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09-13 投稿



individuation 发音

英:['?nd?,v?dj?e???n]  美:['?nd??v?dj?e??n]

英:  美:

individuation 中文意思翻译



individuation 词性/词形变化,individuation变形

动词第三人称单数: individuates |动词现在分词: individuating |动词过去式: individuated |动词过去分词: individuated |

individuation 短语词组

1、individuation network service ─── 个性化网络服务

2、individuation novel ─── 个性化小说

3、individuation field ─── [医] 个体形成区

4、individuation of events ─── 事件个性化

5、individuation process ─── 个体化历程

individuation 反义词


individuation 同义词

nature | personal identity | individualism | self | independence |personality | individuation | originality | uniqueness | identity | thing | distinctiveness | difference | eccentricity

individuation 相似词语短语

1、individuating ─── v.个体化,感觉独立;使有区别

2、individuator ─── 个体化者

3、deindividuation ─── n.去个性化;去个体化

4、individualise ─── v.赋予个性;使表现出区别;使适应个别需要(等于individualize)

5、individuality ─── n.个性;个人;个人特征;个人的嗜好(通常复数)

6、individualism ─── n.个人主义;利己主义;个人特征

7、individualize ─── v.(使)个性化;(使)适应个别需要;(使)表现出区别;adj.表现出区别的

8、individualist ─── n.利己主义者,个人主义者

9、individuations ─── n.个性化,赋予个性

individuation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、building individuation ─── 建筑个性

2、Finally, the diversification and individuation of the process information expression based on XML/XSL is realized by these techniques. ─── 并在此基础上实现了基于XML/XSL的工艺信息表达方式的多样化和个性化。

3、steady market is becoming easier to change because of variation and individuation of customers' demands. ─── 客户需求的多样和个性化使得传统相对稳定的市场变得动态多变。

4、GSE combines WebGIS with Search Engine, It can provide Local Service to common users and can satisfy us with geo-related information, in accord with the current trend of information retrieval towards intelligentization and individuation . ─── 它是搜索引擎技术与WebGIS等技术相结合的产物,可以为普通用户提供本地信息服务(Local Service)和空间信息检索工具,符合当今信息检索技术朝着智能化、个性化方向发展的潮流。

5、individuation design ─── 个性化设计

6、The rapid development of the technology and market environment makes the enterprises to run more agilely and efficiently, to fit the market requirement of small batch, individuation and multiformity. ─── 在这样的情况下,动态联盟应运而生,并成为当今企业的最新管理和运行模式。

7、individuation education ─── 个性化教育

8、individuation of dosage ─── 剂量个体化

9、Full consideration the user's special situations, company accepts the individuation custom-made, it can also provide the Germany original installation products. ─── 公司充分考虑用户使用的具体情况,接受用户个性化的产品定制,也可提供德国原装产品。

10、With the help of Data Warehouse, the mass of data that the enterprise accumulated can be transferred to knowledge so that the enterprise can server their customers with individuation. ─── 借助数据仓库技术可将企业积累的大量的数据转化为知识,实现对客户的个性化服务,并为决策提供技术支持。

11、Monitoring of the Serum Concentration of Valproic Acid and Drug Administration with Individuation in 190 Epileptic Patients ─── 190例癫痫患者丙戊酸血浓度监测及个体化给药

12、The inbeing of brand positioning is obtaining competition advantages through individuation and difference of an enterprise. ─── 品牌定位的本质是企业通过个性化和差异化来获取竞争优势。

13、Still, Jung did not teach the return of human essence to the Gnostic pleroma, where individuality was lost, but instead adhered to individuation, which maintained the fullness of human individuality. ─── 容格仍然没有教导人类回归诺斯替派的佩雷若玛的精华要素,在那里个性已经消失,但取而代之的是粘附着的个性化,维持着人类个性的圆满。

14、Here, use by simplification, more by individuation, the home is me above all, my idea just is this regnal highest instruction. ─── 在这里,使用被简单化,更被个性化,家首先是我的,我的想法才是这个王国的最高指令。

