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09-13 投稿



ignominious 发音

英:[??ɡn??m?ni?s]  美:[??ɡn??m?ni?s]

英:  美:

ignominious 中文意思翻译



ignominious 同义词

abject | dastardly | untitled | degraded |shameful | reprehensible | black | immoral | noble | base | despicable | ungentle | dishonorable | without | contemptible | honor | mean | low | dishonourable | graceful | disgraceful | elegant

ignominious 词性/词形变化,ignominious变形

副词: ignominiously |名词: ignominiousness |

ignominious 短语词组

1、ignominious penalty ─── 可耻的判决

ignominious 反义词


ignominious 相似词语短语

1、ignominies ─── n.耻辱;不体面;丑行

2、ignominiousness ─── 耻辱

3、ignominy ─── n.耻辱;不体面;丑行

4、ignominious end ─── 可耻的结局

5、Menominis ─── 月经的

6、cognominations ─── 认知

7、dominions ─── n.领土(dominion的复数形式);[法]主权

8、insomnious ─── adj.患失眠症的,失眠的

9、ignominiously ─── adv.可耻地

ignominious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You will survive the ignominious behavior of your foes, and will attain the presence of Him who is the one object of our adoration and love. ─── 你会在敌人的无耻行径下幸存,然后到达我们崇敬和热爱的祂的尊前。

2、The two BMW-Williams of Ralf Schumacher and Juan Montoya finished almost a lap behind in 4th and 5th, while pre-race World Championship favourite, Kimi Raikkonen, made an ignominious exit on the 9th lap with engine failure. ─── 两名威廉姆斯车手小舒马赫和蒙托亚分别取得第四和第五的成绩,而赛前被大家普遍看好的雷克南,在第九圈的时候却因为引擎故障滑出了赛道。

3、As a journalist from CCTV, her future is destined to be very bright without this ignominious matter. ─── 如果没有发生这么一件不光彩的事,作为一名央视记者,她的前途本该是一片光明的。

4、shameful; disgraceful; ignominious; criminal; vile; dishonorable ─── 可耻

5、but, if the person accused makes his innocence plainly to appear upon his trial, the accuser is immediately put to an ignominious death; ─── 但如果被告能在开庭审叛时表明自己清白无罪,则原告将被立即处死,落个可耻的下场;

6、Instead, he went forward through two years of worrying and ignominious office to a violent death, a dishonoured grave. ─── 但是他却不这样做,他担任了两年忧愁烦恼、卑鄙可耻的职务后,落得一个横死、不光彩的下。

7、The conspiracy frittered away to ignominious conclusion. ─── 阴谋总是以可耻的结果告终!

8、When the allies of Rome claimed an equal share of honors and privileges, the senate indeed preferred the chance of arms to an ignominious concession. ─── 当罗马的盟国提出要获得同样荣誉和特权的要求时,元老院宁可选择战争,而不是一个可耻的让步。

9、Act out an ignominious role in the scheme ─── 在那个阴谋中扮演可耻的角色

10、The talks finished in ignominious failure.So distempered did things become that one drunk American delegate threatened another with a knife in the hallway of Claridge's hotel. ─── 事情演变到失去控制的地步,以至于在克拉里奇酒店门厅内,一名喝醉了的美国代表竟对他人以刀相逼。

11、They accuse him of setting up the opposition Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) for a landslide victory, so bringing the long rule of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) to an abrupt and ignominious end. ─── 他们指控麻生使对手日本民主党将会以压倒之势赢得胜利,自由民主党的长期统治将会以屈辱之势结束。

12、Three minutes' delay will render it involuntary and ignominious. ─── 如再耽搁三分钟,你的离开就要成为被迫的,而且是可耻的了。”

13、With the strong intention of morals, Tacitus applied his mind to the modern times, “The ignominious businesses within the confined scope ” and “The troublesome and tedious themes ”. ─── 基于强烈的道德目的,塔西佗致力于现当代史的写作,致力于“狭窄范围之内的不光彩的事情”与“惹人生厌的单调乏味的题材”。

