路和冰封的公路立即恢复正常。」

18、He starts in Ancient Egypt and travels in time through 11 tableaux, ending in the icebound twilight of humanity. ─── 他从古埃及出发,穿越了时空的11个场景,最终到达了人类的冰天雪地垂暮苍茫的时分。

19、Life in the snow and icebound, whole day amusedly exceed grace calmly of gentleman step. ─── 生活在冰天雪地里,整天愉快地迈着优雅从容的绅士步。

20、Icebound river, let the distance of the other shore look like very short distance, ─── 冰封的河,让彼岸的距离近似咫尺,

21、Inward fervency wants to melt this icebound indifference but. ─── 内心的火热却又想把这冰封的冷漠融化。

22、Although icebound much of the year, it is a leading port and can generally be opened to navigation by icebreakers.Population, 408,000. ─── 虽然每年大部分时间为冰封期,但仍是一主要港口,一般由破冰船破冰通航。

23、In September in autumn, the Tourist Attraction, with splendid blossoms and picturesque hills, looks like an intoxicating oil painting.In the white winter, the land is icebound with flying snow. ─── 金秋九月,景区是一幅绚丽的五花山色,是一幅令人心醉的油画。

24、decade ago these seas were icebound an average of 90 days a year. ─── 十年前,这些海面平均一年冰封90天。

25、Devil beast compete for hegemony icebound king seat battle strategy of 3! ─── 您的位置:我也知道>游戏>单机游戏>魔兽争霸>魔兽争霸3之冰封王座攻略!

26、In April next year, I will head for the Heilongjiang River, where I will wait on the icebound banks for the seventeenth of April. ─── 明年四月,我就前往黑龙江。 我要在那冰封的河岸上等着四月十七日。

27、Via living example analyses, it should be concluded that the attenuation of organic pollutants operated by freezing action of ice-layer on rivers during the icebound season couldn't be ignored. ─── 实例分析结果表明,冰封期河流冰层的冻结对有机污染物的削减作用不能忽略。

28、Empty space empty space have to feel bad to feel self indifferently sometimes in the heart very much indifferent droplet does not move forward such as icebound one kind. ─── 心里很空,空得难受,有时候感觉自己冷漠,冷漠的滴水不进,像冰封了一样。

29、These two "giants of the North" are losing their beautiful icebound existence and must fight to seek out new ways to live in a world where the rules have changed. ─── 这两个“北极之王”正在丧失它们的冰封世界;为了在这个世界上立足,它们不得不另想办法,适应生存法则的改变。

30、Keywords mercury;the Songhua River;icebound season;speciation;distribution; ─── 汞;松花江;冰封期;形态;分布;

31、where I will wait on the icebound banks for the seventeenth of April. ─── 明年四月,我就前往黑龙江。我要在那冰封的河岸上等着四月十七日。

32、Icebound river, let the distance of the other shore look like very short distance, That is the happy other shore. ─── 冰封的河,让彼岸的距离近似咫尺, 那是幸福的彼岸。

33、The icebound bygone , The stage of dream! ─── 沉封的往事,梦想的舞台!

34、Glyph of Icebound Fortitude - Your Icebound Fortitude costs no runic power. ─── 冰封之韧不再消耗符文能量。

35、Keywords organic toxicant;icebound season;point-source pollution; ─── 有机污染物;冰封期;点源污染;

36、a sturdy ship built for breaking a passage through icebound waters ─── 用来在冰封的水中开道的一种坚固的船

37、A solitary triangle in the centre of an icebound radar screen, the Stockholm advanced north along the west coast of Spitsbergen. ─── 斯德哥尔摩号沿着斯匹次卑尔根群岛西侧向北航行,雷达屏幕中心只有一个孤独的三角形,自从熊岛以来我们没有看见任何船只。

38、Reduction Mode of Organic Pollutants in Rivers During the Icebound Season ─── 冰封期河流中有机污染物削减模式

39、Explorers attempted and mostly failed over the centuries to establish a pathway from the Atlantic to the Pacific through the icebound North, a quest often punctuated by starvation and scurvy. ─── 好几世纪以来,探险家试图借道冰封中的北极,建立一条从大西洋航向太平洋的航道。这段追寻之旅往往被饥饿、坏血病打断,而以失败告终。

40、The joint venture calls for the companies to explore three sections in the Kara Sea, an icebound coastal backwater north of central Russia. ─── 该合资企业要求这两个公司探索喀拉海(KaraSea)的三个部分,喀拉海位于中俄罗斯的北部,是一个冰封的沿海的闭塞地区。

41、icebound season ─── 冰封期

42、What reason is make a move inserts a banner inside icebound throne? ─── 冰封王座里面走一步就插一支旗是什么原因?

43、Below the influence of global finance seismic sea wave, activity of capital market IPO for a time icebound . ─── 在全球金融海啸的影响下,资本市场IPO活动一度冰封。

44、When one personal thought despair still leave what sunlight under of are we an icebound egos? ─── 我被莫名其妙的思想压得好重,好重...谁来告诉我?什么是完美!!!

45、A sturdy ship built for breaking a passage through icebound waters. ─── 破冰船用来在冰封的水中开道的一种坚固的船

46、Inward fervency wants to melt this icebound indifference but. ─── 内心的火热却又想把这冰封的冷漠融化。

47、Below the influence of global finance seismic sea wave, activity of capital market IPO for a time icebound. ─── 在全球金融海啸的影响下,资本市场IPO活动一度冰封。

48、Stand erect the icebound summit.You are the star how is occultly and dazzlingly.Never cower,never disbelieve that yous heavenliness will enlighten the night of earth. ─── 站在高高的冰封之巅,你是那众星中最神秘,最耀眼的一颗。永远不要退缩和怀疑,你的光辉将照耀黑夜大地。

49、20% from Barkskin vs 60% from shield wall, or 20% from bone armor AND 50% from icebound fortitude is just WAY too weak. ─── 树皮的20%,相比较盾墙的60%,或者骨甲的20%加上冰护的50%,完全太脆弱了。





['aisi] 冰凝按常理是这样读,但是好像没有这个词,ice的形容词有icebound,是冰冻住的意思

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