15、Informationize the network already becomes people today, gaining information , important approach , network times expressing a viewpoint than any moment going over all emphasizes to individuation. ─── 在信息化的今天,网络已经成为人们获取信息、表达观点的重要途径,网络时代比过去任何时候都强调个性化。

16、Central to Jungian therapy is the concept of individuation, referring to the psychological evolution of an individual over time. ─── 荣格治疗的中心思想是个体化的观念,提到随著时间过去,个人在心理的进展。

17、All flute series are of handmade and semi-handmade, excellent individuation and expansible, enough responsibility and resonant effect. ─── 产品重点为手工及半手工的,产品特色体现良好的音色、个性化可扩展性、足够的灵敏性和共鸣效果。

18、individuation image retrieval ─── 个性化图像检索

19、The Chinese individuation mail products ─── 个性邮品

20、We produce high glo y, matte ,RC and back sizing photo papers.Our products use in architecture design, AD design, photography, office and individuation digital printout. ─── 公司目前专业生产高光、亚光、RC、背胶等系列相纸产品,广泛应用于建筑设计、广告设计、婚纱摄影、办公及个性化数码打印输出等。

21、We should continue to improve it in the respects of individuation of reason, reason-showing of penalty and procedure law, and opening of verdict maker. ─── 应在判决理由个性化、量刑理由和程序法理由阐释以及判决书制作者公开这些方面继续加以完善。

22、In the narrative position of individuation, in manner of monolog to show sexuality is an important characteristic of feminine novel in the 1990s. ─── 在个体化的叙事立场下,用独白的方式言说肉身欲望是20世纪90年代女性小说身体话语的重要特点。

23、Implementing Individuation Background Tunes on CDMA Network ─── 在CDMA网络上实现个性化背景音

24、Views of Liquor Body Design and Market Demand Individuation ─── 专家酒体设计与个性化市场需求之我见

25、individuation deactivate ─── 使无效

26、individuation house ─── 个性化住宅

27、Deliberations of individuation and categorization of music criticism ─── 关于音乐评论个性化与类型化的思考

28、Individuation involves the growth of a unique human being through a deepening of awareness. ─── 个体化牵涉到独特的人的成长,透过知觉的深化。

29、Streamline figure, stout but sagacious, unbending but exalted, modishness combine with individuation, make you easygoing. Harmonious family, nice life, from the beginning of owning a good motor.. ─── 外形饱满圆润,沉稳中散发睿智、张弛中尽显尊贵.时尚与个性的交相辉映,让生活的方式自由自在,和谐家庭,美好人生,才会拥有一步好车。

30、JH: Yes.You see, for Jung the central metaphor was "individuation," which is so often confused with ego development. ─── JH:是的,你看,对容格来说,根本象征为“个体化”,它很经常与自我发展混淆。

31、Despair is the paroxysm of individuation, a painful and unique interiorization. ─── 绝望是个性化的发作,是痛苦又独特的内化。

32、individuation character ─── 个性化特质

33、How to develop individuation reading teaching to train student individuation reading ability during high school course will await for researching and perfecting in theory and practice. ─── 个性化阅读的概念第一次在新课程标准中提出,高中阶段,我们该如何进行个性化阅读教学以培养学生个性化阅读能力,还有待于在理论和实践中不断研究和完善。

34、the individuation of enterprises ─── 企业个性化

35、Additional, we can have professional stylist, wait for the design that undertakes individuation according to different person's specific body characteristic, profession. ─── 另外,我们会有专业的设计师,根据不同人具体的身体特点、职业等进行个性化的设计。”

36、Only carry through the individuation reading method, we can uprise the Chinese education to a new level. ─── 只有把个性化阅读教学的新理念贯彻到当前的语文新课程中,才能把语文教学改革推进到一个新的境界。

37、principle of individuation ─── 个体化原则

38、Even Jung's concept of individuation has been misunderstood as a form of egotism, when in fact it's about humility and submission to one's calling as a person. ─── 即使是容格的个体化概念也时常被误解为自我主义。事实上容格的意思是,谦逊和顺从于那些对成为一个人的呼唤。