14、The conspiracy frittered away to an ignominious conclusion ─── 这一阴谋以不光彩的结局销声匿迹了。

15、now,while the roof of a British palace affords an ignominious shelter to the exiled heir of forty kings; ─── 当英国王宫的屋檐为40个国王的流亡后裔提供可鄙的庇护所时;

16、"The young people huddled with their sodden gritty towels and ignominious goosebumps inside the gray-shingled bathhouse" (John Updike) ─── “身上起满难看的鸡皮疙瘩的年轻人,裹着布满沙粒的湿毛巾拥挤在灰色木瓦的澡堂里”(约翰·厄普代克)

17、As this dark mass had been transformed from a bright and love-endorsed flower to be an ignominious vegetable, so had her summer hopes wilted and perished. ─── 看着作为自己爱情见证的鲜艳的花朵变成这样一团黑糊糊的、不体面的食物,她之前的美妙的希望也随之枯萎、消逝了。

18、In a way, he was the "Poor-Devil Author" of whom Washington Irving wrote a sympathetic sketch, the man who from vast dreams of literary fame descends to ignominious hackwork. ─── 他有几分象欧文笔下令人惋惜的那个“可怜巴巴的作家,”从天才梦堕落为雇佣文人。

19、Four years ago, he suffered an ignominious first-round exit. ─── 四年前,他遭受了首轮出局的耻辱。

20、Die an ignominious death, die a Beggar ─── 死无葬身之地

21、What an ignominious destiny for medicine if its future turned into one of bestowing meagre increments of unenjoyed life! ─── 如果医学未来只是起延长痛苦的生命的作用,那么它将的命运将多么可耻啊!

22、That is the kind of ambition that captures imaginations and headlines in the west, where the US's century of dominance of the car industry has come to an ignominious end. ─── 这一雄心壮志激发了西方的想象力,也登上了西方媒体的新闻头条。美国对汽车产业长达一个世纪的统治已带着耻辱走到了尽头。

23、The young people huddled with their sodden gritty towels and ignominious goosebumps inside the gray - shingled bathhouse(John Updike) ─── 身上起满难看的鸡皮疙瘩的年轻人,裹着布满沙粒的湿毛巾拥挤在灰色木瓦的澡堂里(约翰 厄普代克)

24、He compares with Pope “two full animals”, is called as “the civilized villain” the priest, said that Catholicism is “one which some sly people arrange most ignominious deceives people the trap”. ─── 伏尔泰尖刻地抨击夫主教会的黑暗统治。他把教皇比作“两足禽兽”,把教士称作“文明恶棍”,说天主教是“一些狡猾的人布置的一个最可耻的骗人罗网”。

25、absolute, ignominious failure. ─── 无所取,何以予?

26、Yet this ignominious retreat became enshrined as a glorious victory; the guts of survivors made it a founding myth. ─── 然而,这不光彩的撤退成为了一项光荣的胜利,幸存者的勇气使其成为了建国者的神话。

27、Instead, he went forward through two years of worrying and ignominious office to a violent death, a dishonoured grave ─── 但是他却不这样做,他担任了两年忧愁烦恼、卑鄙可耻的职务后,落得一个横死、不光彩的下场。

28、The waste is one kind of ignominious behavior. ─── 浪费是一种可耻的行为。

29、That ignominious experience led the Tories to adopt inflation targeting, which has transformed Britain's macroeconomic performance. ─── 这段不光彩的经历使得保守党采取了设定通胀目标的方法,这让英国宏观经济表现得以改观。

30、ignominious behaviour ─── 不光彩的行为

31、"ran before her progress, turning their heads continually to stare into her face, and at the winking baby in her arms, and at the ignominious letter on her breast." ─── 他们一边在头前跑着,一边不时回过头来盯着她的脸、她怀中抱着的眨着眼的婴儿、还有她胸前那个丢人现眼的红字。

