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09-13 投稿



indigene 发音

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英:  美:

indigene 中文意思翻译



indigene 网络释义

n. 土生的动植物;原住民

indigene 词性/词形变化,indigene变形

异体字: indigene |

indigene 相似词语短语

1、indigency ─── 贫困

2、indigent ─── adj.贫困的;贫穷的(副词indigently)

3、indigens ─── n.本地人;土著;动植物的自生种;本地产的动植物(等于indigene)

4、indigen ─── n.本地人;土著;动植物的自生种;本地产的动植物(等于indigene)

5、indigenize ─── vt.使本国化,使本地化

6、indigence ─── n.穷困;贫乏;贫穷

7、indigenes ─── n.土生的动植物;原住民

8、indigents ─── adj.贫困的;贫穷的(副词indigently)

9、indigenise ─── 土著

indigene 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Most of the people are pool and few are rich, so you can see little indigene repast in the restaurant, almost are foreigners. ─── 大多数人生活贫困,只有少数人富有。所以在好一点的餐馆里,几乎全是外国人。

2、Fortunately he soon made friends with an old indigene. ─── 幸运的是,他很快就和一个土著老人交上了朋友。

3、Suzhou indigen,retirees will be better. ─── 苏州户口。如果是离退休人员优先考虑。

4、On the other hand, they should benefit indigene, give feedback to local and seek mutual prosperity. ─── 另一方面,也要造福当地人民,回馈当地,寻求共同发展。

5、We`ll go to Stone Forest. The Stone Forest is considered wonders of the world by indigene. ─── 我们去石林.石林被当地人称为"世界第一奇迹".查看全文来源分类:旅游出行

6、Sun was one of the most important symbols for man and was worshiped in many indigene cultures as God. ─── 太阳是人类最重要的图腾标志,被许多当地文化崇拜为神。

7、We should focus on male, residence of mountain area, and Indigene people to plan a comprehensive intervention grogram such as DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment, Short course). ─── 可知花莲县的山地乡、原住民、男性个案是结核病防治上需加强宣导及执行的环节。

8、Fortunately he soon made friends with an old indigene. ─── 幸运的是,他很快就和一个土著老人交上了朋友。

9、A- Health Level of Indigene; ─── A一该旅游地居民健康状况;

10、Sun was one of the most important symbols for Man and was worshiped in many indigene cultures as God. ─── 太阳是人类最重要的图腾标志,被许多当地文化崇拜为神。

11、Weiwu of people gradually turned to Musilin or dissolved into indigene. ─── 其居民或伊斯兰化或融入当地人群。

12、of forests reduced, indigene had more farmland to raise more individuals. ─── 森林的减少,增加了更多的农业用地,养活了更多的人口;

13、I am not an indigen. ─── 我不是本地人。

14、Indigen fish in qinghai province ─── 青海省土著鱼类名录

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