39、The principles of individuation, integrity and dynamics should be considered in the pharmic therapy of depression. ─── 从系统论的角度出发,指出抑郁症的药物治疗应当个体化、考虑病情的整体性与动态性原则。

40、individuation encryption ─── 个性化加密

41、individuation retrieval ─── 个性化检索

42、Operation Mode: Project management reflects individuation; standard operation reflects internationalization. ─── 运作方式:项目式管理体现个性化;规范式操作体现国际化。

43、The brush work of Ukraine, as well as other arts there, bears remote and profound traditions and unfolds more individuation in the characteristics day by day. ─── 乌克兰绘画如同其它文学艺术一样,具有悠久与深厚的传统,并日益呈现出个性化的特点。

44、individuation calibration ─── 个体化校正

45、Human is a compound substance of soul and body, the soul actualizes its individuation by body and is perfected by uniting with the body. ─── 作为由灵魂和肉体构成的复合实体,人的灵魂通过肉体实现其个体化并在与肉体的结合里得到完满的实现。

46、For example, one divides into two of double bed Yi Ke, kitchen mesa height distributes male host and goodwife form, bookshelf or bookcase lining more hasten individuation. ─── 例如,双人床亦可一分为二,厨房台面高度分男主人和女主人式,书架或书柜内层更趋个性化等。

47、The love that should have portal him ground of a high individuation comes aggregate network news, improve work efficiency! ─── 应该有个高度个性化的门户根据自己的喜好来聚合网络信息,提高工作效率!

48、Drewry has rich experience on the advisory project of demand of contented client individuation. ─── Drewry在满足客户个性化需求的咨询项目上具备丰富的经验。

49、Inside global limits, presswork the industry is digitlized forward, the development of direction of network, individuation has been incontestable fact! ─── 在全球范围内,印刷行业朝着数字化、网络化、个性化方向的发展已经是无可争辩的事实!

50、People is in the life more and more advocate natural, lead, contracted, household illuminative style also pays attention to individuation even more subsequently. ─── 人们在生活中越来越崇尚自然、超前、简约,家居装饰的风格也随之越发注重个性化。

51、On Building up the System of Informational Service of Individuation ─── 建构个性化的信息服务体系

52、Study of Technology of Individuation Manufacturing System under CIMS Environment ─── 基于CIMS环境的个性化制造系统技术研究

53、In order to ensure the medical quality, it is suggested that in the management of surgical wards the principle of individuation should be insisted on. ─── 主任模式在科室后备人才的培养方面存在缺陷,影响科室的长远发展。

54、Exhibit in the division grand furniture this year on, the furniture combination predominate of metabolic multiterminal, the individuation that makes furniture is used becomes reality. ─── 在今年的科隆家具展上,变化多端的家具组合方式成为主流,使家具使用的个性化成为现实。

55、individuation process ─── 个性化过程

56、Of course, cultural factors must also be considered in making a reasonably fair and accurate assessment of a person's individuation. ─── 当然,文化的因素必须也要被考虑,当我们对于一个人的个体化,从事相当公平及合理地评估时。

57、individuation search ─── 个性化搜索

58、It had the superior ities of unity of individu... ─── 具有个性和共性的统一,及质量层次的可调性、适用性和可操作性。

59、individuation field ─── [医] 个体形成区

60、Our template is simple now because Sina had limited the CSS tech. But there exists individuation compared with that before after all. ─── 因为新浪已经禁掉了CSS,现在我们的模版只是简单通过图片获得一些简单效果,稍微有些个性化了呵呵:)

61、Individuation service techniques bring about a new revolution in the field of information,and also a broader outlook for information service in digital libraries. ─── 个性化服务技术给信息领域带来了一场新的革命,也为数字图书馆的信息服务开辟了广阔的背景。

62、As one of channel information push technology,RSS brings a new thought to network information service and individuation information service in library. ─── RSS作为一种频道信息推送技术为图书馆提供网络化、个性化信息服务提供了新的思路。