32、Social media backers take that ignominious episode in stride. ─── 社会媒体的支持者对这种盲从的小插曲并不反对。

33、This expansion of the private word go approach is the bottom of his heart ignominious yield to the detriment of others regional fruit. ─── 这种私字膨胀而越雷池的做法,是心灵深处不光彩区域结出的有损他人的果子。

34、The UN were faced with an ignominious withdrawal or a long-term military presence. ─── 联合国要么选择不光彩地撤军,要么选择维持长期的驻军。

35、In Paris, Old Summer Palace's rabbit and mouse has been auctioned, the thing auctioned is how ignominious! ─── 在巴黎,圆明园的兔和鼠首被拍卖了,拍卖抢来的东西是多么可耻啊!

36、Although Coach Phil Jackson dubbed the Lakers a "Jekyll and Hyde" team after Monday's practice, he noted that they have typically played their best games immediately after an ignominious loss. ─── 尽管主帅菲尔-杰克逊在周一的训练之后,给湖人取了“双面人”的绰号,他强调在一场令人耻辱的失败之后,队员们在之后的训练中打出了最好的水平。

37、"Where, long since, with all that dreary lapse of time between, Hester Prynne had encountered the world's ignominious stare." ─── 在相隔许多凄风苦雨的岁月之前,海丝特·白兰曾经在那上面遭到世人轻辱的白眼。

38、He soared to heights unimaginable with his music, and he made the ignominious front page of gutter tabloids worldwide. ─── 他随着自己的音乐冲向难以想象的巅峰,同时也登上全球各地低俗小报的封面。

39、ignominious defeat ─── 可耻的失败

40、The stigma of ignominious defeat ─── 失败的污点

41、come to a disgraceful end; meet with an ignominious fate ─── 遭到可耻下场

42、He found himself indicted for arson and attemptedd murder, his career came to an abrupt and ignominious end. ─── 他被指控犯有纵火罪和谋杀未遂。他的事业突然间落了个可耻的下场。

43、Yet before Hong's policies and Yung's proposals were ever implemented, the Taipings suffered an ignominious retreat. ─── 包括军事、政治、经济、文化教育等各个方面,是近代中国较早提出全面发展资本主义的改革措施。

44、In a way, he was the 'Poor-Devil Author'of whom Washington Irving wrote a sympathetic sketch, the man who from vast dreams of literary fame descends to ignominious hackwork. ─── 他有几分象欧文笔下令人惋惜的那个“可怜巴巴的作家,”从天才梦堕落为雇佣文人。

45、This expansion of the private word go approach is the bottom of his heart ignominious yield to the detriment of others regional fruit. ─── 这种私字膨胀而越雷池的做法,是心灵深处不光彩区域结出的有损他人的果子。

46、it is an ignominious thing to attack others in the back. ─── 在别人背后下刀子是一件非常不光彩的事。

47、I don’t understand that. (He lost me at ‘ignominious. ─── 我不理解。(他的“可耻”让我迷惑。)

48、You will survive the ignominious behavior of your foes, and will attain the presence of Him who is the one object of our adoration and love. ─── 你会在敌人的无耻行径下幸存,然后到达我们崇敬和热爱的祂的尊前。

49、meet with ignominious defeat ─── 遭到了可耻的失败

50、He found himself indicted for arson and attemptedd murder, his career came to an abrupt and ignominious end. ─── 他被指控犯有纵火罪和谋杀未遂。他的事业忽然间落了个可耻的下场。

51、When you because settle to lonely and live simply changenobly, you can see clearly that common custom filthy, gloomy, narrow,tiny, ignominious and are absurd. ─── 当你因安于孤独和澹泊而变得高尚,你就会看清那世俗的污浊、阴暗、狭隘、渺小、可耻与荒唐。

52、I cannot ask freedom for myself while my comrades are already suffering in the ignominious prison of the Isle of Pines. ─── 我的同志们已经在派恩斯岛上可耻的监狱里受苦受难,我不能为我自己要求自由。