63、Therefore the development of quality and quantity at home inn will get their popularity day by day within the new consumerism age in which tourists' demand appears diversification and individuation. ─── 在旅游需求逐渐呈现多元化与个性化的新消费主义时代,家庭旅馆在质与量方面将日渐蓬勃发展。

64、The visit means with the uses a system characteristic unitary now system that is based on EIP, compositive sex and individuation. ─── 基于 EIP 的应用系统的特点体现在单一的访问方式、集成性和个性化。

65、Only the person who achieved individuation is the most healthy person, is the person who have the completely balanced and unified personality. ─── 只有达到个性化的人才是最健康的人,才是一个具有充分化了的平衡和统一人格的人。

66、Individuation Service ─── 个性化服务

67、Design Individuation Forms Using Windows API Function ─── 利用API函数设计个性化窗体

68、penalty measuing individuation ─── 刑罚裁量个别化

69、Individuation teaching ─── 个性化教学

70、individuation cultivation ─── 个性化培养

71、Individuation artificial humeral head replacement to treat the tumor of upper end of humerus ─── 个体化人工肱骨头置换治疗肱骨上端骨肿瘤

72、Design and implementation of individuation retrieval portal system ─── 个性化检索门户系统的设计与实现

73、In art, you can have style, individuation, not to draw only how realistic opeara how delicate. ─── 在绘画创作的时,你可以有风格,个性化,不是非要画得如何写实如何细腻才叫好。

74、Creation originates enthusiasticly opposite is had deep love for alive and of individuation reflect, be gone after to what happiness lives and envisage. ─── 创作热情来源于对生活的热爱和个性化的体现,对美好生活的追求和想像。

75、Moulding board technology of construction and project of individuation engineering in GBG ─── GBG建筑模板技术及个性化工程方案

76、Human is a compound substance of soul and body, the soul actualizes its individuation by body and is perfected by uniting with the body. ─── 作为由灵魂和肉体构成的复合实体,人的灵魂通过肉体实现其个体化并在与肉体的结合里得到完满的实现。

77、Come so, individuation is a problem no longer. ─── 如此一来,个性化就不再是问题了。

78、Chengdu Branch Centre tries to set up individuation Layered Service, opening up the VIP special line for the high-end client. ─── 中国工商银行电子银行中心成都分中心致力于个性化的“分层服务”为高端客户开通VIP专线。

79、individuation feel ─── 个性化感受

80、Guest in Xingcheng, whatever one wishes is fulfilled The cordial staffs will repay your choice with the most beautiful smill &the most individuation. ─── “客来兴澄,心想事成”,热忱的兴澄人在江尾海头将以最美的微笑,最细致的服务回报您的选择。

81、individuation development ─── 个性发展

82、The individuation of marketing is prominently shown in aspects such as "Excellent quality, stable quality, innovation in science and technology, strong production capability, short lead time and total customer satisfaction". ─── 市场经营个性化突出表现在“质量卓越、品质稳定,科技创新、生产制造能力强、供货时间短、客户满意为宗旨”等方面。

83、The Individuation of the"Professional Storyteller"--A Line from the Classical Chinese Novels to Modern Chinese Novels ─── "说书人"叙述者的个性化--中国传统小说与现代小说的一条线索

84、Individuation Product Ordering Based on Intelligent Agent ─── 基于智能agent的个性化产品定制

85、The Main Fa ctors Which Affect Individuation'Form of Technique Characteristic of Gymnastics Athletes ─── 体操运动员技术风格个性化形成的主要影响因素

86、Bring out the peculiarity of individuation reading teaching: ndependence, creation, experience, animadversion. ─── 介绍了个性化阅读教学的特点:自主性、创造性、体验性、批判性。

87、individuation information service ─── 个性化信息服务

88、making use of image snagging software Snag IT 5.0 and icon edit software Icon Edit Pro do individuation icons. ─── 利用图像抓取软件Snag IT 5.0和图标编辑软件Icon Edit Pro,制作了个性化图标。

89、At the same time, people expect that the constructionproducts can meet their increasing individuation requirements. ─── 与此同时,人们对建筑产品也提出了更多、更高且更具个性化的要求。

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