53、“mixed the cards” the disturbance already to pass, many people while condemned Shenhua behavior ignominious, also cooperated the decide finally to indicate regretted. ─── “洗牌”风波已经过去了,很多人在谴责申花行为可耻的同时,也对中协最后决定表示遗憾。

54、Four years ago, he suffered an ignominious first-round exit. This time around, he swept to the title in imperious style. ─── 四年前,他遭受了首轮出局的耻辱。而这一次,他横扫赛场一举夺冠。

55、the stigma of ignominious defeat; ─── 失败的污点;

56、1.disgraceful; dishonorable; ignominious; ignoble; 2.disrepute; disgrace ─── 不光彩

57、To die an ignominious death ─── 蒙羞而亡

58、an ignominious treaty ─── 屈辱性条约

59、Hiding under cloth and wearing blinders may seem an ignominious way to experience the glories of the cosmos. ─── 躲在黑布后面或是带着眼罩来感受宇宙的辉煌可能不大体面。

60、Four years ago, he suffered an ignominious first-round exit. ─── 四年前,他遭受了首轮出局的耻辱。

61、Instead, he went forward through two years of worrying and ignominious office to a violent death, a dishonoured grave. ─── 但是他却不这样做,他担任了两年忧愁烦恼、卑鄙可耻的职务后,落得一个横死、不光彩的下

62、The conspiracy frittered away to an ignominious conclusion. ─── 那个阴谋以可耻的失败而告终。

63、Many of their forays into genuinely competitive sectors have ended in ignominious failure. ─── 他们很多进军真正有竞争性行业的尝试都以惨败而告终。

64、It also makes for an ignominious end to the career of Dick Fuld, Lehman's boss since 1994, who until last year was viewed as one of Wall Street's smartest managers. ─── 这对1994年上任至今的雷曼老板迪克福德来说,也是职业生涯耻辱的终结,而直到去年他还被看作华尔街最出色的管理者之一。

65、The ignominious defeat was still fresh in my mind. ─── 我仍旧对那个可耻的失败记忆犹新。

66、There is a long, ignominious tradition in this nation of violence toward newcomers. ─── 这个国家有个不光彩的传统,那就是对于初来乍到者的不友好。

67、It was an ignominious end to one of the most distinguished international careers in American government. ─── 作为政府中为数不多的拥有最辉煌外交生涯的一员,得到这样的结果是不大光彩的。

68、It was too ignominious. ─── 这是太不名誉了。

69、"in all its branches, but with continual reference to the ignominious letter." ─── 他列举了形形色色的罪过,并且时时涉及那不光彩的字母。

70、an ignominious defeat ─── 可耻的失败.

71、As a journalist from CCTV, her future is destined to be very bright without this ignominious matter. ─── 如果没有发生这么一件不光彩的事,作为一名央视记者,她的前途本该是一片光明的。

72、ignominious penalty ─── 羞辱刑

73、The marriage was considered especially ignominious since she was of royal descent. ─── 由于她出身王族,这门婚事被认为是奇耻大辱。

74、Happiness obtained by treasure is ignominious,people should pursue the real wealth. ─── 1要争取真正的财富,靠金银谋取幸福是不光彩的。

75、Thus she will be a living sermon against sin, until the ignominious letter be engraved upon her tombstone. ─── 这样她就成了告诫人们抵制罪恶的活训条了,直到那个耻辱的字母刻到她的墓碑上为止。

76、Well, a ignominious triumph for the Yangs, whose honour was saved by the birth of a child, or in other words, by the scriptwriter's ridiculous explaination for the destruction of the Sky Door Maze! ─── ,杨家的胜利很不光彩,他们的荣誉是一个孩子的出生挽救的,或者换句话说,他们的荣誉的是用---编剧荒谬的让天门阵被破--挽回的。

77、He made one mistake and his career came to an ignominious end. ─── 他犯了一个错误,他的事业就很不体面地结束了。

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